

单词 外事


意外事故 n

accident n


foreign affairs


pay no attention to outside matters

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 災難或接近災難的事件的分類標準,並涉及 外事 故 或會對環境產生長遠重大影響,該損 害 需 要 [...]
長 期 的 補 救 措 施 方 可 以 復 原。
This is our classification for disastrous or close­to
[...] disastrous incidents and involves accidents or [...]
spills with a major environmental impact
and a long­term effect, reversible only by long­term remediation with aftercare.
我們以集團最終發生的A類環保外事 故 , 作為衡量我們程序及政策穩健與否的標 準。
To measure the robustness of our procedures and policies, we use ultimately the occurrence of Class A environmental accidents in the group.
每个组织都应定义 和实施外事故的 应急反应流程,以实现及时有效地管理和解决外 事故的目的。
Each organization should define
[...] and implement an incident-response process to meet its needs in achieving timely and effective management and solution of an incident.
在总部,已经或正在采取各种措施,以便:(i)从人员配备和资金方面加强总部外协 调局的力量,发挥其作为总部负责总 外事 宜 部门的作用,(ii)在作为各部门面向总部外 工作的主要联络点和入口处的各部门执行办公室的授权之下,在一般事务类的中高职级中引 入地区总外办事处联 络中心的职位;(iii)在以下两个方面加强总部外协调局和对外关系 与合作部门的合作:为对外关系与合作部门工作人员在总部外遭遇的相关处境提供政治上和 礼仪上的支持,以及同各国全委会开展重要合作。
At Headquarters, various steps have been/are being taken to: (i) strengthen the role of BFC, as the voice of
the field at
[...] Headquarters, in staffing and resourcing terms; (ii) introduce the functions of regional field office focal points at mid- to senior-GS level, under the authority of the EOs of each sector as primary focal and entry points for the field in each sector; [...]
and (iii) enhance
cooperation between BFC and ERC in terms of both the political and protocol backstopping of ERC staff for relevant situations encountered in the field and also of the all-important cooperation with National Commissions.
澳 大 利 亚特别 提 请 关注人权高专办所编写的汇编报告第 18 和 19 段,其中阐 述了消 除
[...] 种族歧视委员会和禁止酷刑委员会对于该国种族主义和外 事件及对少数族裔 的 歧视态度所表示 的关注,同时还 [...]
对一些报告感到关注,据 称 ,外籍 被拘留 者 遭 到 执法人员和监狱人员的任意处置
行为以 及 基 于 种族歧视或 仇 外情绪 的 侮辱。
It drew special attention to paragraphs 18 and 19 of the compilation report prepared by OHCHR, which set out the concerns of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the
Committee against Torture relating
[...] to racist and xenophobic incidents and discriminatory [...]
attitudes towards ethnic minorities,
as well as reports that foreign detainees are subject to arbitrary behaviour and racist or xenophobic insults by law enforcement and prison personnel.
国际防扩散方案活动的最近一个例子是 2007 年 9 月的黑海地区演习,这使 国际防扩散方案合作伙伴保加利亚、罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦和格鲁吉亚汇集在一起,
[...] 参加为应对实际大规模毁灭性武器 外事 件 而使用发现、调查和应对大规模毁灭 [...]
A recent example of ICP Program activity was the September 2007 Black
Sea Regional Exercise, which brought together
[...] ICP Program partners Bulgaria, Romania, [...]
Moldova, and Georgia in a practical
exercise to apply WMD detection, investigation, and response skills and capabilities in response to a real-world WMD contingency.
主席先生,我感谢你出色主持了今天的会议,同 时我也要赞扬在我之前发言的各位发言者,特别是秘 书长几内亚比绍问题特别代表约瑟夫·穆塔博巴先生 以及几内亚比绍外交部长、代表葡萄牙语国家共同体 (葡语国家共同体)发言的安哥拉 外事 务 部 长和建 设和平委员会几内亚比绍国别组合主席。
As I thank you, Sir, for your excellent stewardship of today’s proceedings, I would also like to acknowledge the speakers who took the floor before me, in particular, Mr. Joseph Mutaboba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for GuineaBissau, as well as the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau, the Minister of External Affairs of Angola, who spoke on behalf of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), and the Chair of the Guinea-Bissau country-specific configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission.
[...] 將該等管理委託於在本公司將會經營業務所在地方居住或經營業務的任何其他公司、商號或人 士,為本公司外事務設 定當地管理;而接受委託進行上述管理的任何當地董事會、當地代理機 [...]
The Directors may provide for the local management of the Company’s affairs abroad, in such manner as they shall think fit, either by establishing local boards or local agencies, or appointing managers or attorneys, or by committing such management to any other company, firm or person residing or
carrying on business in the locality where
[...] the Company’s affairs are to be carried [...]
on; and any local boards, local agencies,
managers, attorneys, company, firm, or person to whom such management shall be entrusted are hereinafter referred to as “Local Managers”.
因此,组织应该有适当的制度、流程、程序和资源,对植物生物 技术产品的整个生命周期中涉及产品的潜在 外事 故 作 出反应。
Therefore, an organization should have systems, processes,
procedures, and resources in place to
[...] respond to potential incidents involving biotechnology-derived [...]
plant products across the life cycle.
我还要感外事办公 室副主任宋先生对我们首访新疆的热情款待和所有安排。
I also want to thank Deputy
[...] Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Song, [...]
for all the great hospitality and
all the arrangements for our very first visit to Xinjiang.
(n) 虽然妇女在很大程度上掌管着家庭自然资源的使用,但她们却被
[...] 排除在环境政策的制订、规划和实施 外 , 事 实 上 ,妇女连同儿童及老人 最易于受到气候变化的影响
(n) While women are largely responsible for natural resource management in the household, they have been excluded from developing, planning
and implementing environmental policies
[...] when women are, in fact, together with children [...]
and the elderly, among the most vulnerable
to the consequences of climate change; (o) While women living in countries in conflict or post-conflict
(a) 資料如披露會令外事務或與其他政府或國際組織的 關係受到傷害或損害。
(a) Information the disclosure of which would harm or
[...] prejudice the conduct of external affairs, or relations with [...]
other governments or with international organisations.
[...] 操作前,您的人员应进行一般和特殊 安全须知和防止外事故规程的培训。
Before asking staff to work with
the COMTAP® ARS, provide training regarding general and special safety
[...] instructions and accident prevention regulations.
她向政府提出了一些建议,除其外,事关制 定收集贩运者数据的一个新框架,提高政府官员的能力建设活动,消 [...]
除支助方案的主要差距,并确保地区参与正在进行的加强国家应对能力和解决贩 运输出国的根源,包括为劳工移民创造更多的安全的劳动机会。
She makes a number of recommendations to the Government with
[...] regard to, inter alia, developing a new [...]
framework for collecting data on trafficked
persons, increasing capacitybuilding activities for government officials, addressing key gaps in the support programme, and ensuring ongoing regional engagement to strengthen national responses and address the root causes of trafficking in sending countries, including the creation of more opportunities for safe labour migration.
[...] 管理和保安措施均有缺陷,因此有发生武器外流和 外事 故 的潜在风险,例如, 2011 年 12 [...]
月 6 日利比亚中部的一个弹药库爆炸,致使数人丧生。
Whether in new storage sites used by katibas or in old depots and armouries that were already in use by the Qadhafi forces, weapons management and security measures are
deficient, and this results in potential risks of
[...] diversion and accidents like the explosion [...]
in an ammunition depot which killed
several people in central Libya on 6 December 2011.
这是一个重大步骤,从此爱尔兰的运输行业有了必要的辐射防护培 训。2006
年,爱尔兰辐射防护研究所同卫生和安全管理局拟订了一份谅解备忘录, 提出了共同的利益和责任领域,特别是涉及工作场所电离辐射的卫生和安全方
[...] 面,以及在这些领域开展合作的方式(公路运输,涉及电离辐射的工作场所中的 危险,涉及电离辐射的工作场所中的 外事 故 , 以及工作场所中的氡)。
In 2006, RPII and the Health and Safety Authority established a memorandum of understanding that sets out areas of shared interest and responsibility, particularly in relation to the health and safety aspects of ionizing radiation in the workplace and the modalities by which cooperation in those areas shall be exercised (transport by road,
hazards in the workplace involving
[...] ionizing radiation, accidents in the workplace [...]
involving ionizing radiation, and radon in the workplace).
根据外事服务 法》,国家也为领取配偶津贴的人;为公仆的或借调国际 防御组织下属单位任职的国防军正式军人的无工作,也尚未领取国家养恤金的配 [...]
偶;也为共和国总统在任期期间或任职期满后没有工作,也尚未领取国家养恤金 的配偶,缴纳社会税。
Under the Foreign Service Act, the state [...]
pays social tax for a person receiving a spouse’s allowance, for a non-working
spouse of a public servant or a regular Member of the Defence Forces seconded to a position in a structural unit of an international defence organisation if such a spouse does not already receive a national pension, and for a nonworking spouse of a President of the Republic during and after the term of office if the spouse is not receiving a national pension.
本质量保证内也不包括那些因正常磨损和拉扯或者外 事故( 不正确组装或安装、恶劣储存条件、不正常使用等), [...]
或者由于厂商未曾预见或指定的产品更改造成的故障和 退化。
Faults and deterioration due to normal wear
[...] and tear or an external accident (incorrect [...]
assembly or installation, poor storage
conditions, abnormal use, etc.), or due to a modification of the goods which was neither foreseen or specified by the vendor shall also be excluded.
海洋卫星 2 号的成功发射将为各种海洋研
[...] 究项目提供监测数据,并将利用该卫星提供的遥感图像监测石油溢漏,从而为 处理石油溢漏外事故提供支助服务。
The successful launch of the satellite Ocean 2 will provide monitoring data for various oceanological research projects and will also monitor oil
spills using remote imaging by the satellite, and thus provide services to support the
[...] handling of oil spill emergencies.
政府規管離職公務員事外間工 作的政策,旨在確保公務員在離職 前休假期間或離職後,不會在政府 外 從 事 可 能 與其過往政府職務有實 際或潛在利益衝突,或引起公眾負面看法致令政府尷尬及影響公務員形 象的工作,同時不過分約束個別公務員在停止政府職務後就業或從事其 他工作的權利。
The Government’s policy
[...] on post-service outside work aims to ensure that civil servants on final leave or who have left the Government will not take up any work outside the Government (referred hereafter as outside work) which may [...]
constitute real or potential
conflict of interest with their previous government service, or cause negative public perception embarrassing the Government and undermining the image of the civil service, without at the same time unduly restricting the said individuals’ right to pursue employment or other work after ceasing government service.
[...] 加所需人员编制如下:从副主任办公室下属的区域行政办公室和外勤行政办公室 调入一个行政干事(P-4)员额,以监督信息管理和流通;从行政事务主任办公室 调入一个行政助理(外勤事务)员 额;从调度科(综合支助事务处)调入一个运输事(外勤事务)员 额,改为行政干事,以加强在监测监督机构所提建议执行情况以 及撰写有关函件方面的支助。
It is also proposed to accommodate the additional staffing requirements through the redeployment of an Administrative Officer (P-4) post from the regional field and administrative offices under the Office of the Deputy Director to supervise the management and flow of information, the redeployment
of an Administrative
[...] Assistant (Field Service) post from the Office of the Chief of Administrative Services and the reassignment of a Transport Officer (Field Service) [...]
post from the Movement
Control Section (Integrated Support Services) as an Administrative Officer, to enhance support in monitoring the implementation of oversight bodies’ recommendations and preparation of related correspondence.
除在大會上退任的事外,任 何人士如未獲董事推薦參選,均無資格在任何股 東大會上獲選出任董事,除非總辦事處或註冊辦事處已收到一份由妥為符合資格 出席大會並於會上投票的股東(不包括擬獲提議推薦的人士)簽署的通知,其內 表明彼擬提議推薦該人士參選董事之職,以及一份由該獲提議推薦人士所簽署表 示候選意願的通知,惟作出有關通知的最短期間須至少為七(7)日,且提交有關通 知的期間不得早於指定進行選舉的股東大會的通知寄發翌日,也不得遲於有關股 東大會召開日期前七(7)日。
No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the head office or at the Registration Office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that the period for lodgment of such Notice(s) shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
112.1 除於股東大會上退任的董事及獲事 推 薦 外 , 如 欲委任任何人士為董事,必須向本公司 發出最少七日的事先書面通知(不早於指定舉行有關選舉之股東大會通知寄發後翌日及 不遲於該股東大會日期前七日提交),表明任何合資格在股東大會表決的股東擬提名除退 任事外的任 何人士參選董事的意向,並附上獲提名人士簽署表示願意接受委任。
112. 112.1 No person other than a Director retiring at a meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors, be appointed a Director at a general meeting unless at least seven days’ previous notice in writing (to be lodged no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the meeting appointed for such election and no later than seven days prior to the date of such meeting) shall have been given to the Company of the intention of any member qualified to vote at the meeting to propose any person other than a retiring Director for election to the office of Director with notice executed by that person of his willingness to be appointed.
就其與財務和其他通報、內部控制、對外和內部審計以及董事會不時厘定的任 何其他財務和會計事宜有關的職責,委員會將擔任公司的其他 事 、 外 聘 審 計 師與內部審計師(如設有內部審計部門)之間的主要溝通橋梁。
The Committee is to serve as a focal point for communication between other directors, the external auditors and the internal auditors (where an internal audit function exists) of the Company as regards their duties relating to financial and
other reporting,
[...] internal controls, external and internal audits and such other financial and accounting matters as the Board determines [...]
from time to time.
除上文披露外,於最後可行日期, 事 並 不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則事 會可於就首張股票外每張股票支付 事 會 不 時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
經終審法院首席法官事先批准下,由香港律師會理事會根 據《法律執業者條例》(第 159章 )第 73條訂立的《外地律師註冊規 則》(第 159章,附屬法例S)("主體規則")第 5條現時規定,如任何人 在具備資格後,具備少於2年全職 事外 地 法 律執業經驗,而他申 請作為外地律師的註冊證書,則香港律師會可指明關於該人在香 港律師行以僱員身份事外地法 律執業所受督導的條件。
At present, under section 5 of the Foreign Lawyers Registration Rules (Cap. 159 sub. leg. S) (the principal Rules) made by the Council of The Law Society of Hong Kong under section 73 of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159) with
the prior approval of the Chief Justice, if a person with less than two years of post-qualification experience in the
[...] full-time practice of foreign law applies for a certificate of registration as a foreign lawyer, The Law Society of Hong Kong may specify conditions as to supervision under which that person may practise foreign law as an employee [...]
of a Hong Kong firm.




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