单词 | 外郭城 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 外郭城—outer city wallSee also:郭城—outer city wall 郭—surname Guo outer city wall 城郭—a city wall 城外—outside of a city
一位成员引用海外城市的经验,提议就旅游巴士的运作需要提 供豁免。 forum.gov.hk | Citing experience from overseas cities, amembersuggested [...] exempting tourist coaches for their operational needs. forum.gov.hk |
除上文所披露者外,并无任何其他有关郭先生而根据创业板上市规则第17.50(2)条 (h)至 (v)段须予披露或须知会股东之事宜。 cre8ir.com | Save as disclosed above, there is [...] no other matterabout Mr. Guowhichare required tobe disclosed [...]pursuant to paragraphs (h) [...]to (v) of Rule 17.50(2) of the GEM Listing Rules or need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders. cre8ir.com |
此次活动,特别感谢外交部与驻奥克兰台北经济文化办事处的赞助;王彦岚、何刘文莉、江沧梁、陈闽雄等常务理事,张晓君、卢百城、潘以明、郭明雯、杨经南等理事,王乾元、陈荣辉、周明政监事和前常务理事 程美梁等多位理监事及家人的热心帮忙,以及许瑛娟、陈淑惠、李冰玲等多位乡亲义务帮忙,让这次活动热闹且圆满的结束。 hwahsia.org.nz | THHSNZ would like to give special thanks to the sponsorships from the Ministryof ForeignAffairs, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, Mr. Bert Jiang, THHSNZ Vice-Chairman Ms. Yen-Lan [...] Wang, Executive Director Mr. Min-Hsiung [...]Chen, Ms. Wendy Ho, Eva Chang, Benjamin Pan, Director Andy Lu, Ms. Nancy Kuo, Supervisor Mr. Chien-Yuan Wang, Mr. Jung-Hui Chen, Mr. James Chou, and former executive director Mei-Liang Cheng, as well as a number of other directors, supervisors and their family members who were eager to help out with the festivities. hwahsia.org.nz |
来自世界遗产中心、咨询机构、中国政府、亚太地区国家、姐妹二类中心等近50代表参加了本次会议,嘉宾包有世界遗产中心亚太部主任景峰博士、国际文物保护与修复研究中心遗产部主任Joseph KING先生、项目主管Gamini WIJESURIYA博士、国际古迹遗址理事会咨询顾问Carolina Castellanos女士、世界自然遗产保护联盟世界遗产官员Haifaa Abdulhalim女士、国际古迹遗址理事会副主席郭旃先生、中国住房与城乡建设部城建司副司长李如生先生、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会杜越先生。 whitr-ap.org | About 50 representatives from WHC, the Advisory Bodies, Chinese Government, countries in the Asia-Pacific region and other delegation participated in the Meeting, including Dr. Feng JING (Director of the Asia-Pacific Unit of WHC), Mr. Joseph KING (Director of Site Unit of ICCROM), Dr. Gamini WIJESURIYA (Project Manager of ICCROM), Ms. Carolina Castellanos (Consultant of ICOMOS) and Ms. Haifaa Abdulhalim [...] (World Heritage Officer of [...] IUCN),Mr. Zhan GUO, DeputyPresident of ICOMOS, Mr. RushengLI, Deputy Director of Departmentof Urban Construction of Chinese Ministry of HousingandUrban-Rural Development [...]and Mr. Yue DU, [...]Secretary-General of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. whitr-ap.org |
华懋慈善行」作为西贡首个大型生态活动,反应热烈,并邀得行政会议成员梁智鸿医生,GBM,GBS,JP;中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室社工部副部长黄清芳先生;渔农自然护理署助理署长沈振雄先生;西贡乡事委员会主席骆水生先生MH、西贡区社区中心主席袁土星先生;香港大学校长徐立之教授、香港中文大学校长沈祖尧教授;香港城市大学校长郭位教授及香港理工大学常务及学务副校长陈正豪教授参与主持起步仪式。 welovegreenhk.com | The Chinachem Charity Walk not only drew an excellent public response but also invited a number of notable guests from diverse sectors to join the opening ceremony, including Dr. the Honourable Leong Che-hung, GBM, GBS, JP, Member, Executive Council; Mr. Huang Qingfang, Deputy Director, Social Work Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R.; Mr. Joseph Sham, Assistant Director (Country & Marine Parks), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR; Mr. Lok Shui-sang, MH, Chairman, Sai Kung Rural Committee; Mr. Yuen To-shing, Chairman, Sai Kung District Community Centre; Professor Tsui Lap-Chee OC, PhD, FRS, FRSC, Vice-Chancellor, the University of Hong Kong; Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, SBS, Vice-Chancellor / [...] President, The Chinese University [...] of Hong Kong;ProfessorKuo Way, President, City University [...]of Hong Kong; Professor Philip [...]C.H. Chan, Deputy President and Provost, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. welovegreenhk.com |
他热爱品牌的同时更热心慈善,他对不幸而贫穷的人极其慷慨,常通过其在2003年成立的郭富城慈善基金有限公司及其他慈善组织资助受虐待儿童,及从事其他慈善活动。 longines.cn | When it comes to the disadvantaged, he [...] is extremely generous, through the work [...] of both theAaron Kwok Charity Foundation [...]Ltd (set up in 2003) and numerous other [...]organisations that help for instance victims of child abuse. longines.com |
会上,上海交通大学的王如竹教授做了关于“中国能源的前景”的主题报告;国际交流处郭亮副处长介绍了上海交通大学对外交流合作和未来发展的情况;挪威研究理事会(Research Council [...] of Norway)的Rune Volla博士做了关于“挪威能源领域研究与国际合作战略”的主题报告。 norway.org.cn | Prof. Wang Ruzhu talked about the future [...] development of China’s energy sector; Ms.Guo Liang,Deputy Chief of the International [...]Exchange Office, [...]briefed on SJTU's international cooperation and exchange; and Dr. Rune Volla with the Research Council of Norway (RCN) introduced the energy research and international cooperation strategy in Norway. norway.cn |
此外, 郭氏亦为郭氏家族成员之一,而郭氏家族於香港及新加坡之物业发展及投资项目等业务中持有若干个人权益及视作拥 [...] 有之权益。 wingtaiproperties.com | Also, Mr. Kwok is a member of the Kwok Family which [...] maintains certain personal and deemed interests in the businesses consisting [...]of property developments and investments in Hong Kong and Singapore. wingtaiproperties.com |
在此方面,我的儿童 与武装冲突问题特别代表 2009 年 2 月提出对以色列定居者 2008 年袭击前往希伯伦城外的Al-Tuwani 学校的学龄儿童一事进行调查,但以色列当局还未对此作出 回应。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the Israeli authorities have not yet responded to the request of my Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict in February 2009 to investigate the 2008 attack by Israeli settlers of children on their way to the Al-Tuwani School outside Hebron. daccess-ods.un.org |
除此以外,城市的不连贯、分散和低密度提高了公共基础设施的成本,增加了能源消耗, 从而加剧了这些城市的不可持续性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to this,discontinuous, scattered and low-density cities raise the costs [...] of public infrastructure and increase [...]energy consumption, adding to the unsustainability of such cities. daccess-ods.un.org |
除上文所披露者外及除身为本公司主要股东新鸿基地产发展有限公司之副主席兼董事总经理外,郭先生与任何董事、本公司高级管理层或主要或控股股东并无任何关系。 wingtaiproperties.com | Save as disclosed above and apart from being the Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties [...] Limited which is a substantial shareholder of [...] the Company,Mr. Kwok doesnot have any [...]relationship with any Directors, senior [...]management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. wingtaiproperties.com |
郭富城大陆网站联盟、MP3、在线MTV、城城酷照壁纸等。 business-china.com | Guo richcity mainland website alliance, MP3, on-line MTV,city city very [...] according to wallpaper. business-china.com |
此外,城市旅游还将探索公共空间的心理效应。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition, citytours will explore [...] the psychological effects of public space. tipschina.gov.cn |
评选团其他成员包括安老事务委员会主席陈章明教授;香港城市大学校长郭位教授、一直十分支持是项选举活动的妇女事务委员会前任主席高静芝、港灯董事总经理曹棨森及社联行政总裁方敏生。 sc.hkelectric.com | The adjudication panel also includes Chairman of the Elderly [...] Commission, Professor Alfred [...] Chan Cheung-ming; President of the City University of Hong Kong, Professor WayKuo;former chairperson [...]of the Women’s Commission, [...]Ms. Sophia Kao Ching-chi; Managing Director of HK Electric, Mr. Tso Kai-sum; and Chief Executive of HKCSS, Ms. Christine Fang. hkelectric.com |
除郭氏家族之家族业务外,郭炳联先生及容永忠先生被视作拥有权益之上述竞争性业务,均由上市公司之独立管理及 行政人员负责管理。 wingtaiproperties.com | Other than the family businesses [...] of the Kwok Family, the aforesaid competing businesses, in which Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond [...]and Mr. Yung Wing [...]Chung, are regarded to be interested, are managed by separate publicly listed companies with independent management and administration. wingtaiproperties.com |
是日嘉宾及讲者包括:深圳市人民政府副秘书长 高国辉先生,广东省科学技术协会合作交流部部长 郑德胜先生丶香港创新科技署署长 王荣珍太平绅士丶立法会议员 谭伟豪博士丶香港城市大学校长郭位教授丶香港中文大学副校长 黄乃正教授丶香港贸易发展局制造业拓展总监 周瑞怰先生丶香港科技园公司高级经理 林挺博士丶香港生物科技研究院有限公司生物制品部及GMP顾问服务部经理 杨树英博士丶海康生命科技有限公司事业发展总监 [...] 汤浩博士丶华大基因香港研发中心有限公司执行总监 [...]王立志先生丶深圳市新产业生物医学工程有限公司总经理 饶微先生等。 hkbio.org.hk | Dr. the Honourable Samson Wai-Ho TAM, JP, Legislative Council Member; Prof. Way KUO, Foreign Member of Chinese [...] Academy of Sciences and [...] Presidentof CityUniversity of Hong Kong; Prof. Henry N.C. WONG, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mr. Ralph CHOW, [...]Director of Product [...]Promotion, Hong Kong Trade Development Council; Dr. Stephen LAM, Senior Manager, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation; Dr. Ken YEUNG, Unit Head, Biologics Unit and GMP Consultation Service Unit, The Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology; Dr. Curt TANG, Corporate Development Director, Hai Kang Life Corporation Limited; Mr. Alex WONG, Executive Director, BGI-Hong Kong Co. hkbio.org.hk |
杀人犯》的故事主角凌光〈郭富城饰〉正是配戴着这枚Admiral系列腕表,此24小时显示型号 (两地时间) 配备L704自动上链机械机芯,摆动频率每小时28,800次,具备46小时能量储备。 longines.cn | This 24h (double time zone) model is fitted with the L704 automatic selfwinding mechanical movement, producing 28,800 alternations per hour and offering a power reserve of 46 hours. longines.jp |
除上文所披露者外,郭先生与本公 司任何董事、高级管理层、管理层股东、主要股东或控股股东概无关连,亦无於本公司证 [...] 券中持有证券及期货条例第XV部所界定之任何权益。 cre8ir.com | Save as disclosed above, Mr. Guoisnot connectedwithany Directors, [...] senior management, management Shareholders, substantial [...]Shareholders or controlling Shareholders of the Company and does not have any interests in the securities in the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO. cre8ir.com |