

单词 外出

外出 noun ()

outing n

外出 ()

go away (on a trip etc)

出外 verb ()

go out v

出外 adjective ()

outbound adj

出外 ()

leave for another place



travel on business (often abroad)

外出频宽 n

egress bandwidth n

邀请...外出 v

take out v

External sources (not reviewed)

如果外出旅行 ,建议您同其他人一起旅行,确保你们中始终有人知晓你们的方位,而且不要离开公路或步行路径,轻易涉险。
If you are going on a trip, travel with other people, make sure someone knows where you are at all times and stay on a road or a walking track.
最有效地利用通话时间无论是居家还 外出 , Ja bra BT2045 能帮助您最有效地利用通话时间和其它时间。
Make the most of your calls Whether [...]
at home or on the go, get the most out of you calls and your time with the Jabra BT2045.
被 疑为毛派同情者,或者仅仅与毛派有联系的人,被一大 外出 巡 逻 的众人熟知的 军事人员捕获。
A person suspected of Maoist sympathies, or simply of having contact with the Maoists, was seized by a large group of known
[...] military personnel out on patrol.
外,出任人 員還須協調金融服務界 的意見,以便在香港參與的國際及地區論壇( [...]
例如二十國集團、金融 穩定委員會、國際貨幣基金組織、亞太區經濟合作組織、亞洲開發銀 行和經濟合作及發展組織) 上提出。
In addition, he/she co-ordinates [...]
input from financial services perspective in connection with Hong Kong’s participation
in relevant international and regional fora, including G20, Financial Stability Board, International Monetary Fund, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Asian Development Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
然而,由于得到政府和其他国际国内 机构的资助以及居外出务工 获得一些收入,干旱对居民粮食安全以及良种基 [...]
Nevertheless, due to the financial support from the Government and other states and international bodies, as
well as due to the income obtained by
[...] residents who work outside the country, the [...]
negative impact of the drought on the food
security of the population, maintenance of the seeds base, forage base and the animal genetic base was partially stopped.
最 近,在家庭中开始出现对妇女和女童的歧视模式,包括学校开除女孩、阻止妇外出工作、加大迫使她们戴面纱的压力,这些主要是基于宗教信仰。
Recently, patterns of discrimination against women and girls have started arising within the family, mainly based on religious beliefs, ranging from removal of girls from schools, preventing women from going out for
work and increased pressure on them to
[...] wear the veil, in addition to the rise in the [...]
incidence of child marriages, mainly
cases of parents consenting to the marriage of a girl child before the legal age of eighteen.
此系统过去一直以3600元每套的价格 外出 售 , 已经被上千家企业使用,为了能够支持中国网络营销行业的发展,为了降低中小企业网络营销的成本,通王科技决定将以系统开源,免费提供给企业使用。
This system has always been the price
[...] to 3600 yuan each foreign sales , has been [...]
used on thousands of businesses , in order
to support China's development of the industry of network marketing , network marketing for SMEs in order to reduce the cost of technology decisions through King system will be open source , freely available to enterprises.
如果您总外出,那 么您的音频设备可以满足生活中的所有需求而且音质出色是最好不过的了。
If you’re always on
[...] the go, it’s great when your audio devices [...]
can take on all of your life’s demands while sounding excellent, too.
根 据资料得出如下结论:未遵守合同标的,因为所支付款项涵盖了在开普敦 外出 差 的 费用 (尤其是 UNEP 项目的某工作人员出差至突尼斯);缺少证明文件(文件中没有上述工作室 [...]
The following observations may be made on the basis of the file: non-compliance with
the purpose of the contract since payment
[...] covered travel outside Cape Town (including [...]
a trip to Tunis by a UNEP official),
absence of supporting documents (document not signed by the hotel in which the workshop concerned was held), inconsistencies in the calculation of daily subsistence allowances, and “miscellaneous expenses” category (currency exchange and other) not supported by any documents in the financial report.
专家组还查明,除刚果当地贸易外 , 出 口行 Namukaya 提供给上述贸易商的黄金至少是其正规出口量的十倍(见 [...]
S/2010/596,第 294 段 和 S/2011/738,第 512 段)。
The Group has also
[...] established that in addition to local Congolese [...]
traders, export house Namukaya supplies above-mentioned
traders with a quantity of gold that represents at least 10 times its official exports (see S/2010/596, para. 294, and S/2011/738, para. 512).
不過,如出口國已就發酵食物中的氨基甲酸乙酯含量訂有標準,進口商 可通知外出口貿 易伙伴遵從該國標準。
Nevertheless, importers might inform their overseas export trading partners to observe the local standards in their own countries on EC in fermented foods where those were available.
(2)# 根據《公司法》第89條,只有在年度股東大會召開前至少二十一(21)日內發出 書面通知,表示欲提名某位人士(卸任核數師 外 ) 出 任 核數師,方能在年度股東大會上 委任該人士為核數師,本公司須將任何上述通知的副本寄送予卸任核數師。
(2)# Subject to Section 89 of the Act, a person, other than a retiring Auditor, shall not be capable of being appointed Auditor at an annual general meeting unless notice in writing of an intention to nominate that person to the office of Auditor has been given not less than twenty-one (21) days before the annual general meeting and furthermore, the Company shall send a copy of any such notice to the retiring Auditor.
(7) 獲 准 保外 出,但 有 責 任 到 警 署 報 到 的 人 若 再 次 被 捕 , 本 法 令 本 部 的 規 定 同 樣 適 用 , 與 初 次 被 捕 的 人 的 情 形 一 樣 。
(7) Where a person who was released on bail subject to a duty to attend at a police station is re-arrested, the provisions of this Part of this Act shall apply to him as they apply to a person arrested for the first time.
外,出自国 家预算的额外资源已经转给了养恤金保险基金,以补偿退还 [...]
In addition, additional resources [...]
from the state budget have been transferred to the pension insurance fund in order to
compensate for the repayment of part of social insurance tax to persons who have joined the 2nd pillar of the mandatory funded pensions insurance scheme.
该女子解释说,牢房中没有卫生桶, 而警方表示,他们允许妇外出使用 厕所;但是,她在夜间呼叫没有回应,女婴 就在牢房墙角大便。
The woman explained that there was no bucket for sanitation in the cell, as the police indicated that they would allow the woman out to use the toilet; however, she had called in vain at night and the baby had defecated in the corner of the cell.
美国卡姆登郡,2011 年3月29日 – 在美国最危险的城市之一长大的马塞尔.詹金斯 (Marcell Jenkins) 今年 12 岁,他还从未单外出到过 几个街区以外的地方。
CAMDEN, USA, 29 March 2011 – Growing up in the one of the most dangerous cities in the United States of America, Marcell Jenkins, 12, never ventures more than a few blocks from his home alone.
(d) 卡塔尔酋长国空军空运分队除提供人道主义援 外 , 出动 30 架次飞机, 运送约 404 名伤员接受治疗和医务护理,并为利比亚人民运输约 1 450 吨医疗援 助和设备。
(d) The air transport wing of the Qatar Emiri Air Force has undertaken 30 flights with a view to transporting some 404 wounded persons to be treated and provided with medical care, and transporting some 1,450 tons of medical assistance and equipment for the Libyan people, in addition to humanitarian assistance.
这些儿童年龄从几个月大到六岁,如果得不到Hand in Hand Trust(手牵手信托)的照顾,就只能每天在其母 外出 工 作时,独自留在家中长达10小时。
The alternative for these children, aged from just a few months to six years, is to be left alone for up to 10 hours a day while their mothers go out to work to keep the family from starving.
(d) 協 助 從 警 方 的 拘 押 或 合 法 監 管 中 逃 走 , 則 在 被 檢 去 物 品 者 不 再 受 警 方 拘 押 或 法 庭 監 管 或 仍 由
[...] 法 庭 監 管 但 已 保外 出 時 , 一 律 不 得 扣 留 。
may be retained when the person from whom it was seized
is no longer in police detention or the custody of a court or is in the custody of a
[...] court but has been released on bail.
外,出于担 心技术标准会在 新技术出现后更加严格,公司也不愿意寻找更有效 [...]
Moreover, firms may be discouraged [...]
from finding more effective technologies out of fear that standards will be subsequently tightened.
然而,全世界的父母都面临了如艾滋病毒/艾滋病、吸毒、贫穷的日益增加、离开家 外出 谋 生 、武装冲突造成的影响等许多困难。
However, parents worldwide face tremendous obstacles such as the effects
of HIV/AIDS, drug use, increased poverty,
[...] having to leave hometown to find work, [...]
the effects of armed conflict and so on.
102 除於本章程細則明文規定或董事會另有決定外,妥為登記為股東及已悉數支 付當時就其股份應付本公司金額的股東以外人士,一概不得在任何股東大會 親身或委任代表(惟作為另一股東的委任代表 外 ) 出 席 或投票或計入法定 人數內。
102 Save as expressly provided in these Articles or as otherwise determined by the Board, no person other than a member duly registered and who shall have paid all sums for the time being due from him payable to the Company in respect of his shares shall be entitled to be present or to vote (save as proxy for another member), or to be reckoned in a quorum, either personally or by proxy at any general meeting.
除增加的外支出外,资 本成本的重要增长部分还包括添加的精矿干燥和精矿存储基础设施和设 [...]
备,这些成本尚未计入 PEA 中。
Significant components of the increase in capital
[...] cost include the addition of concentrate [...]
drying and concentrate storage infrastructure
and equipment which had not been accounted for in the PEA, in addition to increased indirect costs.
深入分析发现:年龄越高,学历越高,收入越高,在网上发表意见的比例越低;从职业 身份分析,中小学生比大学生在网上发表意见的比例更高,农 外出 务 工 人员、产业服务业 工人比企业公司管理者发表意见的比例更高。
It is found through in-depth analysis that the higher the age is, the higher the education and income is, and the lower the proportion of Internet users expressing opinions online; according to the analysis of occupational identity, the proportion of primary and high school students expressing opinions online is higher than university students, and the proportion of migrant workers and industrial and service workers is higher than that of corporate managers.
这份期刊指出,经济合作与发展组 织(经合组织)成员国雇用的 18%的医生和 11%的护士是在外出生的,生活在经 合组织国家的 74%在外出生的医生和 65%在外出生的护士出生在非经合组织 国家。
According to this publication, 18 per cent of doctors and 11 per cent of nurses employed in member countries of the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and
[...] Development (OECD) are foreign-born, and 74 per cent of foreign-born doctors and 65 per cent of foreign-born nurses living in [...]
OECD countries were born in non-OECD countries.
外,出于规 章方面原因预留的特定 现金余额,例如业务准备金,被指定专门用于管理未来的负债(例如离职后医疗 [...]
In addition, specific cash balances [...]
set aside for regulatory reasons – such as the operational reserve – are earmarked for
the management of future liabilities (such as after-service health insurance) or are held to meet the requirements of routine operations, such as to settle current liabilities.
The Subcommittee noted that the activities of the Office for Outer Space Affairs [...]
were contributing to that progress.
無 論婦女勞工讀過多少個轉業課程,如何裝備自己,她們最後都要現實㆞計算㆒㆘,自出外工作 所帶來的經濟得益,以及留在家㆗照顧子女的需要,然後作出決定。
So no matter how many courses of this kind the female workers have taken or how well prepared they are, they eventually have to compare the economic benefits gained from work with the need of caring for their children at home before they can make a decision.
在进展报告(A/66/591)第 12 段中,秘书长强调把全球外勤支助战略提供
[...] 服务模式与企业资源规划“团结”项目挂钩的重要性,并 出 , 外 勤 支助部将继 续与“团结”项目团队密切合作,确保在“团结”项目环境中推广新的业务流程 [...]
In paragraph 12 of his progress report (A/66/591), the Secretary-General underlines the importance of aligning the service delivery models of the global field support strategy with the enterprise
resource planning project (Umoja),
[...] and indicates that the Department of Field Support will [...]
continue to work closely with the
Umoja team so as to ensure alignment with the new business processes in the Umoja environment as well as the time frame and deployment strategy of Umoja.
认识到工商界包括私营部门在加强工业部门蓬勃发展进程中的作用,着重出外国直 接投资的惠益在这一进程中的重要性,并在这方面认识到,一个有利的 国内环境对于调集国内资源、提高生产力、减少资本外逃、鼓励私营部门及有效 [...]
利用国际投资和援助至关重要,而为创造此种环境而做出的努力应当得到国际社 会的支持
Recognizing the role of the business community, including the private sector, in enhancing the dynamic process of the
development of the industrial sector,
[...] underlining the importance of the benefits of foreign direct investment [...]
in that process, and recognizing
also in this regard that an enabling domestic environment is vital for mobilizing domestic resources, increasing productivity, reducing capital flight, encouraging the private sector and making effective use of international investment and assistance and that efforts to create such an environment should be supported by the international community




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