

单词 多吃多占

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由於現時有關丙烯酰胺的資料有限,我們無須改變就基本膳食習慣 所作的健康飲食建議:即應保持飲食均衡 多吃 蔬 果,不進食過量煎炸 和肥膩食物。
At present, the data on acrylamide are not sufficient to warrant changes
in basic dietary advice
[...] on healthy eating, i.e., have a balanced and varied diet, eat more fruits [...]
and vegetables, and should
moderate consumption of fried and fatty foods.
偶尔,我母亲外出的时候,[占连]就 吃 米 饭,喝水——他会显得十分不悦,他不喜欢吃这些。
Occasionally, when my mother is away, [Chanreah] gets rice and water – but he looks unhappy and he doesn’t like it.
造成平均工资差别的理由是,男女在不同部门工作,女雇 占多 数 的 专业 都报酬和价值较低。
The reason for differences in the average wage is that
women and men work in different sectors and the
[...] professions with the majority of women employees [...]
are less paid and valued.
在所有区域这 类占多数, 特别是近东以及拉丁美洲和加勒比区域(图16)。
Such vessels dominated in all regions, [...]
particularly the Near East, and Latin America and the Caribbean (Figure 16).
少数民族的成员,除其他外,享有以下权利:培育、发展 和公开表达自己的民族、种族、文化和宗教特性;在公共场所使用自己的符号; 使用自己的语言和文字;在他们的人 占多 数 的 地方,在国家机构的诉讼程序中 以他们的语言开展工作;建立私立教育机构;使用以自己的语言表示的姓名;在 他们的人占多数的地方,以其自己的语言书写传统的本地名称、街道和住区名 称及地名;以自己的语言接受完整、及时和客观的信息,包括表达、接收、发送 和交流信息和想法的权利;建立自己的大众媒体。
Members of national minorities have, inter alia, the following rights: to foster, develop and publicly express their national, ethnic, cultural and religious specificity; to use their symbols in public places; to use their language and script; to have proceedings conducted in their languages before State
bodies in areas where they
[...] make up a significant majority of population; to receive education in their languages in public institutions and institutions of autonomous provinces; to found private educational institutions; to use their name and family name in their own languages; to have traditional local names, names [...]
of streets and settlements
and topographic names written in their languages, in areas where they make a significant majority of population; to receive complete, timely and objective information in their language, including the right to express, receive, send and exchange information and ideas; and to establish their own mass media.
例如,在万圣节后,我会让我的女儿在固定的时间内 吃多 少 糖果 就 吃多 少 糖果,只要她吃后立即刷牙就行。
For example, after Halloween,
[...] I will let my daughter eat however much candy she wants [...]
in a set amount of time as long as
she brushes immediately afterward.
塞尔维亚在人权和少数族裔权利以及两性平等方面的战略目标包括:使国家 法律与欧洲标准相一致,设立行使所保证权利的体制机制;使某些少数族裔、主 要是罗姆人族裔的社会经济生活水准 占多 数 的 塞族生活水准平衡和平等;实现 一定比例的少数族裔在司法部门、检察官办公室、警察、军队和地方自治政府中 的参与;缩小少数族裔占多数的 塞族人口之间的社会差距;改善残疾人的境况。
The strategic objectives of Serbia in the field of human and minority rights and gender equality included the harmonization of the national legislation with European standards and the establishment of institutional mechanisms for exercising guaranteed rights; the balancing and equalization of the socio-economic standards of living of certain minority communities, primarily
the Roma community,
[...] with that of the majority Serbian population; the achievement of a proportional participation by members of minorities in the judiciary, prosecutors’ offices, police, army and local selfgovernment; the reduction of the social distance between minorities and the majority Serbian population; [...]
and the improvement
of the situation of persons with disabilities.
摄入健康的饮食即少吃盐和脂肪 多吃 蔬 菜 水果。
Eat a healthy diet that is low in [...]
salt and fat and high in fruit and vegetables.
科索沃宪法》规定,塞族人和其他少数民族享有各 种广泛的权利和保护,包括通过建立塞 占多 数 的市 镇,强化地方自治,特别强调在 1999 年冲突期间背 井离乡、流离失所的少数族裔人口返回家园,在教育、 卫生和社会服务中强调与塞尔维亚的特殊关系,保护 宗教和文化遗产。
Kosovo’s Constitution affords Serbs and other minorities extensive rights and protections, including enhanced local self-governance through the creation of new Serb-majority municipalities, special emphasis on returns of minorities displaced during the 1999 conflict, special ties to Serbia in education, health and social services, and protection of religious and cultural heritage.
偷猎、家养驯鹿变野、天敌(狼)的数 目增加、大规模砍伐森林、驯鹿吃的 藓 类植物数量减少、北方驯鹿牧地租金高(每 公顷林地租金 5.35 卢布)和其他多原因 ,也导致萨哈林的驯鹿牧养出现灾难性 的局面。
Poaching, the feralization of the domestic reindeer, the increasing number of predators (wolves), massive deforestation, a decrease in the number of reindeer moss, high
rent for northern
[...] reindeer herding, at 5.35 rubles per hectare on forest area units and many other reasons have also led to the catastrophic situation of reindeer [...]
herding in Sakhalin.
在最近于 2007 年 12 月 18 日举行的大选中,Brown
[...] 博士再一次当选为百慕大总理, 进步劳工党在众议院 36 个席位中继占多数,共占 22 席。
During the latest general election, held on 18 December 2007, Dr. Brown
was re-elected as Premier of Bermuda, with PLP
[...] retaining their majority of 22 of the [...]
36 seats in the House of Assembly.
在伊巴尔河以南科索沃塞族占多数 的 地区,在总共 330 名科索沃塞族警察中有 [...]
310 人仍然拒绝在科索沃警察部队服役,全薪停职至 今。
In Kosovo Serb-majority areas south of [...]
the Ibër/Ibar River, 310 out of a total of 330 Kosovo Serb officers continue to refuse
to work within the Kosovo Police and remain suspended from service with full pay.
作出健康的食物選擇將會有助你保持健康的體 重多吃一些 纖維以及少吃一些鹽和糖。
Making healthy
[...] food choices will help you maintain a healthy body weight, eat more fibre and [...]
less salt and sugar.
[...] 健康時,必須向市民清楚說明哪些食物是建議 多吃 一 點 ,或哪些是應該減 少食用的,我覺得這是我們該做的工作,衞生署也經常會帶出這樣的信息。
Yet, in promoting food health, we will clearly inform the public of the food that is
[...] recommended to eat more or is advised [...]
to eat less.
她的丈夫现在已减掉 38 磅,他们稳定的减肥效果有 赖于生活方式的改变,包括吃多餐 、 按时进餐及忌食高脂肪或 高糖分食物。
She and her husband, who is now 38 pounds lighter, have steadily lost weight through lifestyle changes that include smaller meal portions, regular dinner times together and avoidance of foods high in fat or sugar.
要滋阴润肺,可多饮豆浆和果汁 多吃 新 鲜 蔬菜和水果。
To nourish Yin chi and lung chi, drink soy milk
[...] and fruit juice, and eat plenty of vegetables [...]
and fresh fruit.
而牛油果所含的雖為單元不飽和的脂肪,有助促進心臟健康,但若需控制體重,便 不多吃。
And, avocado has monounsaturated fat that is good for the heart; however, if you want to manage your body weight,
[...] don't have that too much.
科 索沃境内新设立的塞族占多数的 市镇现已建立自 己的行政结构,它们得到了科索沃当局一定程度的关 [...]
注和善意,然而,要评估它们在满足其辖区民众需求 与愿望方面的成效,仍然为时过早。
The newly created
[...] Kosovo Serb-majority municipalities [...]
have now set up their administrative structures and, while they enjoy
a certain degree of attention and goodwill from the Kosovo authorities, it is nonetheless too early to assess their performance with respect to catering to their constituents’ needs and aspirations.
在当代,联合国所有会员国都有义务应对和克服 因贫困(特别是在联合国会员占多数 的 发展中国家 的贫困)、全球治理不善和缺乏民主、气候变化给人 [...]
类造成的疾病、无知和苦难以及全球金融和经济危机 等各种问题所构成的挑战。
In our times, all States Members of the United Nations are obliged to address and overcome common challenges caused, inter alia, by problems of poverty —
especially in developing countries, which
[...] constitute the majority of United Nations [...]
Members; by the worldwide deficit in
governance and democracy; by disease, ignorance and the hardships occasioned on humanity by climate change and the global financial and economic crisis.
多吃高纖 食物如蔬果、豆類及全麥食品等。
Eat foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, [...]
and whole grains.
2002年,中国在房地产发展方面的投资,差 多占 全 部 固定资产投资的18%,较诸1997年的12.7%,出现大幅增长。
Investment in real estate development in China during 2002 accounted for nearly 18% of all investment in fixed assets - a big increase from 12.7% in 1997.
工作组强调对非洲裔人的结构性歧视具有深远持久的性质,这包括在那些 非洲裔占多数的国家中。
The Working Group emphasizes the profound and persistent nature of
structural discrimination against people of African descent, including in countries where they
[...] represent the numerical majority.
(f) 在土著人占多数的国家,例如多民族玻利维亚国,正视土著问题的需 [...]
要更为明显,因为在这些国家,不解决土著人民的处境问题,就不可能圆满地实 现千年发展目标。
(f) In indigenous-majority countries such [...]
as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the need to squarely address indigenous
issues is more obvious, for it would be nearly impossible to successfully reach the Millennium Development Goals without addressing the situation of indigenous peoples in such countries.
有影响力的用户可能试图给管 理机构施加压力,以便将规章制度向对自身有利的方向转变 多占 供 水 份额。
Influential users may try to bring pressures to bear on management organisations in order to distort the rules in their favour and obtain an unfair share of the water.
在外国犯人中,来自美洲的犯人多 (占外国犯人总数的 38.7%)。
Among foreigners, Americans
[...] constituted the majority (38.7 per cent of the [...]
total number of foreign offenders).
我 想問局長,現今很多香港 人 和 遊客也很流 行 吃 自 助 餐 , 每次也會 拋棄多 吃 剩 的食物,政府 會 否調查 和 統 計 多 少 食物被 拋棄, 又 會 否將那些原本將會 被 拋棄的食物及時轉 贈 給 需要那些食物的窮 人 呢 ?
May I ask the Secretary whether the Government will conduct a survey and compile statistics on the amount of food being thrown away?
在这方面,我们认为关键是要规范和努力促进以 下工作:加强体育锻炼;减少饮食中的盐分、糖分、 饱和脂肪和反式脂肪含量多吃水果和蔬菜;以及减 少热量摄入。
In that regard, we consider it vital to regulate and work to promote such areas as increasing physical activity; reducing salt, sugar, and saturated and trans-fats in diets; increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables; and reducing calorie intake.




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