单词 | 多报 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 多报 —overstate
40%多报告的 国家 数据的完全程度、质量和及时性有很大不同。 fao.org | More than 40 percent of them reported national data [...] in varying degrees of completeness, data quality and timeliness of reporting. fao.org |
许多报告结 论的确指出发展中 国家,尤其是极为贫穷和极易受气候变化不利影响 [...] 的国家,将需要在减缓和适应方面得到可观的国际 资金支持。 undpcc.org | Indeed, many studies conclude [...] that developing countries, especially the poorest and those most vulnerable to the adverse [...]impacts of climate change, will need considerable international financial support for mitigation and adaptation. undpcc.org |
而且许多报告没 有日期和盖章,也没有提供签署人的姓名和职务。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Moreover, many reports were not dated and [...] stamped, and the names and titles of the signatories were often not provided. unesdoc.unesco.org |
统计研究所的教育和扫盲数据在很 多报 告 和国际数据库中起着重要的作用,比如《全民教育 [...] 世界监测报告》、《世界发展指标》(世界银行)、《人类发展报告》(开发计划署)、《世 界儿童状况》(儿童基金会)和《千年发展目标》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UIS education and literacy data [...] were featured in reports and international [...]databases, such as the EFA Global Monitoring [...]Report, the World Development Indicators (World Bank), the Human Development Report (UNDP), the State of the World’s Children (UNICEF), and the Millennium Development Goals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,世界银行的项目少于其 他机构,因此没有那么多报告要 求,环境规划署机构费用已由用于行政目的的《履约支助 [...] 方案》予以补充。 multilateralfund.org | Moreover, the World Bank has fewer [...] projects than the other agencies and [...] therefore not as many reporting requirements, and [...]UNEP agency fees are already supplemented [...]by CAP for administrative purposes. multilateralfund.org |
监督厅、审计委员会、联合检查组的 许 多报 告 也 指出,维和部和外勤部特别需要 加强对指导材料、标准业务程序和其他程序的持有量,以加强联合国维持和平的 [...] 总体管理框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | Numerous audits and reports of, inter alia, [...] OIOS, the Board of Auditors and the Joint Inspection Unit have also indicated [...]the critical need for DPKO and DFS to strengthen their holdings of guidance materials, standard operating procedures and other procedures in order to strengthen the overall management framework of United Nations peacekeeping. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国以及国家和国际人权组织的许 多报 告 都 详细谈到了家 庭暴力和家庭间暴力现象、在难民营内外活动的犯罪团伙的影响以及暴力侵害妇 [...] 女者不受惩罚的现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Numerous reports by the United Nations [...] and national and international human rights organizations detail the phenomenon of [...]domestic and inter-family violence, the role of gangs operating inside and around the camps and the impunity with which the perpetrators of violence against women act. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚的教室皆使用了最先进的技术, 很 多报 告 厅和教室都可以使用笔记本电脑。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Australian classrooms are equipped with the latest technology and [...] laptops are allowed in many lecture halls and [...]classrooms. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
以色列继续对加沙地带实行不公正的封锁,并对 在巴勒斯坦各地实行封闭和限制巴勒斯坦人通行的 政策,这是导致该区域紧张局势加剧的重要原因,以 色列全然不顾国际社会一再发出呼吁,特别是秘书长 在许多报告中 并通过自己的努力敦促以色列当局解 除封锁,并使在该地区开展工作的国际机构与组织能 够在其重建努力中以及在向加沙平民提供基本必需 品方面取得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is despite repeated calls from the international community, notably from the Secretary-General in numerous reports and through his efforts to urge the Israeli authorities to lift the blockade and enable the international bodies and organizations working in this area to make progress in their reconstruction efforts and in providing for the basic needs of the civilian population in Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们呼吁双方对许多报告的 指控进行可信的内部调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore call on both sides to conduct credible domestic [...] investigations into the many reported allegations. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据决议草案 E/2012/L.24 执行部分第 1 段的提法,经济及社会理事会将决 定在不损害大会关于加强和增进人权条约机构体系有效运作的政府间进程的情 [...] 况下,作为一项临时措施,核准将委员会 2013 年第二次年会延长一周,将 2014 年第一次年会延长一周,共增加两周开会时间,用于审议缔约国的报告,以期减 少积压,并核准至多 10 [...] 名委员会成员参加 2013 年的两次会前工作组会议,以便 为审议更多报告做好准备。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the terms of operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution E/2012/L.24, the Economic and Social Council would decide to approve as a temporary measure, and without prejudice to the intergovernmental process of the General Assembly on strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system, the extension of the second annual session of 2013 of the Committee by one week and the first annual session of 2014 by one week, for a total of two extra weeks of meeting time, to be used for the consideration of reports of the States parties with a view to reducing the backlog, and approve the participation of up to 10 members of the [...] Committee in both pre-sessional working group meetings in 2013, in order to prepare for [...] the consideration of extra reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论从哪个角度讲,数据都可以回答业务问题,而且更重要的是数据可让您专注于业务规则而不是创建 许 多报 表。 evget.com | Regardless of the perspective, data can be rendered to answer business [...] questions - and best of all - it allows you to focus on business rules rather than creating [...] dozens and dozens of reports. evget.com |
数据中央(Data Central)可以轻松地生成并显示诸多报 告, 包括整合了关键印刷属性数据和影调数值曲线在内的 [...] 颜色印刷曲线汇总报告等。 quadtechworld.com | Data Central makes it easy to create and display a [...] wide range of reports – including reports like the Color [...]Print Curve Summary, which combines [...]key print attribute data with tone value curves. quadtechworld.com |
(e) 萨尔瓦多报告说 ,自 1992 年结束冲突以来,该国经历了私营保安公司 激增时期,其中大多数公司由军官、其他安全机构以及少数曾经参加萨尔瓦多 [...] 游击队战斗的人员组成。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) El Salvador reported that it had experienced [...] a proliferation of private security entities after the end of the conflict [...]in 1992, most of which were comprised of elements of military rank, other security bodies and a small number of persons that had been fighting for the Salvadorian guerrilla daccess-ods.un.org |
关于更多报警设备的服务或附件信息,请联系企业B + M Sicherheitstechnik [...] Halle GmbH。 industrystock.cn | For additional information about services [...] and accessories of Alarm installations please contact the company B + M Sicherheitstechnik [...]Halle GmbH without obligation. industrystock.net |
萨尔瓦多报告说 ,该国通过其残疾人政策指导机构,在国家层面提高了有 关《卡塔赫纳行动计划》的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | El Salvador reported having raised awareness [...] of the Cartagena Action Plan at the national level through its governing body [...]for disability policy (CONAIPD). daccess-ods.un.org |
许多报纸附 属于各政党,因此必须敦促这些政党履行其义务, 充分尊重他们在 [...] 2008 年 4 月 24 日我在阿比让出席的仪式上签署的良好行为守则, 并按照《公民及政治权利国际公约》关于煽动行为的规定行事。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many newspapers are affiliated to political [...] parties and it is therefore important to impress upon the parties their obligation [...]to fully respect the code of good conduct which they signed during a ceremony I attended on 24 April 2008 in Abidjan and to act in accordance with the provisions on incitement of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
京都议定书》遵约委员会自2006 [...] 年举行第一次会议以来,制定并随后修订 了其议事规则,商定了与观察员出席会议有关的工作安排,并审查了所收到的许 多报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the first meeting of the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol in 2006, it has developed and subsequently amended its rules of procedure, agreed on working [...] arrangements with respect to the participation of observers in its [...] meetings and reviewed the numerous reports submitted to it. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,许多报告 —— 其中包括政府报告 —— 强调以上数值被低估了。 unicef.org | However, many reports – including [...] government accounts – emphasize much higher figures. unicef.org |
自2008 年以来,许多报刊和杂志,以及记者协会被当局查封,并且自2009 年总统大选以来,许多记者、报刊编 辑、制片人和传媒工作人员遭到逮捕和 拘留。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many newspapers, magazines, as well as the Journalists Association, have been closed by the authorities since 2008, and that many journalists, newspaper editors, film-makers [...] and media workers [...]have been arrested and detained since the 2009 presidential elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会力求通过其一般性意见,向所有缔约国介绍迄今审查缔约国报告所 [...] 取得的经验,协助和促使它们进一步执行《公约》;提请缔约国注意 许 多报 告暴 露出来的不足;建议如何改进报告程序;并鼓励缔约国、有关国际组织及专门机 [...] 构开展活动,逐步并切实地全面落实《公约》中确认的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through its general comments, the Committee endeavours to make the experience gained through the examination of States’ reports available for the benefit of all States parties in order to assist and promote their further implementation of the Covenant; to draw the attention of the [...] States parties to insufficiencies [...] disclosed by a large number of reports; to suggest [...]improvements in the reporting procedures; [...]and to stimulate the activities of the States parties, international organizations and the specialized agencies concerned in achieving progressively and effectively the full realization of the rights recognized in the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
萨尔瓦多报告说 , 2010 年,纳维扎格市颁布了自然资源保护条例。 daccess-ods.un.org | El Salvador reported that, in 2010, [...] the municipality of Nahuizalco enacted an ordinance to protect natural resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 早期预警系统( 预警系统) 然而,委员会注意到,很多报告表 明儿童可能 被征召和被迫离开家园,而多数这种情况没有引起早期预警 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee however notes the high [...] number of risk reports (informes de riesgo) which indicate possible child recruitment and forced displacement and that the majority of these [...]are not converted into [...]early alerts (alertas tempranas) daccess-ods.un.org |
工发组织根据 [...] UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/59/18 号文件附件一所载费用范 本提供了资料,但没有提供费用资料将项目方面的费用与行政费用分开,因此 , 多报 了行 政费用的数额,致使无法确定这些费用中的收入有多少是用于了行政费用。 multilateralfund.org | UNIDO had provided information on the basis of the cost model contained in Annex I to document [...] UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/59/18, but had not provided cost [...] information distinguishing project-related costs from administrative costs, thus overstating the level of administrative [...]costs and [...]rendering it impossible to determine the extent to which administrative costs were covered by income for those costs. multilateralfund.org |
Contour Decision Center可以将许多报表显 示在一块屏幕上,涉及到所讨论问题的各个方面,并在会议期间交互式地管理它们,以便于参与者能够看到他们讨论的用于决策制定的所有信息。 evget.com | Contour Decision Center allows to [...] display a number of reports on one screen, covering [...]all aspects of the discussed problem, [...]and to interactively manage them during the meeting so that participants see all the information discussed for decision taking. evget.com |
编写了许多报告和 美国审计总署在国会听证会上的作证词,听证会内容涉及联邦管理、《政府绩效 [...] 与结果法》、十年一次的人口普查以及哥伦比亚特区市政府。 daccess-ods.un.org | Authored numerous reports and testimony [...] statements for GAO witnesses at congressional hearings on federal management, GPRA, [...]the Decennial Census, and the District of Columbia city government. daccess-ods.un.org |
鼓励常设论坛秘书处提前设计十年终 期审查格式,以便利用对各组织众 多报 告 所 要求的协同效应以及预期的监测和评 价工作,以评估《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的执行情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum secretariat is encouraged to design the end-of-decade review format well in [...] advance, in an effort to harness [...] synergies between the numerous reporting requirements placed [...]on organizations and the anticipated [...]monitoring and evaluation exercise to assess the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会也感到关切的是,不断有许 多报 告 指 出缔约国使用移民 程序来赶走和驱逐肇事者出境,而不是对他们进行刑事起诉,会引起实际和可能 [...] 的有罪不罚漏洞。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is also [...] concerned about numerous and continuous reports that the State [...]party’s policy of resorting to immigration [...]processes to remove or expel perpetrators from its territory rather than subjecting them to the criminal process creates actual or potential loopholes for impunity. daccess-ods.un.org |