

单词 多部门

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External sources (not reviewed)

中国目前尚未成立“巴黎原则”意义上的国家人权机构,但国内 多部门承 担着类似于国家人权机构的职责,促进和保护人权。
China has not yet set up a national human-rights institution as construed under the
Paris Principles, but there are a
[...] number of Government departments that carry out functions [...]
similar to such an institution
in promoting and protecting human rights.
委员会对与缔约多部门高级 代表 团进行的坦诚和建设性的对话,以及缔约国向委员会提供的补充资料和解释感到 [...]
It appreciates open and constructive dialogue with the State party’s
[...] high-level and multisectoral delegation, [...]
as well as the additional information and
explanations provided by the delegation to the Committee.
在民间社会直接参与方面,为听取其意见,以帮助改善与残疾问题相关的公 共政策的质量,可以说,全国支助残疾人理事会,作为负责监督《残疾人权利公 约》的执行情况并对相关措施提出建议 多部门 常 务 委员会的技术部门,促成了 残疾人及其家庭所属的组织参与选举出五名残疾人及其家属代表,加入负责监督 《残疾人权利公约》的执行情况并对相关措施提出建议 多部门 常 务 委员会的技 术秘书处。
With a view to promoting the direct participation of civil society, hearing its members’ opinions and obtaining inputs for the improvement of public policies on disability, CONADIS,
as the technical
[...] secretariat of the multisectoral commission responsible for following up on and developing measures to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, invited associations of persons with disabilities and their relatives to take part in the election of the five representatives of persons with disabilities and their families who are to sit on the commission.
委员会 赞赏与缔约国高级多部门代表 团举行了开放、坦诚和富有成果的对话。
The Committee appreciates the open, frank and fruitful dialogue held with
[...] the high-level and multi-sectoral delegation.
[...] 的政治宣》,其中请秘书长与世界卫生组织总干事密切合作,并与会员国、联合 国各基金和方案及其他相关国际组织协商,在向大会第六十七届会议提交关于通 过有效伙伴关系加强和促进采取预防和控制非传染性疾 多部门 行 动 的各种备 选办法,供会员国审议(第 66/2 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly adopted the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, which included a request to the Secretary-General, in close collaboration with the Director-General of the World Health Organization, and in consultations with Member States, United Nations funds and programmes and other relevant international organizations, to submit to the Assembly, at its sixty-seventh session, for consideration by Member States, options
for strengthening and
[...] facilitating multisectoral action for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases through effective partnership [...]
(resolution 66/2).
委员会对与缔约多部门 组成 的代表团进行的建设性和内容丰富的对话表示赞赏。
The Committee appreciates the constructive and informative dialogue held with
[...] the State party’s multi-sectoral delegation.
加强抵御能力之路涉及采多部门参 与 的做法,并需要采取一项 注重整体的战略,以促进采用适宜的宏观经济和部门政策,加强国家 [...]
的防范能力,加强体制机制能力和法律基础,并建立必要的公共和私 营管理结构,包括基于社区的结构,以便建立高效的早期应对、适应 和处理机制。
The road to
[...] resilience involves multi-sectoral approaches [...]
with a holistic strategy that promotes appropriate macroeconomic
and sectoral policies, enhances national preparedness with institutional capacity and legal foundations, and puts in place the necessary public and private governance structures, including community-based structures for efficient early response, adaptation and coping mechanisms.
主要 的考
[...] 虑事 项 就是 认清 粮食 安全 和 营养 问题多 部门 和 多方 利益 相关 方 性质。
The primary consideration was the
[...] recognition of the multisectoral and multistakeholder [...]
nature of food security and nutrition issues.
E/2010/8 号决议编写的,理事会在该决 议中请秘书长向其 2012 年实质性会议提交报告,汇报烟草控制问题特设机构间
[...] 工作队工作情况,以及烟草控制问题特设机构间工作队特别会议的成果,该会探 讨了进一步加多部门和机 构间对策,满足有关执行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框 [...]
The present report is submitted pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution E/2010/8, in which the Council requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its substantive session of 2012 on the work of the Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Task Force on Tobacco Control and on the outcome of
a special meeting of the Task Force that explored the possibility of further
[...] strengthening multisectoral and inter-agency [...]
response to the needs
related to global implementation of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
按 照 秘 书 长 报 告 (E/2010/55 和 Corr.1) 的 主 旨和经济及社会理事会第 2010/8
[...] 号决议的任务规定,世卫组织将继续协调和积极参与工作 多部门 对 策 和 工作队成员提供的帮助,以及在各个地区和国家执行《公约》和缔约方会议的决 [...]
Pursuant to the thrust of the report of the Secretary-General (E/2010/55 and Corr.1) and the mandate of Economic and Social Council resolution 2010/8, WHO will
continue to coordinate and participate
[...] actively in the multisectoral response and [...]
assistance received from the members of
the Task Force and in the work undertaken towards maximizing the efforts of the Task Force in respect of implementation of the Convention and the decisions of the Conference of Parties across regions and countries.
[...] 2012-2016 年母婴保健 与生殖健康战略,为第一次全 多部门 健 康 推广工作确立了框架。
The World Health Organization (WHO) supported the finalization by the Government of Iraq of the national maternal child
health and reproductive health strategy for 2012-2016, a framework for the
[...] first national multisectoral health promotion.
亚太经社会将与各次区域其他主要政府间机构和发展行为者,例如 东盟、孟加拉多部门技术 经济合作倡议、太平洋区域组织理事会、经 济合作组织、南亚区域合作联盟(南盟)、上海合作组织(上合组织)等, [...]
一种连贯和协调的方式制订和执行相关方案,并在此过程中充分利用联 合国发展系统在次区域和国家级别的资源,以缩小在发展方面存在的各 种重大差距。
ESCAP will build strategic partnerships with other key intergovernmental institutions and development actors in the
subregions, such as ASEAN, the Bay of
[...] Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic [...]
Cooperation (BIMSTEC), the
Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific (CROP), the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and develop and implement programmes in a coherent and coordinated manner in line with United Nations efforts to “deliver as one”, utilizing the full assets of the United Nations development system at the subregional and national levels to bridge key development gaps.
所以,将运输纳入单多部门监管机构可能影响运输部 门的长期可持续性。
Therefore, inclusion of transport
[...] under the single multi-sectoral regulatory [...]
body could affect the long-term sustainability of the transport sector.
新制定的两性平等问题联合计划(JPGE)将提供具有 战略性和一致性多部门技术 援助,以建设国家和省级责任者的能力,这样他们可以更好地 [...]
The newly developed Joint Programme on Gender
Equality (JPGE) will provide strategic,
[...] coordinated and multi-sectoral technical assistance [...]
to build the capacity of national
and provincial duty bearers so that they can better implement the two new laws on gender equality and domestic violence.
在方案总方向方面,有人要求说明如下问题:加强包容性和弹性社会的社 会基础;用于最不发达国家毕业进程的体系;关于有特殊需要的国家的提法,包
[...] 括确定那些特殊需要的标准,以及该方案将在多大程度上解决这些特殊需要以促 进包容性;以及制定发展决策和议程安排的更加平衡 多部门 、 多 学 科 方法的概 念。
In the context of the overall orientation of the programme, clarifications were sought concerning the strengthening of social foundations for inclusive and resilient societies; the system used for the graduation process of the least developed countries; the reference to countries with special needs, including the criteria to determine those special needs and to what extent the programme would address them with the aim of
promoting inclusion; and the concept of a
[...] more balanced multisectoral and multidisciplinary [...]
approach to development decision-making and agenda-setting.
[...] 出的,需要技术援助和国际合作的具体领域涉及到有严谨安排 多部门 协 商 ,涉 及人权的培训,包括人权教育,以及加强地方的机构实体。
As previously indicated, specific areas requiring technical
assistance and international cooperation
[...] concern structured multi-sector consultations, [...]
human rights related training, including
human rights education, as well as the strengthening of local entities.
该目标涉多部门工作,包括负责科学咨询在 内的食品质量安全单位、食典秘书处和各部负责食品质量安全能力建设的单位。
This objective covers the
[...] activities of various units dealing with [...]
food safety and quality including the provision of scientific
advice, the Codex Secretariat and the units contributing to capacity building related to food safety and quality in different Departments.
政府已设立了一多部门全国 委员会,以应对与残疾人共同生活的人面临的 各种挑战。
The Government
[...] has set up a multisectoral national council to deal with the many challenges [...]
facing disabled persons.
第三,我们需要进一步发展建设和平架构,增强 建设和平委员会和基金的能力,提高参与建设和平的 联合国系统多部门之间 的协调一致性。
Thirdly, we need to further develop the peacebuilding architecture, empower the
Peacebuilding Commission and Fund, and
[...] promote greater coherence among the many pieces of the [...]
United Nations system that make up the peacebuilding picture.
在《公约》框架内,通过第 007-2008-MIMDES
[...] 号最高敕令,成立了专司负 责对《2009-2018 年残疾人机会平等计划》的执行进行后续跟踪和监测 多部门 常务委员会。
Within the framework of the Convention,
Supreme Decree No. 007-2008-MIMDES
[...] established a second multisectoral commission to monitor [...]
and follow up on the 2009–2018
Equal Opportunities Plan for Persons with Disabilities.
铺设海底电缆多部门、多方利 益攸关方的活动。
The laying of submarine
[...] cables is a multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder [...]
(b) 解决需要采用综合性多部门平衡 办法的问题,这种办法包括减少需 求和供应,这两方面互为补充,并适当适用分担责任原则,同时强调需要有负 [...]
责预防工作的服务部门,包括执法机关,并确保将这些措施纳入公共和私营部 门提供的卫生、教育、农村发展、农业和社会服务的主流。
(b) Address the need for a
[...] comprehensive, multisectoral and balanced [...]
approach involving demand reduction and supply reduction,
each reinforcing the other, together with the appropriate application of the principle of shared responsibility, while stressing the need for services responsible for prevention, including law enforcement agencies, and ensuring that those measures are mainstreamed in publicly and privately provided health, education, rural development, agriculture and social services.
经济及社会理事会 在其第 2008/25
[...] 号决议中指出需要采取整体和全面的国 多部门 办 法,预防和打 击这类贩运,并需要开展国际协调与合作,包括通过技术援助活动,支持这类 [...]
The Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 2008/25,
noted the need for holistic and
[...] comprehensive national multisectoral approaches to [...]
preventing and combating such trafficking
and for international coordination and cooperation in support of such approaches, including through technical assistance activities.
(g) 以国际一级的现有持续努力为指导,制定一套衡量暴力侵害妇女行为的
[...] 标示,确保在制定、实施、监测和评价数据收集举措时采 多部门 的 协 调一致方 法;(h) 确保在收集暴力侵害妇女行为数据时尊重妇女的保密需要和人权,并且
(g) To be guided by existing ongoing efforts at the international level to develop a set of
indicators to measure violence against women and
[...] to ensure a multisectoral, coordinated [...]
approach to the development, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of data collection initiatives
在过去应对自然灾害 经验的基础上,这项建议将采用综合 多部门 发 展模 式,这种模式将不仅仅重建受影响的基础设施,而且 [...]
与此同时要以经济和社会发展为目标,并在受灾人口 和当局的参与下加强治理、和平与安全。
Based on previous experience in managing natural
disasters, the proposal would implement
[...] an integrated multisectoral development model [...]
that would not only rebuild affected
infrastructure, but at the same time target economic and social development and strengthen governance, peace and security with the participation of the affected population and authorities.
根据评估,艾滋病毒领域的工作常常为促进性别平等作出积极贡献,包括在 赞比亚和博茨瓦纳。赞比亚的方案具有“很强的性别导向,” [8],在博茨瓦纳,
[...] “开发署支持采取的战略措施在加强对性别问题有敏感认识 多部门 艾 滋 病毒 对策中发挥了核心作用”[1]。
HIV efforts were often assessed to contribute positively to promoting gender equality including in Zambia, where the programme has “a strong gender orientation,” [8], and in Botswana where
“UNDPsupported strategic interventions were central to strengthening the
[...] gender sensitive multi-sectoral HIV response” [1].
为此,需要采取有针对性多部门干 预措施, 其中包括:通过当地居民的有效参与防止进一步破 [...]
坏生态,促进流域综合发展方案;保护土地、水源、 动植物、人力资源的综合办法;建立预警系统和灾 害应对小组;以及,推广替代谋生办法,特别是制 订旨在夯实生产基础的就业计划。
Targeted multisectoral intervention was [...]
thus needed including: promotion of integrated watershed development programmes
through the effective participation of the local population in preventing further ecological disturbances; an integrated approach to conservation of land, water, plants, animals and human resources; development of early-warning systems and disaster-response teams; and promotion of alternative livelihood opportunities, particularly through development of employment schemes aimed at increasing the productive base.
因 此,为了能够进多部门分析 和作出具有连贯性和互补性 多部门 反 应 ,就必须保 证分属不同部门的各机构所拥有的信息,其空间方面的内容便于理解。
Therefore, to enable multisector analysis and the development of coherent, complementary, multisectoral responses, it is critical that the spatial dimension of information held by agencies working in different sectors can be easily understood.




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