单词 | 多远 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 多远 adverb —how far advExamples:有多远 adv—far adv See also:远 adj—distant adj 远 adv—far adv 远—distance oneself from (classical)
至少 6 小时的音乐播放时间和 6 小时的通话时间,您可以放心地想走 多远 就 走 多远 , 从 来不需要从您的口袋里掏出手机来。 jabra.cn | With a minimum of 6 hours music time and 6 hours of talk time, you’re free to go as far as you like, without ever having to take your phone out of your pocket. jabra.com |
消除贫穷挑战的严重性不仅取决于全世界的贫穷人数,也取决于这些人口低 于贫穷线多远。 daccess-ods.un.org | The magnitude of the poverty eradication [...] challenge is determined not only by the number of poor people worldwide, [...] but also by how far they fall below the poverty line. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的谈判能够走多远,将 取 决于各国在达成合理和有效妥协方面的政治意愿和 [...] 准备程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | How far we advance in the talks will [...] depend on the political will and readiness of States to achieve a reasonable and effective compromise. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们需要作更多——远多于从 前——的 努力,以确保安全、及时、畅通无阻的人道主义准 入。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need to do more — much more — to ensure safe, [...] timely and unhindered humanitarian access. daccess-ods.un.org |
点击交互式地图,查看澳大利亚的地理位置,您还可以了解澳大利亚距离您的祖国 有 多远。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Have a look at our interactive map and see where Australia is in relation to the rest of the world. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
他们发现癌症患者也需要帮助,因为他们中 许 多远 离 家乡和亲人的病人死 于疼痛,因此他们设立了由两名护士负责运作的居家姑息关怀服务。 thewpca.org | They saw that cancer patients [...] also needed help as many died in pain, away [...]from home and family, so they set up a HBC service run by two nurses. thewpca.org |
这将有助于确定你的课程与APEGBC的要求相差 有 多远 ,并 可能帮助APEGBC更快地评估你的申请。 multilingolegal.ca | This will [...] help determine how closely your courses [...]match the APEGBC requirements and may help APEGBC assess your application more quickly. multilingolegal.ca |
他的歌曲《活得精彩》、《永远有 多远 》 、 《我们拥有今晚》和《如果明天不再来》都已成为经典作品。 fao.org | His songs "Life is a rollercoaster", "When you say nothing at all", "We've got tonight" and "If tomorrow never comes" have become classics. fao.org |
在讨论为氟氯烃消费量非常低或当前无消费量的符合资格的企业转产供资时,有成 员指出,在确定如使用氟氯烃的企业立即恢复生产,将使该国有可能无法遵守时,要追溯 多远不够明确。 multilateralfund.org | During discussion of the issue of funding for conversion of eligible enterprises with very little or no current consumption of HCFCs, it was pointed out that it was unclear how far back to go in the determination of whether an immediate return to production by enterprises using HCFCs would put the country at risk of non-compliance. multilateralfund.org |
11 月 48 个立法席位的补选将考验政府准备在确保更加具 有包容性的政治进程方面走出多远。 daccess-ods.un.org | The by-election for 48 legislative seats in [...] November would test how far the Government was ready to go towards ensuring a more inclusive political process. daccess-ods.un.org |
前者,列出从个人不朽的学说,或在某些形式的生存至少死后,旨在确定的命运或条件,暂时或永恒的人的灵魂,并 有 多远 , 未 来的问题取决于现在的生活。 mb-soft.com | The former, setting out from the doctrine of personal immortality, or at least of survival in some form after death, seeks to ascertain the fate [...] or condition, temporary or eternal, of [...] individual souls, and how far the issues [...]of the future depend on the present life. mb-soft.com |
现在关注的似乎是另一种:将每桶石油的价格 有 多远? zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The concern now seems to [...] be another: how far will the price [...]of a barrel of oil? en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
要了解中美关系的走向,回忆一下它已经走过 了 多远 的 历程是有帮助的。 embassyusa.cn | To understand where the U.S.-China relationship is going, it’s helpful [...] to remember just how far it has come [...]already. eng.embassyusa.cn |
通过它可以访问原始的鼠标运动,把鼠标事件的目标锁定到一个单独的元素,这就消除了鼠标在一个单独的方向上到底可以移 动 多远 这 方面的限制,并从视图中删去光标。 developer.mozilla.org | It gives you access to raw mouse movement, locks the target [...] of mouse events to a single element, [...] eliminates limits on how far mouse movement [...]can go in a single direction, and removes the cursor from view. developer.mozilla.org |
过去的八个星期我一直在互联网上使用KEY to METALS,所获得的信息之多,远远超出 我的预料。 keytometals.com | I have been using KEY to METALS on the Internet for the last eight weeks and have acquired more information about steel than I had thought possible. keytometals.com |
热衷于购买热像仪的人往往抛出的第一个问题是“我可以看 得 多远? flir.com | Often, the first question that people interested in buying a thermal imaging [...] camera ask is “How far can I see? flir.com |
只要看看我们的双边关系在过去40年来已经走 了 多远。 embassyusa.cn | Just look at how far our bilateral [...] relationship has come over the past 40 years. eng.embassyusa.cn |
一名与会者认为,该框架的目标有 多远 大 , 将对选择效仿的模式产生影响, 因为与其他受审查的模式相比,马拉喀什进程的模式自愿性更强,而且在另一方 面,非正式性也带来了灵活性。 daccess-ods.un.org | One participant observed that the level of ambition for the framework would influence the choice of model to emulate, as the Marrakech Process model was more voluntary than the other models reviewed. daccess-ods.un.org |
外聘审计员的代表解释说,设定一个自动 [...] 停止日期,即对取消机票的审查应追溯 到 多远 的 期 限,是一种好的管理做法,因为所需要的 [...]行政管理费有时甚至超过了利得。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The representative of the External [...] Auditor explained that setting up a sunset date, [...] i.e. a limit on how far back the review [...]of cancelled tickets should go, is a good [...]management practice as the administrative costs involved could at some point exceed the benefits. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无 论多远,从 碰撞车里的碰撞自动通知数据产生并发出的 “紧急” 指示灯以及特别的医疗约定方式来评判碰撞 的受伤严重程度,将很快地提供一个理性且有效地方式 让直升机在事故发生的几分钟内到达,从而提高了急救 服务对病人的响应速度。 medevacfoundation.org | Using “urgency” indicators generated by automatic crash notification data sent from crashed cars to dispatch centers, along with special medical protocols for assessing the probability of severe injury from the crash, will soon provide a rational and effective way for helicopters to be launched within minutes of an accident, no matter how remote, thereby further improving the speed of EMS response to patients.45 Examples of recent study findings demonstrate that medevacfoundation.org |
伞形花序通常无梗,5-17厘米直径; 苞片4-5,羽状,象叶一样; 伞辐9-18,2-8厘米,不等长,棱; [...] 小苞片3-7,线,倒披针形或者长倒卵形,全缘,3-5浅裂到羽状全裂,差 不 多远 长 于 花。 flora.ac.cn | Umbels usually sessile, 5–17 cm across; bracts 4–5, pinnate, leaf-like; rays 9–18, 2–8 cm, unequal, ribbed; [...] bracteoles 3–7, linear, oblanceolate or long-obovate, entire, 3–5-lobed to pinnatisect, nearly [...] equal to much longer than flowers. flora.ac.cn |
缓冲工具对于读操作远远多于写 操作的应用性能提高非常显著。 javakaiyuan.com | Buffer tool for read operations is much more than write the application performance is very significant . javakaiyuan.com |
有了 蓝牙 耳机,您能做的事情远多于接听电话。 jabra.cn | With the power of BLUETOOTH®, you can do more than take calls. jabra.com |
长途网传输的数据远远多于其 它类型的网络,传输的距离也更长,可达到数百或数千公里。 exfo.com | Long-haul [...] networks carry a lot more data than any other [...]type of network, and over much greater distances, which can reach [...]hundreds or thousands of kilometers. exfo.com |
少数人的 观点是,该提名中可获得替代品的数量(至少有 470 公顷)要高于多数人提出 的数量(421 公顷),并指出建议的甲基溴关键用途数 量 远远多 于第 IX/6 号中 规定的合理数量。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The minority view was that alternatives were available for a greater proportion (at least 470 ha) of the nomination than that considered by the majority (421 ha) and that too much methyl bromide had been recommended for critical uses than was justifiable under decision IX/6. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
关于给予大会的有关上文建议 2 中堤到的拟议联合国互操作性框架的建议 6,总干事认 为侧重于这个互操作性框架而不是在行政首长协调会内对信息和通信技术进行全面协调,多 少限制了各组织之间协同配合的可能性,而协同配合所能带来的好 处 远远多 于 只 处理互操作 性和利用开放源码软件问题的好处。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In respect of Recommendation 6 addressed to the General Assembly in relation to the proposed United Nations Interoperability Framework referred to above in Recommendation 2, the Director-General considers that the option to concentrate on this Interoperability Framework instead of enforcing the overall ICT coordination inside CEB, somehow limits the possibilities of synergy and cooperation between organizations which would be much more beneficial than treating the issues of interoperability and use of OSS alone. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教 育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的在线内容,开 发 多 语 种 教学内容,通过提供不 同形式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national [...] distance education [...] courses and access to other online content to be made available in Arabic, multilingual content development, [...]and enhancing [...]lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我不妨在此指出,展望经过联合国努力现在已 [...] 经取得某种和平的各种冲突地区,发现此类国 家远 远多于在 今天会议上的发言中和报告中提及的国家 [...]数量。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would not be out of place in mentioning here that, when I was looking at the various zones of conflict that are now endowed with [...] some sort of United Nations-inspired peace, [...] I found the number to be far in excess [...]of the countries that are to be reflected [...]here today in speech and/or in the report. daccess-ods.un.org |