单词 | 外皮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 外皮 noun —rind n外皮 —outer skin • carapace Examples:皮外伤—superficial wound • a bruise See also:皮 n—skin n • leather n • fur n • scalp n • cortice n 皮—naughty • surname Pi • pico- (one trillionth)
注意,锋利的边缘会在铺设时损坏光纤电缆 的 外皮 或 使 外皮 受 到 机械应力 。 highvolt.de | Be aware of sharp edges which could damage the OF cable's coating when laying or could place mechanical loading on the coating later on. highvolt.de |
避免使麵包的外皮變為過深的褐色。 cfs.gov.hk | Avoid excessive browning of the crust. cfs.gov.hk |
外皮、盖 板只是大量经济类别中的一个,IndustryStock针 对 外皮 、 盖 板提供详细的搜索结果列表。 industrystock.cn | Blankets only is one of some business columns, for which IndustryStock offers a detailed search result? industrystock.com |
思邦提议与其改变,不如改造–油罐的外立面由一系 列 外皮 包 裹 ,同时呼应罐内的功能或经营者的品牌。 chinese-architects.com | Spark proposes to transform the oil tanks [...] as opposed to [...] converting them – the exteriors of the oil tanks are masked by a series of skin interventions that [...]respond to the functions [...]contained within the tanks or the specific brand of the operator. chinese-architects.com |
立面设计围绕“开放的窗口”的概念,形成层次丰富、构图生动的造型体系,由通透浅灰色穿孔金 属 外皮 和 保 温隔热带中空玻璃墙组成双层幕墙系统。 chinese-architects.com | This comprises a double layer systema with the transparent light-gray perforated metal and the isolation glass. chinese-architects.com |
先進的性能來自於創新的ZG核心科技,快速離子聚合物中層,高特性氨基甲酸酯Elastomer™ 軟 外皮 以 及352個圓形四面體窩旋設計。 brandhk.com | This advanced performance results from an innovative ZG process core technology, responsive ionomeric casing layer, Urethane Elastomer cover and spherically tiled 352 tetrahedral dimple design. brandhk.com |
因技术上的原因而不应当利用麦麸或小麦蛋白产品,如天然无麸食品 的 外皮 或加 工辅助剂-关于包括麦麸在内的小麦蛋白产品的食典标准(CODEX [...] STAN 163-1987, Rev. 1-2001)。 codexalimentarius.org | Wheat gluten or wheat protein products should not be used for technological [...] reasons e.g. coating or processing [...]aids for foods which are gluten-free by nature [...]- Codex Standard for Wheat Protein Products including Wheat Gluten (CODEX STAN 163-1987, Rev. 1-2001). codexalimentarius.org |
此外,皮肤科医生的评分也表明,使用elure高级皮肤美白产品最早在8天后就可明显改善皮肤的整体美白效果,而在相同的时间内使用2%氢醌霜或安慰剂达不到这样的效果。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition, dermatologist scoring demonstrated [...] a significant improvement in overall fairness as early as Day 8 on skin [...]treated with elure Advanced Skin Lightening products, which was not observed on skin treated with 2% hydroquinone cream or placebo in the same timeframe. tipschina.gov.cn |
除下文说明外,其它给药途径(关节腔内/关节周围/腱周/硬脑 膜 外/皮 内 注 射和吸入) 均需有简短治疗用药豁免。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other routes of administration (intraarticular [...] /periarticular/ [...] peritendinous/ epidural/ intradermal injections and inhalation) require an Abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemption except as noted below. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们也正在使用外皮和 elastometry(勇气 Khazaka GmbH)的一 [...] DSMII 彩色公尺测量红斑和染色。 venus-concept.com | We are also measuring erythema and pigmentation using a DSMII [...] Color Meter by Cortex and elastometry [...](Courage Khazaka GmbH). venus-concept.com |
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主 题 外皮 、 盖 板,可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。 industrystock.cn | Please use the following link to research other relevant companies relating to Blankets in IndustryStock's database. industrystock.com |
仔細地觀察奇石的細節,似乎呈現和一筆畫中留拖絲或留白的現象,大概是磨破了竹籤 的 外皮 或 尖頭,竹筆還可以模擬毛筆的效果。 e-yaji.com | It is also evident in the painting of the rock, where close examination reveals lines with ‘flying white’ and places where a single movement of the pen quite obviously divides into more than one streak of ink. e-yaji.com |
整个山竹果,尤其是穿心包装的果皮 或 外皮 , 已 被用于治疗各种健康状况。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | The whole mangosteen fruit, especially the [...] xanthone-packed pericarp or rind, has been used [...]traditionally to treat a variety of health conditions, actually. aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
新应用:适于温度敏感加工场合的一体式卫 生设计——采用这类新型电动滚筒,可以非 常低的温度传送巧克力外皮、奶 制品、蛋制 品及肉、鱼等其他易腐产品, 同时降低了细 菌繁殖风险。 interroll.com | NEW: Hygienic all-in-one design for temperature sensitive processes - with [...] these new motors, [...] chocolate coatings, dairy, egg products or perishable goods like fish can [...]be transported at significantly lower temperatures. interroll.com |
外皮下面 的结构具有弹性,这就是为什么这种材料必须要满足最严格的要求。 news.groz-beckert.com | The structure beneath the skin is flexible, which [...] is why the material has to fulfil the most stringent requirements. news.groz-beckert.com |
強效遮瑕乳霜針對遮蓋胎記及任何因 意 外, 皮膚問題, 或手術造成的疤痕和異常膚色而設計, 對遮蓋手術疤痕功效尤其顯著。 lavedo.com | Designed to correct skin imperfections or discolorations whether [...] they are accidental, dermatological, surgical [...]or congenital origin. lavedo.com |
食典委认识到,在干酪外皮中存 在麦麸和小麦蛋白产品,这可能不利地影响腹腔 病人的健康,因此同意在小麦蛋白产品包括麦麸的食典标准中提及干 酪 外皮 的 成 份。 codexalimentarius.org | Recognizing that the presence of wheat [...] gluten and wheat protein [...] products in cheese coatings can adversely affect the health of celiac patients, the Commission agreed to add a reference to the Codex Standard for Wheat Protein Products including Wheat Gluten in relation to the ingredients of cheese coatings. codexalimentarius.org |
剥去外皮时注意不要刮 坏或剥离内导线的外皮。 azbil.com | Be sure not to scratch or peel [...] off any inner conductor sheath when stripping the outer sheath. azbil.com |
它擁有綠色的外皮,鮮 甜的味道,獨特的芳香。 4tern.com | It is sweet in taste and has a special aroma. 4tern.com |
准备工作 : [...] 把手控开关的边盖打开,如果没有十字螺栓,在通风按键与清洗按键打开, 旋开按键开关与明盒固定的螺栓再把手控线旋开,把手控线与明盒分开,再把明盒安装在墙壁上,手控线从明盒的线槽穿过,把过长的手控线剪掉,剥去手控线 的 外皮 长 度 为3cm ,再剥手控线里面四芯的外皮,剥 掉长度为 0.6cm ,然后按照原来的接法把手控线接好。 t-yong.com | Preparation: hand control switch to open the side cover, if there is no cross bolts and cleaning the ventilation button to open the key, key switch and unscrew the bolts that case a fixed control line and then unscrew the handle, the handle separate control line and the next box, then that box mounted on the wall, hand control line from the trough through the next box, the [...] long line of manual [...] cut, hand-stripped skin of control line length 3cm, then peel hands inside the four core control line the skin, stripped the length [...]of 0.6cm, and then [...]according to the original connection handle control line connected. t-yong.com |
BioActive X3 Complex [...] 包含三種專利申請在案的獨家成分,由山竹果營養豐富 的 外皮 深 處 萃取出來,因此可以提供功效卓著、富含氧雜蔥酮的複合物,能滋養肌膚、喚起活力。 xango.com.hk | Comprised of three, patent-pending exclusive [...] ingredients derived from deep within the fruit's [...] nutrient-rich pericarp, BioActive X3 [...]Complex provides a performance-driven, xanthone-rich [...]complex to nourish and revitalize your skin. xango.ca |
此外,倘若其㆗㆒方沒有出血的傷口或其 他 皮外 損 傷 ,則不會有這種危險。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, there is no risk if one party does not suffer the risk is very low. Furthermore, there is no risk if one party [...] does not suffer bleeding [...] wounds or other skin lesions. bleeding wounds or other skin lesions. bleeding [...]wounds or other skin [...]lesions. bleeding wounds or other skin lesions. legco.gov.hk |
至于外表面,你可以选择两款真木 皮外 饰 箱 体:红木或Wengé木、亮黑色或最新充满时尚感的白色。 bowers-wilkins.cn | For the finish, you can choose either one of two real-wood veneers in Rosenut or Wengé, the highly polished Gloss Black or the new stylish Satin White. bowers-wilkins.eu |
种子4.5-5.5毫米; 种皮外具海绵状组织,外部边界具发亮的黑色的表膜。 flora.ac.cn | Seeds 4.5-5.5 mm; seed coat [...] with spongy outer tissue bounded externally by a shiny [...]black pellicle. flora.ac.cn |
部份天生雙眼皮人士,眼皮會隨年紀增長而逐漸鬆弛,令雙眼皮皺摺不斷往下移,最終疊在上排眼睫毛上,不單令雙 眼 皮外 觀 消失,更添了老態。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | Eyelid will become loose with age, making double eyelids crease move down and will eventually stack in the upper eyelashes. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
這些行銷專員和設計師也負責供應您限量版的經典輔銷品—像是客製化的 XANGO His & Hers 皮外套以及 Designer XANGO 皮包—除了不斷設計全年可用的百搭熱門配件外,他們還會特別推出季節限定的配件。 xango.com.tw | The same coordinators and designers that brought you limited-edition [...] classics—like the Custom [...] XANGO His & Hers Leather Jackets and the Designer XANGO Leather Handbag—continue [...]to produce your perennial [...]favorites alongside their special seasonal pieces. xango.co.uk |
理論㆖,當㆒名已受愛滋病感染而且身㆖又有出血傷口 或 皮外 損 傷的運動員與另㆒ 名恰巧亦有皮外損傷 或外露黏膜的運動員有身體接觸時,後者身㆖的損傷或黏膜可能 成為愛滋病毒的入口通道,因而亦會有受到愛滋病感染的危險。 legco.gov.hk | In theory, there is a possible risk of transmission when one infected athlete ssion when one infected athlete ssion when one infected athlete ssion when one [...] infected athlete with a [...] bleeding wound or a skin lesion comes into bodily contact with another athlete with a bleeding wound or a skin lesion comes into bodily contact with another athlete with a bleeding wound or a skin lesion comes into [...]bodily contact with another [...]athlete with a bleeding wound or a skin lesion comes into bodily contact with another athlete who also happens to have a skin lesion or exposed mucous membrane that could serve who also happens to have a skin lesion or exposed mucous membrane that could serve who also happens to have a skin lesion or exposed mucous membrane that could serve who also happens to have a skin lesion or exposed mucous membrane that could serve as a possible portal for entry of the human immunodeficiency virus. legco.gov.hk |
厚实的皮外套内 里本身就是一层天然的缓冲垫,外面往往选用较为厚实的头 层牛皮;而单层皮夹克的皮料选择就要苛刻很多,没有里衬就意味着皮革背面要削去一层才能让它看上去美观、高档,同时皮革也会变得更加脆弱。 oie.com.cn | A thick fur coat which is itself a natural buffer pad, the outside often choose [...] relatively thick black leather first layer; [...]and the single jacket leather materials selection will be demanding a lot, no lining means leather back to cut a layer to make it look beautiful, high-grade leather, at the same time will become more fragile. oie.com.cn |
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开 发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫 塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮 泡 沫 塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。 multilateralfund.org | Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to [...] disseminate the [...] results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice [...]to consideration of [...]the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee. multilateralfund.org |
关于教科文组织对在太平洋地区的三个联合国国家工作队联合国发展援助框架和 [...] 联合国国家方案的贡献和参与,阿皮 亚 多 国办事处是工作队的正式成员,对联合国发 [...]展援助框架在太平洋的发展和在巴布亚新几内亚的联合国国家方案提供了巨大的投 入,这两个项目都将教育视作是联合方案的主要成果之一。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to UNESCO’s contribution to, and participation in, UNDAF and UNCP across [...] the three United Nations country teams in the [...] Pacific, the Apia Cluster Office [...]is a full member of the teams and provided [...]substantive inputs to the development of UNDAF in the Pacific and of United Nations Country Programme in Papua New Guinea, both of which identified education as one of the key outcomes for joint programmes. unesdoc.unesco.org |