单词 | 外邦人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 外邦人—gentileSee also:外人—foreigner stranger 外人n—outsidern 邦n—a staten 邦—country or nation
以弗所书 [...] 3:3-6】这在今天也许不再是奥秘,但在新约之前的时代,外邦人在神的国里的位置是无人知晓的。 bcbsr.com | Eph 3:3-6 This may not be much [...] of a revelation today, but prior to New Testament times it was unclear what [...] the status of Gentileswere inGod's [...]kingdom. bcbsr.com |
弥赛亚是所谓的“Hadrach”,作为一个谁领导的异教徒世界悔改(),虽然他是以色列的投标,向外邦人苛刻(亚九1。 mb-soft.com | The Messiah is called "Hadrach" (Zech. ix. 1), as the one who [...] leads the heathen world to repentance (), though he is tender to Israeland [...] harsh toward the Gentiles (:Cant. R.vii. 5). mb-soft.com |
因此,举例来说,问题是讨论是否会有死亡的外邦人“在未来的时间”或没有(创传译二十六。 mb-soft.com | Thus, for instance, the question is discussed whether there will be [...] death for the Gentiles "in thecoming [...]time" or not (Gen. R. xxvi.). mb-soft.com |
犹太人和外邦人包括了人类大家庭所有得救的万民。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | JewandGentile coversall people in [...] the human family to obtain salvation. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
该判决,这在丹尼尔与复活相连,也是个人,以及同样是活的(犹太人和外邦人)在各种不同形式的预言与“主日”就可以判断真实的。 mb-soft.com | The judgment, which in Daniel is connected with the resurrection, is also personal; and [...] the same is true of the judgment of the [...] living (Jews and Gentiles) whichin various [...]forms the prophecies connect with the "day of the Lord". mb-soft.com |
马可也提到从市上回来,就需洗浴,这与卫生无 关,乃是恐怕在市上曾碰到外邦人,或碰到被外邦人碰到的东西,故此要全身洗净。 lordsgrace.ca | Mark also mentions their tradition of having to wash their whole body after they [...] ventured into the marketplace, lest they had [...] contact withthe Gentilesor things that had been touched by the Gentiles. lordsgrace.ca |
另一方面,基督曾明确表示,福音要传给前结束(马太24:14)向所有国家,并期待着圣保罗作为远程事件的犹太人民的最终转化为前面由外邦人转换(罗马书11:25 sqq。 mb-soft.com | On the other hand, Christ had clearly stated that the Gospel was to be preached to all nations before the end (Matthew 24:14), and St. Paul looked forward to the ultimate [...] conversion of the Jewish people as a remote event to be preceded by the [...] conversion of theGentiles (Romans 11:25 sqq.). mb-soft.com |
六月二十九日:教区为庆祝「外邦人的宗徒」诞生二千年而举行「圣保禄年」(28/6/2008-29/6/2009),由汤汉助理主教于主教座堂主持开幕圣祭礼仪。 catholic.org.hk | 29 June: The ¡§Year of St. Paul¡¨ (28/6/2008 ¡V 29/6/2009), which [...] marked the bimillennium of the birth of the [...] Apostleof the Gentiles, was inaugurated [...]in our diocese with a Mass presided over [...]by Bishop John Tong at the Cathedral. catholic.org.hk |
为了说服彼得和保罗去向外邦人传福音,主还借着生动的异象对他们说话(徒 9,10)。 sallee.info | He also spoke to both Peter and Paul through dramatic visions in order to persuade [...] them to goto the Gentiles(Ac9,10). sallee.info |
他有时会找到敬虔的犹太男女,这可 [...] 以帮助他很快地形成新教会的核心;但是他们也带来了世俗和宗教文化 的特征,从而常常阻碍福音在外邦人中的传播。 sallee.info | But they also brought with them both secular and religious cultural traits that [...] often hindered outreach to the Gentiles. sallee.info |
在罗马书15:15-16中,保罗说:「但我稍微放胆写信给你们,是要提醒你们的记性,特因神所给我的恩典,使我为外邦人作基督耶稣的仆役,作神福音的祭司,叫所献上的外邦人,因着圣灵成为圣洁,可蒙悦纳。 amccsm.org | In Romans 15:15-16, Paul states: "Because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God, that the offering of theGentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. amccsm.org |
后来他命令他的使徒到犹太和撒玛利亚以外去、到地极去,传福音,在犹太人里、撒玛利亚人里还有外邦人里招门徒。 bcbsr.com | Later he would commission his apostles to go beyond [...] Judea to Samaria and to the ends of the earth preaching the gospel and making [...] disciples of Jews, Samaritansand Gentiles. bcbsr.com |
在西方,仆人式领导的思想最早可以追溯到耶稣基督,他教导他的门徒说, “你们知道,外邦人有尊为君王者,统治管理他们;有贵为大臣者,操权约束他们。 12manage.com | In the West, the concept of servant leadership can be traced back to Jesus, who taught his disciples: [...] "You know that those who are regarded as [...] rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, [...]and their high officials exercise authority over them. 12manage.com |
53:5,6“神四散的子民”指的是信以色列的神的外邦人。 bcbsr.com | Isaiah 53:5,6 The "children [...] of God scattered abroad" refer to the Gentileswhowere believers [...]in the God of Israel. bcbsr.com |
最后,处于外邦人地区的教 会在规模和重要性上远远超过了耶路撒冷的教会。 sallee.info | Eventually, the [...] churchin theGentile regionsfar surpassed [...]the church in Jerusalem in size and importance. sallee.info |
保罗在写给他在以弗所所建立的教会的信中,描述了一直存在于犹太人和外邦人之间的冲突,以 及藉着十字架可以获得的和睦(弗 [...] 2:11-16)。 sallee.info | In writing to the church he planted in Ephesus, Paul describes [...] the conflict that had existed between [...] the Jewsand the Gentiles as well as the reconciliation [...]that is available by the cross (Eph 2:11-16). sallee.info |
因此,它是在伊萨亚斯,26,19,和丹尼尔,十二,二死人复活,是介绍;和预言,关于犹太人和外邦人的判断,对装修的“主的日子”的描述许多地球,在这一天,同时在有限的意义和对当代事件的基督教时代就职适用,迎来更为恰当的理解世界的尽头等现象。 mb-soft.com | It is thus the resurrection of the dead in Isaias, xxvi, 19, and Daniel, xii, 2, is introduced; and many of the descriptions [...] foretelling "the day of the Lord", the [...] judgment on Jews and Gentiles, the renovation of [...]the earth and other phenomena that usher [...]in that day while applicable in a limited sense to contemporary events and to the inauguration of the Christian Era, are much more appropriately understood of the end of the world. mb-soft.com |
路加做为一个外邦人写给外邦人(提阿非罗),而且他还随保罗对外邦人传道,直至他有记载的传道生涯的最后。 bcbsr.com | Luke isa Gentile writing to a Gentile (Theophilus) and he also traveled with Paul in his ministry to the Gentiles, even to [...] the end of his recorded ministry. bcbsr.com |
新约教会基本上以一群 犹太人开始,然后很快地拓展到了外邦人当中。 sallee.info | It began as a basically Jewish group and then [...] quickly spreadto the Gentiles. sallee.info |
二,接受七十版本首先由亚历山大犹太人,后来由希腊所有葡语国家,有助于在外邦人中的传播理念与弥赛亚的期望,并引入希腊的神学术语,使得它最适当工具为传播基督的福音。 mb-soft.com | B. The Septuagint Version accepted first by the Alexandrian Jews, and afterwards by all [...] the Greek-speaking countries, helped to [...] spread among the Gentiles the ideaand the [...]expectation of the Messias, and to introduce [...]into Greek the theological terminology that made it a most suitable instrument for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ. mb-soft.com |
许多外邦人欣然地接受了福音,特别在他们看到使徒所行的神迹时更是如此。 sallee.info | Manyof theGentiles readilybelieved [...] the message, especially when they saw the miracles performed by the apostles. sallee.info |
耶稣对外邦人的态度与犹太社会对外邦人的态度,甚至他的门徒们对外邦人的态度都极不相同,每次耶稣看到一个外邦人实践信心,就称赞其信心是大的,或者甚至超过了犹太人。 bcbsr.com | Farfrom [...] taking on theracist attitudes the Jewish society and even his disciples may have towards Gentiles, not unlike that of many Jews today, it seems each time Jesus sees a Gentileexercising [...]faith, he commends it [...]as being great or even superior to that of Jews. bcbsr.com |
他们告诉使徒和长老神是怎样 使用他们带领未受割礼的外邦人信基督的。 sallee.info | They told the apostles and elders how God had used them to [...] bring uncircumcised Gentiles to Christ. sallee.info |
vs 16 另外的羊指的是将要来信基督的外邦人,这些人现在已成了羊圈里的大多数。 bcbsr.com | vs 16 The other sheep he [...] refers to arethe Gentileswho would come [...]to faith in Christ, who now make up the majority of the sheepfold. bcbsr.com |
22 因而saith [...] 阁下God, 注视, 我将举开采手对外邦人,和设定我的标准对人民: 并且他们将带来thy [...]儿子在[ 他们的] 胳膊里, 并且thy 女儿将运载在[ 他们的] 肩膀。 goodnewsinc.net | 22 Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up [...] mine hand to the Gentiles, and setup my [...]standard to the people: and they shall bring [...]thy sons in [their] arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon [their] shoulders. goodnewsinc.nu |
保罗 赢得新城市的一般方法是:先到犹太人那里去,只有当犹太人拒绝福音 信息时,才去外邦人那里。 sallee.info | Paul’s normal method of winning a new city was to go to the Jews [...] first and to the Gentiles only when the [...]Jews rejected the message of the Gospel. sallee.info |
这令我想到,这些事件包罗的范围很广──首先,犹太人和外邦人都有,而且他们被杀的方式不同──有的是被随机发生的意外(建筑不良? amccsm.org | It struck me that that is pretty embracive - [...] firstly that included [...] both JewandGentile,andalso they were killed in different ways - by random accident (bad construction?) [...]and also by the deliberate hand of man. amccsm.org |
论到外邦人和犹太律法,彼得、巴拿巴和保罗请求其他领袖凭着道德和良心行事。 sallee.info | Peter, Barnabas and Paul appealed to the ethics and conscience of other leaders to convince them regarding Gentiles and the Jewish law. sallee.info |
耶稣是生命的饼,在十字架上被掰开,就如从主人桌子上扫下来的碎渣一样,被犹太人所拒绝,但掉在地上却被视为狗的外邦人所吃,这样的外邦人成了基督徒的主要成分。 bcbsr.com | Jesus was the bread of life that was broken on the cross to become as crumbs swept off the Master's table being rejected by the Jews to be eaten up byGentile dogs on the ground who would become the primary consituents of the Christian community. bcbsr.com |
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事务大臣一致同意合力促进和支持奥 林匹克休战的理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们共同在和平的环境中通过体育而进行竞赛。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Minister for ForeignAffairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work together to promote and support the ideals of the Olympic Truce to build a better world and [...] bring people from different [...]nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment. daccess-ods.un.org |