

单词 复出


反复出现的 adj

recurring adj

External sources (not reviewed)

联合国及其安全理事会的改革、倡导可持续发展和绿色经济以 及就解决全球关切问题开展对话和辩论的重要性,也是 复出 现 的 主题。
The reform of the United Nations and its Security Council; the promotion of sustainable development and
green economy and the importance of dialogue and debate in tackling issues of global
[...] concern were also reoccurring themes.
一些 杂交作物的这一特性提供了一种自然形式的保护手段,种子公司可以借此通过 复出 售种 子更容易地收回投资。
This characteristic of some hybrids confers a natural
form of protection by which seed companies can more readily capture a return on their
[...] investment through repeat seed sales.
我们以前的审计工作中复出现的 一个问题就是教科文组织中多 个不同部门分别负责管理财务工作。
A recurring theme of our previous [...]
audits has been the fragmentation of financial management responsibilities among a number
of different units within UNESCO.
复出口以 及投资和消费需求的进一步加强,将使印度的增长率在 2010 年和 [...]
2011 年分别达到 7.9%和 8.1%。
A recovery of exports and a further [...]
strengthening of investment and consumption demand is expected to lift growth in India
to 7.9 per cent in 2010 and 8.1 per cent in 2011.
[...] 出售前一年的种子,这意味着在这种 复出 售 的 过程中,培育者是难以收回改良品种的投 [...]
Farmers have traditionally replanted, exchanged or sold seed from the previous years’ crop
which means that breeders have difficulty in recouping the investments made in
[...] improved varieties through repeat sales.
这些做法包括:(a) 高
[...] 层管理团队利用委员会的报告和建议确定优先行动和监测的领域;(b) 查明复 出现同 样审计意见的根本原因,并制定处理这些原因的行动计划;(c) [...]
在需要进 行机构间合作与共同努力的领域作出改进,以期解决涉及多个机构的问题;(d)
就 执行审计委员会的建议确定明确的目标日期和完成标准,以及(e) 由内部审计员 对执行情况进行验证和跟踪(同上,第 10 段)。
These included: (a) the use of the Board’s report and recommendations by senior management teams to determine areas for priority action and
monitoring; (b) the identification of the
[...] root causes of recurring audit observations [...]
and the development of action plans
to address them; (c) improvement in areas requiring inter-agency cooperation and joint efforts to address issues pertaining to more than one organization; (d) the establishment of clear target dates and completion standards for the Board’s recommendations; and (e) validation and tracking by internal auditors of implementation (ibid., para. 10).
复出现的 主题包括必须在法律和体制 改革中继续建设国家能力,而不是提供由捐助方推动的短期技术援助,还包括必 [...]
Recurring themes included [...]
the continuing imperative to develop national capacity in legal and institutional reform instead
of providing short-term, donordriven technical assistance, and the importance of independent and widely available programme evaluations.
打印版第5 页列出 了调查表中使用的关键术语定义;在电子版中,使用Excel 的“批注”功能,这些定义(和补充指示)会在调查表中复出现。
In this printable version, definitions of key terms used in the questionnaire are given on page 5; in the electronic version, these
definitions (and additional
[...] instructions) are repeated throughout the questionnaire through the “Comments” function in Excel.
例 如,一个民权团体立即向联合国提交了关于蓄意部分消灭美国的非裔美国人群体 的案件,但没有收到任何复。4 出现一 些明显的问题,诸如美国之所以尚未批 准该公约就是因为对非裔美国人的种族暴力犯罪不受惩罚等问题;5 另外还指 出,根据《公约》,只有国家才有权向联合国,特别是向国际法院提出对其他国 家的灭绝种族指控,因为该法院是《公约》规定的具有管辖权的国际法院(第八 和九条)。
For example, a civil rights group immediately submitted to the United Nations the case of the intentional partial destruction of the African American group in the United States but received no response whatsoever.4 Obvious problems arose, such as the fact that the United States had yet to ratify the Convention precisely because of issues such as the question of impunity for crimes of racial violence against African Americans;5it was also pointed out that, under the Convention, only States were entitled to submit complaints of genocide against other States to the United Nations, and particularly to the International Court of Justice as the international court with jurisdiction under the Convention (arts. 8 and 9).
由于问题的复出现和操作失误,TNB 的管理人员决定在 2007 年用MR 的V 型开关替代16 台中国产开关。
Owing to repeated problems and operation failures, the TNB management has made a bold decision [...]
to exchange 16 Chinese OLTCs
against MR’s Type V OLTC in 2007, with another 20 exchanges planned in 2008.
阿比让和全国的安全局势大有改观,但是仍存在 有待克服的重要挑战,也就是复出 现 的 社区间冲突 和土地冲突,以及国家西部,特别是与利比里亚接壤 [...]
The security situation in Abidjan and throughout the country has significantly
improved, but major challenges remain to be
[...] overcome, namely, recurring intercommunity [...]
and land conflicts as well as the precarious
security situation in the western part of the country, in particular in the border zone with Liberia.
在力求使相互竞争的安全考虑与 人道主义考虑之间达成平衡的过程中,保护平民问题 在最高法院关于这一问题的大量判例中 复出 现 , 从 而反映了在法治框架内找到一个适当平衡所涉及到 的种种难题。
In seeking a balance between competing security and humanitarian considerations, the protection of civilians resurfaces throughout the Court’s extensive jurisprudence on this matter, shedding light on the dilemmas involved in finding an appropriate balance within the framework of the rule of law.
如果在型号 M(北极条件)、R 和 VR 的分接开关上复出现此事件,请下载数据库并联系 Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH。
If the event occurs again with on-tap load-changers of type M (Arctic conditions), R and VR, download the database and contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH.
如果故障仍未排除,则故障代码将会 复出 现 , 直到 故障得以修复并且该电路恢复正常。
In case of a present active failure, the service code keeps reappearing until the problem has been repaired and the circuit is properly working again.
为了避免复出现任 何错误,环境规划署正寻求建立一个系统来计算、 记录和跟踪为具体多边基金项目收取的支助费用。
In order
[...] to avoid any repetition of error, UNEP [...]
was seeking to establish a system for calculating, recording and tracking
support costs generated for individual Multilateral Fund projects.
我们意识到的是,同时率是巩固,为的原因已经解释,下降的数量的股份,但它是有趣的如何 复出 现 在 钱包每次我们被未行使的秋天的2008强时,当我们使用每月收到的金额投资于购买自己的股份。
What we realized was that while the rate was consolidated, for reasons already explained, decreased our
number of shares, but it is
[...] interesting to see how the recovery occurred in the wallet [...]
every time we were not exercised in
the fall of 2008 strong when we use monthly the amount received to invest in the purchase of own shares.
按键即可复出厂设 置,同时转入测量档,液晶屏显示 。若不进行复位操作,可再次按压标定/复位按钮转 入测量档。
If you do not operate to restore, press restore button again to enter into measuring set.
由于关于伊朗和伊拉克在两伊战争中使用化学武器的指控 复出 现 , 该秘书长专家团在1985年至1988年间多次被派出,在伊朗和伊拉克开展实地调查以收集和审查证据,并向秘书长做相应报告。
The mission of the Secretary-General of
[...] specialists was dispatched a number of times between 1985 and 1988 in connection with repeated allegations concerning [...]
the use of chemical
weapons by Iran and Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, to carry out on-site investigations in Iran and Iraq in order to collect and examine evidence and report to the Secretary-General accordingly.
这并不是最经济的解决方案,更好的办法是将该信息作为一个Form Xobject仅在文档中添加一次,在其可见位置 复出 现。
This is not the most economical solution, the
better approach is to
[...] information as a Form Xobject added in the document only once, can be seen in its repeated position.
重要的是,这不是一个孤立的例子,而是在全球 复出 现 的主题的一部分。
Significantly, this is not an isolated example, but part of a common theme that is recurring around the world.
[...] 便会吸引证券组合投资流入、增加通货膨胀压力,而且会对名义汇率造成上行压 力,从而破坏复出口的前景。
Likewise, monetary tightening through an increase in interest rates, in the absence of similar rises in other economies, could attract portfolio flows that would increase inflationary
pressures as well as exert upward pressure on nominal exchange rates,
[...] thereby dampening recovery prospects for exports.
根据 2008 年和 2009
[...] 年监督工作的成果, 其中包括审查了 11 个国家方案,出现若干复出现的 主题。
Based on the results of oversight work in 2008 and 2009 that included the review of 11 country
[...] programmes, several recurring themes emerged.
12. 水资源的数量和质量是索马里的主要发展挑战,而在各地和不同季节 复出 现的 毁灭性干旱和不规则降雨,加剧了这一挑战。
The quantity and quality of water resources are a major development challenge for Somalia, aggravated by recurrent devastating droughts and irregular rainfalls that vary according to location and season.
unload 命令复出来的数据,分为 2 种格式,由 ODU 参数 [...]
output_format 指定,该参数值为 dmp 时,以 Oracle 传统的 exp 工具生成的 dmp 格式保存,dmp 版本为 Oracle 8.0,高版本的
imp 命令能够导入低版本的 dmp 文件。
The data recovered by unload command [...]
are divided into two kinds of formats which specified by the value of the ODU parameter
OUTPUT_FORMAT, when the value is "DMP", the file format of the recovered data is dmp which is usually generated by traditional Oracle exp tool, the version of the dmp file is Oracle 8.0, higher version of the imp command can import the dmp file which generated by lower version of the exp command.
亚太经社会设法设 立了海啸信托基金,专门应对像海啸这样的 会复出现的自然灾害。
ESCAP manages a Tsunami Trust Fund, which addresses recurrent natural disasters such as tsunamis.
秘书处注意到, 委员会根据第
61/27 号决定做出决定,由于与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国国家臭氧机构的沟
[...] 通不足造成的困难,以及“由于向该国发放资金的模式 复出 现 问 题,项目未来的可持续 性存在持续的不确定性”,将对体制建设延长项目(第六阶段)的审议推迟至第六十四次 [...]
The Secretariat notes that the Committee decided, as per decision 61/27, to defer consideration of the renewal of the IS project (phase VI) to the 64th meeting due to the difficulties experienced by
the lack of adequate communication with the
[...] National Ozone Unit (NOU) of the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea and the
“continued uncertainty about the future sustainability of projects owing to the continual problems associated with the modality of financial disbursement to the country”.
利用图30中展示的装置,可以控制用水量,避免 复出 现 的 龙头漏水 问题, 并保证被拘留者能维持最基本的个人卫生。
The type of installation shown in Figure 27 makes it possible to control water consumption, to avoid the recurrent problem of leaking taps and to ensure that the detainees can maintain a minimum of personal hygiene.
叶1羽状的(在一些形式中不规则的多 复出 的 或2或3羽状的);叶柄7-18厘米,抱茎在基部,具翅为1.5-3厘米具膜质翅;小叶柄1-3.5厘米; [...]
小叶(5-)7-9,通常有斑,椭圆形,卵形,或倒卵形,通常宽如此, 5-20 * 2.5-12
Leaves 1-pinnate
[...] (irregularly decompound or 2- or 3-pinnate [...]
in some forms); petiole 7-18 cm, clasping at base, alate for
1.5-3 cm with membranous wings; petiolules 1-3.5 cm; leaflets (5-)7-9, often variegated, elliptic, ovate, or obovate, often broadly so, 5-20 × 2.5-12 cm, papery, base broadly cuneate to attenuate, margin spinulose-serrate, teeth (1-)1.5-5 mm, apex obtuse to broadly acute or acuminate.
尽管冲突的性质不断变化,包括不尊重各方所 作承诺的问题复出现, 但维持和平行动应继续遵 循指导原则,特别是除合法自卫外不使用武力的原 则。
Despite the changing nature of conflicts, including the recurrent problem of non-respect for the commitments undertaken by parties, peacekeeping operations should continue to be conducted in accordance with the guiding principles, especially non-use of force except in cases of legitimate self-defence.
斯洛伐克认为,这一系列建议所涉问题 十复杂, 需要有大量的资金及有关各方的努力与合作,并 出 , 处 理好这些问 题不是一朝一夕的事,但这些问题将会得到解决。
Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources, effort and [...]
cooperation of all involved, and noted
that solutions were not imminent but would materialize in the future.




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