

单词 多代

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多代表团 要求继续采用并改进基于结果的计划编制法,包括使用与评估和监测相关的预期定 [...]
Many delegations urged a continued [...]
application and refinement of the results-based programming approach, including the use
of quantitative and qualitative expected results, performance indicators and benchmark indicators, to be linked to evaluation and monitoring.
它表示感谢多代表团承认难以控制的非法移民流入给马耳他带来的种 种挑战。
It expressed appreciation for the
[...] recognition by many delegations of the challenges [...]
arising for Malta from an unmanageable influx of illegal immigrants.
多代表团 赞赏报告详述了各项建议的实施情况,但指出原本希望能看到 [...]
Delegations expressed appreciation [...]
for the fact that the report provided a descriptive account of the implementation of
the recommendations, but noted that they would have liked to have seen more analysis of the implementation activities and the impact of those activities.
多代表团表示,为此需要提供有针对性的、及时且适 足的支持。
Many delegations stated that [...]
targeted, timely and adequate support was needed in this regard.
多代表团 支持制定一项全球标准,指出石榴的生产和贸易已经扩展到近东以外 地区,由于许多国家对此商品越来越感兴趣,因而将有巨大的市场潜力。
A number of delegations supported the [...]
elaboration of a worldwide standard, noting that the production and trade of pomegranate
extended beyond the Near East Region and that there would be significant market potential in view of growing interest in this commodity in many countries.
多代表团 对这份全面的国 家报告表示欢迎,该报告是通过一个由所有利害关系方参加的协商进程以及肯尼 [...]
Many delegations welcomed the [...]
comprehensive national report, which had been formulated through a consultative process involving
all relevant stakeholders and the commitment of Kenya to the universal periodic review.
拉丁美洲及加勒比地区同意支持萨尔 多代 表 中 美洲地区提出的采取“预防青年暴 力”的行动的要求,并将其视为自己的要求,因为“拉帮”、“结派”的犯罪团伙现象已表 [...]
The Latin America and the Caribbean region has agreed to support and
consider as its own, the request
[...] presented by El Salvador on behalf of the Central [...]
American subregion to initiate an action
for the “prevention of youth violence” as evidenced in the gang phenomenon of “Maras” or “Pandillas”.
此外,多代表团 认为,由于持续存在限制性原产地规则 和非关税贸易壁垒,例如标准和技术措施,加上严格的供应限制和有关贸易的基 [...]
In addition, many delegations expressed the view [...]
that the persistence of restrictive rules of origin and non-tariff trade
barriers, such as standards and technical measures, as well as severe supply constraints and a trade-related infrastructure deficit, had prevented least developed countries from fully harnessing the gains associated with greater market access.
萨尔多 代表团 吁请殖民国履行其道义和政治义务,和阿根 廷重新谈判,尽快为该争端寻求一个公正、和平和 [...]
His delegation called on the colonial [...]
Power to honour its moral and political obligation to resume negotiations with Argentina
to find a just, peaceful and definitive solution to the dispute as soon as possible.
多代表团 指出里约+20 大会的主题之一是“在可持续发展和根除贫困 [...]
范畴内实行绿色经济”,但同时亦强调应从可持续发展的更为广阔的视角看 待绿色经济。
Many delegations noted one of the [...]
themes of Rio+20, ―green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty
eradication‖, but emphasized that the green economy should be viewed in the broader context of sustainable development.
此外,多代表团 反对把全面公 约草案和召开一次高级别会议联系起来。
Moreover, many delegations had rejected [...]
the idea of linking the draft comprehensive convention with a high-level conference.
在“2005-2006 年度”之後加上“的 3 個”;在“會期”之後加上 “內”;在“曾”之後加上“三度”;在“研究”之後刪除“現行法 例,在有需要時修訂法例或立法,促使”,並以“修訂《殘疾歧視條
[...] 與”代替;在“各公共交通機構”之後加上“商討”;在“(三)”之 後刪除“優先推行”,並以“帶頭聘用 多 ” 代 替 ; 及在“私人機 構”之前刪除“就業配額制度,並鼓勵”,並以“,以便對”代替, [...]
To add "on three occasions" after "motions passed"; to add "three Sessions of" after "by this Council in the"; to delete "Sessions" after "2005-2006" and substitute with ","; to delete "examining the existing legislation and, if necessary, introducing legislative amendments or enacting laws to press" after "(a)" and substitute with "exploring amending the Disability Discrimination Ordinance to remove legal impediments to the provision of fare concessions to people with disabilities in genuine need, and discussing with"; to delete "according priority to the introduction
of a quota system for"
[...] after "(c)" and substitute with "taking the lead in"; to add "more" after "employing"; [...]
and to delete
"and encouraging its implementation in" after "people with disabilities," and substitute with "so as to set a positive example for".
我们知道刚才通过的决议纯属技术性质,而且多代表团设法保持这样,但尽管如此,同时也鉴于黎 巴嫩曾经对第 [...]
1929(2010)号决议——专家小组是依 照其第 29 段设立的——投了弃权票,因此,黎巴嫩 按照其一贯的立场,今天再次投了弃权票。
Despite our awareness that the resolution we have
just adopted is purely technical in
[...] nature and that many delegations have striven to [...]
keep it so, and because Lebanon abstained
in the voting on resolution 1929 (2010) — whereby, pursuant to its paragraph 29, the Panel of Experts was established — Lebanon, in line with its consistent position, abstained again today in the voting.
多代表团向经社会通报了为发展和(或)提高与邻国的交通运输联系, [...]
其计划中的或正在开展的国家举措和活动,并说这些都是扩大本区域内和与 其他区域的互联互通的一部分,其中包括欧亚交通运输联系。
Many delegations apprised the Commission [...]
of the national initiatives and activities that were planned or being undertaken
to develop and/or enhance transport linkages with neighbouring countries as part of expanding connectivity across the region and with other regions, including Euro-Asia Transport Linkages.
正如多代表在 2006 年辩论会(第 5474 次会议) [...]
上正确指出的那样,依照《宪章》的条款实行制裁并 且使其具有高度合法性,是极为重要的。
As many rightly pointed out during [...]
the debate in 2006 (5474th meeting), it is of the utmost importance that sanctions are
adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and that they have a high degree of legitimacy.
多代表团 认为,国际食品贸易中食品安全标准(分别为植物和动物健康)应该 由三个姊妹组织制定,明确私营标准的法律地位非常重要,因此最好在 [...]
WTO 的 SPS 和 TBT 委员会会议解决这个问题,所有的利益相关者都将出席。
A number of delegations were of the view [...]
that the benchmarks for food safety (and respetively for plant and animal health)
for international food trade should be those established by the three sister organizations and that it was very important to clarify the legal status of private standards, therefore the best place to address this matter was the WTO SPS and TBT committees were all stakeholders were present.
此外,多代表团还强调了汇款在建设发展中国家生 产能力方面的潜在作用。
In addition, many delegations underscored the [...]
potential of remittances in the creation of productive capacities in developing countries.
收 入 增 加 主 要 是 由 於 處 理 額 外 集 裝 箱 帶 來 額 外 收 入 , 以 及 本 集 團 就 拓 展 服 務 與航運 公 司 訂 立多 代 理 協 議 增 加 代 理 服 務 收 入 所 致 。
The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to extra revenue from additional containers handled and increased revenue from agency services as more agency agreements were entered into with shipping companies to extend our services.
我希望,并且我相信今 天在座的多代表团 也希望,该报告将会宣布,裁军 审议委员会今年就其议程上的重要项目达成了共识。
It is my hope and, I am
[...] sure, the hope of many delegations here today, that [...]
the report will be able to state that this year
the Disarmament Commission reached consensus on the important issues on its agenda.
收 入 增 加 主 要 是 由 於 平 均 收 費 增 加 ,
處 理 額 外 集 裝 箱 帶 來 額 外 收 入 , 本 集 團 就 拓 展 服
[...] 務 與航運 公 司 訂 立多 代 理 協 議 增 加 代 理 服 [...]
務 收 入 , 以 及 來 自 本 地 貨 物 增 長 導 致 了 拆 箱 拼 箱 、
存 倉 及 運 輸 等 服 務 大 幅 增 長 , 從 而 令 綜 合 物 流 服 務 增 加 。
The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to increase in average selling price (the ‘‘ASP’’ ), revenue generated from additional
containers handled, increased revenue from
[...] agency services as more agency agreements [...]
were entered into with shipping companies
to extend our services, and the increase in integrated logistics services as the increase in gateway cargos led to the substantial growth in cargo consolidation and deconsolidation, storage and transportation.
多代表表 示,分配问题往往会造成竞争主管机 构和政府部门之间的紧张关系。
Many delegates claimed that the [...]
problem of allocation could often generate tension between the competition agency and government ministries.
多代表说,他们希望有更多时间考虑这一问题,且由于需得到缔约方会议的批准, [...]
因而不可能在 2006 年之前建立新体制,因此建议将此议题列入执行委员会今后会议的议程 中。
Many representatives said that they would [...]
prefer more time to consider the issue and, given that the need for endorsement
by the Meeting of the Parties would preclude introduction of a new system before 2006, it was suggested that the issue be on the agenda of future meetings of the Executive Committee.
多代表团 讲述了若干机构或组织的能力建设活动,这些机构或组织包括全 [...]
球环境基金、政府间海洋学委员会、国际海底管理局、国际渔业有关活动监测、 控制和监督网络、国际海洋学会、国际海事法研究所、日本的日本财团、罗兹学 院、联合国大学渔业培训方案、地中海区域海洋污染紧急反应中心、海事组织(通
过其技术合作委员会开展活动),以及海洋事务和海洋法司开展的活动(另见第 86 段)。
Many delegations highlighted the [...]
capacity-building activities of a number of bodies or organizations, including the Global
Environment Facility, IOC, ISA, the International Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Network for Fisheries-related Activities, IOI, the International Maritime Law Institute, the Nippon Foundation of Japan, the Rhodes Academy, the United Nations University (UNU) Fisheries Training Programme, the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea and the IMO Technical Cooperation Committee, as well as the activities of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (see also para. 86 below).
为了打败XANA,他们大大低估了,杰里米计划能设计 多代 理 系统,以打击他。
In order to defeat XANA, whom they have vastly underestimated, Jeremy plans
[...] to design another multi-agent system to combat him.
他們 促請政府當局考慮容許業界選出 多代 表 加 入該公司董事局,讓 業界提名人選以供委任為諮詢委員會成員,從而在董事局和諮詢 [...]
They urged the Administration to consider allowing the
[...] industry to elect more representatives to the Board of [...]
the HKIRC, and allowing the industry
to nominate members for appointment to the CAP, so as to increase the industry's representation at both the Board and the CAP level.
多代表团关切地注意到,为帮助来自发展中国家的法律和 技术委员会以及财务委员会成员支付差旅费而设立的自愿信托基金缺乏捐款。
However, many delegations noted with concern [...]
the lack of contributions to the voluntary trust fund established to help defray
the travel expenses of members of the Legal and Technical Commission and the Finance Committee from developing countries.
多代表团 谈到在加强性别平等、增强妇女权能方面各自取得的成就,包括 [...]
通过立法促进妇女的权利,增加妇女的机会,提出和通过强调增强妇女权能和发 展的行动方案和计划。
Many delegations mentioned their [...]
own achievements in enhancing gender equality and the empowerment of women, including the
adoption of legislation promoting the rights and opportunities of women and the preparation and adoption of programmes and plans of action that highlighted the empowerment and development of women.
多代表团 提请注意曾给予《公约》起草者启发的原则,包括利用海洋资 [...]
源的权利平等、促进世界各国人民的经济发展和社会正义、加强国际和平与安全、 以及海洋法治。
Delegations drew attention [...]
to the principles that had inspired the drafters of the Convention, including equality of rights
in the use of ocean resources, promotion of economic advancement and social justice for all peoples of the world and strengthening of international peace and security and the rule of law in oceans and seas.
[...] 国、相关联合国机构和其他国际组织的 多代 表 承诺通过实物捐助的 方式支持亚太统计所,因此建议应寻求一些方法来增加来自这些来源 [...]
As many representatives of member States, [...]
United Nations agencies and other international organizations pledged support
for SIAP by way of in kind contributions, it was recommended that ways be sought to increase the number of experts from those sources.
多代表团 欢迎妇女署参加与开发署、儿基会和人口基金举行的关于统一预 [...]
算和成果的方法的讨论,包括参加编制 2014 年综合预算、进行费用分类和按成 果编制预算的活动,他们欢迎 2011 年年度会议计划进行关于该主题的讨论。
Many delegations welcomed the participation [...]
of UN-Women in discussions on the harmonization of budgets and results methodologies,
including work towards an integrated budget in 2014, cost classifications and results-based budgeting with UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA, and the planned discussion on this topic at the annual session of 2011.




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