

单词 外行

外行 noun ()

laymen n
laity n



while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show


serve (a sentence) outside prison (law)

External sources (not reviewed)

2006 年第 1688(2006)号决议注意到法庭打算在塞拉利昂 外行 使 职 能,请 所有国家在把查尔斯·泰勒移交给荷兰方面给予合作。
Resolution 1688 (2006), taking note of the Court’s intention to exercise its functions away from Sierra Leone, requested all States to cooperate in the transfer of Charles Taylor to the Netherlands.
此外,本 报告亦会讨论中国国内能源政策对 外行 动 的影 响。
The report also looks at the way domestic energy
[...] policy affects China’s actions abroad.
一个值得以任一方式加以保护 的行星”,由开放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案和现行行 星保护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;外行星卫 星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上生命”,由美国国家航空航天局(美国航天局) 喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活中世界外的行星保护:空间研委 会在未来开展的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会 和乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund 介绍;以及“我们丧失了冥王星?
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection
measures”, by Gerhard
[...] Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: [...]
the role of COSPAR
in future exploration missions and in preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of COSPAR and George Washington University; and “We lost Pluto?
外,行动计 划还 包括需要在区域协调机制支持下开展的活 [...]
动以及在筹备区域或全球会议和活动方面 的实质性协调。
In addition, the Action Plan [...]
will include activities to be supported by the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), as well
as substantive coordination in preparation for regional or global meetings and events.
(c) 在任何認股權證所代表所有或任何認購權獲行使時,與獲行使認股權有關 的股份面額,應與該認股權證持有人在行使認股權證所代表認購權(或在 部分行使認購權的情況下,則為有關的部分,視情況而定)時所須支付的 現金金額相等,外,行使認 購權的認股權證持有人就該等認購權將獲配 發面額相等於下列兩項之差的額外入賬列為繳足股份: (i) 該認股權證持有人在行使認股權證所代表認購權(或在部分行使認 購權的情況下,則為有關的部分,視情況而定)時所須支付的上述 現金金額;及
(c) upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights) and, in addition, there shall be allotted in respect of such subscription rights to the exercising warrantholder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal amount of shares as is equal to the difference between
[...] 例子说明美国联邦立法是如何落实美国在公约下承担的义务以及这些法律和政策 措施是如何使美国能够对付外行为 的
He looked forward to hearing other States’ experience and gave examples of how federal legislation in the United States implemented United States
obligations under the Convention, and how such laws and policy measures enabled the
[...] United States to combat acts of xenophobia.
[...] 断,包括基于性别的暴力,尤其是性暴力、贩运、家庭暴力、种族主义和 外行 径、 虐待劳工行为和带有剥削性质的工作条件
Expressing deep concern at the continuing reports of grave abuses and violence committed against migrant women and girls, including gender-based violence, in particular sexual violence,
trafficking, domestic and family
[...] violence, racist and xenophobic acts, abusive [...]
labour practices and exploitative conditions of work
欢迎大会在 2000 年 9 月 8 日通过的《联合国千年宣言》6 中表示决心采取措 施,消除许多社会中不断增多的种族主义和 外行 为 ,进一步促进所有社会的和 谐与容忍,期待《千年宣言》在各级得到切实执行, 在这方面强调,2001 年 8 月 31 日至 9 月 8 日在南非德班举行的反对种族主义、 种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议通过的《德班宣言和行动纲领》7以 及 2009 年 4 月 20 日至 24 日在日内瓦举行的德班审查会议的成果文件8 具有重要意 义,欢迎在执行这些文件方面取得的进展,并强调这些文件是消除种族主义、种族 歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为的一切祸患和表现的坚实基础
Welcoming the resolve expressed in the United Nations Millennium Declaration adopted by the General Assembly on 8 September 20006to take measures to eliminate the increasing acts of racism and xenophobia in many societies and to promote greater harmony and tolerance in all societies, and looking forward to its effective implementation at all levels, Underlining, in this regard, the importance of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban, South Africa, from 31 August to 8 September 20017 and the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference, held in Geneva from 20 to 24 April 2009,8 welcoming the progress achieved in implementing them, and emphasizing that they constitute a solid foundation for the elimination of the scourges and all manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
c. 各种行李,包括外行李, 必须只能载有旅客的私人财物,其他人的财产均不得带到船舶上。
Baggage of any variety, including excess baggage, must contain only personal effects of the Guest and no Property of others shall be carried onboard the Vessel.
[...] [...] 司法和其他相关工作人员提供各种资源和培训;警察和司法机关实施更加强有 力的对策,以确保将煽动仇恨罪的罪犯绳之以法;将警察和司法统计数据作为 监督与此类犯罪有关的趋势的手段;建立一个突出的、可予利用的机制,接收 对外国国民的暴力的案件报告,或者成立一个专门机构,以确保关于社会融合 的各项政府部门方案的有效协调;解决 外行 为 问 题;以及解决煽动仇恨罪问 题。
Specific measures to address violence motivated by xenophobia or hate crimes may include the provision of resources and training for police, justice and other relevant officials, a stronger response of police and justice authorities to ensure that perpetrators of hate crimes are held accountable, using police and justice statistics as a means of monitoring trends in relation to such crimes, the establishment of a visible and accessible mechanism to receive reports of cases of violence against foreign nationals or the
establishment of a
[...] special body to ensure effective coordination of different government department programmes on social cohesion, addressing xenophobia and tackling [...]
hate crimes.
越来越重要的是,应当有效地利用本组织建立的 机制,包括根据第 751(1992)号和第 1907(2009)号决 议建立的制度,以便采取适当措施对付企图破坏索马 里和平与和解的国外行为体 ,查明阻碍提供、获得 和分发人道主义援助物资的武装团体头目,并且实施 相关制裁,以便限制木炭贸易。
It is increasingly important to effectively use the mechanisms established by the Organization, including the regime under resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009), to impose appropriate measures on internal and external actors seeking to undermine the peace and reconciliation process in Somalia; to identify the leaders of armed groups who impede the provision of, access to and distribution of humanitarian assistance; and to apply the relevant sanctions in order to restrict the charcoal trade.
(c) 在任何認股權證所代表的所有或任何認購權獲行使時,與獲行使認購權有
[...] 在部分行使認購權的情況下,則為有關的部分,視屬何情況而定)時所須 支付的現金金額相等,外,行使認 購權的認股權證持有人就該等認購權 將獲配發面額相等於下列兩項之差的額外入賬列為繳足股份
(c) upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of
a partial exercise of the subscription
[...] rights) and, in addition, there shall be allotted [...]
in respect of such subscription
rights to the exercising warrantholder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal amount of shares as is equal to the difference between
外, 行预咨委会报告(A/64/660/Add.16)提 [...]
到所需人 员编制的完整的审查不应成为该特派团的额外工 作,而应是编制预算报告时进行的定期审查的一 部分。
Moreover, the comprehensive [...]
review of staffing requirements mentioned in the Advisory Committee’s report (A/64/660/Add.16)
should not entail additional work for the Mission but should be part of the regular review carried out in preparation for the budget submission.
(c) 在任何认股权证所代表的所有或任何认购权获行使时,与获行使认股
[...] 购权(或在部份行使认购权的情况下,则为有关的部份,视属何情况 而定)时所须支付的现金金额相等, 外 , 行 使 认购权的认股权证持 有人就该等认购权将获配发面额相等于下列两项之差的额外入账列为 [...]
(c) upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of
a partial exercise of the subscription
[...] rights) and, in addition, there shall be [...]
allotted in respect of such subscription
rights to the exercising warrantholder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal amount of shares as is equal to the difference between
这是继 Jason 和 CALIPSO 之后第三个利用 PROTEUS 平台的飞行任务,有 两项与天体物理学有关的目标:通过分析恒星的振荡模式研究恒星内部结构以及 通过观测恒星由于凌日的行星在其正面掠过时的重力吸引产生的周期性反射运 动探外行星。
It is the third mission to use the PROTEUS platform after Jason and CALIPSO and has two astrophysics-related objectives: to study the internal structure of stars through the analysis of their oscillation modes; and to detect exoplanets by observing the periodic reflex motion of stars due to the gravitational pull of their planets as they pass in-transit in front of the stars.
外,行政争 议诉讼可以由一个国家机构、自治省和地方自 [...]
治单位机构、组织、有行政事务管理权力的公司的一部分、定居点、一组人等等 提出,如果它们是在行政诉讼中需要裁决的权利和义务的持有者,它们就不具备 法人资格。
Moreover, an administrative [...]
dispute may be initiated by a State body, a body of an autonomous province and local self-government
units, an organization, a part of the company having powers in administrative affairs, a settlement, a group of persons, etc., which do not possess the capacity of a legal entity, if they may be the holders of rights and obligations decided on in administrative proceedings.
巴基斯坦很担心地注意到,拒绝多样性引发的 种族主义和外行为不 断扩展并取得了新的合法 性,以民族特性和爱好为名,移民、外国人和少数 [...]
Pakistan noted with concern
[...] that racist and xenophobic behaviours motivated [...]
by a rejection of diversity had spread and gained
new legitimacy, and that in the name of identity and national preferences, migrants, foreigners and minorities continued to be denied their most fundamental rights.
在这方面,视基金的规模和活动数量,可以要求与备选办法 B 中等同的但不属于备选办法 B 的外行政支 助,从而不仅解决报告要求,而且解决与财务要求有关的信贷销售/变现方面遇到 的困难。
In this respect, depending on the size of the Fund and volume of activity, additional administrative support beyond that identified in option B could be required, to address not only the reporting requirements, but also the difficulties associated with managing the sale/encashment of credits associated with the financial requirements.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月 外 地 行 动 汇 款;向 国际征聘工作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往 行外 地 行 动 的 缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处理对银行账户签字人名单的修正; 提供关于使用各种银行系统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping
[...] funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff [...] [...]
members; print and distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位 外地 行动中 的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编 外 地 行 动 方 案主管人短名单并确定何 时应行外联活 动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the
panel for
[...] presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps [...]
in the roster, especially
in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
本 集 團 一 直 重 視 對 外 匯 風 險 管 理 政 策、模 式 和 策 略 的 研
究,訂 立 和 完 善 了 符 合 公 司 運 營 實 際 和 借 鑒 國 際 風 險
[...] 管 理 規 範 的 外 匯 風 險 管 理 政 策,積 累 了 大 量 利 用 外 匯 金 融 衍 生 工 具行 外 匯 風 險 管 理 的 經 驗。
Witha strong emphasis on the research of exchange risk management policies, models and strategies, theGrouphasformulatedandimprovedonacontinuedbasisaforeignexchangeriskmanagement policy that takes into account the actual conditions of its operations and international standards in risk management and has
gained considerable
[...] experience in the conduct of exchange risk management through the extensive [...]
use of exchange-related derivative products.
盡 管 人 民 幣 不 能 與 其 他 貨 幣 自 由 兌 換,但 是 根 據 中 國 大 陸 的 中 華 人 民 共 和 國 外 滙 管 理 條 例 及 結 滙、售 滙 及 付 滙 管 理 規 定,本 集 團 可 以 通 過 有 權行 外 幣 業 務 的 銀 行 將 人 民 幣 兌 換 成 其 他 貨 幣。
The Renminbi is not freely convertible into other currencies, however, under Mainland China’s Foreign Exchange Control Regulations and Administration of
Settlement, Sale and Payment
[...] of Foreign Exchange Regulations, the Group is permitted to exchange Renminbi for other currencies through banks authorised to conduct foreign exchange business.
根據《中 華人民共和國外滙管理條例》及《結滙、售滙及付滙管理規定》,本公司獲准透過獲授權 行外 滙 業 務之銀行, 把 人 民 幣 兌 換 成 外 幣。
Under the Mainland China’s Foreign Exchange Control Regulations and Administration of Settlement, Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange Regulations, the Company is permitted to exchange RMB for foreign currencies through banks authorised to conduct foreign exchange business.
[...] 关费用很高且明显不符合其他供资条件(即,环境规划署的评价、执法人员的考察 行、 外国教 员的行政管理费用以及除维修行业内各项活动之外的提高认识活动)。
The Secretariat noted the relatively large number of enabling activities included in stage I, the high costs associated with many of the activities and the apparent ineligibility of others (i.e., evaluation by UNEP, study tours for enforcement
officers, and the
[...] administrative cost for foreign faculty, and awareness activities in addition to those under [...]
the servicing sector).
除上文披露外,於最後行日期 ,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
市長和議會擁有實權;及 (d) 即使區議會的數目仍為18個,當局依然可 向區議會下放更多權力,例如讓區議會有 權為有關食物安全及環境衞生的工程行 外判及 遴選承辦商的工作,以及提名人 選,以供委任為分區撲滅罪行委員會的委 員。
(d) even if the number of DCs remained at 18, more powers could still be devolved to DCs, such as sourcing and selecting contractors for works relating to food safety and environmental hygiene, and nominating members for appointment to the District Fight Crime Committees.
[...] 地为一些重要的法规提供必要的服务,如《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》 (《销售公约》)和《联合国承认及 行外 国 仲 裁裁决公约》(《纽约公约》),尽 管跟踪这些法规的执行情况并审查可能的后续工作非常重要(见下文, [...]
A/CN.9/752/Add.1,第 2 段)。
A particularly disturbing illustration of that situation is to be found in the lack of secretariat resources to service such essential texts as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) or the Convention
on the Recognition
[...] and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards [...]
(New York Convention) as actively as might be required, despite the importance
of following up on the implementation of those texts and examining possible follow-up work (see below, A/CN.9/752/Add.1, para. 2).
人权委员会在第2004/18 号决议中请国家的外债和其他有关国际金融义务对 充分享有各项人权,尤其是经济、社会、文化权利的影响问题独立专家在执行其
[...] 策及实施还债和债务重组方案,包括债务减免方案时执行,以确保 行外 债 义 务 不致破坏国际人权文书规定的有关实现基本经济、社会和文化权利的义务,并向 [...]
In resolution 2004/18, the Commission on Human Rights requested the Independent Expert on the effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights to draft general guidelines to be followed by States and by private and public, national and international financial institutions in the decision-making and execution of debt repayments and structural reform programmes, including those arising from foreign debt relief, to
ensure that compliance with the
[...] commitments derived from foreign debt would not undermine [...]
the obligations for the realization
of fundamental economic, social and cultural rights, as provided for in the international human rights instruments, and to present a preliminary draft on the matter to the Commission at its sixty-first session and a final draft at the sixtysecond session of the Commission.
公平值按以下方式確定:透過與活躍 市場中的市場報價作比較行外部核 實(「第一層」);透過使用帶 有可外部核實參數的模型(「第二層」);或透過使用其他流程,例 如 與 同 類 工 具 進 行 比 較 及 / 或 使 用 帶 有 不 可 觀 測 市 場 參 數,需 [...]
要 Glencore作出基於市場的假設的模型等(「第三層」)。
Fair values are determined in the
[...] following ways: externally verified via comparison to quoted market prices in active markets (Level 1); by using models with externally [...]
verifiable inputs (Level
2); or by using alternative procedures such as comparison to comparable instruments and/ or using models with unobservable market inputs requiring Glencore to make market based assumptions (Level 3).
(d) 确定报告对教科文组织是否实用的基本标准是看有关报告与其所载各项建议是否符合 下述要素中任一要素:(a) 与本组织的任务授权和目的相符;(b)
涉及服务的效率和资金 的正当使用;(c) 目的是改进管理和方法,并加强各组织之间的协调;(d)
[...] 目的是协助执 行局履行对各项计划和活动行外部 评估的责任;(e) 目的是就内部评估的方法向本组 [...]
(d) Basic criteria to determine the relevance of reports to UNESCO will be whether the report in question and the recommendations therein satisfy any one of the following factors: (a) fits within the mandate and purposes of the Organization; (b) has a bearing on the efficiency of the services and proper use of funds; (c) is aimed at improving management and methods, and at achieving greater coordination between organizations; (d) is aimed at assisting the
Executive Board in carrying out its
[...] responsibility for external evaluation of [...]
programmes and activities; (e) is aimed at
advising the Organization on the methods for internal evaluation, or periodically assessing these methods, or making ad hoc evaluations of programmes and activities.




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