单词 | 复位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 复位 —restore sb or sth to its original positionless common: regain the throne • reset (a dislocated joint, an electronic device etc)
用户将批次数复位为零时,一个批次即 完成。 gww.graco.com | A batch is complete when the user resets the batch counter to zero. gww.graco.com |
单动缸的速度控制回路 弹簧复位式单动缸,如果释放时回路流量太小,则将引起释 放动作不正常(脉动或停止动作)以及释放时间的异常延长。 kosmek.co.jp | In a spring return type single-action cylinder, if the flow rate in the circuit is low at release the release operation can malfunction (sticking and stopping) or take a long time to complete. kosmek.co.jp |
重要: 一旦连接并设置好耳机,就必须在 OptiPoint 上执行复位操作,以激活 EHS 功能。 jabra.cn | Important: As soon as the headset is connected and set up, a reset must be performed on the OptiPoint, for the EHS function to activate. jabra.com |
复位动作 结束后,依据下一次的起动输入而对程序编号进行设置并起动。 ckd.co.jp | After restoration action is completed, [...] the program number is selected and the program is started with the next start input. ckd.co.jp |
将仪表螺刀插入仪器左侧面的小孔中,按压标 定 / 复位 按 钮一次,液晶屏显示 ,然 后 在 小角度检查仪上标定。 qianshao.com | Plug the instrument screwdriver into the [...] small hole at left of the E-level meter, [...] press once Scale/ Restoration button, LED will [...]show ,then scale at Small Angle Inspection Instrument. qianshao.com |
要注意 的是这种类型的复位也会 在每一次固件更新过程结束后进行。 camcoaudio.com | Note that this type of reset is also done at the end of each a firmware update process. camcoaudio.com |
在电机保护开关重新接通时,该反馈报告使输出继电器“电机运行超时 ” 复位, 并激活报告“电机保护开关已跳闸”。 highvolt.de | This message resets the "Motor runtime exceeded" output relay when the motor protective switch is switched back on and activates the "Motor protective switch triggered" message. highvolt.de |
防空打屏幕 1 和 2:如需复位防空打电磁阀,应关 闭主空气阀 (E)。 graco.com | Runaway Screens 1 and 2: To reset the runaway solenoid, close the master air valve (E). graco.com |
当复位紧急 停止装置时,X 射线不 应重新产生,电机不应启动,直到使用触摸屏和电机启动/停止开 关来指示机器这样做。 foodproducernews.com | When the E-stop switch is re-set, X-rays should not come back on and the motor should not start until the machine is instructed to do so using the touch screen and the motor start/stop switch. foodproducernews.com |
用 CURSOR 键移动标记,并按 OK 两次, 以选择并确认想要得复位类型。 tcelectronic.com | Move the marker using the the CURSOR keys and press OK to select the desired Reset type. tcelectronic.com |
在充分利用ADI公司先进的信号处理专业技术基础上,ANC解决方案还采用了其它ADI元件,包括用于一般语音和电话产品的单通道3V前端处理器——AD73311L编解码器,以及在供电电压低于预设阈值时提供上电、断 电 复位 信 号 的微处理 器 复位 信 号 产生电路ADM6711。 analog.com | Leveraging Analog Devices' extensive signal processing expertise, the ANC solution incorporated additional components, including the AD73311L Codec, a single channel, 3V front end processor for general purpose speech and telephony and the [...] ADM6711 microprocessor reset [...] generator circuit to provide a reset signal on power-up, power-down [...]when supply voltage falls below a preset threshold. analog.com |
b) 移动指令与 M0“起动输入等待”被记述于同一程序块中时 *1 复位信号 输入后,以第二次的起动输入使之回归分度动作。 ckd.co.jp | b) If the travel instruction and M0 (start input wait) are described [...] in the same block*1 After the reset signal is supplied, the second [...] start input causes restoration to the indexing action. ckd.co.jp |
S-1000系列电压检测器,因为具有工作保证电压低、检测电压精度高、备有滞后并且内置了延迟电路,如图24、25 所示,可以简单地构成复位电路。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | Reset circuits shown in Figures 24, 25 can be easily constructed with the help of the S-1000 series, that has low operating voltage, a high-precision detection voltage and hysteresis. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
支持缩放和平移的所有类型:移动,放大,缩小,矩形缩放 , 复位。 evget.com | Support for all types of zooming and panning: move, zoom in, zoom out, rectangle zoom, reset. evget.com |
标准特性 包括读取输入变量和远程定格、最 大和最小值(峰值/谷值)读取和 记忆、测皮重和复位功能,以及全 面的逻辑编程功能。 magtrol.com.cn | Standard features include the reading of the input variable as well as remote hold, reading and memorization of max and min values (peak / valley), tare and reset function, and a full complement of programmable logic functions. magtrol.ru |
此灯指示电压过低或过高状况,,即小于 10C 或大于 32V 的情况,它亦复位发送机,在恢复运 行前,必须按复位予以清除, 检查合适电池状态或电压. zonge.com | This lamp indicates an under or overvoltage condition which is set for less than 10 volts, or greater than 32 volts. zonge.com |
2位方向控制阀有一个电磁铁、一个复位 弹簧 或两个电磁铁、一个钢珠定位组成。 comatrol.com | Two-position directional valves have either one solenoid and one return spring or [...] two solenoids and a detent assembly. comatrol.com |
它可以与角行程和直行程弹簧复位式 液动执行器配套,提供一个失气关闭系统,可适用于球阀、旋塞阀和其他角行程阀门,以及反向作用闸板阀和其他直行程操作阀门。 emerson.com | The actuator can be used with either rotary or [...] linear spring-return hydraulic operators [...]to provide a fail-safe system adaptable [...]to ball, plug, and other quarter-turn valves as well as reverse-acting gate and other linear operated valves. emerson.com |
所有用户信息 (如白 平衡、分辨率等) 都会被复位。 leica-microsystems.com | Alluserinformation(suchaswhitebalance,resolutione tc.)isreset. leica-microsystems.com |
当系统压力通过排放口达到平衡时, 弹簧会自动将提动头复 位到开启位置。 swagelok.com.cn | When the system pressure equalizes through the bleed vent, the spring automatically resets the poppet to the open position. swagelok.com.cn |
如果复位记录 盒,该参数设为“显示”。 biosignal.fr | If you reset the recorder, this parameter is set to "reveal". biosignal.fr |
复位可以 通过手动或自动缓慢反向旋转马达进行。 china.autogard.com | The resetting can be done [...] manually or automatically by slowly inching the motor in reverse. autogard.com |
按键即可恢 复出厂设置,同时转入测量档,液晶屏显示 。若不进行复位操作,可再次按压标 定 / 复位 按 钮转 入测量档。 qianshao.com | If you do not operate to restore, press restore button again to enter into measuring set. qianshao.com |
通过切开复位或透 视引导下内固定进行骨 折 复位 和 固 定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reduce and immobilize fractures by open reduction or internal fixation under fluoroscopic guidance. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行如下所示的工作后,WEL 位会被复位。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | Bit WEL is reset after the operations [...] shown below. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
目前角膜屈光手术的主流方式是LASIK(准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术),手术过程是在电脑控制下,保留角膜的外层组织,从中间进行准分子激光磨镶,然后将角膜 瓣 复位。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The most mainstream form of laser eye surgery is LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis). The surgery [...] generally proceeds this way: Under the control of a computer, the outer layer of [...] the cornea is cut away as a flap [...]by a laser. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
用石膏、玻璃纤维或夹板进行闭合性骨折 的 复位 和 固 定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reduce and immobilize closed fractures with a plaster or fibreglass cast or splint. daccess-ods.un.org |
若要改变安装的高度或灯具的高度,可以用鼠标点击 「复位」键,恢复灯具 厂商预设的高度。 dial.de | If you change the mounting height or the height of the luminaire you can set the luminaire to the manufacturer default by clicking button Reset. dial.de |
上电时 MAX5825 会将 DAC 输出复位为零,或复位为基于 M 状态/低电平有效 Z 逻辑输入的中间值,为多种控制应用提供了灵活性。 digikey.cn | On power-up, the MAX5825 reset the DAC outputs to zero or midscale based on the status of M/active-low Z logic input, providing flexibility for a variety of control applications. digikey.be |
该器件有 54 个数字输入/输出引脚(其中 12 个可用于 PWM 输出)、12 个模拟输入、4 路 UART(硬件串口)、 一个 84 MHz 时钟、一个 USB OTG 接口、两路 DAC(模数转换)、两路TWI、一个电源插孔、一个 SPI 接口、一个 JTAG 插口、一个复位按钮和一个擦写按钮。 digikey.cn | The Due has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 can be used as PWM outputs), 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 84 MHz clock, an USB OTG capable connection, 2 DAC (digital to analog), 2 TWI, a power jack, an SPI header, a JTAG header, a reset button, and an erase button. digikey.be |