

单词 外交人员

See also:

外交 pl

diplomats pl

外交 n

foreign n


foreign affairs

External sources (not reviewed)

2008年9月9日,一辆属于联络 外交人员 的 奥迪 80(希腊车牌号 KNA-8503) 遭不明身份者的破坏,后车牌被损坏。
On 9 September 2008, a vehicle, make Audi 80
(Greek licence plates KNA8503),
[...] belonging to a member of the diplomatic staff of the [...]
Liaison Office, was vandalized by two
unidentified perpetrators, who damaged the rear number plate.
在这些 活动中,多数活动针对的对象——通过研讨会和借助网络渠道——是在日内瓦的 裁外交人员、政 府间组织官员和民间社会。
The target audience for most of these activities — conducted in seminars
and via web-based channels —
[...] is disarmament diplomats based in Geneva, officials of intergovernmental [...]
organizations and civil society.
由于外国人,包括 境内联合国员和外交人员行动 受限制,根本没有独立的媒体或非政府组 织,监察组主要靠侨民消息来源获得必要信息。
Due to restrictions on the
[...] movement of foreigners, including United Nations personnel and diplomats within the country, [...]
as well as the
total absence of independent media or non-governmental organizations, the Monitoring Group has relied primarily on diaspora sources in order to obtain necessary information.
联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心编制了一个裁军倡导课 程,目的是帮外交人员和在训 外交人员 加 深 对各种裁军和安全问题的认识,和 提高他们实施与裁军有关的文书的能力。
The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean developed a
disarmament advocacy course
[...] aimed at helping both diplomats and diplomats-in-training to gain [...]
in-depth knowledge of the various
disarmament and security-related issues and to increase their capacity to implement disarmament-related instruments.
国际原子能机构(原子能机构)不时地为特邀非政府组织代表举办研讨会,以 及外交人员和记 者举办教育研讨会和技术会议,以教育他们并增加他们对原子 [...]
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hosts periodic seminars for invited representatives of non-governmental organizations and
conducts educational seminars and
[...] technical meetings for diplomats and journalists, [...]
with a view to educating them and enhancing
their understanding of IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
在本报告所述 整个期间,联合国维也纳新闻处为下列人员举办关于原子能机构和全面禁止核试
[...] 验条约组织筹备委员会的讲座:德国来访的教师;奥地利、德国、意大利、日本、 挪威、俄罗斯联邦、斯洛文尼亚和其他国家的学生;以及该区域的年 外交人员、 政治人士和军官。
The United Nations Information Service in Vienna regularly organized lecture programmes on IAEA and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization for visiting teachers from Germany, for students from Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, the Russian Federation, Slovenia
and other countries, as
[...] well as for young diplomats, politicians and military officers from the region [...]
throughout the reporting period.
政府鼓励各独立机构,如各种国际非政府组织代表外 交人员、区 域机构和其他联合国机构访问监狱和其他相关场所,以便提出建议, [...]
The government has encouraged independent bodies like
representatives of various
[...] international NGO’s, foreign diplomats, regional bodies and [...]
other UN agencies to visit prisons
and other related areas so that resulting recommendations can lead to an improvements to the conditions in those establishment in the long term.
该组织每年外交人员举办上岗培训课程,使他们熟悉该组织的工作,并向 他们介绍《公约》作为一个重要裁军条约的主要特点和该组织的工作及其主要方 [...]
The Organization organizes an annual
[...] induction course for diplomats, to familiarize [...]
them with the work of the Organization
and introduce them to the main features of the Convention as a key disarmament treaty as well as to the work of the Organization and its main programme areas.
如果他和他的支持者被我们的言辞所触动—— 因为我们的发言动摇他的可信度,对他的专业精神 提出了质疑——那就是另一回事,这使他无权再次 用《罗马规约》恫外交人员,因为 外交人员 的职 责是政治和外交规则所规定的。
If he and his supporters have been touched by our strong words that have shaken his credibility and put in question his professionalism, then that is another issue that does not give him to right to once again
use the Rome Statute to
[...] intimidate diplomatic personnel, whose duties and functions are stipulated in political and diplomatic rules.
危机组织通过电子邮件和印刷版的形式广泛 外交人 员、研 究人员和国际机构分发研究报告和简报,与此 同时,这些报告和简报也通过官方网站 www.crisisgroup.org提供给广泛大众。危机组织与决策 者、影响决策的媒体等密切合作,发布对危机的分析 ,对政府政策制定提供支持。
Crisis Group’s reports and briefing papers are distributed widely by email and made available simultaneously on the website, www.crisisgroup.org. Crisis Group works closely with governments and those who influence them, including the media, to highlight its crisis analyses and to generate support for its policy prescriptions.
2008年7月7日:车牌号为 27-CD-008 和 27-CD-050 的两辆属于联络外交人员的车惨遭身份不明者的破坏。
On 7 July 2008, two vehicles with licence
plates Nos. 27-CD-008 and 27-CD-050
[...] belonging to members of the diplomatic staff of the [...]
Liaison Office were brutally vandalized
by unidentified individual(s).
年申请加拿大签证时,附上的大使馆信件及 外交人员 证 也 证实了她的职 业。
When she applied for a visa to Canada in
2001, the author included a letter from the
[...] Embassy and her diplomatic identity card, [...]
which confirmed her employment there.
(a) 2004 年 4 月,美国国土安全部官员违反《维也纳外交特权及豁免公约》 的基本原则,突击搜查了设在华盛顿特区的厄立特里亚文化中心,粗暴对待厄立 特里外交人员,并 没收了存放在保险箱中的近 100 万美元现金和大使馆文件。
(a) In April 2004, United States officials in the Department of Homeland Security raided the Eritrean cultural centre in Washington, manhandled Eritrea’s diplomatic agent and confiscated close to $1 million in cash from the safe box as well as Embassy documents in contravention of the basic tenets of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
警察随时注视斯洛文尼亚共和国内的治安状况,对于可能影响到受保护的设 施外交人员安全 的信息或行动,将根据其职能采取适当措施,为受保护的设施外交人员提供适当警卫保护。
The police follow the security situation in the Republic of Slovenia and, in the case of information or actions that might influence
the security of protected
[...] facilities or diplomatic staff, will take adequate measures, in accordance with its capabilities, to provide adequate security for protected facilities and diplomatic staff.
有时,瑞外交人员 也会代表那些彼此之间没有正式联系的国家的利益。
In some cases, Swiss diplomats also represent the interests of countries which have no official contact with [...]
each other.
他在仰光会见了昂山素季,以讨论一系列重要人权 问题;访问了永盛监狱并在那里会见了 7 名良心犯;他还与民间社会组织代表、
[...] 前良心犯以及联合国国家工作队会面; 外交人员 通 报 情况并在结束此行时与各 部委相关负责人举行了会议。
In Yangon, the Special Rapporteur met Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to discuss a range of important human rights issues, conducted a visit to Insein prison, where he met with seven prisoners of conscience, met with representatives of civil society organizations, former prisoners of
conscience and the United Nations country
[...] team, briefed the diplomatic community and [...]
held a meeting with director-generals of
different ministries, at the conclusion of his mission.
根据它的各 种方案,领事员、外交人员、 维和人员、公安干警和移民官员与来自拉丁美 洲国家各政府部门和民间社会的人员一道,不失时机地分析在不同情况下预防和 [...]
打击人口贩运活动的做法,并了解人口贩运受害者简况,包括性别和年龄,将这 些作为决定因素来考量。
Through its programmes,
[...] consular officers, diplomats, peacekeepers, public [...]
security officers and migration officials, together
with personnel from various government ministries and civil society in Latin American countries, have had the opportunity to analyse different scenarios to prevent and combat trafficking and learn about the profiles of victims of trafficking, including gender and age as determining factors.
在世界各地,美外交人员和发 展事务专家每一天都冒着生命危险为我们国家和我们的价值观作出贡献,因为他们坚信美国必须成为全世界和平与进步的一支力量,值得为这些愿望努力奋斗并作出牺牲。
All over the world, every
[...] day, America’s diplomats and development [...]
experts risk their lives in the service of our country
and our values, because they believe that the United States must be a force for peace and progress in the world, that these aspirations are worth striving and sacrificing for.
古巴非常理解沙特阿拉伯对 外交人员 安 全的 关心,我们坚信,必需妥善处理这些关切以及任何国 家对其驻外代表外交人员安全 感到的任何其它关 切,以确保有罪不罚现象无从存在。
Cuba understands all too well the concern of
[...] Saudi Arabia for its diplomatic personnel’s security, and we categorically believe that those concerns and any others on the part of any State about the security of its foreign representatives and diplomatic staff need to be properly [...]
dealt with, so
as to ensure that impunity simply does not exist.
自 2009 年以来在捷克共和国录得的违反行为,包括破门和进入马其顿大使
[...] 馆和瑞典大使馆的房舍,破门进入奥地利大使馆一 外交人员 的 公 寓、希腊大使 馆花园里着火,根据现有资料,是有人故意纵火。
The violations recorded in the Czech Republic since 2009 include breaking and entering into the premises of the Macedonian Embassy and the Swedish
Embassy, breaking and entering into an
[...] apartment of a member of the diplomatic staff of the Austrian [...]
Embassy, and a fire in the
garden of the Greek Embassy which, according to available information, was set intentionally.
在大会第六十四届会议上第一委员会的一般性辩论中,日本回顾了它在裁军 与不扩散领域所作的努力,包括通过联合国裁军研究金方案每年邀请年 外交人 员前往广岛和长崎。
During the general debate in the First Committee at the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly, Japan recalled its efforts in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation education,
including its annual
[...] invitation to young diplomats to Hiroshima and Nagasaki through the United Nations Disarmament Fellowship [...]
[...] 一天 24 小时都有人警卫,而且马其顿警方能对属于希 外交人员 的 车 辆进行监 测。
It should be noted that neither incident took place outside the Liaison Office, which is guarded on
a 24-hour basis, and where Macedonian police are in a position to monitor
[...] vehicles belonging to Greek diplomatic staff.
它们同意有关委员会不 应审外交人员、领 事官员、特派团成员及各国在国际组织的代表和驻国际组织 [...]
They expressed their agreement with the proposal that the
Commission should not examine the
[...] immunities of diplomatic agents, consular [...]
officials, members of special missions and representatives
of States in and to international organizations, as well as issues of immunity of officials before their own State’s jurisdiction.
正 如各位所知,会外会由我国驻日内瓦大使伍尔科特先生主持,协助他的是瑞士专 家布鲁诺·佩洛先生,会议聚集了来自裁军谈判会议成员国和观察员国的专家外交人员。
As you know, it was chaired by Ambassador Woolcott, our Ambassador here in Geneva, assisted by a Swiss expert,
Mr. Bruno Pellaud, and brought
[...] together experts and diplomats from Conference on Disarmament member and [...]
observer States.
(a) 采取坚定的原则立场,反对使外交 保 证来便利 人员交 给 其可能有 遭受酷刑或其他不人道或有辱人格处罚风险的国家
(a) The adoption of a firm and principled
[...] position against the use of diplomatic assurances to facilitate [...]
the transfer of persons to a
country where they may be at risk of torture or other inhuman or degrading punishment
(e) 推动建立强有力的打击从事贩运活动者的区域网,以促进跨界合作, 其中的主要途径是,为执法人员和移民部 人 员 、 政府 员 、 外交 和 领 事 人 员、 以及向贩运活动受害人提供援助的利益相关方组织举办区域培训和讲习班
(e) To facilitate the establishment of a strong regional network of countertrafficking practitioners to promote cross-border cooperation, inter alia, through the organization of regular regional training and workshops for
law-enforcement and immigration officials
[...] and members of Governments and diplomatic and consular personnel, as well [...]
as relevant stakeholders
providing assistance to victims of trafficking
11.3 成员国对发展的需求涉及到学院课程组合的各个重要方面,这些方面通过增强以下内容来
[...] 体现:培训知识产权局、集体管理组织的专 人员 、 外交 官 、 学术界人士、学生和年轻的专业人 员;开设联合硕士学位课程并将知识产权纳入大学和其他机构教学计划;用各种语言编制的专业和 [...] [...]
The demand for growth by Member States pertains to significant areas of the Academy’s portfolio of programs by increasing: training of
professionals from IP offices, collective
[...] management organizations, diplomats, academics, students, [...]
and young professionals; the offering
of joint Masters Degrees and the introduction of IP in the curriculum of universities and other institutions; specialized and tailor-made distance learning courses in various languages; and, training of senior students and juniors professionals in the framework of the Summer Schools program.
鼓励各国政府拟订和执行以本国执法人员、移民官员和边境管 人员、 外交和领 事官员、检察官和服务提供者为对象的培训方案,以期使这些公共部门 [...]
的工作人员能敏感认识暴力侵害移徙女工问题,并帮助他们掌握必要技能,端正 态度,确保采取对性别问题具有敏感认识的适当专业干预措施
Encourages Governments to formulate and implement training programmes for their law
enforcers, immigration officers and
[...] border officials, diplomatic and consular officials, [...]
prosecutors and service providers,
with a view to sensitizing those public-sector workers to the issue of violence against women migrant workers and imparting to them the necessary skills and attitude to ensure the delivery of proper, professional and gender-sensitive interventions
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以交外地中 央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确外地在职工人员的 流 动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports
from the panel for
[...] presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate [...]
staff among relevant duty stations.
关于在全球服务中心设立外人力资 源管理科问题,行预咨委会从 2012/13 年度后勤基地拟议预算(A/66/724,第 71 和 72 段)注意到,提议转移到 名册管理股员额包 括 12 个职业类管理人(P-3),他们是具有维持和平行动经验 的专题专家,负责其职责范围内的征聘工作,包括:对申请进行审查;确定接受 进一步评估的候人;担 任专家组的秘书;编写 交外 地 中 央审查理事会的报告。
Regarding the establishment of the Field Human Resources Management Section at the Global Service Centre, the Advisory Committee notes from the 2012/13
proposed budget for UNLB (A/66/724,
[...] paras. 71 and 72) that the posts proposed for transfer to the Roster Management Unit include 12 Occupational Group Managers (P-3) relating to subject matter experts with experience in peace operations and responsible for the recruitment process in their field of responsibility, including reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment, serving as secretary for expert panels and preparing submissions to the Field Central Review Board.




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