

单词 外廊

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一层原本相互分离的建筑体块在二层通 外廊 道 和内部走廊连接起来,并根据动静分区形成了开敞和封闭两种内院。
The building volumes are connected on the second floor
[...] by different outdoor and indoor corridors, forming courtyards [...]
in the interstices of the unity.
首先,Emily将和中学生一起为学校创作一个壁画,用以装饰学校的 外 走 廊。
One mural artwork was started with Secondary students
[...] and will adorn an outdoor corridor at YCIS Beijing.
淨 作 業 樓面面積並 不包括以下設施所佔 的地方:廁 所、浴 室和淋浴間、升 降 機 大 堂 、 樓 梯 間、公眾 / 共 用 走廊、樓梯井、 電 動 扶梯和升降 機 槽 、 喉 管 / 公用設施井 道、垃圾槽和 垃圾房、露 台外廊 、 露 天廣 場和 平 台 、停車場、行車道和上落客貨區、機械機房和庇 護 層。
NOFA does not include areas for toilets, bathrooms and showers, lift lobbies, stair halls, public/shared corridors, stairwells, escalators and lift shafts, pipe/service ducts, refuse chutes and refuse rooms, balconies, verandas, open decks and flat roofs, car parks, driveways and loading/unloading areas, mechanical plant rooms and refuge floors.
淨 作 業 樓 面 面積與建築樓面面積不同,後者計及建築物外殼以內全部範圍的面積,而淨 作業樓面面積則並不包括以下設施所佔的地方:廁所、浴室和淋浴間、升降機大堂、 樓梯間、公眾/共用走廊、樓梯井、電動扶梯和升降機槽、喉管/公用設施井道、垃 圾 槽和垃圾房、 露台外廊、露天廣場和平台 、上落客貨區和機械 機 房等。
Unlike CFA which takes into account all areas within the building structure envelop, NOFA does not include areas for toilets, bathrooms and showers, lift lobbies, stair halls, public/shared corridors, stairwells, escalators and lift shafts, pipe/services ducts, refuse chutes and refuse rooms, balconies, verandahs, open decks and flat roofs, loading/unloading areas, mechanical plant rooms, etc.
如果手术室处于负压状态,外面的空气则会不断从门下面流进房间,同时防止房间内滋生的气态污染微粒逸出,进 外 面 的 走 廊。
When negative pressure exists, a continuous air current
enters the room under the door, which prevents airborne particles generated in the room
[...] from escaping into the corridor.
Furthermore, the gallery hosts their website [...]
and uses the mail service through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), creating extra leasing fees monthly.
除公路条件差外, 杜阿拉廊相对而言,是世界上商运费用最高的运输 线路之一。
Aside from poor road
[...] conditions, the Douala corridor is, in relative terms, [...]
one of the world’s most expensive commercial transportation routes.
估计有 41 万境内流离失所者滞留在摩加迪 沙外阿夫戈耶廊上 15 公里长的道路一带。
An estimated 410,000 IDPs are located in the 15 kilometre stretch
[...] of road in the Afgoye corridor outside Mogadishu.
上海当代艺术博览会的强项是中国 外 国 的 画 廊 之 间的平衡把握,在国际艺术创造力的范围内提供了最佳的中国新兴艺术的国际视野。
The strength of SH Contemporary is the balance
[...] between Chinese and foreign galleries, a cosmopolitan [...]
vision that presents the best new
art from China within the context of international artistic creativity.
也积极外部画廊举办 各种展览,预定在大和皇家度假大酒店以及Fun Event [...]
& Global Gallery等画廊举办。
Exhibitions outside the gallery happen [...]
frequently, with future venues scheduled at the Zampa Misaki Royal Hotel and the
Plaza House G-Area Global Gallery.
除舉辦大型群展和專題展外,奧沙 畫 廊 亦 為 一些最具代表性的亞洲藝術家舉辦個展,當中包括來自 中國的孫原和彭禹、沈少民、蔣志,以及其他亞洲藝術家,如石家豪(香港),Nipan [...]
Oranniwesna(泰 國)和蔡佳葳(台灣)。
In addition to organising major group and thematic [...]
exhibitions, Osage Gallery has organised solo exhibitions by some of
the most significant artists in Asia, such as Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, Shen Shaomin and Jiang Zhi from China, as well as other Asian artists such as Lee Kit (Hong Kong), Wilson Shieh (Hong Kong), Nipan Oranniwesna (Thailand) and Charwei Tsai (Taiwan).
例如,已知和登记的廊囚犯 (pasilleros)有 268 名,这些囚犯睡在外的院子和廊中,没有被分配到任何配楼。
For example, 268 inmates known and registered as
[...] pasilleros (corridor people) have not been assigned to any wing and sleep outside in the prison yards and corridors.
自 21 世纪早期开始,Kawashima 在日本国外多个著名廊大规模展览过自己的画作。
Since the early part of the 21st
century, Kawashima has exhi-bited his paintings extensively at
[...] various prestigious galleries throughout Ja-pan and beyond.
每套别墅都设有外淋浴和走廊, 并共享 23 平方米的泳池。
Each has an outdoor shower and veranda, and the [...]
23m² pool is shared.
不仅北京的众多画廊热情参与,来自台湾地区以及日本、韩国等 外 的 画 廊 也 非 常关注,对这次活动给予高度重视,亲临现场参与活动,并都表示了对早日成立北京画廊协会的热切期盼。
Not only did multiple art galleries in Beijing enthusiastically
[...] participate in it, but overseas art galleries, [...]
including those from Taiwan,
Japan, and South Korea, attached great importance to the activity and participated, expressing eager expectation for the establishment of the Beijing Art Gallery Association.
3.7.5 除了海濱廊外,中區(擴展部分)分區計劃大綱圖也包 括興建皇后像廣場休憩走廊。
3.7.5 Apart from the Waterfront Promenade, the Central [...]
District (Extension) OZP envisages a Statue Square Open Space Corridor.
外,輔助用廊亦擔 當公眾教育的角色,訪客可從視障學員的工作表現了解視障人士的工作能力,及認識輔助用品如何幫助視障人士獨立處理日常生活。
Visitors were able to know better about the abilities of the visually impaired through the interaction and how they use the aids for independent living.
除了本地服裝展覽及活動外, <澳門時廊> 亦將邀請海外的時裝設計師及服裝來澳展示, 加強本地時裝設計人士與外界交流, 將國內外最新時裝資訊及趨勢帶進澳門, 普及澳門時裝藝術, 提高澳門在亞洲或國際時裝領域上的知名度。
Spreading the name of Macau fashion designer overseas is instrumental in raising [...]
Macau's reputation in the Asian and international stage of fashion design.
适合各种预算的咖啡馆、餐馆、酒吧和商店触手可及,众多博物馆和艺术 廊 均 免费 对 外 开 放
There are cafes, restaurants, bars and shops to suit all budgets, and many
[...] museums and art galleries cost nothing to visit.
独具创意的廊、烧烤餐厅外餐饮 、24 小时客房送餐服务……缤纷美味,轻松乐享。
Our dining facilities include a
[...] revolutionary transition lounge, outdoor dining at our barbeque [...]
restaurant and 24-hour in-room dining.
每逢十二月至四月,参观者透过北极中心的玻璃 廊 , 能 够远 外 边 结冰河上的溜冰者和滑雪的人群。
Between December and April, its windows offer a spectacular view of long-distance skaters and skiers gliding across the frozen river.
[...] (被视为东南欧极其重要的要素)的《奥帕蒂亚宣言》,并要求制订有关东南欧文化 廊 的 行 动计 划。
The Summit adopted the Opatija Declaration, which promotes cultural diversity, regarded as a fundamental dimension in
South-East Europe, and calls for the preparation of an action plan relating to
[...] the cultural corridors of South-East Europe.
最後,除了建設海濱廊外,我 們區內的同事也做了一些九龍西的 規劃願景,當中建議把九龍建設的海濱跟香港建設的海濱長廊一起,希 望建設一條維港海濱門廊,成為香港的景點之一,當中亦有我們其他的 [...]
起 ) 代理主席:發言時限到了。
To conclude, apart from the development of the waterfront promenade, our colleagues [...]
working in the districts have made proposals
on the planning vision for West Kowloon. It is proposed that the Kowloon waterfront and the waterfront promenade on Hong Kong Island be put together to become a Victoria Harbour waterfront corridor, which can be a tourist attraction in Hong Kong.
外,蒙古代表团就该国在以下领域得到的技术援助向秘书处表示感 谢:促进贸易廊、加 入《亚太贸易协定》、制订单一窗口总体计划、谈判 自由贸易协定和制订促进投资战略,并期望在这些领域继续得到秘书处的支 持。
In addition, the delegation of Mongolia expressed appreciation to the secretariat for the technical assistance Mongolia had received in the area of promoting trade corridors, accession to [...]
APTA, development of a
single window master plan, negotiation of free trade agreements and designing an investment promotion strategy, and looked forward to continued support from the secretariat in those areas.
在此之前,他是裕廊仕达投资私人有限公司JURONG Axtra和廊海外私人有限公司JURONG Overseas的主席,成功带动了廊国 际的 海 外 业 务 拓展及设计和建造业务。
Tang was the President of JURONG Axtra and JURONG Overseas, driving the success of JURONG International’s overseas business [...]
expansion and its design and build business.
与居民一起,企业家和遗迹的保护者与市政府作出以下选择:街道上没有人行道(具有历史价值的房子的 廊 除 外 ) , 铺装材料加强历史特征,并为行人提供舒适的环境,自行车道系统和自行车棚散布在这个区域,机动车的限速为30公里/小时,街道设施和街道照明是公共空间中的一个整体的部分,细心的选择树木,禁止在公共区域出现商店(花,植物,草和水果店除外),餐厅露台,雨蓬,安全性和广告要遵守条例。
Together with residents, entrepreneurs and protectors of monuments, the municipality opted
for streets without pavements (except
[...] the historical front porches to houses), for paving [...]
material that enhances the historical
character and provides walking comfort, for a system of bicycle paths and a number of bicycle sheds spread throughout the area, for a speed restriction of 30 km/h for vehicles, for street furnishings and lighting which are an integral part of the public space, for a careful selection of trees, for a prohibition on shop displays in the public area (with the exception of flowers, plants, vegetables and fruit), for regulations to apply at restaurant terraces and for awnings, security and advertising.
5.2.5 香港遊艇會提交的《保存維多利亞港的活力和多元化》建 議書亦涉及填海興建淺層主幹道隧道,穿過香港會議展覽 中心水道並沿灣仔海岸延伸,然後主幹道隧道從底下橫越
[...] 海底隧道出入口區及銅鑼灣避風塘(深度足以無須填 海),再於北角與現有東區廊外側 連 接。
The Trunk Road tunnel then passes under the Cross Harbour Tunnel portal area and under the Causeway Bay
Typhoon Shelter (deep enough not to require reclamation) before
[...] connecting to the outside of the existing [...]
IEC at North Point.
[...] 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易廊 ; 加 叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通廊;以 及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 [...]
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail,
and oil and natural
[...] gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard [...]
and its landlocked
north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
在若干因素的推动下,支助费用会增加,这些因素包括:行动区的地理面 积扩大;气候条件;缺乏安全保障;基础设施薄弱;要求作战部队灵活机动;难 以在战争环境中使用平民承包商;无法在索马里南部(例如基斯马尤)短期就近使
[...] 用海港,从而不得不绕行或靠季节性陆地 廊 运 输 供给(见 S/2012/74,第28段)。
The increase in support costs will be driven by several factors, including the larger geographical area of operations, climatic conditions, lack of security, weak infrastructure, mobility requirements of a dynamic combat force, the difficulty of using civilian contractors in a war environment, and the lack of access in the short term to a proximate seaport in southern Somalia, such
as Kismaayo, necessitating the use of circuitous and
[...] seasonal land corridors for supply lines [...]
(see S/2012/74, para. 28).
论坛将着重探讨该地区这一作为古老文化和经济联系轴心的独特文化廊,这 其中包含了该地区各个国家和人民的物质与非物质文化及历史遗产,可以作为地区协 [...]
The forum will focus attention on the
[...] unique cultural corridors in the region, [...]
which are axes of age-old cultural and economic
links that include the tangible and intangible cultural and historical heritage of the countries and peoples and may serve as a framework for regional accords and cooperation.




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