

单词 夙愿得偿

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界的难题和挑战,以帮助人类实现其和平、安全与平 等这夙愿呢?
Is there any way to address the problems and challenges besetting the world by using the prevailing
international mechanisms and tools so as to help humankind
[...] achieve its long-standing aspirations of peace, security [...]
and equality?
若您想得高品质的教育和体验美好的生活方式,澳大利亚定会让您 愿 以 偿。
So if you want a quality education and a good lifestyle, Australia’s the place to be.
保健机构有权选用以下的做法:在开始提供保健服务前,它可 得 强 制 性和 (或) 自愿性赔偿金钱 和非金钱损失的第三者责任保险。
The healthcare establishment was granted the right to choose: before it
starts providing healthcare
[...] services, it may obtain compulsory and / or voluntary third party [...]
liability insurance coverage
for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage.
缔约国应在下一次定期报告中向委员会提供有关个 得 到 此种 赔 偿 的 案 件的 统计数据和案例。
The State party should provide the Committee with
[...] relevant statistical data and examples of cases in which individuals have received such compensation in its next [...]
periodic report.
我期待有一天能够站在这一讲台上,报告我们已 经解决了该问题,并且找到了相互接受的妥协办法, 而非一方愿以偿地得到了 一切而另一方却一无所 获的强加结果。
I look forward to the day when I can stand at this rostrum and report that we have resolved that issue and that we have found a mutually acceptable compromise, not an imposed outcome where one side gets everything that it has ever wanted and the other side gets nothing.
[...] 应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害 得 到 赔 偿 , 妇 女在法律与实践中无保留地 享有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those
responsible were brought to justice and the
[...] victims granted reparations and that women [...]
be granted unqualified equality with men in law and in practice.
12.9 亦有投訴因私夙怨而起。
12.9 There are also complaints caused by personal feud.
關於上述第(i)段的情況,投訴人有時利用條例作渠道,以發洩個 夙怨 或向另一方施壓,以達到其他目的,而不是真正關注其個人資料私隱權 [...]
In situation mentioned in (i) above, complainants have sometimes made
use of the redress channel under the
[...] Ordinance to vent personal feud or in order [...]
to put pressure upon the other party to
achieve objective other than genuine concern for protection of his or her personal data privacy right.
To master your craft takes years of dedication and perseverance.
随四季变化,我们需要对日常的起居、饮食、锻炼方式作出调整,并合理应对各种情绪变化与头晕、失眠等不良症状,保持平和、愉悦的心情,以便调养身体与情志,实现健康、长寿 夙愿。
By addressing these symptoms, it is possible to maintain a calmness in daily life, to take care of our physical and emotion well-being and thus achieve health and a longer life.
应当指出,这位大使在其任内开展的全都是 愿 无 偿 的 行 动,通过这些行动,儿童俱 乐部和代表联谊会的设施和运得到 改 善,以及由于她利用庆祝教科文组织成立五十周年, 倡导开展的筹资运动从会员国和个人募集捐款(673,100 美元),专门对会议大厅进行了全面 [...]
It should be recalled that the efforts made
[...] by the Ambassador during her term, all of which had been voluntary, led to improvements in operations and equipment at the Children’s [...]
Club and
the Delegates’ Circle and to the complete renovation of the Conference Hall financed exclusively by contributions from Member States and individuals ($673,100) collected during a fund-raising campaign she had launched and carried out on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of UNESCO.
(b) 在公司欠债权人的所有债务被偿前 , 不 得 根 据 各会员国认购公司股本的比例向会员国 进行资产分割,并且只有在理事会超过半数的理事以超过总投票权半数的投票决定后, 才能进行上述资产分割。
(b) No distribution shall be made to members on account of their subscriptions to the capital stock of the Corporation until all liabilities to creditors shall have been discharged or provided for and until the Board of Governors, by vote of a majority of the Governors exercising a majority of the total voting power, shall have decided to make such distribution.
其㆓: 阻礙首次置業者達成願望的主要因素,並非樓價偏高與市民收入脫節, 而是銀行住宅按揭條件苛刻,令市 夙 願 難
Secondly, the major factor that inhibits aspiring home buyers from buying flats is not the fact that the prices of properties are too high and out of line with people's income, but the harsh mortgage terms set by the banks which made it is hard for the public to fulfil their long-cherished wishes.
它鼓励乍 得落实其增进各项人权的愿,鼓励 乍 得 努 力向所有人开放高等教育,并承诺逐 步改善学生的社会状况。
It encouraged Chad to put into practice its willingness to promote all human rights, congratulated it on the efforts to make higher education accessible [...]
to all and for the commitment
to improve progressively the social situation of students.
專員在沒有進一步證據證明該作為或行為會影響個人資料私 隱,或如何對有關資料當事人造成損害或痛苦下,介入私人糾紛夙 怨,是超越條例的立法原意。
It is beyond the legislative intent of the Ordinance for the Commissioner to intervene in personal disputes or feuds without further evidence or proof to show how the act or practice would have an impact on personal data privacy or how it has caused damages or suffering to the data subject concerned.
由(综合支助事务处)特遣队所属装备和财产管理科转至(行政事务处)总 务科的 3 个股的组成如下:验收股(1 个
P-4(通过调任——见下文第 123 段)、20 个外勤人员员额、20
[...] 个本国一般事务人员员额和 6 个国际联合国愿人员员额);偿和财产调查委员会股(1 个 P-4 员额、1 个 [...]
P-2 员额、2 个外勤人员员额、1 个本国一般事务人员员额和
1 个国际联合国志愿人员员额);资产处置股(1 个 P-3 员额、8 个外勤人员员额和 9 个本国一般事务人员员额)。
The three units to be transferred from the Contingent-owned Equipment and Property Management Section (Integrated Support Services) to the General Services Section (Administrative Services) are composed as follows: Receiving and Inspection Unit (1 P-4 (through reassignment — see para. 123 below), 20 Field Service posts, 20 national General
Service staff posts and 6
[...] International United Nations Volunteer posts); Claims and Property [...]
Survey Board Unit (1 P-4 post,
1 P-2 post, 2 Field Service posts, 1 national General Service staff post and 1 International United Nations Volunteer post); Property Disposal Unit (1 P-3 post, 8 Field Service posts and 9 national General Service staff posts).
计划的 质量及其人员的地区招聘使本组织计划实施延 得 到补 偿,而且非常有利于本组织在教育部门处于领先地位。
The quality and the regional-wide recruitment of staff on the
programme enabled the
[...] Organization to compensate for delays in programme execution and contributed [...]
substantially to positioning
UNESCO as the lead agency for the Education Sector.
委员会欣见在 10 年略多一点的时间里,已有 99 个缔约国加入 1999 年通过的《公约任择议定书》,从而为世界所有区域数百万妇女提供了就《公 约》所述侵犯权利行为向委员会请愿的权利,并使委员会本身能够调查严重或系 统违反《公约》条款的行为委员会感到高兴的是,妇女越来越多地使用这一工具 来确保享有权利,缔约国也对委员会关于个人投诉的意见和建议作出积极回应, 包括废除歧视性法律、政策和方案,采取与《公约》相符的积极主动措施,并向 个别愿人提供赔偿。
The Committee is gratified that the Convention’s Optional Protocol, adopted a little over 10 years ago in 1999, has been adhered to by 99 States parties, thereby providing millions of women from all regions of the world with the right to petition the Committee in regard to alleged violations of the rights set out in the Convention and enabling the Committee itself to inquire into grave or systematic violations of the terms of the Convention.
捐赠者有权利获得医疗协助直到充 分康复为止,并享有权利因手术造成的任何伤害 得 赔 偿。
The donor also has the
[...] right to be compensated for any injuries [...]
caused by the surgery.
这一工作愿以偿,其 证明是,对本组织关于促进建设知识社会的四 项重要原则,即:言论自由、普遍获取信息和知识,特别是获取公有领域的信息和知识、文 化和语言多样性、以及享受优质教育机会的原则给予了支持,并将它们列入了信息社会问题 世界首脑会议的最后文件。
That this was largely achieved is attested by the support for and the inclusion in the final WSIS documents of the Organization’s four key principles for building knowledge societies, namely: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge, especially in the public domain; cultural and linguistic diversity; and access to quality education.
以製作馬術用具作為根源,巴黎百年時裝皮具品牌Hermès出產的紡織品和瓷器餐具同 夙 負 盛 名。
Based on horsemanship, French heritage leather goods luxury house Hermès is also known for their knitwear and ceramics.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
问题是农民对农作物品种的保存和对革新所做出的 贡献是否也应该受到保护得到补偿。
The question is whether this contribution of farmers to conservation and innovation should be
[...] either protected or rewarded.
[...] 立这样的机制可能会妨碍国际债务市场,因为代价昂贵的违约行为产生一 偿还 意愿,而 旨在减少这些费用的政策可能会缩小国际贷款范围或使贷款更加昂贵。
Opponents of the mechanism emphasized that restructuring bonded debt was not as difficult as is often claimed and suggested that the establishment of such a mechanism could have hampered the
international debt market because costly
[...] defaults create a willingness to repay and any [...]
policy aimed at reducing those costs
could shrink international lending or make it more expensive.
关于佛得角的审议结果内容有:普遍定期审议工作组的报告(A/HRC/10/ 81), 加 上 佛 得
[...] 角 对建议和(或 )结论提出的意见,以及得 角 作出的愿承 诺 和该 国在全体会议通过审议结果之 [...]
前 对在与工作组互动对话中未 及 充 分讨论的问题作 出的答复。
The outcome of the review on Cape Verde is constituted of the report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (A/HRC/10/81), together with the views of Cape Verde concerning
the recommendations and/or
[...] conclusions, as well as its voluntary commitments and its [...]
replies presented before the adoption
of the outcome by the plenary to questions or issues that were not sufficiently addressed during the interactive dialogue in the Working Group.
具体的财政收益包括,到期收益,即使该收 益还没有收到,减去预先支出,以及无偿和 部分偿获得的收益。
The definition of revenues includes, amongst others, due revenues, even if they are not received, excluding payments in advance, free and partially free benefits.
[...] 了西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦人民的所有权 利,而国际社会愿采取行动,使得 占 领 军更加胆 大妄为,无视世界各地穆斯林的感情,在耶路撒冷 [...]
The occupying Power was still building the racist separation wall which violated all the rights of the Palestinian people in
the West Bank, particularly in East
[...] Jerusalem where the reluctance of the international [...]
community to take action had emboldened
the forces of occupation to disregard the feelings of Muslims around the world by digging further tunnels under Jerusalem.
[...] 处理;(b)许可人如被提供额外保护,这种额外保护超出其简单终止许可协议得,将愿意发 放非排他性许可;(c)被许可人作为次级许可人仅在能够取得次级 [...]
受付权上的担保权的情况下,愿意发放非排他性次级许可;(d)购置款融资非由 所有权人作为转让人或作为许可人提供,也非由被许可人作为次级许可人提 供,而是由第三方出贷人提供。
The same situation could occur where: (a) the grantor seeks to acquire an exclusive licence, which is treated as a transfer of the intellectual property itself; (b) a licensor would be willing to grant a non-exclusive licence on credit if
it is granted additional protection
[...] beyond that which it would get by simply terminating [...]
the licence agreement; (c) a licensee,
as a sub-licensor, is willing to grant a non-exclusive sublicence only if it can acquire a security right in the rights of a sub-licensee and any rights to payment of sub-royalties payable to the sub-licensee by a sub-sub-licensee; and (d) the acquisition financing is provided not by the owner as transferor or as licensor, nor by the licensee as sub-licensor, but by a third-party lender.
(d) 对于按照工作人员条例(a)款第㈥项的规定解雇的工作人员,如情况确 有必要,并经秘书长认为正当时,可增加解雇 偿 金 ,但 不 得 超 过 按照《工作人 员条例》原应发给的数额再加 50%。
(d) The Secretary-General may, where the circumstances warrant and he or she considers it justified, pay to a staff member whose appointment has been terminated, provided that the termination
is not contested, a
[...] termination indemnity payment not more than 50 per cent higher than that which would otherwise be [...]
payable under the Staff Regulations.
由于液晶显示屏在未关闭背光照明的情况下无法再现完全漆黑的效果,因此,为了确保屏幕能够成功呈现漆黑效果,画面工程师在历经漫长的探索研究之后终 得偿 所 愿。
Because an LCD display can't reproduce true, pitch-black without turning off its backlighting, our image engineers have gone to exceptional lengths to ensure that our screens are capable of doing just that.




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