单词 | 多姿多彩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 多彩多姿—splendid, full of contentelegant and graceful posture多姿多彩—diversity (of forms and colors)See also:多姿—many postures 多彩adj—colourfuladj 多彩—colorful flamboyant
除了这些主 要的活动之外,还有当地多姿多彩的文化活动。 gza.ch | In addition to these major events, there is also a lively local cultural scene. gza.ch |
这些万花筒似的、迷幻般的多姿多彩的意象和图案闪耀着生命的光辉,并随着时尚的步伐而快速变换。 swatch.com | These kaleidoscopic, psychedelic tapestries of image and pattern shine with life, and fairly snap at the heelsof fashion. swatch.com |
这座由英国商人建于1786年的城市,向充满好奇的探险家们展现出多元传统和多姿多彩的文化魅力。 shangri-la.com | The city, founded by British traders in 1786, offers the curious explorer a wealth of fascinating [...] sights that reflect its diverseheritage. shangri-la.com |
魅力无限的国际都会,亚洲顶级的会展、娱乐设施,多姿多彩的生活氛围,将为世界各地的朋友带来截然不同的全新体验。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | We have become a vibrant metropolis, a world-class [...] convention and leisure destination in Asia, [...] displayinga multi-faceted lifestyle that [...]will bring a totally new experience to [...]our friends all over the world. english.sccci.org.sg |
城市拥有大量的文化和历史遗址,保留多姿多彩的本地民俗风情,又洋溢现代气息。 shangri-la.com | The city has abundant cultural relics and [...] historical sites, colourful local customs and [...]flavour, and a strong contemporary flair. shangri-la.com |
冬天还是探索我们的海岸线的大好时节,您可以在那里观察迁徙的鲸鱼,并潜水进入多姿多彩的海洋世界。 australia.com | Winter is also a great season to discover our coastline, where you can spot migrating whales and dive with a dazzling array of marine life. australia.com |
我们每月为您发送一张swissworld.org的电子贺卡。我们的电子贺卡会为您介绍swissworld.org网站上的最新动向和特别企划,向您呈现多姿多彩的瑞士。 swissworld.org | Be the first to know about thelatest developments on the swissworld.org website with our monthly e-card service. swissworld.org |
为了让您整个音乐会旅程及体验更轻松愉快,港乐会诚意为您度身订造各式多姿多彩的优惠和服务:门票折扣优惠、优先订票计划、定期速递最新港乐及音乐会资讯、为了解您需要而设的客户服务热线等等。 hkphil.org | To help make your concert-planning and -going [...] experience more enjoyable, CB members can take [...] advantageof our many specialprivileges [...]designed only for you: ticket discounts, [...]priority bookings, regular updates of the HK Phil news and concert information and special hotline etc. There’s more. hkphil.org |
正是这种特权让我们赏识太平洋的和平而多姿多彩的人 民及东南亚生气勃勃的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been a privilege that has allowed us to appreciate [...] the peaceful andcolourful people of the Pacific [...]as well as the dynamic nations of South-East Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们国家的每个学生,无论来自澳洲本土或海外,都应当不仅能够获取多元化丰富的优质教育体验,还能在学习期间感受到多姿多彩、安全积极的生活体验,”ACPET首席执行官Claire Field女士解释道。 australiachina.com.au | Every student in our country, whether they are from Australia or overseas, deserves to not only receive a high quality education, but also to enjoy an enriching, safe and positive experience while they are studying,” explains ACPET CEO, Ms Claire Field. australiachina.com.au |
各类网站信息广博,夺人眼球,多媒体演示(CD刻录)多姿多彩,这样不仅能够吸引更多关注,更能以全面而又令人难忘的方式传递各自所需的信息。 logrus.ru | Eye-catching and [...] informative websites, colorful multimedia presentations (stored on a CD), amongmany things, are [...]not only a successful [...]way to grab attention, but also serve as a comprehensive and memorable way to convey the desired information. logrus.net |
瑞士文化生活丰富,并且多姿多彩.由于瑞士特殊的地理位置,瑞士文化受到意大利、法国和德国三大主要欧洲文化的影响。 helpline-eda.ch | The different cultures within Switzerland are strongly influenced by the cultures of its neighbours France, Germany and Italy. helpline-eda.ch |
您想知道化学为何如此多姿多彩吗? wacker.com | Would you like to find out why chemistry is so exciting? wacker.com |
诺缤品牌致力于在中国筑造一个 多姿多彩且高品质的未来。 labbrand.com | The NORBIN brand is [...] committed to build acolorful and quality future [...]in China. labbrand.com |
步入诸多传统和当代艺术画廊之一,欣赏西澳州独一无二的土着艺术;去戏院看戏、去跳舞、听音乐,看喜剧片;或是享受珀斯令人惊叹的气候优势,参与多姿多彩的户外活动。 pertheducationcity.com.au | Experience Western Australia’s unique Indigenous art at one of the many traditional and contemporary art galleries; enjoy a night of theatre, [...] dance, music, comedy or film; or take advantage of Perth’s amazing weather and [...] enjoy the city’snumerous outdoor festivals. pertheducationcity.com.au |
(2013年3月21日- 香港)——第五届Vivid [...] Sydney创意艺术节将於5月24日至6月10日举行,今年的节目阵容鼎盛,悉尼夜空将集结多姿多彩的立体灯光、音乐与创意於一身,令这海港之都打造成一个世界级的创意产业活动地。 ipress.com.hk | 21 March 2013, Hong Kong - Vivid Sydney is back for its fifth year, from 24 May to 10 June, with an [...] expanded program that will transform the city [...] at night into acolourful canvasof light, [...]music and ideas and become a playground [...]for the world’s creative industries. ipress.com.hk |
娱乐方面,从山间活动到沙滩运动更可以衍生到令人为之振奋的购物天堂,马来西亚多姿多彩,充满惊喜的生活充分展现在其文化与自然景观上。 systematic.edu.my | Offering [...] leisure options from rolling mountains to sandy [...]beaches to exciting shopping districts, Malaysia is full of surprises, [...]eclectic cultures and natural wonders. systematic.edu.my |
锐高生产的TALEXXchain LED模块链和照明控制系统为营造 多姿多彩的照明氛围立下了汗马功劳。 tridonic.cn | TALEXXchain LED module chains and lighting control components from Tridonic provide an innova-tive basis for this atmosphere. tridonic.com |
意识到文化多样性创造了一个多姿多彩的世界,它使人类有了更多的选择,并得以提 高自己的能力和形成价值观,因此对各社区、各民族和各国人民来说,它是推动可持续发展 的一个主要力量 unesdoc.unesco.org | Being aware that cultural diversity creates a rich and varied world, which increases the range of choices and nurtures human capacities and values, and therefore is a mainspring for sustainable development for communities, peoples and nations unesdoc.unesco.org |
圣马克与圣约翰大学的知名度与备受推崇的主要原因在于其玲珑友善的学习环境,学生们可以在精良设施与多姿多彩的社交活动基础上与导师与同学们保持密切的接触。 systematic.edu.my | Marjon is well known, respected and has a reputation for being ‘small and friendly’ which allows its students to engage closely with tutors and fellow students without compromising its excellent facilities and social activities. systematic.edu.my |
北三角洲遍布公园和运动场,区内的Sungod 康乐中心刚刚重新装修,这个宁静和谐的社区全年都举办团队运动、健身节目,以及多姿多彩的活动。 polyhomes.com | Dotted with parks and athletic fields, and home to the recently renovated Sungod Recreation Centre, the quiet enclave of North Delta offers year-round opportunities for team sports, fitness programs, and fun-filled activities. polyhomes.com |
它们是一扇窗户,通往多姿多彩的世 界﹔丰富的层次、光与暗、真实与虚幻,全部都包含在天马行空与激动人心的故事当中,为观众带来深刻而长久的共鸣。 brand.swarovski.com | They are a multi-facetedwindow onto the [...] world and its intricate layers; the light and dark, real and surreal are reflected [...]in imaginative and inspiring stories, which will resonate with audiences long after the credits have rolled. brand.swarovski.com |
根据欧式修道院中庭设计的“PATIO浴”、带有喷水的露天浴、碳浴、使用备长炭的“愈之间”、让脖子一下都能感到温暖的蒸汽低音桑拿“箱蒸”,还有,周围鲜花围绕,像童话世界一样的“窗帘浴” 等等充满特色,多姿多彩的浴 池,令你有来到温泉度假村的感觉。 yonago-navi.jp | Patio bath” is image a garden at European abbey, open air bath with fountain, coal bath, “Healing bath (coal bath)” with white charcoal, “Hako mushi (steam box)” with lower temperature misty [...] sauna, and “Garden bath” with full of [...] flowers around,all thosevariety of distinct [...]design bath tubs are arranged here. yonago-navi.jp |
这种 教育模式固然背離了多姿多彩的數码化城市生活格格不入,也有违环保原则,更 何况教科书价格急剧上升和教科书频密改版,已对家构成沉重的财政负担。 procommons.org.hk | This is inconsistent with the development of a vibrant digital city life and environmental protection. procommons.org.hk |
人 类各民族和各社会的特征及文化表现形式就是从不同时期和不同地域多彩多姿的文化形式中 发展起来的了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | From the diverse forms taken by culture over [...] time and space stem the [...] uniqueness and plurality of the identities and cultural expressions of the peoples and societiesthat make up humankind. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这些街区环绕之下,让我觉得公共空间并非神圣不可碰触的场域,而是多彩多姿的非正式空间,任何人都可以加油添醋」。 thisbigcity.net | Being surrounded by these blocks made me feel like public space wasn’t a pristine, sacred space that I shouldn’t touch,” Chang says. thisbigcity.net |
达尔文的文化遗产源自多彩多姿的原住民土着习俗、欧洲开拓者、二战历史以及亚洲邻国的影响。 australiachina.com.au | Darwin’s cultural heritage comes [...] from a well-rounded blend ofIndigenous Aboriginal [...]customs, European pioneers, World War [...]II history and influences from its close Asian neighbours. australiachina.com.au |
这座德国第三大城 市本身就是一部建筑艺术全书:从玛利亚广场的哥特式圣彼得教堂到巴洛克式的宁芬堡 宫,再到超现代的宝马公司办公大楼等,涵括了欧洲各个时期多彩多姿的建筑风格。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | This third largest German city is an architectural work of art: the spectrum reaches from the gothic Peters Church at Marienplatz, over the baroque Nymphenburg Palace, to the ultra modern BMW-tower. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |