

单词 外务省

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年初,联合国大学与日外务省共同 编写了一份题为“裁军与不扩散教 育:促进与公民社会合作实现无核武器世界”的联合工作文件(NPT/CONF.2010/ [...]
In early 2010, the United Nations University prepared a joint working
[...] paper with the Foreign Ministry of Japan, [...]
entitled “Disarmament and non-proliferation
education: promoting cooperation with civil society towards a world without nuclear weapons” (NPT/CONF.2010/WP.6).
外务省国际合作局全球问题合作处副处长北村美奈子女士代表日外 务省国际 合作局局长越川和彦先生致开幕词。
Ms. Minako Kitamura, Deputy Director of the Global Issues
[...] Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, delivered opening remarks on behalf of Mr. [...]
Koshikawa, Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
谨随函转递朝鲜民主主义人民共和 外务省 2012 年 8 月 31 日发表的备忘录 ——“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国认为美国的敌视政策是解决核问题的主要障碍” [...]
I have the honour to transmit herewith the memorandum of
[...] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea entitled
“Democratic People’s Republic of Korea terms hostile United States policy main obstacle in resolving nuclear issue”, released on 31 August 2012 (see annex).
在此之际,我谨随函附上朝鲜民主主义人民共和 外务省 发 言人 2010 年 6 月 4 日的答复。
On this occasion I would like to enclose herewith a copy of the answer by the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea dated 4 June 2010 and request you kindly to circulate
the present letter and the attached answer by
[...] the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry as a document [...]
of the Security Council.
(e) 2010 年3月3 日第五次会议:卢森堡副首相兼外交大臣让·阿瑟伯 恩;爱沙尼亚外交部长乌尔马斯·帕依特;哈萨克斯坦国务秘书兼外交部长坎纳 特·绍达巴耶夫;爱尔兰外交部长迈克尔·马丁;布基纳法索促进人权事务部部
[...] 奥地利联邦司法部长克劳蒂亚·班迪恩-奥特纳;荷兰外交大臣马克西姆·费尔 哈根;斯洛伐克外交部国务秘书迪亚娜·施特罗福娃;瑞典外交部国务秘书弗兰 克·贝尔弗拉格;日外务省政务 次官西村智奈美;捷克共和国外交部负责欧洲 事务的副部长弗拉迪米尔·加卢什卡;罗马尼亚战略事务国务秘书波格丹·奥勒 斯库
(e) At the 5th meeting, on 3 March 2010: Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg; Urmas Paet, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Estonia; Kanat Saudabayev, Secretary of State, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan; Micheál Martin, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland; Salamata Sawadogo, Minister for the Promotion of Human Rights of Burkina Faso; Akmal Saidov, Chairman of the National Centre for Human Rights of Uzbekistan; Claudia Bandion-Ortner, Federal Minister for Justice of Austria; Maxime Verhagen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; Diana Štrofová, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Slovakia;
Frank Belfrage, State
[...] Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Sweden; Chinami Nishimura, Parliamentary Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan; [...]
Vladimír Galuška, Deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs for European Affairs of the Czech Republic; Bogdan Aurescu, State Secretary for Strategic Affairs of Romania
1998-2000 年 日外务省,欧 洲事务局,第二西欧司,负责日本-大不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国政治关系
1998-2000 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, European [...]
Affairs Bureau, Second West Europe Division, official in charge
of Japan-United Kingdom political relations
这项活动包括来自琦玉市的 40
[...] 名高中学生就裁军问题的具体建议进行演讲,并与一个由区域中心的高级代表、 日外务省和非 政府组织组成的专题小组就这些建议交换了看法。
The event included the presentation of concrete proposals on disarmament from 40 students from high schools in Saitama and an exchange of views on those proposals with a panel consisting of
senior representatives from the Regional Centre, the
[...] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and non-governmental [...]
这次活动是由埼玉市与日外务省和 日 本模拟联合国根据秘书 长向大会第五十七届会议提交的关于联合国在裁军和不扩散教育问题方面的研 [...]
The event was organized by the
City of Saitama, in cooperation with
[...] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Japan [...]
Model United Nations, with the aim
of promoting disarmament education, in accordance with the report of the SecretaryGeneral on the United Nations study on disarmament and non-proliferation education submitted to the General Assembly at its fifty-seventh session (A/57/124).
日本代表向理事会通报说,在 2012 年,日外务省和国际协力 机构计划进行一次审查,以决定在日本 [...]
2012 财年之后是否应继续与 国际协力机构联合举办的三个东京都社区课程。
The representative of Japan informed the Council that, in 2012,
[...] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and JICA [...]
were scheduled to conduct a review
to determine whether the three TMA-based courses conducted jointly with JICA should be continued after the Japanese fiscal year 2012.
日本代表团由日本常驻联合国代表西田 恒夫率领,成员包外务省国际 法局局长长岭安政、日本常驻联合国代表团主管 大陆架界限委员会事务的叶室和亲大使以及几名顾问。
The delegation of Japan was headed by Tsuneo
Nishida, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, and included
[...] Yasumasa Nagamine, Director-General of the International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kazuchika [...]
Hamuro, Ambassador
for the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf at the Permanent Mission of Japan, and a number of advisers.
(b) 东京联合国新闻中心与联合国各机构 外务省 、 日 本模拟联合国及其他 实体合作,组织了第一次“联合国周”活动,其中包括一个关于企业在实现千年 [...]
发展目标方面的作用研讨会和一个模拟联合国讲习班,主管传播和新闻事务副秘 书长参加了这些活动
(b) The United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo, in
partnership with United Nations
[...] entities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Model United NationsJapan [...]
and others, organized the
first “United Nations week”, which included a seminar on the role of business in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and a workshop on the Model United Nations, in which the Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information participated
根据这些措施外务省遵照《外务省 设 置 法》,在审批第 1970(2011)号决议 附件一(及第 1973(2011)号决议附件一)指认的人在日本入境或过境的签证申请 时保持高度警惕。
Under these measures,
[...] the Minister for Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the Law for the Establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, exercises strict vigilance [...]
in the examination
of entry/transit visas for the entry into or transit through Japan of individuals designated in annexⅠ to resolution 1970 (2011) (as well as in annexⅠ to resolution 1973 (2011)).
[...] 亚堪培拉的外交事务与贸易部,由委员会秘书伊恩·比格斯领导,另在东京的日外务省也设 有类似机构,由佐野俊夫领导。
The work of the Commission was supported by a small Secretariat operating from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, headed by
Commission Secretary Ian Biggs and a parallel unit in the
[...] Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, headed [...]
by Toshio Sano.
在日本,特别报告员与外交大臣、负责绑架问题的大臣 外务省外 交 政 策副 大臣、负责联合国事务的大使以及亚洲和大洋洲事务局副局长进行了几次会晤。
In Japan, the Special Rapporteur held several
meetings with the
[...] Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister in-charge of abduction issues, the Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the [...]
Ambassador in charge
of United Nations affairs and the Deputy Director General of Asian and Oceanian Affairs.
高木先生1979年在日本特许厅开始职业生涯,并曾在日 外务省 任 职 ,参加了多次WIPO会议以及关于《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(《TRIPS协定》)的谈判。
Mr. Takagi began his career in the Japan Patent
Office in 1979, and also served in
[...] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, participating [...]
in numerous WIPO meetings and
negotiations relating to the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement).
2003-2007 年 日本常驻联合国代表团二秘和一秘(2007 年被指派为日外务 省联合 国事务资深专家),负责联合国经常预算、维和预算、 卢旺达问题国际法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭预算、方案规 [...]
划、管理层改革和监督机构(审计委员会、内部监督事务厅和 联合检查组
2003-2007 Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, Second and First Secretary (designated in
2007 as Senior Expert on
[...] United Nations affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan), [...]
in charge of the United Nations
regular budget, peacekeeping budgets, budgets of the International Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia, programme planning, management reform, oversight bodies (Board of Auditors, Office of Internal Oversight Services and Joint Inspection Unit)
日本政府已根据外务省设置 法》和《出入境管理和难民认定法》(下称“出 入境管理法”)采取必要措施,对第 1970(2011)号决议附件一(及第 1973(2011) 号决议附件一)指认的人在日本入境或过境保持警惕。
The Government of Japan has already initiated, in accordance with the Law for the Establishment [...]
of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (hereinafter “Immigration Control Act”), necessary measures to exercise vigilance regarding the entry into or transit through its territories of individuals designated in annexⅠ to resolution 1970 (2011) (as well as in annexⅠ to resolution 1973 (2011)).
2001 年,俄罗斯事务协助课课长 2002
年,世贸组织争端解决课课长 2004 年,墨西哥和中美洲课课长 2006 年,日本驻菲律宾大使馆公使 2008 年,日本驻纽约总领馆信息中心主任
[...] 杉山先生在担任会计课首席副课长期间,负责规划和执行整 外务省 的预 算,包括日本在联合国的分摊会费和自愿捐款。
Mr. Sugiyama, as Principal Deputy Director of the Financial Affairs Division, was entrusted with
the planning and implementation of the
[...] totality of the Foreign Service’s budget, [...]
including Japan’s assessed and voluntary
contributions to the United Nations.
讨论宣布结束战争,并举行会谈以在朝鲜战争 60 周年之际以和平条约取代《停 战协定》(2007 年 10 月 4
[...] 日《发展北南关系、和平与繁荣宣言》和 2010 年 1 月 11 日朝鲜民主主义人民共和外务省声 明 )。
At the beginning of the new century, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea proposed that the signatories to the Korean Armistice Agreement sit together to discuss declaring the end of the war and that the talks should be held to replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War (Declaration for the development of North-South relations and peace and
prosperity, 4 October 2007, and Statement
[...] of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea, 11 January 2010).
信息显示,尽管已经对 2009 年无氟氯化碳替代物以及新型替代物开发(向泡沫塑 料企业提供技术务以更 好地应用新型替代物;继续监测泡沫塑料行业的氟氯化碳淘汰情 况;以及外省市的 泡沫塑料行动)的筛查和评估工作四个领域的活动进行了规划,但截 至 2009 年 6 月 30 日,相关款项仍未拨付。
The information shows that, while activities in the four areas of screening and evaluation of CFC-free substitutes and
development of new substitutes
[...] (technical service for the foam enterprise for better application of new alternatives; continued monitoring of CFC phase-out in the foam sector; and additional provincial foam activities) were [...]
planned for 2009, the
status as of 30 June 2009 was that no related disbursements had taken place.
新喀里多尼亚的政治责任由法国 外省 和 海 外 领 地 部长布里斯·奥尔特弗和外事务部长玛丽-露丝·邦夏尔承担。
Political responsibility for New Caledonia
lies with the French
[...] Minister for Overseas Departments and Territories, Brice Hortefeux, and the Minister for Overseas, Marie-Luce [...]
对于小型机构而言,地理中心成为 外一 个挑战,考虑到它们在联邦首都外 的 代 表性有限;教科文组织正在通过与联邦 省 政 府 部 门以及其他相关合作伙伴进一步密切合作来解决这一问题。
For smaller agencies, geographical focus is another challenge,
considering their limited
[...] representation outside the federal capital; a problem which UNESCO is addressing by furthering its already close cooperation with the federal and provincial government departments [...]
and other partners concerned.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“
[...] 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學學生人口 下 降 所省”代替 ;在“ 資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, [...]
並以“進 行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資
培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before
"resources"; to delete
[...] "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the [...]
primary and secondary
school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
提议编列差旅费 266 500 美元,用于开展以下技术支持活动:现场评价和 技术援助,包括评外地行 动在扩大驻 省 办 事 处和其他合同活动方面的进展、 采购招标进程、战略部署物资储存的仓库存货和编目问题,以及审查外地燃料作 [...]
业情况(166 000 美元);加强外地航空安全负责人员的知识和技能,并制定联合
国航空安全共同标准公式,以便联合国不同的实体使用联合国空中资产(65 300 美元);在维和特派团实施电子口粮管理系统和电子燃料管理系统(35 200 美 元)。
The amount of $266,500 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: on-site evaluations and provision of technical assistance,
including for assessing
[...] progress in field operations in connection with the expansion of provincial offices and other contractual [...]
the procurement solicitation process, strategic deployment stock warehouse inventory and codification issues, and review of fuel operations in the field ($166,000); improve knowledge and technical skills of staff in the field charged with aviation safety and establish a formulation of the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards for the use of air assets between different United Nations entities ($65,300); and implementation of the electronic rations management system and the electronic fuel management system in peacekeeping missions ($35,200).
外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治 务 经 费 多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed [...]
programme budget for
the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
[...] 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央 务 、 外 勤 业 务 和 后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 [...]
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business
intelligence, and in functional areas, including
[...] travel, central services, field operations and [...]
logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning,
as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
舉例來說,香港本土市 場只有700萬人,但如果我們可以藉着《綱要》所提供的框架平台,進
[...] 一步發展大珠三角內的5 000萬人口這龐大市場,繼而拓展 外省的 話,那麼,我們目前縱然受到金融海嘯的沖擊,仍然可以開創一片新天 地。
To illustrate, the local market in Hong Kong covers only 7 million people, but if we can make use of the framework and platform offered by the Outline and further develop the huge market in the Greater PRD which
has a population of 50 million and
[...] then expand to other provinces beyond it, then even [...]
as we are under the attack of the
financial tsunami, we can still open up new horizons.
获取信息与知识(行动方针 C3):教科文组织与包容性设计研究院和安大 省 社 会服 务和社 区部(加拿大)为残疾人印发了无障碍利用数字办公室文件指南。
Access to information and knowledge (Action Line C3): For persons with disabilities, UNESCO, with Inclusive Design Institute and Ontario Ministry of Social Services and Community (Canada), issued the guidelines for Inclusive Access to Digital Office Documents.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行务外,还 将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 [...]
间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council
[...] decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions [...]
425 (1978) and
426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
2009 年,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室)通过以
下途径支助会员国努力减少全世界的犯罪、毒品和恐怖主义:研究工作,以便 为制定政策和业务决定扩大证据库;规范性工作,以协助各国批准和实施各项
[...] 国际条约,制订关于毒品、犯罪和恐怖主义的国内立法,并为条约机构和理事 机构提供实质性服务和秘书处务; 外 地 技术合作以及制定和执行区域方案和 专题方案。
Recommendations In 2009, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supported Member States in their efforts to achieve a world safer from crime, drugs and terrorism through research to expand the evidence base for policy and operational decisions; normative work to assist States in the ratification and implementation of international treaties, the development of domestic legislation on drugs, crime and terrorism and the provision of substantive and secretariat services for
treaty bodies and
[...] governing bodies; and field-based technical cooperation and the development and [...]
implementation of regional and thematic programmes.




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