单词 | 夜不成眠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 夜不成眠—be unable to sleep at nightSee also:不成—unable to won't do (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? 成夜—all night long
高蛋白的食物会刺激大脑制造化学物质来保持清醒状态,上床前摄取太多则可能导致消化不良和胃灼热-造成彻夜辗转难眠。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Protein-heavy foods stimulate the production of chemicals in the brain that keep us alert, [...] and large meals eaten just [...] before bedcan lead toindigestion and heartburn – a perfect pairing tokeep youupatnight. health.herbalife.com |
探索威尼斯、雅典、罗德岛的历史建筑,享受法国、突尼斯的金色沙滩,或是在伊比沙不眠夜中舞至天明。 msccruises.com.cn | Discover the architectural and historic beauty of [...] Venice, Athens or Rhodes, enjoy the golden beaches of France or [...] Tunisia ordancethenight awayin theneversleeping Ibiza. msccruises.com.eg |
一夜好眠应该 是最简单及最理所当然的事,但是忙碌的生活及步调使我们饮食变得失衡,不良的 饮食习惯让我们无法拥有好的睡眠品质。 health.herbalife.com.tw | But busy lives and hectic schedules make us less apt to eat properly, and bad food habits can prevent us from developing good sleep hygiene. health.herbalife.com |
眼袋是指眼皮下方成袋状的肿胀区,眼袋可以是暂时的(睡 眠不足等),也可能是永久的,也是由于血液循环迟缓而形成水肿或松弛原因而造成的。 clarinsusa.com | Dark Circles are under eye shadows usually caused by a build-up of blood pigments and toxins due to poor microcirculation. clarinsusa.com |
不可能的,没有人需要...... 3个半月後的疯狂的想法坚持下去,只有法国的陀飞轮许多个 不眠之夜後出生的想像。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The impossible, no one is required .... three and a half [...] months after the crazy idea to stick to it, the only French Tourbillon [...] was born aftermany sleeplessnights to imagine. en.horloger-paris.com |
(d) 一个考虑到问题的所有可能角度的可信的深思熟虑的协议不可能也不应该在一夜之间谈成和决 定,可能需要不同的时间框架,从几天到几个 月不等。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Credible and thoughtful agreements that take into account all possible [...] angles of an issue cannot and [...] should notbe deliberated and determined overnight and may require different time frames, [...]from days to months. daccess-ods.un.org |
她们难道不跟我一样流泪,一 样忍受不眠之 夜吗? daccess-ods.un.org | Did theynot shed the same tears [...] and endurethe same sleepless nights? daccess-ods.un.org |
城市常用灯光塑造身分,强调心目中最佳特质,@Neighborhoodist乐於接受缺陷,提到「美国洛杉矶居民无论好恶,都必须承认Staples中心的紫色光害与聚光灯,已成为这座城市的一大特色」,@harry_verhaar则回应,「好的照明不会造成大量光线外泄,让人们能舒适入眠,不受光线干扰」;也有人论及办公大楼照明太过浪费,@elyanaja提到美国圣地牙哥「一栋『永续』能源公司的办公室灯光日夜不灭」,实在很「讽刺」。 thisbigcity.net | Neighborhoodist celebrated the flaws by saying ‘while in LA, love or hate it, purple light pollution and spotlights from Staples Center is definitely part of the spectacle character’. thisbigcity.net |
作为一家跨国公司的首席执行官,需要面对许多困难情形、不间断 的国际旅行以及连夜失眠,为此他感到焦虑和紧张。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | As the CEO of a multinational company he was facing [...] many difficult situations, [...] constant internationaltraveland sleepless nights, and asaresult he was restless [...]and tense. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我非常高兴看到西拉伊季奇总统今天列席安全 理事会会议,就是他在 18 年前作为外交部长,不眠 不休地为波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那在联合国得到承认成为会员国作出努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am also very pleased to see President Silajdžić sitting in the Security Council Chamber today, as it was he who, 18 years ago as Minister for Foreign Affairs, worked tirelessly for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s recognition and membership in the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港的灯光,不论是来自住宅或商业建筑物,均是香港迷人夜景的 重要组成部份。 forum.gov.hk | The lighting in our city, be it from [...] households or commercial establishments, is part and parcel of the spectacular night scene of Hong Kong. forum.gov.hk |
每支船队由11名专业船员组成。比赛需要高超的技能、超强的耐力和勇于拼搏的竞技精神,因为在某些赛段,他们需要昼 夜不停地航行20多天。 iwc.com | Each of the entries has a sailing team of 11 [...] professional members and the [...] race requires their utmost skills, physical endurance and competitive spirit as they race day andnight for more than 20 days at a time on someof the legs. iwc.com |
鉴于最不发达国家的公共管理不可能一夜之间完成现代化,因而有人建议可以先从一个属于关键节点的经济管理机构、例如 [...] 财政部或贸易部、计划委员会国中央银行等,适度而又具体着手改进。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ascomplete overnightmodernization of the public administration [...] wasnot possible in LDCs, it was suggested that a modest [...]but concrete beginning could be made at a key nodal institution of economic management, e.g. finance or trade ministry, planning commission or central bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
昔日,上海曾有「不夜城」之称,既受惠於伟大的中华民族文化遗产与传统,又拜 1990 年代中国经济改革之赐而促成上海迅速的经济发展。 seagate.com | Shanghai, once named the"Ever-bright City", benefitted from the great cultural heritage and traditions of China as well as the intense economic development [...] that resulted from economic [...]reforms in the 1990s in China. seagate.com |
他国代表团 对美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦于 2010 年签署的《进 一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》中的结论表示 [...] 欢迎,认为这标志着两个最大的核武器国家承担其各 自的道德义务,领导复杂的裁军进程,尽管不应有任 何幻想:这一目标不会在一夜之间成为现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation welcomed the conclusion of the 2010 Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms as a sign that the two largest nuclear-weapon States were assuming their moral responsibility to [...] lead the complex disarmament process, although there should be no [...] illusions: that goal could not be achievedovernight. daccess-ods.un.org |
卢森堡市整夜不眠,精力充沛的年 轻人尽可在众多夜总会、酒吧、戏剧表 演和其他夜间活动中寻找乐趣。 setupineurope.com | Luxembourg City stays up late, there [...] are numerousnightspots,winebars, theatre [...]performances and other after-dark activities [...]which welcome a young and high profile workforce looking to be entertained. setupineurope.com |
你可以在夜间安眠听森林的声音,并采取在早晨新鲜的空气深呼吸。 instantworldbooking.com | You can sleep peacefully at night listeningto the [...] sounds of the forest and take a deep breath of fresh air in the morning. instantworldbooking.com |
压力,焦虑,以及失眠,药物公司不会告诉您且您的医生可能也不知道的。 cn.iherb.com | STRESS, ANXIETY, AND INSOMNIA, What the drug companies won't tell you and your Doctor doesn't know. iherb.com |
而无论是儿童还是成人,在睡眠不足、精疲力尽的的情况下直觉和判断力都不如清醒状态下灵敏。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | When kids are tired, they may counter-intuitively [...] become hyperactive. Sleepinglatemakes kids tired [...]the next day and impairs their judgment [...]when they play, thus increasing the risk for accidents. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
灯红酒绿的兰桂坊每夜都会上映一幕幕各式各样的激情故事,这一晚亦不例外:任职影楼助手的摄影师在一个派对中结识了刚与富二代分手的富家女;广告仔拿错了美女人妻的手机;股票行业务助跟班认识到私钟妹,逐渐由怜生爱;负责在这里一带巡逻的差佬碰上任职夜店的女 DJ,成为了一对熟识的陌生人. dddhouse.com | A photographer hits it off with a girl that just broke up with her rich ex-boyfriend; an office boy in advertising mistakes his cell phone for a pretty married woman’s; a broker gets to know a prostitute a lot more than he should; and a patrol officer comes across a female DJ workingat anight club. dddhouse.com |
尤其是刚出生最初几个星期的孩子最好不要与你们同睡,以免 在睡眠过程中造成窒息的危险。 stranieriincampania.it | During the first weeks of life it is preferable that the [...] baby does not sleep in yourbed because of the dangerof suffocation whilst sleeping. stranieriincampania.it |
然而在Power Sleeep更重要的是使用人的身材、身高、重量、躯干重量分布、躯干的睡眠位置、身活习惯、文化背景; 甚至过往的使用经验,以及有没有睡不好, 或是睡眠中 断而造成失眠的问题,起床时会不会腰酸背痛? powersleep.com.tw | However in Power Sleeep what’s more important is to use the human figure, height, weight, torso weight distribution, the sleep position of the torso, the body living habits, and cultural background; even use the experience of the past, and did it sleepwell, orsleep disruption the cause of insomnia, Back pain when getting up? powersleep.com.tw |
差价合约意味着没有隔夜融资成本,也不用每日调整您的头寸,因为期货价格已经包括了这两个因素。 activtrades.cn | It means there arenoovernight financingcosts ordaily [...] adjustments to your position, the underlying Futures price already accounts for these factors. activtrades.co.uk |
含丰富鲨鱼油成份,能增强锁水功能,加强娇嫩肌肤的活力,明显改善黑眼圈,有效减褪幼纹及鱼尾纹,解决眼部肌肤长期缺乏营养,睡 眠不足或过早出现皱纹等问题。 aster.com.hk | It's a protect, ultra-rich treatment to protect and enhance the skin around the eyes which show signs of ageing, tired,dry lines and wrinkles. aster.com.hk |
因此,联合国再次吁请以色列履行 其国际人道主义法规定的义务,对紧急物品和重建 物资开放过境点,如若不然,重建加沙将成为天方夜谭。 daccess-ods.un.org | For that reason, the United Nations reiterates its call on Israel to abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law and to open the crossings for emergency supplies and reconstruction materials, without which there will be no way to rebuild Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,本次所开发之桌上型PCB切割机,,因体积缩小,材料减少,生产过程中所产生之二氧化碳也相对减少,并且在设计的过程中,硬体与软体的配合,使切割机以及集尘机,在不使用的情况下经过一段时间後会自动休眠,达成节能 减碳的目的,让逐渐暖化的地球可以减轻一点负担。 taiwanexcellence.org | In addition, the development of a desktop of this PCB cutting machine, due to shrinkage, material reduction in the production of carbon dioxide produced by the process is relatively reduced, and in the design process, hardware and software with them to cutting machine and the [...] dust collector, in [...] the case of non-use over time will automatically sleep, the purpose of reaching carbon reduction, [...]so that the gradual [...]warming of the earth can reduce that burden. taiwanexcellence.org |