

单词 外派

See also:

the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
pi (Greek letter Ππ)
(loanword) pie


send v
appoint v

External sources (not reviewed)

加快发展涵盖所外派机构和联络处的库存管理系统将确保财产的有效 管理。
Accelerating the development of the inventory management
[...] system to all outposted and liaison [...]
offices would ensure efficient property management.
澳大利亚在向外派遣团 派送警察之前,每位警察都得先接受培训,还包括通过联合国电子教学模块传授 [...]
In Australia, training for all police
[...] before deployment on overseas missions includes human [...]
rights training delivered also through
United Nations e-learning modules.
(e) 批准向外派遣常 驻军队,以及批准外国军队进驻巴拉圭; (f) 批准任命国家中央银行行长和其他负责人
(e) Authorize the dispatch of Paraguayan military forces abroad, and the admission of foreign troops into Paraguay
[...] 应继续为解决科索沃问题提供最大程度的协助,并履 行其职责,确保科索沃能够外派代 表 参与区域和国 际组织与机制。
UNMIK should continue to provide maximum assistance for a settlement of the Kosovo issue,
as well as to carry out its duties to
[...] ensure Kosovo’s external representation in [...]
regional and international organizations and mechanisms.
在区域和国家两级外派机构的一些组织设有重要的南南合作/三角合作组 成部分和专职工作人员:粮食署在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域设有监测和支持股;禁 [...]
毒办巴西和南锥体区域办事处设有专职协调南南合作事务的单位;人口基金巴西 国家办事处自 2004 年起一直将南南合作作为其国家方案的成果内容之一,并拨
出经费,与巴西政府分配给优先事项的经费一起用于推广此种经验;开发署巴西 国家办事处和中国国家办事处均由东道国为其专职人员提供经费;在原子能机 构,由各方签署并获得理事会核准的区域协定(《非洲核科技协定》、《拉加核 科技协定》、《亚阿国家核科技协定》、《亚太核科技协定》)为各自区域内的 南南合作开展了协调工作。
Some organizations with field presence at regional [...]
and country levels have major components of SSC/TC and dedicated staff:
WFP Monitoring and Supporting Unit in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNODC regional office for Brazil and the Southern Cone, which has a unit dedicated to SSC coordination; UNFPA country office in Brazil, which has included SSC as one of its country programme outcomes since 2004 and has assigned funds to facilitate the experience along with funds allocated by the Government of Brazil to its priority issues; UNDP country offices in Brazil and China, for which dedicated staff are funded by the host countries; and at IAEA, the regional agreements (AFRA, ARASIA, ARCAL, RCA), concluded among the parties and endorsed by the Board of Governors, provide coordination for SSC within their own regions.
外派的工 作人员将履行具体的工作职能,涉及到联合国国家方案拟 定程序、具体的项目或活动、冲突后/灾后形势、办事处/工作队人员的临时补充或者关键人 [...]
Staff deployed on short-term assignments will perform [...]
specific functions, including work related to the United Nations country
programming process, specific projects or activities, post-conflict/post-disaster situations, temporary reinforcement of an office/team or a short-term replacement of a key staff.
(c) 駐海外職位的任期 一 般 約為三年,獲 選 出任駐海外辦事處首
[...] 長級主管或 副主管職位的人員很 多時會不願 接外 派安排 , 理由是他們認為如留在香港工作,可能會有機會署 [...]
任職級較 高 的職位,一旦 外 調 的 話 , 恐怕會 就此錯失署任機會,以致
連晉升機會也 會 受 到 影響。
(c) since the normal duration of an overseas posting is about three years, officers
who are selected as directorate heads
[...] and deputy heads of overseas offices are often [...]
unwilling to accept such postings for
fear that they will lose the opportunity to act in a higher rank which they might otherwise be given if they remained in Hong Kong.
采购司外 地特派团的外派人员将进行能力建设以应对非洲最 大的 4 个特派团更加复杂的采购提议,在提供必要 的内部控制的同时,提供解决方案。
Staff outposted from the Procurement Division and the field missions [...]
would develop a capability to respond to the more complex
acquisition proposals of the four biggest missions in Africa, delivering solutions while providing the necessary internal control.
30.6 郵外,派人送 交任何通知或其他文件在送交其注册地址當日,即視爲已妥 善送達。
30.6 Any notice or other document delivered or left at a registered address otherwise than by post shall be deemed to have been served or delivered on the day it was so delivered or left.
这些代表团指出,建议是可行的,他们注意到在日内瓦召开的 SPS 委员会会议并未减少从各国首府派专家的数量,可以考虑除了外交使团 外 , 派 国 家级 专家参会。
These delegations pointed out that the proposal was feasible, and would not reduce the number of experts from capitals as they noted that the SPS Committee was held in Geneva and
benefited from considerable participation from
[...] national experts in addition to representatives from diplomatic missions.
澳大利亚政府的外派驻机 构可协助您与校友会取得联络。
The Australian Government provides help in your country to contact these networks.
各类国际活动的实例包括由日内瓦和纽约联合国训练研究所联合实施的 “外交官人权概况介绍方案”,增强政府官员对联合国人权保护体制的认识;与 衡平国际人权教育中心联手为隶属政府或非政府组织的教育者举办人权培训评估 讲习班;与欧洲欧盟成员国外部边界行动合作管理局合作为欧洲联盟边境警卫人 员编制人权培训材料;并努力加强各国 外派 执 行 和平使命的军队、警察和其他 工作人员开展人权培训的能力。
Examples of international activities include the Human Rights Orientation Programme for Diplomats, implemented jointly with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research in Geneva and New York, to enhance Government officials’ understanding of the United Nations human rights protection system; workshops for educators belonging to governmental and non-governmental organizations on evaluation of human rights training, co-organized with Equitas; cooperation with the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union in developing human rights training materials for European Union border guards; and efforts to strengthen national capacity for human rights training of military, police and other staff deployed to peace missions.
难民署同意比较统计数字和指标能够提供新的因素来评 外派 后 提 交的服 务质量,并愿意在今后制定适当的绩效指标。
UNHCR agrees that comparative statistics and indicators
[...] will provide additional elements for appraising the quality of the services delivered after the outposting, and will establish [...]
appropriate performance indicators in the future.
正如第 1959(2010)号决议所规定的那样,联合国 布隆迪综合办事处(联布综合办)已被一个规模缩减外派机构 ——联合国布隆迪办事处——所取代。
As stipulated in resolution 1959 (2010), the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) has been succeeded by a scaled-down presence, namely, the United Nations Office in Burundi.
(a) 秘书长可指定任务为可带家属或不带家属任务,对于三个月以上的派 任,应适用工作人员细则 3.13 和 3.14
[...] 规定的调动和艰苦条件津贴、工作人员细 则 7.14 规定外派补助金和工作人员细则 3.7 规定的工作地点差价调整数和房 [...]
(a) The Secretary-General may designate missions as family or non-family for which the mobility and
hardship allowances under staff rules 3.13
[...] and 3.14, the assignment grant under [...]
staff rule 7.14 and the post adjustment and
rental subsidy under staff rule 3.7 shall be applicable for assignments of more than three months.
在 2000 年 11 月至 2001 年 12
[...] 月期间,经过磋商确定了轮换职位;评估了总部外办事处的各种需要,特别注意了多国办事 处的需要;正在设立一个今后向总 外派 遣 的合格人员储备库。
Between November 2000 and December 2001, rotational posts were identified through consultation; varying needs of field offices were assessed with particular attention to
the needs of cluster offices; and pools of qualified staff are being established
[...] for potential assignment to the field.
如工作人外派到联合国外地特派团 三 个月或以上,秘书长应 外派时 决定是否适外派工作地点的差价调整数,并且酌情根据工作人员细则 7.14 支外派补助 金和根据工作人员细则 3.13、3.14 和 7.16(h)支付艰苦条件津 贴以及流动和艰苦条件津贴中的不搬运津贴,或不采取上述办法,代以授权 支付适当的生活津贴。
(iii) When a
[...] staff member is assigned to a United Nations field mission for a period of three months or less, the Secretary-General shall decide at that time whether to apply the post adjustment applicable to the duty station and, if appropriate, to pay an assignment grant under staff [...]
rule 7.14 and the hardship
and non-removal elements of the mobility and hardship allowance under staff rules 3.13, 3.14 and 7.16 (h) or, in lieu of the above, to authorize appropriate subsistence payments.
联合国工作人员需要承外派任务 和长途旅行, 这增加了工作人员遇到这类危险的频率。
The many missions that United Nations [...]
staff members undertake and the long distances that they travel increase the frequency
of their exposure to such risks.
盈餘增長是由於經營溢利與往常一樣 外派 股 息及其他成本抵銷後產生強勁的資本 淨額所致。
Our surplus increased due to strong net capital generation through operating earnings
[...] offset, as usual, by external dividend payments [...]
and other costs.
外派临时主管James Cundiff表示:“我将把我学到的关于Scrum的价值和原则等知识应用到以后的工作之中。
I'm taking the values and principles that I learned about Scrum with me to my next endeavor," says outgoing interim director James Cundiff.
这里有一系列的例外,包括:保持雇主和雇 员的关系并且不超过最外派期限
There are a couple of exceptions to this rule which anticipate insurance in the sending country, including: keeping the relation between employer and employee and not exceeding the maximum periods of delegation.
不少在世界各地設有廠房的公司都引 外派 人 員 以在巴西建立業務。
A lot of companies that have existing plants worldwide
[...] are able to bring expats in to set up in Brazil.
另外,关于大学和学部为开展教育研究而举办的海外培训等 外派 遣 活 动,我们会参考派遣国 家和地区相关的危险信息等,做出 外派 遣 实 施、中止、延期、继续、中途回国的判断。
For overseas trips such as overseas training organized by the University or faculty for the purpose of education or research, information on danger in the country/region to be visited will
be taken into reference to make a
[...] judgment whether to implement, suspend, postpone, or continue with the trip, or the return to home country halfway through the trip.
外派车辆 和处理设备,例如国外建筑工地.
For the dispatch of used vehicles and processing machines, e. g. to construction sites abroad.
申诉人的丈夫 C 博士于 2000 年 8 月
[...] 18 日在刚果民主共和国执行开发外派任务 时死亡,她作为丈夫的受惠人要求法庭撤销关于因保险公司拒绝按恶意 [...]
The Applicant, acting as the beneficiary of her
husband, Dr. C., who died on 18 August 2000
[...] while he was on mission for UNDP in the [...]
Democratic Republic of the Congo, requested
the Tribunal to rescind the decision to close the case following the refusal of the insurer under the Malicious Acts Insurance Policy to grant her compensation.
外派人员的暂时岗位被正式岗位取代或接替之后 外派人 员将不再享受减税待遇。
The entitlement to benefit from the expatriates’ status for tax purposes ceases once temporary [...]
employment is replaced or
superseded by a permanent position.
[...] 费,ii)数额合理的瑞士居住费用,期 外派 人 员 应保留其海外 住所,iii)学龄子女在私立学校就读的开支,前提是当地的州 [...]
The following expenses incurred by expatriates are deductible: i) relocation costs including travel costs to and from Switzerland, ii) reasonable accommodation
costs in Switzerland while still
[...] maintaining a residence abroad, iii) costs for [...]
school-age children attending a private
school if local state-funded schools cannot offer adequate educational provisions.
在此范畴下,议会混合委员会、议会友好小组、批准国际条约、决定向 外派 兵 和允许外国军队进驻土耳其,以及外交委员会、与欧盟接轨委员会、男女机会平等委员会和人权调查委员会等议会委员会的对外交往、全体会议有关对外政策的审议和观察外国议会选举等活动,都属于议会外交的重要组成部分。
Deploying Turkish armed forces abroad and deciding on the existence of foreign armed forces in Turkey
但是,实地机构并不自动含 有直外派机构 的意思;联合国驻地协调员和非驻地机构联络点的作用是在援助 [...]
However, field presence does not automatically
[...] imply a direct expatriate presence; the role [...]
of the United Nations Resident Coordinator
(UNRC) and the Non-Resident Agency (NRA) focal point is to adequately represent institutions like UNCTAD on aid coordination structures.
这些采访收集到的深度剖析成为了《应对发展中地 外派 事 务 的挑战》(Meeting the Challenges of Assignments from Developing Locations)一文的素材,这篇报告还包括详细的案例调查,分析了这些公司所面临的独特而又不同的问题以及他们如何应对这些问题。
Insight gathered during these interviews formed the basis for the “Meeting the Challenges of Assignments from Developing Locations”, the report which features detailed case studies analyzing the unique and differing situations these companies face and how they are dealing with them.




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