

单词 多多少少


more or less
some extent

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 存关于青少年被拘留者的详细统计资料,因此当局无法知道他们中 多少被 判刑或还押候审。
The delegation noted that no detailed statistics were kept for the
adolescent detainees, so that it is impossible for the
[...] authorities to know howmany of them were sentenced [...]
or on remand.
但还有一个问 题也在辩论中提出,多少下能够认定这种沉默具有特定指向,并得出结论 称豁免对这些行为不适用。
The question was however also
[...] posed asto howwidely one could construe silence in these circumstances [...]
as pointing to a particular
direction and to conclude that immunity would not apply in respect of such acts.
代表团还看到,一个平民在监狱围墙内开了 一个商店,但不清楚那里多少 能够买得起食物。
The delegation also observed that a shop
was kept by a civilian within the prison walls, but it was
[...] not clear howmany prisoners could [...]
afford to buy food there.
出于同 样的原因,也没多少持这样的提议:委员会“在诠释补救办法的适用性 时,应当注意拖延对儿童的健康和成长可能造成的影响”。
For similar reasons, a proposal to provide that the Committee “shall interpret the application of the remedies in a manner sensitive to the impact that delays may cause to a child’s well-being and development” did not find sufficient support.
森林提供的产品和多种利益,诸如保 护流域、控制全球气候变化、赚取收入、健康优势、休闲娱乐、保护文化和精神 价值、为许多动植物群提供生境等,使所有人都 多少从中获益。
Through the provision of forest products and the multiple benefits that forests provide, such as watershed protection, global climate change control, income generation, health advantages, recreation, and the protection of cultural and spiritual values, as well as habitat for a number of flora and fauna, all populations, in varyingdegrees,gain from forests.
在讨 论中专家认为需要用一种新的和面向未来的方式来办初等教育,讨论的重点是基础教育的主 要法律和政策参数,即:长度多少、目的、课程设置和内容、学习成果的质量和评估、 受益者、办学和资源、以及免费和义务的性质。
The discussions, which pointed to the need for a new future-oriented approach to basic education, focused on key legal and policy parameters of basic education, namely: duration (number ofyears), purpose, curriculum and content, quality and evaluation of outcomes, beneficiaries, provision and resources, as well as its free and compulsory nature.
各项目涉及的人手中,公务员、非公务员 合约员工,以及外判员工各多少
Of the staff involved for each project, how many of them are civil servants, non-civil service contract staff and staff of outsourced service providers?
[...] 部门与国内其他经济部门的联系很少,而且没 多少就业的空间,很容易受 外部冲击影响。
Many speakers noted that the bulk of foreign direct investment had been concentrated in extractive industries and commodities, which were sectors
with few links to the rest of the domestic
[...] economy with littlespace for job [...]
creation and high exposure to external shocks.
[...] 应该看由信托基金资助的参会者对法典进程的实际贡献, 多少的意见活跃了讨论。
One delegation proposed that the effectiveness of the Trust Fund should be measured not only by the number of participants supported by the Trust Fund but also by looking at the actual contribution of Trust
Fund-supported participants to the Codex
[...] process, such as how manyunique interventions [...]
had been made to stimulate the discussion.
请提供数据说多少学生就读于正规学校 多少于特殊学 校。
Please provide
[...] data on how manystudents with disabilities attend regular schools and how many attendspecial schools.
例如,一项经济措施对一个大型国际组织来说可能产生不多 少,但对一个较小的组织而言,很可能严重影响其运行,藉此不符合相称性 标准。
For instance, an economic measure that might hardly affect a large international organization may severely hamper the functioning of a smaller organization and for that reason not meet the test of proportionality.
[...] 有助于防止在短期内南北苏丹或其中任何一方的经 济发生崩溃,但对于将提多少援助必须小 心,以免其强化负面的政治态度,而只是使问题解 [...]
Financial support and a deal on oil could help prevent economic collapse in one or
both states in the near term, but care must
[...] be taken asto how financial assistance [...]
is offered lest it reinforce negative
political dynamics and simply defer the problem.
举例来说,为了确保透明度以及对供应商和承包商的公平待 遇,第(3)款要求采购实体从采购开始时就明确规定将采用预选程序、最多会预多少商或承包商并向其征求建议书、选出这一数目的供应商或承包商所 采用的方式,以及采用哪些标准对供应商或承包商进行排序,此种标准应当构 成资格审查标准,应当是客观和不带歧视性的。
For example, to ensure transparency and the equitable treatment of suppliers and contractors, paragraph (3) requires the procuring entity from the outset of the procurement to specify that the pre-selection proceedings will be used, the maximum numberof pre-selected suppliers or contractors from which proposals will be requested, the manner in which the selection of that number of suppliers or contractors will be carried out and criteria that will be used for ranking suppliers or contractors, which should constitute qualification criteria and should be objective and non-discriminatory.
(a) 在公司提取了适当数额的准备金之后,理事会可以根据情况决定将公司净收入和盈余多少红利进行分配。
(a) The Board of Governors may determine from time to time what part of the Corporation’s net income and surplus, after making appropriate provision for reserves, shall be distributed as dividends.
在各个区域,多少体的年轻人经常被要求讲两种或两种以上的语言,一方面这对于他们充分参与 社会至关重要,但另一方面这样会给他们在教育等方面造成困难和不利因素,因 [...]
Many young people belonging to minorities in all regions [...]
are often required to speak two or more languages, which on the
one hand is vital for their full participation in society, but on the other hand can create difficulties and disadvantages, for example in their education, as they are required to study in a language that is not their mother tongue.
为了寻求更多信息,以了解散居国外的索马里人当中是否有法律专业人员愿 意参加境外法庭以及多少的人,法律事务厅与特别顾问将其作为专家征求 意见的“知名人士”进行了非正式接触,并向有大量索马里人居住的欧洲、中东 和非洲各国的 17 个律师协会和法律学会发出调询。
In seeking further information about the availability and the willingness of legal professionals among the Somali diaspora to participate in an extraterritorial court, the Office of Legal Affairs informally contacted the “eminent persons” consulted as experts by the Special Adviser and sent enquiries to 17 bar associations and law societies in countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa with significant Somali populations.
一些专家强调,为了对这一问题作出决定,应当请总干事就开展这一项目预计需多 少外资金问题提出看法。
A number of experts stressed that it would be useful in order to take a decision on this matter to have the Director-General’s comments on the estimated amount of extrabudgetary resources needed to carry out this project.
各国对于反对有效保留的效果这一核心问题极为重视,这种反对的效果问 题在《维也纳公约》里只是小心翼翼地得到处理, 多少含混不清。
States attached great importance to the central question of the effects of an objection to a valid reservation, which was cautiously and somewhat ambiguously addressed in the Vienna Conventions.
请提供统计资料,说明多少件中有被告声称因遭受酷刑而招供、 这类投诉导致的调查数量,以及进行调查的结果,包括对被判罪的施行酷刑者 [...]
Please provide statistical
[...] information onthe numberof cases in which [...]
detainees have alleged that their confessions were
extracted through torture, the number of such complaints which led to investigations, and the outcomes of these investigations, including punishments meted out to convicted perpetrators, if any, and reparations and compensation offered to victims, if any.
介绍提出了一些问题,比如:第一位顾问获取的数据是否足以让第二位顾问进行 职责范围规定的分析;提交第六十七次会议的时限是否给予顾问充足的时间编制报告;是 否能收集更具代表性的 2011 年的数据供审计使用;拟议的取得进展的方法所涉费用 多少; 出数据问题时有没有提出方法问题;既然数据不全,世界银行和中国政府有没有使用 该报告来编制氟氯烃行业淘汰计划。
The presentation had raised a number of issues, such as: whether the data obtained by the first consultant was sufficient for the second consultant to conduct the kind of analysis required by the terms of reference; whether the deadline of submission to the 67th meeting gave the consultant sufficient time to prepare the report; whether more representative, 2011 data could be collected for use in the audit; what the cost 5 implications of the proposed way forward were; whether the methodology was being called into question along with the data; and whether, given the incomplete data, the report had been used by the World Bank and the Government of China to prepare the HCFC phase-out sector plan.
无论如何,除 非油价大幅下滑,否则业务能否回复令人满意的盈利水 平,主要视乎提高票价及燃油附加费可以抵 多少成本上涨的影响。
In any event, unless fuel prices decline substantially, a return to satisfactory profitability will depend principally on the extent to which increased fuel costs can be recovered by higher fares andfuel surcharges.
太阳能光伏产品的要求非常高的 ,太阳能系统的配置、太阳能板的安装角度和蓄电池的容量配比以及控制器的SOC控制放电将直接关系到整个系统的工作效率和使用寿命,所以要根据产品在使用地区的纬度和产品的用电功率每天 多少以及保证几个阴雨天来确定产品的配置才可以定价格,一般的工厂随便给你报个价格是不妥当的,我们佳洁的产品配置是按照你系统所在地区的纬度、产品的用电功率、每天 多少以及保证几个阴雨天来配置,再给你报价格的,所以这样的配置也满足你系统的工作要求也是最优化最经济的配置。
Solar photovoltaic products require very high, The configuration of the solar system, solar panel installation angle and the ratio of the capacity of the battery's SOC and the controller will control the discharge is directly related to the overall system efficiency and service life, so according to the latitude in the use of the product
and product use
[...] electric power,and how much time each day to ensure a few rainy days to determine the configuration of the product before they can set prices, the average reported a factory just to give you the price is not right, we Jiajie product configuration system is based on your latitude region , the product of the electric power, andhow much time each day [...]
to ensure that the configuration
of several rainy days, give you the prices quoted, so this configuration is also working to meet the requirements of your system is to optimize the most economical configuration.
2012 年,对之适用标准的国家(下表所列 60
[...] 个国家)包括所有最不发达国家 (无论收多少)用来决定平均收入的三年(即 2008 [...]
至 2010 年)内任何一年人 均收入都比世界银行所定低收入阈值高出不到 20%的其他发展中国家。
In 2012, countries to which the criteria were applied (60 countries, as listed
in the table below)
[...] comprise all of the leastdeveloped countries [...]
(independent of their income status) and the other developing
countries whose per capita income in any of the three years used to determine average incomes (i.e. 2008-2010) was less than 20 per cent above the low-income threshold determined by the World Bank.
但鉴于没多 少 国报告采取这类措施,确保采取除法律措施以外的行政和其他措施来防止 和制止受到禁止的活动,将是一项持续的挑战。
Given that few States Parties have reported taking such measures, however, it will be an ongoing challenge to ensure that administrative and other measures, in addition to legal measures, are taken to prevent and suppress prohibited activities.
一 些中国人认为如果中国政府要将其在南苏丹的战略性接 触定位于获取经济利益之上,它就必须加强其他形式的
[...] 施行的合作,比如美国。该区域一位有经验的中国投资 者解释说中国政府必须继续多元化其接触模式:“看看 美国使馆的规模、地点和作用;再看看 多少学生 在美国求学,与那里的移民社群有着多么千丝万缕的联 系。
Some Chinese argue that if Beijing is to root its strategic engagement in South Sudan beyond mutual economic gain, it must enhance other forms of cooperation, including those already exercised by established partners such as the U.S. A Chinese investor with experience in the region explained that Beijing must continue to diversify its modes of engagement: “Look at the size, location, and role of
the American embassy;
[...] look athow many Sudanese students are educated in the U.S., look how manyties there [...]
are to established diaspora there”.
当本地习俗或其他情况导致您很难拒绝出于个人使用目的而提供的门票或 如果不接受就造成冒犯时,无论门票价格 多少必须向公司道德办公室报 告接受门票的情况。
If local customs or other circumstances make it very difficult or offensive for you to reject a ticket offered for personal use, you must report the acceptance to the corporate ethics office regardless of the value of the ticket.
然而,我们无法确定能吸多少行,因为 这方面受多项因素影响,例如当时的经济环境、建造业和其他界别的就业机会、 未來數年公私营界别发展项目的數量和工资趋势。
However, we are not able to estimate the number of new entrants that could be attracted to the industry because it will be affected by a number of factors such as the prevailing economic climate, job opportunities in the construction and other sectors, volume of public and private sector developments and wage trend in coming years.




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