单词 | 多少有些 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 多少有些—somewhat(often used)less common: more or less 多多少少—more or lesssome extentSee also:有多少adv—how manyadv 多少—somewhat how many how much as much as which (number) 少有adj—rareadj 少有—infrequent
各国对于反对有效保留的效果这一核心问题极为重视,这种反对的效果问 题在《维也纳公约》里只是小心翼翼地得到处理,但多少有些含混 不清。 daccess-ods.un.org | States attached great importance to the central question of the effects of an objection to a valid reservation, which was cautiously andsomewhat ambiguously addressed in the Vienna Conventions. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过, 正如我稍后要解释的,有些提法或许多少有些脱离实 际,从不同角度审视之可能更好些。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, [...] there have been somereferences made that are perhaps somewhat out of context and might have been better viewedin perspective, [...]as I shall explain in a while. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,看到这些年来人们固执但缺乏连贯性 地向国际法院提出这一点,多少有些令人 惊讶。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is thus somewhat surprising to see this point being persistently raised before the ICJ along the years without consistency. daccess-ods.un.org |
1990 年代最初引入儿童权利这些概念时,当 初是多少有些争议的;经过时间的推移,大多数帕劳人已经接受了儿童权利的概 念。 daccess-ods.un.org | When the concept of rights of children was first introduced in the 1990s, it was somewhat contentious; over time, most Palauans have come to accept it. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,这样做并不是完全不言自明的,而且实践和理论似乎都多少有些犹豫不定。 daccess-ods.un.org | (6) The fact remains that this is not entirely [...] self-evident and that practice and the literature513 appear to [...]be somewhat undecided. daccess-ods.un.org |
这花了四 年时间,在这四年中,虽开展了一些成功的项目,但总的情况始终让人感到多少有些灰心和 前途渺茫,直到教科文组织从 1972 年蒙特利尔国际地质大会开始接手有关工作为止。 unesdoc.unesco.org | There followed four years in which, although several successful projects were launched, there were varying degrees of frustration and uncertainty until UNESCO took over with effect from the Montreal International Geological Congress of 1972. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但事实上,各国之间的药价变化多多少少有些任意。 iprcommission.org | But prices have appeared [...] to varymore orless randomly between [...]countries. iprcommission.org |
关于第 10 条草案,应该对本条的范围是否应包括与含水层有关的生物多样 性作出评价。生物多样性的概念包括生态系统,而不仅仅是地理位置和依赖性这 些非常局限并且多少有些固定 不变的概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to draft article 10, an evaluation should be made as to whether its scope should encompass the biodiversity associated with aquifers, a concept that included the notion of ecosystems, and not only the concepts of geographical location and dependence, which were very strict and somewhat static. daccess-ods.un.org |
加强总部外办事处并让它们承担更多业务活动责任(即根据非 集中化战略,打算让各研究机构/中心通过总部外办事处提供技术援助和后勤支助),与教 科文组织的中期计划多少有些不符。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is also somewhat at odds with UNESCO’s medium-term plan to strengthen field offices and have them shoulder more of the burden in relation to operational activities (i.e. under the decentralization strategy, the institutes/centres are intended to provide technical assistance and back-office support through thefield offices). unesdoc.unesco.org |
同样,多数最不发 达国家对避孕药具的使用至少有些许的 增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, most least developed countries showat least moderate increases in contraceptive use. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些少年被拘留者睡在房间里的六个 长凳上,但大多数睡在地板上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some adolescent detaineesslept on thesix benches in the room but most slept on the floor. daccess-ods.un.org |
外聘审计员和执行局已经对休眠的预算外资金项目数量之多表示了关注,在过去的双年 度中,总部各处和总部外办事处已经采取行动,审查了项目文件,终止了那些实际已经到期 但是仍有少量剩余资金的项目,并为那些需要终止的项目提出了撤出项目的方式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The External Auditors and the Executive Board [...] having raised concerns [...] over the high number ofdormant extrabudgetary projects, action was taken in the last biennium by Headquarters divisions and field offices to review their portfolios of projects, closedown thosethat had actually [...]terminated but [...]for which small residual funds remained, and identify the exit strategy for those that needed to be closed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些学者的许多赞誉只有少数句子或即使只有一个,而对另一些冲高的警句,教导,问题和答案数以百计,以及那些百年犹太传统的代表,该tannaim和亚摩兰,收到了他们对名利的作者放弃传统保留丰富的赔偿时,他们的各种论述与他们的名字一起,从而救出甚至遗忘了他们最少。 mb-soft.com | Many of these scholarsare credited with onlya few sentences [...] or with even but one, while to others are ascribed many hundreds [...]of aphorisms, teachings, questions, and answers; and the representatives of Jewish tradition of those centuries, the Tannaim and the Amoraim, received an abundant compensation for their renunciation of the fame of authorship when tradition preserved their names together with their various expositions, and thus rescued even the least of them from oblivion. mb-soft.com |
监察组很难评估有多少人这样做,因为这些组织 的国际人员几乎不可能进 入实地,进行查问会增加当地工作人员被指控为“间谍”可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been difficult for the Monitoring Group to evaluate the scope of such practices, because international access to thefieldby theseorganizations became [...] nearly impossible, [...]and inquiries could put local staff at even greater risk of being accused as “spies”. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多发言者指出,绝大部分外国直接投资集中于采矿业和初级商品,这些部门与国内其他经济部门的联系很少,而且没有多少创造就业的空间,很容易受 外部冲击影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many speakers noted that the bulk of foreign direct investment had been concentrated in extractive industries [...] and commodities, [...] which were sectors with few links to the rest of the domestic economy with littlespace for job creation [...]and high exposure to external shocks. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,反对一项有效的保留,对条约关系的存在与否或其内容可能 有多种具体效 果,这些效果在同一项条约和同一项保留上可能是不同的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, objections to a valid reservation may [...] have a number of effects on the very existence of treaty relations or on their content,andthose effects may [...]vary with regard to the [...]same treaty and the same reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,有些少数群体发现他们拥有、占有和使用其土地的权利受 到限制或侵犯,他们也可能被迫流离失所或被驱逐,以便在有些情况下让位给国 家经济发展方案、多国公司的活动或天然资源开发。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, someminorities find thattheir rights to own, occupy and use their land are limited or violated and they may find themselves displaced or evicted, in some cases to make way for national economic development schemes, the activities of multinationalcorporations or fornatural [...] resources development. daccess-ods.un.org |
一 些中国人认为如果中国政府要将其在南苏丹的战略性接 触定位于获取经济利益之上,它就必须加强其他形式的 合作,包括一些已经由那些已经建立关系的合作伙伴所 施行的合作,比如美国。该区域一位有经验的中国投资 者解释说中国政府必须继续多元化其接触模式:“看看 美国使馆的规模、地点和作用;再看看有多少苏丹学生 在美国求学,与那里的移民社群有着多么千丝万缕的联 系。 crisisgroup.org | Some Chinese argue that if Beijing is to root its strategic engagement in South Sudan beyond mutual economic gain, it must enhance [...] other forms of [...] cooperation, including those already exercised by established partners such as the U.S. A Chinese investor with experience in the region explained that Beijing must continue to diversify its modes of engagement: “Look at the size, location, and role of the American embassy; look athow many Sudanese students are educated in the U.S., look how manyties there [...]are to established diaspora there”. crisisgroup.org |
希捷科技有限公司及其子公司(以下简称“希捷”、“我们”)尊重您的隐私权,并按照该隐私政策来解释通过该网站(以下简称“网站”)以及通过使用我们的产品和/或服务(以下统称为“产品”)将会收集哪些信息,有多少信息 将会被使用和/或分享给他人、我们如何保护这些信息以及您可以如何访问和控制该信息的使用。 seagate.com | Seagate Technology LLC and our affiliates (“Seagate”, “we”, “us”, “our”) respect your right to privacy and we have adopted this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") to explain what information may be collected through this website ("Site"), and through the use of our products and/or [...] services (collectively [...] “Offerings”)how such information may be used and/or shared with others, how [...]we safeguard it and how [...]you may access and control its use in connection with our marketing communications and activities. seagate.com |
该调查会询问受访者他们的PC在去年安装了多 少套何种类型的软体、有多少比例是新采购或 升级的、这些软体 是否在电脑采购时已随附, 以及这些软体是否安装在新电脑或是2010年之 [...] 前所采购的电脑上。 globalstudy.bsa.org | Respondents are asked how manysoftware packages, and of what type, were installed on their PC [...] in the previous year; what [...]percentage were new or upgrades; whether they came with the computers or not; and whether they were installed on a new computer or one acquired prior to 2010. bsa.nl |
又回顾大会其后关于有效促进《宣言》的决议以及人权理事会关于理事会设 立少数群体问题论坛的 [...] 2007 年 9 月 28 日第 6/15 号决议、2 关于少数群体问题 [...] 独立专家的任务的 2011 年 3 月 24 日第 16/6 号决议3 和关于召集小组会议以纪 念《宣言》通过二十周年的 2011 年 9 月 29 日第 18/3 号决议,4 申明促进和保护在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体者的权利、这些 少数群 体与社会其他群体之间的对话以及建设性和包容各方地订立相关做法和 体制安排以在社会中融合多样性,这有利于政治和社会稳定及防止并和平解决涉 及少数群体的冲突 daccess-ods.un.org | its subsequent resolutions on the effective promotion of the Declaration, as well as Human Rights Council resolutions 6/15 of 28 September 2007, by which the Council established the Forum on Minority Issues,216/6 of 24 March 2011 on the mandate of the Independent Expert on minority issues3and 18/3 of 29 September 2011 on the panel to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration,4 that the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and [...] linguistic minorities and [...] dialoguebetween these minoritiesand the rest of society as well as the constructive and inclusive development of practices and institutional arrangements to accommodatediversity within societies, [...]contribute to political [...]and social stability and the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts involving them daccess-ods.un.org |
出于同 样的原因,也没有多少人支持这样的提议:委员会“在诠释补救办法的适用性 时,应当注意拖延对儿童的健康和成长可能造成的影响”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forsimilar reasons, a proposal to provide thatthe Committee “shall interpret the application of the remedies in a manner sensitive to the impact that delays may cause to a child’s well-being and development” did not find sufficient support. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚还欢迎对其建议采取积极的后续行动,确保某些少数群体享有适足住房、教育、就业及保健权利,并特别注意这些居民融入 社会生活的所有领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria also welcomed the favourable follow-up [...] on its recommendation [...] to ensure that certainminorities had access to adequate housing, education, employment and health care, and that particular [...]attention was to be [...]paid to the promotion of their integration in all sectors of social life. daccess-ods.un.org |