

单词 外墙

外墙 ()

external wall



internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

墙与外墙之间的区域用于劈 柴,并向少数犯人提供工作。
An area of the
[...] premises between the outer and inner wall was in use for [...]
chopping wood and provided work for a small number of prisoners.
2007年,瓦克还与其他一些国际企业在德国工商总会北京代表处的支持下创建了 外墙外 保 温 (ETICS)质量联盟”。
WACKER additionally partnered with
other international companies in 2007 to
[...] establish the ETICS (External Thermal Insulation [...]
Composite System) Quality Alliance,
spearheaded by the German Chamber of Commerce in Beijing.
建筑的南、北立面各由一道36米长,3.34米高的双重玻 外墙 形 成
The south and north elevations of each building are made of a 36-by-3.34
[...] meter double-skin glass facade.
无论是从室内或室外看去,外墙体系 呈现出至少三个层次的通透感:半透明的外层,在透明外层后面的半透明内层,以及内外层均透明的洞口。
People will see at least three kinds of depths, the frosted front layer, the cavity with the frosted back layer, and a complete transparent opening.
在所有三个监狱,看到宪兵用 很多时间外墙和内 墙之间的区域执勤,即实际上不在监狱的内部核心地区执 勤。
At all three prisons, gendarmes were observed to spend
much of their time on duty in the
[...] area between the outer wall and the inner [...]
wall, i.e. not actually inside the inner core of the prison.
这个小村庄,包括8在完成传统的萨瓦风格 外墙 用 石 头和木的小屋,是在Val塞尼的山坡脚下的特殊ski-in/ski-out位置。
This hamlet, comprising 8 chalets finished in
the traditional Savoyard style with stone
[...] and wood on the facades, is in an exceptional [...]
ski-in/ski-out position at the foot of the slopes in Val Cenis.
这里的建筑是一个混合的新老,都十分相似的巴斯克风格 外墙 上 暴 露的木材,但在车顶线条的的轻微Landais差。
The Architecture here is a mixture of old and new and all very
similar to the Basque style with exposed
[...] timbers on the facades, but with the [...]
slight Landais difference in the roof lines.
关于采购,咨询委员会经查询获悉,翻修工程已分成 25 份单独的担保价格 上限合同,其中 8 份已授标(北草坪会议大楼 5
[...] 份(地基;水电瓦斯地下管线;结 构外墙;早 期设备;以及机械系统、电气、管道和防火);阿尔巴诺大楼 [...]
1 份; 互助会大楼 1 份;地下第三层周转空间 1 份)。
With regard to procurement, the Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that the renovation work had been split into 25 individual guaranteed maximum price contracts, eight of which had already been awarded (five for the North Lawn Conference
Building (foundation; underground utilities;
[...] structure and envelope; early equipment; [...]
and mechanical systems, electrical, plumbing
and fire protection); one for the Albano Building; one for the UNFCU Building; and one for the swing space in the third basement).
建造该博物馆的材料很有限,细节也比较简单。它 外墙 是 浇 制的混泥土,内墙为伊 洛可木,庭院的路由石灰石铺成,这些都是为了给人们带来一个真正的考古遗址的粗糙挡土墙 和临时搭建的感觉。
A restricted pallet of materials and simple details, with walls of poured concrete, interior walls clad in iroko wood, and limestone paving for the courtyards, are intended to evoke the rough retaining walls and temporary structures of an archaeological site.
考虑到恶劣天气条件,楼板边缘使用了安全防护屏 Xclimb 系统外墙上使 用了爬升模板系统 Xclimb 60,以保护作业人员免受大风和天气侵袭。
Due to the adverse weather conditions the Protection screen Xclimb system was used at the slab
edges, and Guided climbing formwork
[...] Xclimb 60 on the the outside walls, to give the crew [...]
the best possible protection from the wind and the weather.
2 396 000 美元的经费包括用结构上更耐用的外膜替代现有门 外墙 和 屋顶 的费用(1 450 600 美元);建造一个 12 米 x8 米的安全房间和一个正面水泥墙, 以防止车载简易爆炸装置的影响(459 [...]
000 美元);购买消防系统(337 200 美元); 和安装一个缓冲闸(Hescobastions)、加固正门、更多的周边照明和生物特征运
动出入控制(149 200 美元)。
The provision of $2,396,000 comprises the costs
of replacing existing
[...] porta-cabin exterior walls and roofs with a more durable structural external membrane in the [...]
amount of $1,450,600;
constructing a 12-by-8-metre safe room and a concrete brick wall facade to prevent the effects of vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices ($459,000); purchasing a firefighting system ($337,200); and installing a sally port (Hesco bastions), reinforced main gate, additional perimeter lighting and biometric movement access control ($149,200).
Hardware and accessories for carpentry, decking, cladding
展出产品包括外墙干抹灰和外墙外 保 温 系统使用的憎水性可再分散乳胶粉, 低嗅味、 低排放内墙涂料用VAE乳液, [...]
The portfolio ranges from water-repellent dispersible polymer
[...] powders for dry renders and external thermal insulation composite [...]
system (ETICS), through vinyl
acetate-ethylene copolymer (VAE) dispersions for low-emission, low-odor interior paints, to binders for high-quality self-leveling flooring compounds that meet even stringent environmental regulations.
所以我们可以在铁路 (这在方向盘上的行为)、 疲劳的探测器、 向导长灯、 氙气大灯、 LED 尾灯、 雾灯与光旋转中添加向导维护,前面座位和后方加热,电动调节前排座椅、 防盗、 系统的高功率音响与低音炮,GPS
导航系统报警助理的半独立泊车、 无钥匙起动器、 装饰面料和皮革、 阿尔坎塔拉和皮革和完全的皮革、
[...] 更多的抽屉和存储和照明解决方案,网络的行李,遮阳后保险杠、 镀外墙 (为窗口) 包,18"铝合金轮毂、 培训体育射击、 [...]
挡风、 玻璃屋顶和当然油漆金属 (除其他外)。
So we can add Wizard maintenance in rail (which acts on the steering wheel), the detector of fatigue, the wizard long lights, xenon headlights, the LED rear lights, fog lights with light rotation, front seats and rear heated, power-adjustable front seats, anti-theft, system of high power sound with subwoofer, GPS navigation system alarm, Assistant of semi-autonomous parking, starter keyless, upholstery fabric and leather, alcantara and leather and entirely of leather, more drawers and storage and lighting
solutions, networks for luggage, sunshade
[...] rear bumper, chrome exterior (for Windows) package, [...]
18 "alloy wheels, train sports shooting,
athermic windscreen, roof of glass and of course paint metallic (among other things).
BZ 7229型应用软件是2270型手持式分析仪的双通道测量应用程序,它能够同时测量声源室和接收室的空气声或者内部和外部 外墙 空 气声测量,大大节省了您的时间。
Application software Type BZ 7229 is the dual channel measurement application for the 2270 hand-held analyzer and offers a time saving benefit in being able to
measure in the source and receiving rooms simultaneously for airborne
[...] tests or outside and inside for facade measurements.
毛出租面积 可出租总面积从截止外墙的面积扣除管轴,垂直管道,电梯槽,阳台 [...]
The gross rentable area includes all areas
[...] within the outside walls, less pipe [...]
shafts, vertical ducts, elevator shafts, balconies, and stairs.
WhiteBox系列产品专门安装于建筑物和大型构筑 外墙 以 及 或任何暴露于大自然中的位置,实现年复一日的高强度运行,在设施周围发射或接收DMX、RDM和以太网信号,无论是在建筑物外、跨越河流,甚至是穿越建筑物。
Built to be
[...] installed on the outsides of building, large structures, or anywhere exposed to the punishments of the weather, the WhiteBox series works [...]
tirelessly day in,
day out to transmit or receive your DMX, RDM and Ethernet signals around installations, be it the outside of a building, over rivers and even across buildings.
在卡塔亚诺卡,科凯亚沃雷恩街 (Kruunuvuorenkatu) 的街角有一家药店外墙雕刻 了猫头鹰、狐狸和松鼠的装饰图案。
In Katajanokka, on the corner of Kruunuvuorenkatu, you can see something quite remarkable: an Art Nouveau chemist’s with owl, fox and squirrel motifs.
在使用2250型或2270型完成您的空气声 外墙 空 气声或撞击声测量后,PULSE Reflex可以在直观的PC环境下完成工作流程,它提供了多用途的数据分析和快速通道生成完整的测量报告。
Having completed your airborne, façade or impact measurements with a Type 2250 or 2270, PULSE Reflex can be used to complete the work-flow process in an intuitive PC environment, offering versatile data analysis and ‘fast-track’ generation of the complete measurement report.
这些法规要求某些气候带的建筑,外墙和屋 顶的绝缘水平、照明能耗限制和双层绝缘玻璃框应达到较高的水平。
The codes required relatively high levels of insulation in the walls and roof, lighting [...]
energy limits, and double-glazing
and insulated window frames in certain climates.
2000 年 7 月,某一奢侈品 牌(香水)曾为此通知小卖部领导其销售点与其产品形象所要求的标准不符 外墙 、 地 砖质 量、墙面和天花板、家具和照明、整体效果)。
Accordingly, in July 2000, one brand of luxury items (perfume) informed the management of the Commissary that the retail outlet no
longer met the approval
[...] criteria required for the sale of its products (front wall, quality of flooring, walls and ceilings, [...]
furnishings and
lighting, overall appearance).
施工工艺必须符合建设部的行业强制性标准《聚苯颗 外墙外 保 温系统》(JG158-2004)以及江苏省建设厅颁布的《建 外墙 保 温构造图集》,并根据施工工艺先做样板,对其进行综合评价,经认证符合要求后再展开大面积的施工,材料供应商除进行详细的技术交底外,还应对产品的性能加强现场指导。
Construction technology must accord with
industry compulsory standard of
[...] MOC《polystyrene granules outer wall thermal insulation system 》(JG158-2004 )as well as  published by the jiangshu province consteuction hall 《construction outer wall thermal insulation structure [...]
atlas》, making the
samples first, and then making the cmprehensive evaluation, after approval , and then carry out the large scale construction, the materials suppliers besides conduct the detailed  technology exchange, also must make a guide for the performance of the products.
继台湾高雄的大立精品馆于2008年完工后,UNStudio又受到委托重新设计相邻的大立伊势丹大厦 外墙。
Following the completion of the Star Place shopping plaza in Kaohsiung in 2008, UNStudio was comissioned to re-design of the façade of the neighbouring Talee Isetan building.
皇家酒店,宝石专用的英国国王爱德华七世,建 外墙 之 间的天空和莱蒙湖暂停了47英亩的公园散发出的威严... ...犒劳自己总福祉的时刻,持久的前奏温泉依云源和深振兴。
The facades of Hôtel Royal, 5-star hotel, an architectural jewel dedicated to the King of England, Edward VII, exude majesty in a 47-acre park suspended between the sky and Lake Leman… Treat yourself to a moment of total well-being, a prelude to lasting and deep revitalisation at the Spa Evian Source.
墙煌”牌铝塑复合板在国内外市场上是一种高品质、重信誉的名牌产品,它采用本公司自己生产的、国内质量技术水平最先进的“墙煌”牌氟碳涂层铝板面板和背板,加上上下高分子胶粘膜和PE塑料蕊材(粘流融熔态)共五层,经过一步法复合成型、定型、冷却等先进的生产工艺精心制作而成,产品具有复合强度高而稳定,板形平整,产品内应力比同类产品小,表面涂层具有色泽均匀、色彩丰富、附着力优良等优点,特别是防腐耐候性和抗污性优异于同类产品,是目 外墙 装 饰 用先进的幕墙材料。
Wall-huang" brand aluminum composite panel in the domestic market is a high-quality, reputation and brand-name products, which uses the company's own production, quality and technical level of China's most advanced "wall-huang" brand fluorocarbon coating aluminum front and back, plus upper and lower gum mucosa and PE plastic polymer core material (viscous flow of molten state) a total of five, after a one-step composite molding, shaping, cooling and other advanced production technology and well-produced, products with high strength and stable compound, shape formation, products of small stress than similar products, the surface coating has a uniform color, rich colors, excellent
adhesion, etc.,
[...] especially the preservation of excellent weather resistance and stain resistance of similar products, is Currently decorative wall art wall material.
细木墙裙可能是1766年时为王妃铺装的,除了门头饰板的边饰 外 , 墙 裙 应 该是蓬巴杜夫人卧室装饰的“再利用”:墙上挂着纳图瓦尔(Natoire)的四幅画作,它们以寓意画的形式展现了绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐艺术。
The woodwork was probably carried out for the Dauphine in 1766, except for the frames [...]
of the overdoors, which are undoubtedly
a “reuse” of the decor from Madame de Pompadour’s room: they frame four paintings by Natoire representing allegories of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and Music.
他在技术上取得了令人瞩目的成就,包括参与开发对玻 外墙 用 消 防喷头大规模评估的首次测试;为协助低成本学校建筑开发,设计消防评估专用测试炉装置;等等。
Highlights of his technical achievements include his involvement in development of the first test for
large-scale evaluation of sprinklers
[...] designed to protect exterior glass curtain walls; design of [...]
special furnace test apparatus
for fire resistance evaluation to aid development of low-cost school buildings; and many others.
服务包括为一座现有的一层高45,000 平方英尺的办公楼外墙装修,以实现反恐部队保护的安全第三级别,建立内部以适应美国海关和边境保护局(USCBP)港口亚特兰运营管理。
Services included the exterior renovation of an [...]
existing 45,000-SF, one-story office building to achieve Anti Terrorism
Force Protection security level 3, build out of the interior to accommodate the U.S. Customs & Border Protection (USCBP) Port of Atlanta operations and the addition of a 15,000-SF high-bay warehouse space.




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