

单词 外国电影

See also:

外国 n

foreigners pl
overseas pl
foreign country n
foreigner n
overseas countries pl


external (affairs)

国外 pl

foreign countries pl

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,电 视台外国电 影 商业化 仍 然 没 有正确执行关于影 视 制 品 成果管理 [...]
和 控制的第 63 号二级法令。
However, the
[...] commercialization of foreign movies in TV stations [...]
has not yet implemented properly in compliance with the
content of the SubDecree 63 on management and control on the accomplishment of Video movie production.
这里的孩子从六岁起便开始 在学校学习英语,而且您会发 现,所有外国电影与电视剧都 带有字幕,而不是配音的。
Children start learning English at
school from the age of six, and you will
[...] find that all foreign films and television [...]
series are subtitled instead of dubbed.
外国电 影 进口、 宣 传 和 商业化 控 制在一定 程 度上得到加强和改 进 。
The control on import, promotion, and
[...] commercialization of foreign movies has been strengthened [...]
and improved to a degree.
10 有报告称, 官方 取缔移动电 话和 光盘, 同时还有一 些 监视人员组 成的监 察 小组,不仅
[...] 突击检查 各家庭 , 看 各个家庭 是 否 非法观 看 或 偷外国电 影 和 电 台以及电 视节目。
10 There are reports of official clamp-downs on mobile phones and CDs, and there are surveillance teams of inspectors who
raid homes to see whether families are illegally
[...] watching or listening to foreign films and radio or television [...]
通常,女人比男子活跃,只有体 育活动和电影例外,男 女参与这两项活动的程度几乎相等。
As a rule, women are more active than
[...] men, the only exceptions are sports and cinema visits, in which [...]
men and women engage to an almost equal extent.
4) 网络电影盗版是电影盗版发展的新趋势,非法下 电 影 的 人群主要集中在大学 生和公司年轻职员国外影片和国内畅销影片是网络盗版的主要对象。
4) Online piracy, or illegal downloading and streaming, is a rapidly growing threat to the movie industry. Illegal downloaders
are mainly college students and young
[...] white-collar workers, and they mainly target foreign-made movies and Chinese-made best-selling movies.
如果您像酷电影的外国影迷那样正在搜寻一目了然的电影翻译,那么 Scribers 卓越和精确的字幕服务可帮助所有带字幕的影片和节目在加上字幕之后保持原汁原味。
If you are seeking clear movie translations like a movie buff who
[...] enjoys good movies in a foreign language, Scribers’ [...]
excellent and accurate
subtitling service helps all subtitled movies and programmes retain their original meaning and essence even after the process of subtitling.
[...] 这对他们的经营并不构成限制,这样的结果就是他们能够不仅仅能提供审查部门认为适合所 有观众观看的电影,而且也能提供其他各 国外电影。
This is not a constraint under which movie pirates
operate, and as a
[...] result they can offer all foreign titles, not just those [...]
deemed suitable for all Chinese audiences by the censor.
在世界范围内盗版令娱乐业损失惨重,如何打击盗版,保护知识产权,以促进中 国电影产业的健康发展,是众多国 国外电影 产 业 界人士和经济界人士十分关心的问题。
The entertainment sector suffers heavy losses worldwide due to copyright piracy, and the question of how to crack down on copyright piracy and protect intellectual property rights in order to
promote the healthy
[...] development of China’s movie industry has become a significant concern for many people in the movie industry both at [...]
home and abroad.
需要强调的是,电影保护基金的覆盖范 围除了其他重要领外,还 有对包括西班牙 影 在 内 的欧洲 国电影 进 行发布和 销售,帮助制片人通过与银行机构的沟通获得低息贷款,以及电影底片的保存。
The aim is also to assist other key areas of the film industry, such as the distribution of European films, including Spanish films, the reduction of interest rates on bank loans to producers and the conservation of negatives.
提供演员参与外电影制作,包括「火拼时速2」 ( 美 国 ) 、 「 盗贼同盟」(韩国)、「特工阔少爷」第1集及第2集 (法国/比利时)、「世纪役战」(美国)、「蝙蝠侠黑夜之神」(美国)、「太极侠」(美国)、「金田一香港九龙财宝杀人事件」(日本) [...]
及「I Trust You」(意大利)。
Provided artiste agency services to films "Rush Hour 2" (USA), "The Thieves" (South [...]
Korea), "Largo Winch" 1 & 2 (France/
Belgium), Contagion (Hollywood), "Bat Man - The Dark Knight" (USA), "Man of Tai Chi" (USA), "Kindaichi Case Files - Hong Kong Kowloon" (Japan) and "I Trust You" (Italian).
最后要说明的是,在多国家,电影 和 摄 影作品的保护期与其他作品 不同(通常要短)。
Finally, in most countries, movies and photographs [...]
have different (usually shorter) terms of protection than other works.
在包括图书、出版、音乐电影、多 媒体行业和设计在内的不同文化产 业中,正在阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、中美洲 国 、 中 国 、 古 巴、哥伦比亚、牙买加、立陶宛、 黎巴嫩、秘鲁、塞内加尔、俄罗斯联邦、美国、津巴布韦开展防止剽窃的活动。
In the various cultural industries including books,
[...] publishing, music, cinema, multimedia crafts and design, as well as actions to prevent piracy, they are being developed in Algeria, Argentina, Central American Countries, China, Cuba, [...]
Colombia, Jamaica, Lithuania,
Lebanon, Peru, Senegal, Russian Federation, United States and Zimbabwe.
我们还提请注意在多哈举行的 77 国集团和中国的南方首脑会议通过的《宣 言》。与会者在宣言中断然拒绝接受具有 外影 响 力的法律及条例和一切其他形 式的胁迫性经济措施,并对经济制裁对受制 国 发 展 能力的影响表示严重关切。
We also refer to the Declaration adopted by the South Summit of the Group of 77 and China, held in Doha, in which the participants
categorically rejected laws and
[...] regulations with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of coercive economic measures, and expressed grave concern over the impact of economic sanctions on the development [...]
capacity of the targeted countries.
一套成功电影背后除了软件(电影)外 , 硬件亦非常重要:音响便是一个好例子,能够在电影界屹立数十年而且不时推出新型号,占全世界90%使用率 国 J B L 音 箱是也。
A successful movie except the software(film), the hardware is also very important: sound is a good example, can survive for decades in the film industry and producing new models from time to time, U.S. JBL speaker [...]
share of global utilization rate 90%.
这 些活动是:与英国广播公司和国电 视 二 台合作制作的纪录片“庞贝的奥秘”的首映式,用 与 MK2 合作修复的版本放映了列入世界遗产(世界记忆)的第一 电影 弗 里茨的“大都 市”,表演了木偶剧“Ningyo Johruru Bunraku”(日本)和哥伦比亚的“巴兰基亚滑稽木偶 剧”,这两种木偶剧都列入了《非物质遗产名录》。
These events included the preview of the “Mysteries of Pompeii”, a fiction documentary made in association with BBC and F2, “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang, the first film classified as part of the “world heritage” (Memory of the World) shown in its restored version, in association with MK2, the “Ningyo Johruru Bunraku” marionettes theatre (Japan) and the “Carnival of Barranquilla” of Colombia, both included in the list of the intangible heritage.
国宪章》和指导国家间和平关系的规范和原则的单方面措施,尤其是造成各种外影响的胁迫性措施,这种措施妨 国 家 间 的贸易关系;请联合国人权事务高级 专员在其向大会提交的年度报告中对本决议给予优先注意;请秘书长继续收集会 [...]
员国关于单方面胁迫性措施对其人口产生的影响和不良后果的意见及资料,并向 大会第六十五届会议提交分析报告,同时再次重申有必要着重说明这方面的切实
预防措施(第 64/170 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly urged all States to cease adopting or implementing any unilateral measures not in accordance with
international law, the
[...] Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations among States, in particular [...]
those of a coercive
nature with all their extraterritorial effects, which created obstacles to trade relations among States; requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to give priority to the resolution in her annual report to the Assembly; and requested the SecretaryGeneral to continue to collect the views of Member States and information on the implications and negative effects of unilateral coercive measures on their populations and to submit an analytical report thereon to the Assembly at its sixtyfifth session, while reiterating once again the need to highlight the practical and preventive measures in that respect (resolution 64/170).
他的研究项目包括开发第一个横跨大西洋的海底光波系统,从 国 新 泽 西州到 国 和 法 国 的 海 底光缆系统 TAT-8,开发光纤制导导弹系统,以及开发高速紫外光固化光纤涂料,甚至是用于保护 外电 信 系 统的控释杀虫剂产品。
His research projects included the development of the first transatlantic undersea lightwave
system, TAT-8 from New Jersey to the UK and
[...] France, fiber optic guided missile systems, development of high speed UV curable coatings for optical fiber and even controlled release insecticide products to protect outdoor telecommunications systems.
这一章介绍了过去 12 个月新闻部为提高对巴勒 斯坦问题的认识而开展的重要报道,特别是通过联国电台和 联合国新闻中心,组织每年一次的中东和平 问题国际媒体研讨会——今年的研讨会在里斯本举 行、通过巴勒斯坦青年记者培训方案、联巴信息系统 文件数据化及传播信息和组外联活 动。
That chapter provides information on the valuable coverage given by DPI in the past 12 months to raise awareness of the question
of Palestine,
[...] especially through UN Radio and the United Nations News Centre, the organization of the annual International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East, which was held in Lisbon this year, the training programme for young Palestinian journalists, the digitization of documents for UNISPAL, and the dissemination of information and the organization of outreach activities.
紧接此前,Tam 先生是 British Telecom(国电信公司)的数据中心总经理,负责建立该公司在香港的数据中心业​务并制定数据中心及 IT 外包服务战略。
Most recently Tam was General Manager of Data Centers
at British Telecom
[...] (BT), where he was responsible for establishing the company’s Hong Kong data center operation and developing the data center and IT outsourcing services strategy.
日本东京,2012年11月5日 ——国电影导演金华青代表中国浙江卫视,通过视频在第39届日本大奖(Japan [...]
TOKYO, Japan, 5 November
[...] 2012 - Chinese filmmaker Huaqing Jin speaks [...]
via video message to the 39th Japan Prize ceremony,
on behalf of Chinese television outlet Zhengjiang Satellite TV.
外,它 还 就以下方面提出了政策建议:如何在以国际贸易规则正在变化、南方工业 国影 响力 日增、生产国际化和气候变化日益受到关注为特征的新的全球环境中促进非 洲的工业发展。
Furthermore, it offers policy recommendations on how to foster industrial development in Africa in the new global environment characterized by changing international trade rules, growing influence of industrial powers [...]
from the South,
the internationalization of production and increasing concerns about climate change.
深为关切尽管大会、人权理事会、人权委员会和联合国最近各次主要会议就 此问题通过了各项建议,单方面胁迫性措施仍在违反一般国际法和《宪章》的情 况下继续颁布和实施,对发展中国家的社会人道主义活动以及经济和社会发展造 成种种不利影响,包括产生外影响 ,从而制造了更多障碍,妨碍其 国 家 管辖 下的人民和个人充分享受所有人权
Deeply concerned that, despite the recommendations adopted on this question by the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council, the Commission on Human Rights and recent major United Nations conferences, and contrary to general international law and the Charter, unilateral coercive measures continue to be promulgated and implemented with all their negative implications for the social humanitarian activities and economic and
social development of
[...] developing countries, including their extraterritorial effects, thereby creating additional obstacles to the full enjoyment of all human rights by peoples and individuals under the jurisdiction of other States
作为产业链中重要一环的上海国际电影节依托 国电影 产 业 快速发展和电影产业全球化的趋势,2011年同样取得飞速的成长,第14届上 国 际 电影 节 有来自102个国家和地区1519部长片,9875部短片报名;其中精选的 外 优 秀 影片放映吸引了30万观众;100多个国家和地区2015名注册买家及5436位业界人士进场交易; 国电影 项 目 创投、合拍片洽谈有来自17个国家和地区209个项目报名,33个项目达成合作意向;100位国内外顶尖业界精英在11场重量级论坛上发表真知灼见、碰撞智慧;来自世界各地近478家主流媒体2008名记者参与报道盛况。
As one of the most important links in the industry chain, the Shanghai International Film Festival continued to grow in 2011, featuring films from China’s fast developing film industry, not to mention the global film industry. 1,519 feature films and 9,875 shorts from 102 countries and regions applied for the 14th Shanghai International Film Festival.
中国MCC 目前正在西澳州建设中澳铁矿项目(Sino Iron Project),外MCC 还将承接昆士兰的中国优先(China First) 项目,而国电工设 备总公司还将有史以来首次在发达国家内( 维多利亚州) 承接发电厂项目,与HRL 合作建设一座双燃料、天然气和合成气燃气发电站。
China’s MCC has been building the Sino Iron Project in Western Australia, and now MCC will undertake the China First project in Queensland, and China National Electric Equipment Corporation [...]
will undertake
the first ever power plant in a developed nation (in Victoria), where they are cooperating with HRL to deliver a duel fuel, natural and synthetic gas-fired power plant.
教科文组织的中期战略(31 C/4)强调建立伙伴关系具有提高 效率、扩大外影响与认同的重要意义,建议通过合作、连接和联网等方式,争取 国 政府 和其国际和政府间机构的参与,以及公民社会和私营部门的参与。
The Medium-Term Strategy (31 C/4) of UNESCO stressed the importance of
creating partnerships in
[...] order to be effective and to strengthen outreach and acceptance and recommended seeking the engagement not only of governments and other international [...]
and intergovernmental
organizations, but also civil society and the private sector, through partnerships, linkages and networking.
[...] 本和存货水平;两年来,公司建立了国际化销售渠道、稳定的合作伙伴和客户群,逐步提升品牌认知和市场形象,积 累了开国内外电站的能力。
Targeted at the market status, the company proposes the strategy of “safe winter and leap-over development”, improves the management level of supply chain and market reaction speed, and exerts effort to control production cost and inventory level; over the past two years, the company has established international sales channel, stable partners and customer group, gradually
promoted brand recognition and market image, accumulated
[...] the capacity of developing domestic and foreign power stations.
国电影放映 环节的盗版现象也并 不严重:大城市(尤其是北京、上海)电影院基本上杜绝盗版放映行为;盗版 [...]
放映主要发生在中、小城市的省级以下电影院和娱乐场所,宾馆、饭店播放盗 版影片的情况较为严重。
Neither is copyright piracy during the projection
[...] process severe: pirated movies are rarely shown [...]
at cinemas in large cities (particularly
in Beijing and Shanghai); projection of pirated movies mainly happens at cinemas and entertainment places in medium- and small-sized cities, with hotels the site of relatively severe movie copyright violations.
国电影分销 商韦恩斯坦公司(The Weinstein Company)已经购买了该片在美国、加拿大、英国和意大利的放映权,而英国制片商杰里米·托马斯(Jeremy Thomas)所拥有的国际经销公司汉威影片公司(Hanway Films)已经将该片销往了40多个地区。为了这部挪威参选影片能够获得奥斯卡最 外 语 故 事片奖,该公司目前则正在美国组织宣传放映活动。
US distributor The Weinstein Company, which has purchased the film for the US, Canada, the UK and Italy, and UK co-producer Jeremy Thomas’ international sales company, Hanway Films, which has sold the film to more than 40 territories, are currently organising screenings in the US to promote the Norwegian submission for the Oscar as Best Foreign-Language Feature.




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