单词 | 多方位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 多方位—multi-directionalless common: various aspects versatile all-round many-sided See also:多方—in many ways from all sides 方位n—positionn directionn fixn 方位—azimuth bearing points of the compass
手册以外勤部门的良好做法和实用咨询意见 为基础,将加强多方位解决涉及受益人安全的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on good practices and practical advice from the field, it [...] will reinforcea multidisciplinaryapproach to resolving [...]problems associated with beneficiary security. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,保护儿童需要采取多方位的全面办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The protection of children [...] therefore requires a multidimensionalandcomprehensive [...]approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010 年 6 月的会议上,工作人员和管理当局协调委员会请业绩管理工作 组继续与人力资源管理厅密切合作,开展下列活动:(a) [...] 研究并汲取在员工奖 励和表彰以及处理业绩欠佳方面的经验教训;(b) 更好地界定各个监督机构的 [...] 职能和工作范围以及它们之间的互动关系;(c) 审查试点工作,特别是有关新 系统的多方位机制的试点;(d) 审查抗辩程序,特别是在新的评级制度下的抗 [...]辩程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its meeting in June 2010, the Staff-Management Coordination Committee requested its working group on performance management to continue to work closely with the Office of Human Resources Management on the following activities: (a) research and lessons learned on reward and recognition and on dealing with underperformance; (b) better definition of the functions and terms of reference of the various oversight bodies and their interactions; (c) review [...] of the pilot exercise, particularly in [...] relation tothe multi-rater element of the [...]new system; and (d) review of the rebuttal [...]procedure, particularly in light of the new rating system. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过在研发,生产和应用方面所掌握的技术诀窍,我们可以满足实际应用中多方位的要求。 bauer-compresseurs.com | Our longstanding practical know-how in design, manufacture and installation makes [...] us a competent and reliable supplier of your high pressure [...] compressor system, whatever your specific requirements may be. bauer-compresseurs.com |
免费美颜礼宾服务及全新乔治·阿玛尼美妆专柜化妆品进驻装茸一新的店面内,定会为所有 光临新加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。 dfsgalleria.com | The inclusion of complimentary Beauty Concierge services and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed [...] in the newly renovated [...] space promisesa multi-sensorialexperience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’sBeauty Hall. dfsgalleria.com |
冷战结束后,国际环境发生了巨大转变,催生出 新一代“多方位”联合国维和行动。 crisisgroup.org | The transformation of the international [...] environment since the end of the Cold War has given rise to a [...] new generation of “multi-dimensional”UN peacekeeping [...]operations. crisisgroup.org |
在阿卜耶 [...] 伊地区行政机构成立并有效运转之前,联阿安全部队成立了一个多方位的保护应 对机制,其中包括监测和预警评估、空中巡逻和远程巡逻、促进同米塞里亚族和 [...] 恩哥克-丁卡族等族裔的对话、以及就共同感兴趣和关切的问题同双方的有关政 府官员定期举行互动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pending the establishment and effective functioning of [...] the Abyei Area Administration, [...] UNISFA putin place a multifaceted protection response [...]mechanism that included monitoring [...]and early-warning assessments, air and long-range patrols, the promotion of dialogue with the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka communities and regular interaction with the relevant Government officials on both sides on issues of common interest and concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
带有内嵌式麦克风的耳机,可捕捉 多方位、远 场音频,并可在您周围声境内放置对象。 livescribe.com | Earphones with embedded [...] microphones that capture multi-directional, farfield [...]audio and place objects in the sound landscape surrounding you. livescribe.com |
我们的服务范围覆盖整个价值链,能够满足客户的多方位需求。 georgfischer.com | We cover the whole value chain, [...] entirely accordingto theneedsof our customers. georgfischer.com |
这些玩具可有中高度复杂的因果关系,如身体部位可多方位转动 、有多种功能或按键时可产生多种声、光或动作反应,又或者配件中装 有智能芯片等等。 cpsc.gov | Such toys may also have moderately to highly complex cause-and-effect, such as multi-directional rotation of body parts, multiplefunctions, or multiplevoice, light, sound, movement responses to buttons pushed, or smart-chip accessories that are plugged-in. cpsc.gov |
他谈到最近组建临时政府的情 [...] 况,强调完全同意当务之急是安全方面,着重强调安全方面的多方位挑战,包括 组建新军队、把正规军与革命卫队整编合并、常规和非常规武器及相关材料的存 [...] 在和扩散问题、以及特别是大量的便携式防空系统和弹药至今仍下落不明等问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | He spoke of the recent formation of an interim government and stressed the overwhelming agreement that the [...] immediate priority was the area of security, [...] underlining its multifaceted challenges, [...]including those related to the shaping of [...]a new army, the integration of regular military and revolutionary brigades, and the presence and proliferation of conventional and non-conventional weapons and related materiel, in particular the large number of man-portable air defence systems and amounts of ammunition still unaccounted for. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,为了减少劳务市场的困境和维持社会凝聚力,政府实施各项多方位方案,以提供“临时就业”和资助开创生意,为第一次寻找工作的年青人持久融入 劳务市场奠定基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, in order to reduce tensions in the labour market and maintain social [...] cohesion, the [...] Government has implemented multidimensional programmes, for socalled “emplois d’attente” (temporary [...]employment) and [...]including funding to set up businesses, in order to prepare the ground for the lasting integration of young, firsttime job seekers into the labour market. daccess-ods.un.org |
他是一个多方位的艺术家没有在绘画的特殊领域停过下来,好奇心和热情驱使他探索最多样化的创造语言。 luxe-immo.com | Heisamultifaceted artist, who does not [...] stop the exclusive field of painting, but with curiosity and passion explores [...]the most diverse creative languages. luxe-immo.com |
由于高品质的元器件,智能化的电路设计以及额定工作条件下多方位的检测和测试程序,锐高的应急照明装置可达到平均50,000小时的寿命,寿命期间内的故障率小于10 %;即每千小时平均故障率为0.2 %。 tridonic.cn | Thanks to their high-quality components, intelligent circuit design and extensive testing under rated conditions, emergency lighting unitsfrom Tridonic achieve an average life of 50,000 hours – with a probability of failure of less than 10 %; in other words, an average failure rate of 0.2 % per 1,000 hours of operation. tridonic.com |
得益于库毕斯集团的技术协调,COURBIS Plastiques 实体运作的是项目的多方位管理,已达到一个最优的整体解决方案:技术、质量、价格和周期。 courbisgroupe.com | Benefiting from the technological [...] synergy of the COURBIS group, COURBIS [...] Plastiques employsmulti-dimensional project management [...]in order to guarantee the optimum [...]solution: Technology/ Quality / Price / Lead time. courbisgroupe.com |
它是为德国的多方位发展而打造,我们的设计团队与T&T设计所合作设计以交付新颖、成功的商业环境。 chapmantaylor.com | Developed for Multi Development Germany, [...] our team worked with T+T Design to deliver the new, successful retail environment. chapmantaylor.com |
总部位于宁波国家高新区,现有员工超过50名,在英国、上海、北京、嘉兴、深圳、青岛、苏州等地设有12个分公司或办事处,各地的现场应用工程师可为客户提供多方位的技术支持服务。 easylink-ic.com | The headquarters is located in Ningbo National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, the existing staff of more than 50, in the UK, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiaxing, Shenzhen, Qingdao, Suzhou and other places with 12 branches or offices, around the field applications engineer for customers to provide comprehensive technical support services. easylink-ic.com |
中国参与的多方位维和行动包括联合国非盟联合维和部队(达尔富尔),联合国苏丹特 派团(苏丹)和联合国刚果民主共和国特派团 [...] (刚果民主共和国)等。 crisisgroup.org | However, in practice, China has not only supported but also [...] contributed to multi-dimensional peacekeeping [...]missions, including UNAMID (Darfur), [...]UNMIS (Sudan) and MONUC (Democratic Republic of Congo). crisisgroup.org |
该方法除极早期食道癌不易显示,有经验的放射科医师充分调好钡剂,让患者分次小口吞咽,多方位仔细观察气钡双重对比造影,大多能发现直径2mm的黏膜凹陷或隆起。 asiancancer.com | Aftermultidirectional observation of [...] double contrast barium meal radiography carefully, radiologists can discover mucosal [...]depressions or ridges with a diameter of 2mm. asiancancer.com |
演讲中,日本横滨八景岛株式会社总裁布留川信行先生提到,本着为地区和社会的发展以及环境保护做贡献、为游客创造新的感动的自豪感和责任感,通过强化与国内外有关机构的协作,八景岛将顺应社会的变化、市民的需求,不断开发新商品、新专案,持续性地构建有魅力的企业品牌概念,同时还将在八景岛以外的水族馆视野等多方位进行探讨与展开,强化国际化应对和人才培养。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Mr. Furukawa Nobuyuki said "Based on the responsibility of making contribution to environmental protection and creating more touching moments for tourists, Yokohama Hakkeijima will continue to develop innovative commodities and instill its charismatic brand concept into new projects by strengthening our cooperation with relevant domestic and foreign organizations as well as making reactions to social changes and citizens' demands. taiwanslot.com.tw |
网站以“职业化”与“专业化”作为立足根本,将“交流、互动、服务”作为网站的运作特色,内容构建也从单一的营销理论扩充到了以资讯、资源、服务、生活等与市场人密切相关的多方位服务。 ece-china.com | Soundly based on “professionalization” and “specialization”, the site is operationally featured with “exchange, interaction and service”, expanding from onefold marketing knowledge [...] to information, resource, service, lifestyle [...] as wellas other multi-levelservices closely [...]related to marketing people. ece-china.com |
在格莱美奖及相关活动中,美国录音学会将使用AEG Digital Media的多角度Tremolo Player为任何设备的用户打造多方位、吸引观众的体验,在提供无跳屏、无缓冲的用户体验的同时,提供最佳的在线流媒体转播。 akamai.cn | Throughout the GRAMMYs and all GRAMMY-related events, The Recording Academy [...] will be using AEG [...] Digital Media's multi-angle Tremolo Player, to create amultifaceted and engaging experience [...]for fans watching [...]the GRAMMYs from any screen, giving them the best in online streaming while delivering a skip and buffer-free end user experience. akamai.com |
鉴于拉曼光谱分析技术在生医科技与环境科学等各领域的蓬勃发展,闳康科技于2009年中顺利取得中研院SERS基板的专利使用权,并开始进行SERS基板的量产评估,期望藉由提供稳定的高效能SERS基版,让生医科技与环境科学产业可以更快速的进行有效的技术开发,除此之外,闳康科技也同时与相关学术单位合作建立各种生医与生化样品的特性频谱数据库,期望未来可以在生物医学的应用领域如:细菌与病毒的快速检验、抗药性研究、药物开发、细胞生长…等等,提供多方位的解决方案。 ma-tek.com | With the advances of the fast-growing market of Raman applications, MA-tek cooperates with Dr. Wang’s team and licenses their [...] patents for mass production of SERS [...] substrate.Besides, we arecooperating with other [...]academic institutions to establish [...]a database for biological and biochemical samples. ma-tek.com |
考虑到厂房高低、防水要求等多方位的客 户特殊需求,分别为广罩型和深罩型两种款式,产品规格覆盖80w、120w、150w、200w、250w、300w的功率范围,适用于各种低、中、高棚工房厂房,整灯防尘防水等级达到了IP65。 cn.lvd.cc | Considering the customers’ special requirements upon the height of workshop, water proof, narrow angle lamps and wide angle lamps have been designed, whose specifications cover 80W, 120W, 150W, 200W, 250W and 300W, applicable to low-, medium- and high-workshops, being the level of dustproof and waterproof up to IP65. en.lvd.cc |
本组织还扩大其 在信息社会问题世界首脑会议论坛和因特网治理论坛的地位,因特网治理论坛重点关注“开 放”原则和多方参与管理办法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Organization has also enhanced its position at the WSIS [...] Forum and the Internet [...] Governance Forum focusing on the principle of “openness”and multi-stakeholdergovernance approaches. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它是目前所有产品线当中特色最多元的背包之一,花费了两年的精心研发与设计,调查使用者追求与需要的功能将其融合,创造一个全方位多功能的包包。 everki.com.hk | One of the company’s most feature-rich products to date, it is the culmination of two years of research and development into what customers want and need, and what makes a bagwork. everki.com |
(m) 就任何年期的任何土地与可继承产(不论其上是否全部或部分已有建筑),或任何宅院或物业 单位,或任何土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位的任何产业权或权益,按本公司认为合适的 金额、利率及条款与条件,以贷款方式垫款,尤其是向承办本公司将给予垫款或同意垫款或 拥有权益的任何物业的加建或发展或修缮工程的任何一位或 多位人士、公司或法团,贷出资 金。 cre.com.hk | (m) To advance money by way of loan on any land or hereditament of any tenure, whether the same shall be wholly or partly built on or not, or on any messuages or tenements, or any estate or interest in any land or hereditaments, messuages or tenements, at such amount and at such rate of interest and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit and in particular to lend money to any person or persons, company or corporation undertaking to build on, or to develop or improve any property upon which this Company shalladvance,or agree to advance money or inwhich it is interested. cre.com.hk |