

单词 复数域

See also:


complex number (math.)


number field (math.)
subfield of the field of complex numbers

External sources (not reviewed)

这一区域方法也被采用于改善各 域数 据 收 集的努力中,诸如信息和传播技术在拉丁美洲教 育中的利用和撒哈拉以南非洲地区的教育筹资。
The regional approach is also being adopted in
[...] efforts to improve data collection in diverse fields, such as the use [...]
of information and communication
technologies in education in Latin America and the financing of education in subSaharan Africa.
芬兰又提议可以将以下方面作为第十三届大会的主题/重点领域:对于为剥削劳 工而进行贩运提出具有挑战性的定义,如何使用不同法域的实例及判例法来界定强 迫劳动和剥削劳工;落实剥削问题指 数 并 为 确定受害人而对主要劳工行动方展开 培训;就对剥削劳工为目的的贩运展开调查,重点是在各 域 展 开 复 杂 的 调查;主 要劳工行动方尤其是聘用机构和雇主在预防为剥削劳工进行贩运方面所发挥的作 用;援助受害人,包括向劳工贩运受害人提供帮助,确定受害人的需要,并对既有 [...]
Finland further proposed the following possible themes/focus areas for the Thirteenth Congress: the challenging definition of trafficking for labour exploitation and how forced labour and labour exploitation are defined through the use of examples from different jurisdictions and case law; operationalizing the indicators of exploitation and training key labour actors for the
identification of victims;
[...] the investigation of trafficking for labour exploitation, with a focus on complex investigations across jurisdictions; the role of key labour actors, especially recruitment agencies [...]
and employers,
in the prevention of trafficking for labour exploitation; victim assistance, including what works for victims of labour trafficking, the definition of victims’ needs and an assessment of whether existing measures are adequate and targeted; and data collection issues.
(d) 鼓励重新设计应用程序和数据,条件是这样做有助于从全系统企业数据 中心进行数据复和业 务连续性管理的长期目标,以及从长远角度看比在 域数 据中心托管更具成本效益。
(d) Encouraged application and data re-engineering where it supported
the long-term goal of
[...] managing data recovery and business continuity in system-wide enterprise data centres and where, from a long-term perspective, it is more costeffective than hosting them at a local data centre.
值得一提的是,全面评估(连同教科文组织气候变 化合作伙伴框架向黄河管理机构介绍的各种模型)已经促进了黄河向渤海 域 的 流量 恢 复。
It is worth noting that the holistic assessment, along with various models and scenarios introduced by
UNESCO-CCPF to the river management authority,
[...] has facilitated the restoration of the flow of the [...]
Yellow River to the Bo Hai sea.
作为平行 方案的一部分,专家主持人讨论了紧急医疗护理、身体康复、包括同伴支助在内 的心理和社会支助、赋予经济权利、基于社区的 复 、 数 据 搜集、包容性发展、 残疾部门协调机制以及联合国《残疾人权利公约》等 域 良 好做法和新的事态发 展。
As part of the parallel programmes, expert presenters discussed good practice and new developments in areas such as emergency medical care, physical rehabilitation, psychological
and social support
[...] including peer support, economic empowerment, community-based rehabilitation, data collection, inclusive development, disability sector coordination [...]
mechanisms, and the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
对住房提供帮助的救灾机构需要投入资源,以解决这 个域的复杂问题。
Agencies that engage in shelter provision need to invest in the resources to
[...] deal with the complexity of the sector.
降低总体拥有成本需要更高的存储效率,在关键 域 急 需 要架构优化,如压缩, 复数 据 删 除,当前的和预测的容量,备份层之间自动数据迁移,文件系统管理,备份,保持,可访问性和可用性。
Lowering the total cost of ownership is driving the demand for greater storage efficiency, which is mandating
the need for
[...] architecture optimization in key areas such as compression, deduplication, current and [...]
projected capacity, automated
data movement between tiers of storage, file system management, backup, retention, accessibility and availability.
AM-CCSM的国际负责人巴柝声牧师用使徒行传十一章分享他对我们机构的异象:"一群平凡人兴起,对中国的所有生活 域 发 挥 影响力:因为他们与耶稣同行,将祂的亮光带进每一个黑暗的地方;因为他们拥有耶稣对彼此和对中国百姓的爱;因为他们明白成功 复数 ; 也 因为他们相信平凡人也可以发挥影响力。
AM-CCSM's international director Ross Paterson spoke from Acts 11 about his vision for the company "of an army of ordinary people raised up to make a difference in every area of China's life: because they
walk with Jesus and bring His
[...] incarnational light into every dark place; because they have Jesus' love for one another and the people of China; because they understand that success is plural; and because they believe that ordinary people can make a difference.
报告借助域数据, 说明加强社会科 学能力所面临的挑战,并解释了社会科学各门学科与寻找全球危机解决策略之间的相关性。
Based on regional data, it describes the [...]
challenges of building social science capacities and illustrates the relevance
of social science disciplines to find solutions to global crises.
利用网络环境使用时,可以避免其它客户端的反应 恶化等的影响,将必要的数据向其他 数 据 领 域复 制后 ,使用这些数据来实行所要量计算,计算后可 以只将必要的数据向源数据库返回。
When you perform the MRP calculations in the network environment, in order to avoid an impact in response deterioration on other clients you can copy necessary data to another data area, perform the MRP calculations there using those data, and return only necessary data to the original database after the calculations.
这一进程中所遇到的主要挑战在于如何保持教科文组织作为一个专门机构的特异 性和能力,这个专门机构拥复杂的政府间委员会,在促进国际公约、规范性和确立 标准的方案以作为解决在该组织管辖权 域 内 主 要的全球问题表率中各自具有自己的 政治和技术议程。
The major challenge encountered in this process has been how to maintain UNESCO’s specificity, hence strength, as
a specialized agency
[...] with its complex composites of intergovernmental committees with its own political and technical agendas in the promotion of international conventions, normative and standard-setting programmes to serve as exemplars in addressing major global issues in the fields of competence of [...]
the Organization.
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用
[...] 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共域信息 进行保护 数 字 化
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them
accessible to all, as well as to undertake the
[...] preservation and digitization of public domain information held by [...]
保留“语言”复数形式将赋予法庭这种选择,而删 复数 形 式会 阻碍这种选择。
Retaining “languages” in the plural would give the tribunal that option, whereas deleting the plural would preclude such an option.
[...] 语言中国家/领土的短名称;官方语言中国家/领土的官方全称;波兰语中从国家/ 领土名称派生出的形容词(主格、单数、男性);波兰语中国家/领土居民的名称(男 性和女性单数及男复数);波 兰语中使用的国家/领土首都的名称;官方语言中 国家/领土首都的名称。
For each country and territory the following are given: the short name of the country/ territory (nominative, genitive, locative) in Polish; the official full name of the country/territory in Polish; the name of the official language (languages) in Polish; the short name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the official full name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the adjective from the name of the country/territory in Polish (nominative, singular, male gender); the name of inhabitants of the country/territory in
Polish (male and female
[...] gender singular, and male gender plural); the name of the country’s/territory’s capital used in the Polish language; [...]
the name of the
country’s/territory’s capital in the official language (or in official languages).
[...] [...] 应用并帮助理解在流域级别营养物的源和变化过程,以及怎样将这些模型用于: a) 确定关键的 N 和 P 污染源以及优复原区域;b) 设定流域水质目标和土地利用分区/目标;c) [...]
设计有效的水质监测系 统,以便为政策制定提供支持;以及 d) 告知政府的优先投资需求、以及信息和研究优先事项。
The aim is to demonstrate the application of lumped models for understanding nutrient sources and processes at the catchment scale and how these models can be used to: a)
identify key N and P pollution
[...] sources and priority rehabilitation areas; b) set of [...]
catchment water quality targets and
land-use zoning/targets; c) design of effective water quality monitoring systems to support policy; and d) inform priority government investment needs, and information and research priorities.
这种必要性反映了在创新和创造这 复 杂 领 域 中 落实成果框架所带 来的挑战,以及满足新的优先项目和WIPO利益攸关者特别是成员国的需求的迫切性。
This need reflects the challenge of implementing a results
[...] framework in the complex area of innovation [...]
and creativity and the imperative to
respond to new priorities and the demands of WIPO stakeholders, particularly the Member States.
在同步辐射国际中心建成后,将 为评估教科文组织在安复杂的科学 域 的 国 际合作方面的相对优势 提供一个重要的实例。
When SESAME is completed, it might provide an
interesting case to evaluate UNESCO’s comparative advantages in arranging
[...] international cooperation in a complex scientific field.
一些做出复的国家和域渔业管理组织介绍了 促进发展中国家参与区域渔业管理组织的努力,其方式包括根据《协定》第 [...]
25 条第 1 款(b)项向它们提供从事跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群渔业的机会, 并确保这种机会能够使有关国家及其国民受益(另见上文第
221-224 段和第 244-246 段)。
Some responding States and regional fisheries management [...]
organizations described efforts to enhance the participation of
developing States in those organizations, including through facilitating access to fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks, in accordance with article 25, paragraph 1 (b), of the Agreement, as well as ensuring that such access benefits the States concerned and their nationals (see also paras. 221-224 and 244-246 above).
用户将批数复位为零时,一个批次即 完成。
A batch is complete when the user resets the batch counter to zero.
[...] 制火器议定书》来填补国家立法中的漏洞;加强对武 器运输的管制;建立关于收缴非法武器的 域数据 库;促进各政府管理部门内的机构间合作;建立关于 [...]
可疑货物的档案;同其他国家分享信息以便核查遵守 国际协定的情况。
To cut the illicit flow of weapons, I urge States to use the Firearms Protocol to close loopholes in national legislation,
tighten up regulations on weapons
[...] transport, develop regional databases on seizures, [...]
promote inter-agency cooperation within
national administrations, profile suspicious shipments and share information with other countries to verify compliance with international agreements.
Copiun数据管理器通过一个简单而全面的的解决方案,对所有笔记本电脑的数据提供全面的可视性管理,同时使最终用户自助服务 复数 据 , 并且降低了整体数据存储成本—使IT人员能够重新获得对笔记本电脑数据的控制。
Through a simple yet comprehensive solution, Copiun Data Manager provides
complete visibility into
[...] all laptop data, while enabling end user self-service recovery, and reducing overall data storage costs [...]
- enabling IT to
regain control of laptop data.
很难看出用词的差别(使用第一人 复数 而不是科索沃议会所常用的第三人称单数)如何会合理产生这个结论,即独立宣言是 由科索沃议会之外的一个机关或实体通过的。
It is difficult to see how the difference in conjugation (first person plural, as opposed to the third person singular commonly used by the Assembly of Kosovo) may reasonably lead to the conclusion that an organ or entity other than the Assembly of Kosovo adopted the declaration of independence.
用1 ml注射器向样品室内注入去离 子水数并吸走,如此复数次, 以彻底清除样品室内残留的 乙醇。
Use 1ml syringe to load and remove DI water (refer to Fluid Loading and Fluid Removal) several times to flush alcohol out of the sample chamber.
虽然Adobe的工具建议如何解决问题和 复数 据 的一般指导,但这些建议帮助不大。
Although the Adobe tools and recommendations
on how to solve the problem of the general
[...] guidelines for restoration of data, but these proposals [...]
are not very helpful.
特别委员会认识到,解除武装、复员 和重返社会的过程是一个不断发展的 域 , 复 员 方 案应适应国家的具体情况,确 保符合国家战略,与此同时,还应铭记女性和男性前战斗人员及其家属及受武装 [...]
The Special Committee recognizes that
the process of
[...] disarmament, demobilization and reintegration is an evolving field and that DDR programmes [...]
should be tailored
to national contexts so as to ensure consistency with national strategies, while being mindful of the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and their dependants, as well as children affected by armed conflict and the disabled.
磁媒体(如硬盘驱动器)彻底信息抹除是指即使是具备适当资格的专业人员使用任何已知的工 具和恢复方法也无法复数据。
The guaranteed wiping of information from magnetic media (e.g. a hard disc drive)
means it is impossible to recover data by even a qualified specialist with the help of all
[...] known tools and recovery methods.
然而,它也关切缔约国没有有效 采集《公约》所涉一切域数据的系统,以便根据《公约》对儿童权利方面的法 律、政策、计划和方案的数据和信息进行评估、分析和评价。
However, it is concerned that there is no
[...] effective system of data collection covering all areas of the [...]
Convention which would allow for
assessment, analysis and evaluation of the data and information on laws, policies, plans and programmes for children based on the Convention.
高质量、可靠的统计数据是整个亚太区域制定政策和执行方案 的基础,起着关键作用,是秘书处在亚太区域为加强各国统计系统
[...] 在各领域提供协助的重点,这些领域包括:(a)生命统计 域数据 的 产生和传播;(b)经济统计数据,包括非正式部门和非正式就业 [...]
The critical role of high quality and reliable statistics in underpinning policy development and programme delivery across the region was the focus of the secretariat’s ongoing support for the strengthening of national statistical systems in Asia and the Pacific
in areas including (a) production and
[...] dissemination of data in the areas of vital [...]
statistics, (b) economic statistics including
the measurement of the informal sector and informal employment, and (c) improving the measurement and statistics on disability.
然而, 近年来,本域数目越 来越多的各国政府都表示强烈支持“绿色增长”,并以 [...]
此作为改进环境的可持续性和实现千年发展目标的基础,其目的是使经济发展 和环境压力脱钩,其方法是提高自然资源的使用效率,降低能源强度,减少废 物处置,同时还要使环境保护成为增长引擎。
In recent years, however, more and more
[...] governments of the region have expressed [...]
strong support for “green growth” as the
basis for improving environmental sustainability and attaining the Millennium Development Goals, the aim being to decouple economic development from environmental pressures by enhancing the efficiency of natural resource use and reducing energy intensities and waste disposal, while also recasting environmental protection as an engine of growth.
虽然复数目有 限,但国际财政文献局的陈述人 Arcotia Hatsimiditris 认为,答复表明,尽管发展中国家感谢为其单独举办零 散的培训活动,但这些国家更偏爱辅导和内部现场培训。
Even though the number of responses was limited, the presenter, Arcotia Hatsimiditris of IBFD, was of the view that the responses showed that although developing countries appreciated individual, discrete training events, their preference was for mentoring and in-house, on-site training.




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