

单词 外交庇护

See also:

外交 adj

diplomatic adj

外交 n

foreign n

外交 pl

diplomats pl


take under one's wing
put under protection

External sources (not reviewed)

其一,他们必须拥有文物,其二,他们的 所属国不得对其行使外交庇护。
Firstly, they must be holding the cultural object and, secondly, the State of which they are nationals
[...] must not exercise diplomatic protection.
(2004年9月22日) 所发生的犯罪行使管辖权;(二) 在现有区域机
制、罪犯所在的外国国内管辖机构或在传统和习惯司法机制内起诉被控凶犯; (三)
[...] 获得其他国家的承诺,不给予这些按国际法被控有罪的特别罪犯以保护地 位,甚外交庇护;(四) 按照真相与和解委员会的建议设立特别刑事法庭,并 确保其符合国际标准。
In this regard it recommended that Liberia (i) accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over crimes allegedly committed after entry into force of the Rome Statute (1 July 2002) but before Liberia’s date of ratification of the Rome Statute (22 September 2004); (ii) prosecute alleged perpetrators in existing regional mechanisms, in foreign domestic jurisdictions in which they are physically present and in traditional and customary justice mechanisms that comply with international human rights standards; (iii) seek
assurances from other
[...] countries that protective status, including diplomatic asylum, would not be extended [...]
to persons accused
of crimes under international law; and (iv) create an extraordinary criminal court as recommended by the TRC and ensure that it complies with international standards.60 34.
在某些情况下,经过具体评估之后、有子女的具有特别需求的家庭 可以庇护中心外单独 的住所住宿,但这必须符合家庭、特别是儿童的最佳利 益。
Under certain conditions and after a concrete assessment families with children that have special needs may thus be
offered accommodation in a
[...] separate residence outside of the asylum centre, provided [...]
that this is in the best interest of the
family, and particularly the children.
外,申诉人现在 可以交新的庇护申请 ,该申请会由移民局重新全面审查,并有机会上诉移民法 院,如果有必要,还可以进一步上诉移民上诉法院。
Moreover, they have now the possibility of submitting new asylum applications which [...]
will be re-examined in full by the Migration
Board, with a possibility of an appeal to the Migration Court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal, if needed.
在这种情况下,不能指望交人在 庇护 程 序 的最初阶段就说出他 的妻子和他自己受到虐待的情况。
Under these circumstances, it could not be expected that
[...] the author would have mentioned in an earlier phase of the asylum procedure the ill-treatment [...]
of his wife and himself.
他还呼吁国际社会果断处理造成全世界寻 庇护 者 外 流 的 冲 突问题,并为旷日持久的难民局势找到持久的解决办法。
He also called upon the international community to
deal decisively with conflicts that
[...] generate an exodus of asylum-seekers worldwide [...]
and provide durable solutions to protracted refugee situations.
此外,战争和镇压政策致使几十万伊 拉克人出逃,到外寻求避难庇护。
In addition, wars and repressive policies forced hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to flee the
[...] country, seeking refuge and asylum abroad.
2003年9月9 日签署的黎巴嫩和联合国难民事务高级专员办事处( 难民署) 关于非巴勒斯坦庇护寻求者的谅解备忘录允许非法进入黎巴嫩 外 国 人 向难民署交庇护申请书。
The memorandum of understanding between Lebanon and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) concerning non-Palestinian
asylum-seekers, signed on 9
[...] September 2003, allows foreigners entering Lebanon in an irregular manner to submit asylum applications to UNHCR.
外,塞尔维庇护法规 定,不能将任何人遣返到会受到酷刑 或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的地方。
In addition, the asylum law of Serbia stipulated [...]
that no one could be returned to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》、《监狱服刑实施 法》、庇护法》和《外国人 法》也载有有关酷刑的条款。
The Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure
Act, the Act on the Enforcement of
[...] Prison Terms, the Asylum Act and the Aliens Act also contained [...]
provisions on torture.
它回顾了案情并提出,除去一处内容 外 , 申 诉人提交给委员会的指控 与其交给瑞士庇护当局和联邦行政法院并由其审查的指控完全相同。
It recalls the facts of the case and notes
[...] that, with one exception, the complainant presents to the Committee exactly the same allegations as those presented to and examined by the Swiss asylum authorities and [...]
the Federal Court for administrative matters.
2007 年,酷刑问题特别报告员在关于向政府 交 的 资料包括个人案件和 收 到的答 复 的 摘 要 中列入了一名 寻庇护的外国国民 在斯洛伐克遭到拘留的案 件,当 局 决 定 将 其引渡 到 被 以 恐怖主 义 嫌 犯 通 缉 的国家。
In 2007, the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture in his summary of information, including individual cases, transmitted to
Governments and replies
[...] received, included the case of the detention of a foreign national seeking asylum in Slovakia and the decision of the authorities [...]
to deport him to his
country where he is wanted as a terrorist suspect.
反之,缔约国应提出医学证 据,以质疑大赦国际说明交人无法 在 庇护 程 序的初期阶段说出其遭受酷刑情况 的体检报告。
On the contrary, the State party should have brought medical evidence which could challenge
Amnesty International’s medical report regarding the author’s inability to
[...] mention his torture early in the asylum procedure.
委员会建议,有关在边境交的庇护 申 请的任何上诉都应进行听证,让受到驱逐 威胁的申请人可以有效地就其案件进行陈述,并且上诉应得到所有的基本程序保 [...]
The Committee recommends that any appeal
[...] relating to an asylum application submitted at the border be [...]
subject to a hearing at which
the applicant threatened with removal can present his case effectively, and that the appeal be subject to all basic procedural guarantees, including the right to an interpreter and counsel.
计划考虑了 131 项措施,这些措施可以分为下列 10 个主题:待 遇平等;社会融合,打击种族主义和仇外心理;消除性别暴力;西班牙人在外 的权 利;宗教自由;有效司法保护(扩展二级刑事审判及其他);对恐怖主义活动 等的受害者的关怀和照顾;个人自由与国家安全力量和部队(防止酷刑的国家机 制,保障被拘押者的权利,对国家安全力量和部队进行人权方面的培训和教育 等);庇护权利 和对不驱回原则的尊重;社会权利(教育、住房、健康、就业范 畴、残疾人、个人自主权、儿童);为个人发展而享有良好环境的权利。
Domestic policy measures: A total of 131 measures are planned, under 10 main themes: equality of treatment, integration and combating racism and xenophobia; combating gender-based
violence; the rights
[...] of Spaniards abroad; religious freedom; effective judicial protection (including the generalization of the right to a second hearing); care for victims (of terrorism, for example); personal freedom and the State security forces (national mechanism for the prevention of torture, guarantees for persons held incommunicado, and human rights training for those forces, inter alia); the right of asylum and respect for the [...]
principle of non-refoulement;
social rights (education, housing, health care, employment, persons with disabilities, personal autonomy, childhood); and the right to an environment conducive to personal development.
制定的辅助和临时保护制度,充分保护一切国际文书 和欧盟法律所规定的庇护申请者、 庇护 者 和 外 国 人 的权利。
Asylum seekers, asylees, foreign nationals under
[...] subsidiary and temporary protection are guaranteed all [...]
the rights prescribed in international documents and EU law.
因此,惟有在外情况下,寻庇护者 被 视为具有有效理由,才可在不援用一切相关情节之前,下达此类决定。
Accordingly, it
[...] is only exceptionally that an asylum-seeker can be considered [...]
to have a valid excuse for not having invoked
all relevant circumstances prior to such decision.
外,过境国 应分配资源以发展和护交通基 础设施,以便提高 这些国家在国际市场上的竞争力。
Also, transit countries should allocate resources for the development and maintenance of transport infrastructure, [...]
in order to enhance
those countries’ competitiveness on the international market.
外,寻求庇护人员的子女 在某些情况下还可在附近学校上学。
Children of asylum-seekers can also, [...]
under certain conditions, be permitted to attend teaching at a nearby school.
自2012年4月开始,“3月23日运动”叛乱组织(M23)与刚果军队(FARDC)之间 交 战 迫 使众多家庭逃离家乡,来到北基伍省首府戈马市内及周边的临时避难所中寻 庇护。
Since April 2012, fighting between the 23 of March Movement rebel group (M23) and the
Congolese Army
[...] (FARDC) has forced families to flee their homes and seek refuge in makeshift shelters in and around North  Kivu’s provincial capital city [...]
of Goma.
2011年4月27 日,鉴于先前于2010年4月19 日提出的意见(
见上文7.1至 7.4段) ,缔约国重申了其立场,即应该停止对本申诉的审查,或者应以未用尽国
[...] 内补救措施为由宣布此申诉不可受理,因为在驱逐申诉人的决定失去时效之后, 他们现在可以向移民局交新的庇护 申 请 ,还可以上诉移民法院继而上诉移民上 诉法院。
On 27 April 2011, in the light of its previous submission of 19 April 2010 (see paras. 7.1-7.4 above), the State party reiterated its position that the examination of the present complaint should be discontinued or it should be declared inadmissible for failure to exhaust domestic remedies, since, after the decision on the complainants’ expulsion has
become statute-barred, they have now
[...] the possibility of submitting new asylum applications to [...]
the Migration Board with the possibility
of an appeal to the Migration Court and further to the Migration Court of Appeal.
[...] 论其是否同司法程序合作,并邀请各国加强努力改进受害者身份查证程序和相应 的移交机制,包括酌情交给寻求 庇护 系 统 的机制。
In line with the above, the Special Rapporteur wishes to highlight that States should provide assistance to victims of trafficking irrespective of their cooperation in relation to judicial proceedings, and invites States to strengthen efforts to improve victim
identification processes and the corresponding referral mechanisms,
[...] including referral to asylum-seeking systems, where [...]
然而,缔约国在评估交人的庇护申请 时使用了其他一些公开文件所载信息,即提交人在国家程序期间 [...]
However, in
[...] evaluating the author’s asylum application, the [...]
State party made use of information from other public documents,
namely those submitted by the author in the national procedure.
在这种情况下,由寻庇护者提交一 份 个人就业证明文件,然后在寻求庇 护者临时身份证件中注明该个人有权获得就业,同时注明雇主。
In this case the persons present a document which certifies that the person is employed; subsequently in the temporary identity document of the asylum seeker it is mentioned that the person holds the right to employment and the employer is also mentioned.
12004年7月30 日,区法庭 经上诉审理推翻了部长的决定,并下令按正规程序重审 交 人 的 庇护 申 请
On appeal, the District Court, by decision of 30 July 2004, quashed the Minister’s decision and ordered a reconsideration of the author’s application under the regular procedure.
(c) 该区域的各国政府应当给予其边境管制官员清晰的指示,用以处理携外交护照或 其他赋予法定认可官员特权和豁免权的公务旅行证件的人员。
(c) Governments of the region should provide their border control officials with clear
instructions to deal with persons
[...] travelling with diplomatic passports or other official [...]
travel documentation affording
the privileges and immunities accorded to legally accredited officials.
扩大裁谈会成员可丰富其工作,允许更多的思想和信 交 流 , 有助于停止军 备竞赛、实现国际和平与安全和 护外 层 空 间,而外层空间是人类共同继承的财 产,不应由于各国竞相征服外空并破坏和摧毁其组成部分而遭到破坏,这将对全 人类造成损害。
Expansion of the Conference’s membership would
enrich the work,
[...] allowing for greater exchanges of ideas and information that could help to put a stop to the arms race, establish international peace and security and preserve outer space, [...]
which belongs to the human
heritage and is a collective asset that should never be damaged by rivalry between States seeking to conquer it and to damage and destroy its component parts, doing harm to mankind as a result.
[...] 更加和谐、宽容及移民与社会其他人之间互相尊重的条件的重要性,承认针对非 本国国民、特别是移民、难民及寻 庇护 者 的 仇 外 心 理构成当代种族主的主要根 源之一,并非常重要地强调,对这些群体成员人权的侵犯,广泛地被上视为是歧 [...]
In the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, States, among other things, highlighted the importance of creating conditions conducive to greater harmony, tolerance and respect between migrants and the rest of society in
host countries,
[...] recognized that xenophobia against non-nationals, particularly migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, constituted [...]
one of the main
sources of contemporary racism and, crucially, emphasized that human rights violations against members of such groups were widely perpetrated as a result of discriminatory, xenophobic and racist practices.
两国建立外交关系后,已签订了有关各领域的许多协定,包括打击贩毒、空 运、两国外交部的合作、文化、教育、投资和保护投资领域的合作、政治协商机 制外交护照免 签证、认可大学学位、刑事事项的法律协助、判刑者的移送、两 国外交部之间档案的移送等等。
Cuba and Panama have, throughout our diplomatic relations, signed many agreements in a variety of fields, including combating drug trafficking, air transport, cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, cooperation in the fields of
culture, education, and
[...] investment and protection of investments, political consultation mechanisms, discontinuance of visas in diplomatic passports, approval [...]
of university degrees,
legal assistance in criminal matters, transfer of sentenced persons, and transfer of archives between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries.
(a) 确保充分考虑儿童交的庇护请求 ,包括在实施难民地位确定程序 时,考虑儿童的具体需求和权利,特别关注寻求庇护的无人陪伴和无父母陪伴的 [...]
(a) To ensure that due
[...] consideration is given to asylum claims submitted by children, including [...]
under a refugee status determination
procedure which takes into account the specific needs and rights of children and pays particular attention to unaccompanied and separated children seeking asylum, and ensure that such procedures are child-friendly and in compliance with international refugee and human rights law




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