单词 | 复制品 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 复制品 —replicaSee also:复制 v—replicate v • duplicate v 复制—clone • make a copy of 制品—products 制品 n—goods n
反对犹太法典费由转换尼古拉Donin带来导致了第一个犹太人和基督徒之间的公开争论,并在该 作 品 的 复制品 第 一 次燃烧(巴黎,1244)。 mb-soft.com | The charge against the Talmud brought by the convert Nicholas Donin led [...] to the first public disputation between Jews and Christians and to [...] the first burning of copies of the work (Paris, 1244). mb-soft.com |
尽管买了作品的一个复制品之后 可以将它转让, 但复制权仍属作者专有。 wipo.int | Though you may redistribute a specific copy of the work once you buy it, the right of reproduction is still an exclusive right of the author. wipo.int |
实际上,虽有争议但我们可以说,发展中 [...] 国家的许多贫困人口只能通过使用比正版产品原价价格低很多的非 法 复制品 来 使 用某些受 著作权保护的著作。 iprcommission.org | Indeed, it is arguably the case that many poor people in developing countries have only been able to access certain [...] copyrighted works through using unauthorised copies available at a fraction of the [...] price of the genuine original product. iprcommission.org |
当Zack和Cody寻找雅闻,不小心释放出一个机器人弗兰肯斯坦怪物(由雅闻),几乎是一个确切 的 复制品 雅 闻。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When looking for Arwin, Zack and Cody accidentally release a robot Frankenstein monster (created by Arwin), who is almost an exact replica of Arwin. seekcartoon.com |
兵马俑的当代复制品,其 原型取自曾参与2011年伦敦骚乱的一位来自英国工人家庭的16岁女孩的真实身体。 shanghaibiennale.org | A contemporary re-fabrication of the Terracotta [...] Warriors whose figures are cast from the real life body of a 16 year old [...]working-class English girl who was involved in the London riots of 2011. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们同意理解或改善《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》的重要性,同时要牢记专利保护制度 将适用于目前能够生产和出口专利药品的非专 利 复制品 的 国 家。 iprcommission.org | We agree that it is important to get the interpretation or amendment of TRIPS right, bearing in mind the longer term [...] scenario when patent protection will apply to countries that can currently produce [...] and export generic copies of patented drugs. iprcommission.org |
查阅微缩胶片、或是有电子复制品的 资 料,以及手写本和珍稀书籍原件,必须经图书馆和档案服务局局长的批准。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | The use of original sources of information whose microfilms and electronic copies are [...] available, manuscripts, and peerless [...]works of art is subject to the permission of the Director of Library and Archive Services. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
展览包括世界各地水下遗产的大幅图片、泰国沉船残骸实物尺 寸 复制品 、 海底发现的遗 产展示、水下文化遗产电影、水下考古学家在水族箱工作的特别演示以及儿童的互动游戏区 ,展览还放映了教科文组织--Moonscoop 卡通片。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The exhibit included large format [...] photographs of underwater [...] heritage scenes from around the world, a life-size replica of a Thai ship wreck, a showcase of discoveries recovered from the seabed, a [...]film on the underwater [...]cultural heritage, special demonstrations of underwater archaeologists in action in the aquarium tank and an interactive play zones for children and featuring among others the UNESCO-Moonscoop Cartoons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织代用券计划是根据 1947 年大会第二届会议通过的第 2 C/ 号决议设立 的,目的是帮助教育人员、研究人员及学生利用代用券购买适于教育、科学及文化目的的出 版物、影片及各种器材,其中包括学校的教科书、讲义、艺术作品和乐谱 的 复制品 、 原 胶片 及冲洗器材、收音机及电视机、磁带录音机、录相带及录相机、乐器,以及科学设备、化工 产品、机床和测量仪器、计算机、软件及有关物品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Coupons Programme was created further to 2 C/Resolution adopted by the General Conference at its 2nd session in 1947 in order to permit educators, research workers and students to purchase publications, films and materials intended for educational, scientific and cultural purposes. This includes school textbooks, copies of courses, reproduction of art and sheet music, raw film, developing material, radio and television sets, tape recorders, videotapes and video recorders, and musical instruments, as well as scientific equipment, chemical products, machine tools and measuring instruments, computers, software related items. unesdoc.unesco.org |
目前在没有专利制度的国家,控制药价的一个因素是受专利保护 药 品复制品的 提 供商参与国际竞争所创造的威胁,而在实行专利制度但一定存在强制许可的国家,这种 因素的影响程度则要小一些。 iprcommission.org | At present, the threat of international competition from generic suppliers of copies of patented drugs is a restraining factor on the prices that can be charged in countries with no patent regimes, and to a lesser extent in countries with patent regimes where there is a credible threat of compulsory licensing. iprcommission.org |
由于产品价值的提升与产品数量成正比, 产 品复制品 数 量的增加意味着产品价值的提升。 12manage.com | Because value increases in proportion to abundance, a flood of copies increases the value of all the copies. 12manage.com |
例如:打算制作多少复制品;准 备 在何处、为哪些听众表演作品;想怎样改编作品(翻译,为新作 品的片断采样等等);准备怎样发行作品(上传到网站,销售印 刷本等等)。 wipo.int | For example: how many copies of a work you want to make; where and for which audience you wish to perform the work; how you wish to adapt the work (translate it, sample it as part of a new work, etc.); or how you plan to distribute the work (uploading it on your website, selling printed copies, etc.). wipo.int |
尽管现在有几个国家,特别是那些具有大规模市场的国家,有能力生产廉价的专利 药 品复 制品,但在 2005 年后,再这样做就会很困难了。 iprcommission.org | While there are now several countries, particularly those [...] with significant domestic markets, with the [...]capacity to produce copies of drugs cheaply, [...]this will become more difficult after 2005. iprcommission.org |
研究表明,“假冒品牌有时验证他们 所 复制品 牌 的必需性”,作为消费者谁购买这些盗版产品通常最终购买真正的品牌,因为他们是如此喜欢它。 labbrand.com | Studies show that “counterfeit brands sometimes verify the [...] desirability of the [...] brand they’re copying”, as consumers who purchase these pirated products usually end up [...]buying the real brand because they like it so much. labbrand.com |
Katz(2004)谈论了(苏丹)Howa [...] 儿童的“田地”游 戏,在游戏中儿童建造了当地环境和农耕活动的精巧的微 型 复制品。 ipaworld.org | Katz(2004) remarks on Howa (Sudan) children’s [...] games of ‘field’, in which children construct [...] elaborate miniature replicas of local environments [...]and farming practices. ipaworld.org |
Positive Image 正像:影像复制品,该复制品和原 始物体的亮度和色调一致:原始物体的浅色物 体呈现低密度,黑色物体呈现高密度。 motion.kodak.com | Positive Image: A photographic replica in which the values of light and shade of the original photographed subject are represented in their natural order. motion.kodak.com |
国铁钟表的热爱者也可以为自己买到 复制品 : 19 86年,瑞士表厂Mondaine推出了一系列模仿国铁钟表设计的手表和座钟;Mondaine出品的官方瑞士国铁手表被认为是瑞士最经典的10大手表设计之一。 swissworld.org | Admirers of the SBB clock [...] can buy their own replicas: in 1986 the Swiss [...]watchmaker Mondaine launched a copyrighted watch and clock collection based on this classic design; Mondaine's [...]Official Swiss Railways SBB Watch has itself been named one of the 10 classic watch-making designs to have come from Switzerland. swissworld.org |
以ABS材料复制品、软 橡胶类材料和高质量蜡熔模铸造标准件等各种树脂为材料,生产高质量零件。 renishaw.com.cn | Create high quality parts in a wide range of resins including ABS replicas, soft-feel rubber-like [...] materials and high quality [...]wax investment casting masters. renishaw.com.br |
凡 是 无 视 作 者 的 知 识 产 权,对 知 识 产 权复制品 进口、 出 口 、复制、表演 和销售,同样构成对版权的侵犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any importation, exportation, reproduction, performance or distribution of a reproduction of an intellectual creation with intent to disregard the intellectual property rights of the author(s) also constitutes violation of copyright. daccess-ods.un.org |
答:在全部或部分复制,影印,复制,翻译,逆向工程,导出源代码,修改,反汇编,反编译,或创建基于软件的衍生作品;,但是,你可以制作一个(1 B.出售,授予担保权益或转让本软件 的 复制品 给 其 他方,在本文中未明确授权的任何方式,或出租,租赁或许可的软件给其他人)的软件客户端和仅用于归档目的的“手册”的副本; 。 daniusoft.com | A. in whole or in part, copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works based on the Software; provided, however, that you may make one (1) copy of the Software Client and the Manuals for archival purposes [...] only; B. sell, grant a security interest [...] in or transfer reproductions of the Software [...]to other parties in any way not expressly [...]authorized herein, or rent, lease or license the Software to others. daniusoft.com |
复制品:本文所载资料的任何授权的 复制品 必 须 包含版权声明,商标或其他专有的传说AnyBizSoft软件,你的材料的任何副本。 cn.anypdftools.com | REPRODUCTIONS: Any authorized reproductions of any of the information contained [...] herein must include copyright notices, trademarks [...]or other proprietary legends of AnyBizSoft Software, on any copy of the materials made by you. anypdftools.com |
身为 FEP 会员,博纳能够为您提供关于正牌木地板产品的客观信息资源,教您如何避免误买 到 复制品 或 仿 造品。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Bona’s membership of FEP enables us to provide [...] you with a neutral source of information on real [...] wood flooring products and to guide you away from copies or [...]imitations. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
通常,托马斯·史翠克在用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料磨制原作的同时,也会备制第二份作品,第二件作品当然是用棱角不齐、形态万状的边角料制成,他一般对于第一件雕塑的结构提不起兴趣,但对于备制品倒是兴致盎然;为了充分利用边角料,他会挖空心思探索 新 复制品 的 结 构。 shanghaibiennale.org | Basically, Thomas Stricker takes a doubling of the origin, whereas he is less interested in the first [...] structure, which he forms out of the concrete [...] Styrofoam block, but in the second one, [...]which he creates out of an unstructured, unpredictable messy rest. shanghaibiennale.org |
设计合格测试通常是在结构模型上进行的(这是一个完整的物 理 复制品 ) , 从而展示设计可承受住发射期间出现的振动级别,同时在合理的合格范围内。 bksv.cn | Design qualification tests are usually carried out on a structural model – which is a complete physical replica – in order to demonstrate that the design enables the equipment to withstand the vibration levels it will see during launch, by a healthy qualification margin. bksv.com |
因此,严格禁止使用所有这些标志,未经修改或未失真的、仅作个人用途 的 复制品 和 依 照知识产权法条款L.122-5.2° 所做的私人复制品除外。 rhodia.com.cn | Accordingly, all use of these signs [...] is strictly prohibited, with exception of reproductions without modifications or distorsions made [...]for the sole [...]purpose of personal and private copy in accordance with article L.122-5.2° of Intellectual Property Code. rhodia.com.cn |
在正常评级工作过程,PCGS (i) 就提交以待评级 的每枚钱币编辑资料,包括但不限于,与钱币鉴 别、铸造、状况及评级相关的资料(“资料”);及 (ii) [...] 会或已经为每枚有关钱币拍摄或制作一张或以 上数码或其他类型的照片、图像或 复制品 ( 统 称“ 图像”)。 pcgsasia.com | In the ordinary course of its grading operations, PCGS (i) compiles data regarding each coin submitted for grading, including, but not limited to, data relating to the identity, minting, condition and grade of the coin (the “Data”); and (ii) may take, or have taken, [...] one or more digital or other types of [...] photographs, images or reproductions of each such coin [...](collectively, the “Images”). pcgsasia.com |
博物馆位于海德里城堡地下室,陈设着城堡原主人詹姆斯·邓斯穆尔收藏的手工艺品、城堡和花园的历史、庭 园 复制品 、 房 间再现构造、一座煤矿模型、铁路发历史、皇家军事学院的学员照片、学员制服、各种奖品、历史照片以及加拿大军队使用过的装备。 studygroup.com | The Museum, located in the basement of Hatley Castle, displays artifacts of James Dunsmuir (the castle's [...] original owner), the history of the [...] Castle and gardens, replicas of the grounds, [...]room reconstructions, a model coal mine, [...]railway history, class photos of Royal Roads Military College, cadet uniforms, trophies, historical photographs, and equipment used by the Canadian Forces. studygroup.com |
122-5.2° 和 3°a规定 :首先,"副本或复制品,严 格预留作私人用途,不可用作集体使用";其次,分析和简短引用为目的,"未经作者或者其继承人或受让人同意的任何陈述或复制全部或部分内容的应是非法的"(第L.122-4)。 cagrandscrus.com | The code of intellectual property allowing, in terms of [...] Article L. 122-5.2 ° and 3 °, on the one [...] hand, "copies or reproductions strictly reserved [...]for private use and not intended for [...]collective use" and, secondly, that the analysis and short quotations for the purposes of example and illustration, "any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the author or his successors or assigns shall be unlawful" (art. L. 122-4). cagrandscrus.com |
免费紧随逆向定价之后: 在信息时代,免费已经成为一个广受欢迎的、明智的商业战略。 由于网络知识经济逆转了定价法则,网络知识的内在属性使得 产 品复制品 ( 有 形的或无形的)的边际成本几乎为零。 12manage.com | Because compounding network knowledge inverts prices, the marginal cost of an additional copy (intangible or tangible) is near zero. 12manage.com |
其中提到“未经著作权人许可,复制发行其文字作品、音乐、电影、电视、录像作品、计算 机软件及其他作品,复制品数量 合计在一千张(份)以上的,应当以侵犯著作权罪判处三年 以下有期徒刑或者 60 天以下拘役,并处或者单处罚金;未经著作权人许可,复制发行其文 字作品、音乐、电影、电视、录像作品、计算机软件及其他 作 品 , 复制品 数 量 合计在五千张 (份)以上的,应当以侵犯著作权罪判处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金”。 uschina.org | The Judicial Interpretations state: “Anyone who makes over 1,000 duplications of works [...] of writing, music, [...] movies, video, PC software and etc. of other copyright holders and releases them without authority thereof should be punished with an imprisonment for a term of less than three years or detention for not more than 60 days in the name of infringement upon copyright, together with fines or should be fined solely; anyone who makes over 5,000 duplications of works of writing, music, movies, video, PC software and etc. of other copyright holders and releases them without authority thereof should be punished with [...]an imprisonment for [...]a term of three to seven years in the name of infringement upon copyright, together with fines. uschina.org |