

单词 外溢

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 项目,其中包括:温室气体;部门和源的类别;针 对部门排放的办法;方法问题外溢 效 应
Parties also considered an agenda item on “other issues” comprising: greenhouse
gases; sectors and source categories; approaches targeting sectoral emissions;
[...] methodological issues; and spillover effects.
(e) 审议关于附件一缔约方所能使用的工具、政策、措施和方法可能 产生的环境、经济和社会影响的信息,包括关 外溢 效 应 的信息。
(e) Consideration of information on potential
environmental, economic and social
[...] consequences, including spillover effects, of [...]
tools, policies, measures and methodologies available to Annex I Parties.
香 港 市 場外 溢 利 的稅 項 乃 根 據本集 團經 營 業務所 在 [...]
國家 或 城市 的現 行 稅 率按 年內的 估 計應 課 稅溢 利 計算。
Taxation on profits outside Hong Kong has been [...]
calculated on the estimated assessable profit for the year at the rates of
taxation prevailing in the countries or cities in which the Group operates.
研究人员、行业专家和政府机构确认,可再生能源技术最常见的环境影响 能包括:海流速度减缓,利用海浪能或潮汐能使海浪高度降低;建造活动以及海
洋可再生能源设备的持续存在导致海底生境改变、沉积物迁移或沉积;噪声和电 磁场导致鱼类和哺乳动物死亡或行为发生变化;鱼类、哺乳动物和鸟类的行动、
[...] 摄食、产卵和迁移路线受干扰,使其可能受伤、被缠绕或可能受引诱或离开水面;外溢出和泄漏导致有毒化学品释放,或者金属或有机化合物积累。
Researchers, industry experts and government agencies recognize that the most common environmental impacts of renewable energy technologies may include reduction of the velocity of marine currents and decrease in the heights of waves resulting from extraction of wave or tidal energy; alteration of benthic habitats and sediment transport or deposition by the construction activities and the continuous presence of marine renewable energy devices; killings or change in the behaviour of fish and mammals from noise and electromagnetic fields; interference with the movement, feeding, spawning and migration paths of fish, mammals and birds, which may get hurt or entangled or may be attracted or
hauled out; and release of toxic
[...] chemicals as a result of accidental spills and leaks [...]
or the accumulation of metals or organic compounds.
(s) 在制定应对气候变化的政策与措施时,缔约方应考虑如何避免消极外溢效应(新西兰、MISC.5/Add.2)。
(s) Parties should consider how to
[...] avoid negative spillover effects when [...]
designing policies and measures to tackle climate
change (New Zealand, MISC. 5/Add.2).
拉加经委会的文件(见上文第 3
段)还提到了就处理下列方面信息的透明度所 实施的其他类型政策和措施:采矿业所产生的付款;为小规模采矿制定的具体规
[...] 章(法律、法规、准则),以便能够实行合法、可持续和对社会负责的做法,对地 方经济产生有效外溢效应 ;以及处理采矿的环境责任和改良受污染土地的政 策。
The ECLAC document (see para. 3 above) also mentions other types of policies and measures implemented regarding transparency in the handling of information on payments generated by the mining industry, specific regulations (laws, regulations, guidelines) for small-scale mining to enable legal,
sustainable and socially responsible
[...] practices, effective spillovers into local [...]
economies, and policies for addressing the
environmental liabilities of mining and for remediating contaminated sites.
特别是, 危机表明以美元为基础的国际货币体系的不足之处, 引发了对替代性储备货币安排和建立更为稳定的国 际货币体系的讨论,并且暴露了各国国家管制制度之
[...] 间的严重不一致,以及它们以国内利益为重和忽视其 行动对全世界的不利国外溢影响 的趋势。
In particular, it has demonstrated the inadequacy of the dollar-based international monetary system, invigorated discussions on alternative reserve currency arrangements and the creation of a more stable international monetary system, and exposed important inconsistencies amongst national regulatory systems and their
tendency to privilege domestic interests and ignore the adverse
[...] international spillover of their actions [...]
to the whole world.
B纳 入新承诺视为主要任务。他还指出,特设工作组还讨论了以下问题,包括:土地 利用、土地利用的变化和林业;排放量交易和基于项目的机制;方法学问题;审
[...] 议附件一缔约方可使用的工具、政策、措施和方法可能产生的环境、经济和社会 影响,包外溢效应的信息。
He also noted that the AWG-KP has also considered other issues including: land use, land-use change and forestry; emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms; methodological issues; and information on potential
environmental, economic and social
[...] consequences, including spillover effects, of [...]
tools, policies, measures and methodologies available to Annex I Parties.
人民处于一无所有的赤贫状态,加上邻国乍得和苏丹境内冲突 外溢 影 响, 这些都使中非共和国本已令人不安的局势雪上加霜。
The state of extreme poverty and deprivation of the population, as
[...] well as the spillover from conflicts [...]
in neighbouring Chad and the Sudan, aggravate
the already alarming situation in the Central African Republic.
与会者强调,此外溢效应 取决于本 地公司的吸收能力和跨国公司在技术使用方面的业务战略,二者都受到政府政策 [...]
It was emphasized that such spillover effects were [...]
dependent on the absorptive capacity of the local firms and on the TNCs’
operational strategy with regard to the use of technology, both of which were affected by government policies.
任何債權證、債券或其他證券均可按折讓(股份 外 ) 、 溢 價 或 其他價格 發行,並可附帶任何有關贖回、退回、支取款項、股份配發、出席本公司股東大會及 [...]
Any debentures, bonds or other
securities may be issued at a discount
[...] (other than shares), premium or otherwise and [...]
with any special privileges as to redemption,
surrender, drawings, allotment of shares, attending and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.
由于政府与伊斯兰武装分子之间的战争( 有时是武装团体之间的战争) 主要集 中在中南部地区,该地区也是大多数违反人权行为的发生地,在北部亦能够感受外溢效应
As the fighting between the Government and the armed Islamists (and in some places within the armed groups) was primarily concentrated in the south-central region, it is there that most of the human rights violations occurred.
相互间的经济依赖性、民众受到的报复威胁和科特迪瓦不 断升级的内部冲突,已对该地区和平与安全产生不利和危险 外溢 效 应
Mutual economic dependence, populations under menace of retaliation and an escalating
internal conflict in Côte d’Ivoire have had a negative
[...] and dangerous spillover effect on peace [...]
and security in the region.
由茂金属基Achieve树脂制成的非织造布吸油垫、吸油卷、短袜、枕头 可处理大多数燃外溢、油 泄漏、油脂集结。
Nonwoven sorbent pads, rolls, socks and pillows made with metallocene-based Achieve™ resins will handle most fuel spills, oily leaks and greasy buildup.
然而,為確保此 項資助不會成為電廠的額外收益,當局將於2018年作出檢討,以確定
[...] 於電力行業調整計劃中獲得資助的電廠是否有可能取得 外溢 利 , 當中 會考慮電廠的實際及預測收入淨額,並與當初估計資助額時所預測的收 [...]
However, to ensure that assistance does not lead to windfall gains, a review will be held in 2018 to determine whether
generators in receipt of ESAS assistance are
[...] likely to earn windfall profits, taking into [...]
account actual and forecast net revenues,
compared to those predicted when assistance was originally estimated.
(c) 制作和验证一个包括为观测扩散所必需的时空尺度在内的数字环流模 型,并进行试验,例如为调查外溢 泄 的 潜在影响进行试验。
(c) Set-up and validation of a numerical circulation model that covers the temporal and spatial scales important
for dispersal, and the carrying out of experiments, for example to investigate the
[...] potential impact of accidental spills.
通过更好地保护边界,消除 对国家安全的威胁,各国可以防止其领土内外的非法 贩运和流动现象跨外溢,从而对国际和平与安全作 出贡献。
Through better protection of their borders against threats to national
security, States prevent the
[...] cross-border spillover of illicit trafficking and movement from inside and outside of their territories [...]
and thereby
contribute to international peace and security.
另一方面,特區政府亦應積極考慮民建聯早前提出的建議,即推動內地 在香港設立石油期貨市場,從國家能源戰略的角度出發,自行建立健全、穩 定的石油期貨市場,以建立一系列能真實反映亞洲實際供需情況的石油產品 價格,為國家在國際能源市場中爭取“話事權”,以謀取亞太區內主要的石 油定價中心地位,扭轉現時國家進口石油時須付出 外溢 價 的 困局。
Besides, the SAR Government should also actively consider the DAB's earlier proposal on urging the Mainland to establish an oil futures market in Hong Kong based on our country's energy strategy. With the establishment of a sound and stable oil futures market, we can put in place an oil pricing structure that can truly reflect the demand and supply in Asia.
外溢利之 稅項乃期內預計應課稅溢利按本集團經營業務所在國家或地區之適用稅 率計算。
Taxation on overseas profits was calculated [...]
on the estimated assessable profit for the period at the rates of taxation prevailing
in the countries/places in which the Group operates.
[...] 為合約價格的調整未必足夠,因而有需要更加審慎, 在其標書加入外溢價, 以保障本身在長達 56 個月 的合約期內所承受的通脹風險。
Under a highly inflationary market situation at the time of tender, the tenderers considered that the price fluctuation allowance in the contract would be inadequate and it was
necessary to exercise extra caution and
[...] build in additional premium in their tenders [...]
to cover inflation risks over a 56-month contract period.
[...] 这些国家应要求本国资源部门加强与非资源部门的联系和互补性,以鼓励技术和 知识外溢效应 ,以及为增加出口促进多样化。
With a view to achieving this, they should require their resource sectors to foster linkages and
complementarities with the non-resource sectors —
[...] to encourage spillover of technology [...]
and knowledge and facilitate diversification towards export goods.
为了克 服这些限制,报告建议为中等收入国家制订一个具
体的政策框架,国家工作队和驻地协调员应更加重 视上游政策要求,更多地利用非驻地机构的能力,
[...] 应考虑到中等收入国家的经济发展对低收入国家发 展外溢效应 ,联合国系统应调整内部规划和协商 [...]
进程,使其更加适合中等收入国家的需求、优先事 项和决策进程。
To overcome those limitations, the report recommended a specific policy framework for middle-income countries, in which country teams and resident coordinators should focus more on upstream policy requirements and make more use of capacities of
non-resident agencies, account should be
[...] taken of the spillover effects of economic [...]
development in middleincome countries
on that of low-income countries, and the United Nations system should reorient internal planning and coordination and tailor them better to the needs, priorities and decision-making processes of middle-income countries.
在 離 岸 或 近 岸 施 工
[...] 期 間 , 化 學 品 若外 溢 漏 至 周 圍 水 域 , 亦 [...]
會 對 附 近 的 海 洋 生 態 帶 來 潛 在 影 響 。
Accidental chemical spillage to the [...]
surrounding waters during offshore and coastal construction may also have potential
impacts on the nearby marine ecology.
本集團溢利有重要部分被視作外溢 利 , 毋須繳付香港利得稅。
A significant portion of the Group’s profit is
[...] treated as earned outside of Hong Kong [...]
and is not subject to Hong Kong profits tax.
] ( 欧盟、JZ 主张删除) [ 生产网络内的伙伴 关系往往试图从外国子公司更高的生产水平和更丰富的技术专业知识中获益,且 可能产外溢效应
(EU, JZ delete) [Partnerships within production networks often seek to benefit from the higher
productivity levels and greater technological
[...] know-how of foreign affiliates, and this might lead to spillover effects.
人们特别担心,因为北约在阿富汗打击恐怖主义 行动不力,不是消灭恐怖作战人员,而主要是将他们 从阿富汗南部地区驱赶到阿富汗北部地区及邻近国 家,恐怖主义活动有可能从阿富 外溢 至 中 亚国家。
There is particular concern about spillover of terrorist activities from Afghanistan into the Central Asian States as a consequence of the inefficacy of NATO’s anti-terrorist activities in Afghanistan, which are not eliminating the fighters but pushing them primarily from the southern to the northern regions and neighbouring States.
[...] 内政策时采取步骤,避免经济政策方面的不协调对发展产生任何不利影响,并尽 可能争取实现积极外溢效应
And it requires policymakers, when implementing their domestic policies, to take steps to avoid any negative impacts from
inconsistencies in their economic policies on development, and, where possible, to seek to
[...] create positive spillover effects.
然 而 , 透 過 對 機 場 設 施 的 良 好 管 理 及 保 養 , 以
[...] 及 有 效 執 行 化 學 品外 溢 漏 的 應 變 計 劃 , 預 期 [...]
潛 在 影 響 將 甚 為 輕 微 。
However, with good housekeeping and maintenance of airport facilities,
and effective implementation of a
[...] contingency plan for accidental chemical spillage, [...]
it is anticipated that the potential impact will be insignificant.
媒体报道,2010 年 2 月该领土的环境保护局曾尖锐地批评军方的计划,即在 没有规划对基础设施进行升级以防止未经处理的污 外溢 和 水资源短缺的情况 下,将数千名海军陆战队人员调进关岛。
In February 2010, the media reported that the Territory’s Environmental Protection Agency had sharply criticized the military’s plan to move thousands of marines to Guam without planning infrastructure upgrades to help prevent raw sewage spills and a shortage of water.




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