

单词 处方集

See also:


medical prescription

External sources (not reviewed)

1975 年,USP 收购了《国处方集》(NF),后者主要包括药物和膳食补充剂中普遍使用的辅料规范。
In 1975, USP acquired
[...] the National Formulary (NF), which primarily [...]
features specifications for excipients commonly used
in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements.
反映国际标准 的法医集、处理、管理和评估程序 方 式 已 予采纳。
Procedures and protocols reflecting international
[...] standards regarding forensic collection, processing, management and assessment [...]
have been adopted.
采用了以下数据集方法: A) 作为观察员出席 2001 年在温得和克召开的地区研讨会(下文简称为“温得和克+10 会议”);B) 在教科文组织总 部采访一些主要的信息提供人;C) 访问 3 个国家的总部外办处(莫桑比克、印度尼西 亚、南斯拉夫联邦共和国),评估员采访了教科文组织的地区与总部外办事处工作人员,以 及作为教科文组织所提供援助的受益者的非政府组织;D) 进行了文件分析;E) 向国际、地 区和国家的媒体非政府组织,包括“温得和克+10 会议”的与会者发放两份调查问卷,以便 了解他们对教科文组织战略的看法。
The following data collection approaches were employed: (a) Observation of a regional seminar held in Windhoek in 2001 (hereafter referred to as Windhoek +10 Conference); (b) Interviews of key informants at UNESCO Headquarters; (c) Field visits to three countries (Mozambique, [...]
Indonesia, Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia) where the evaluators interviewed UNESCO regional and field office staff, as well as NGOs who were beneficiaries of UNESCO’s assistance; (d) Document analysis; (e) Two questionnaires were distributed to international, regional, and national media NGOs, including participants of the Windhoek +10 Conference, in order to receive their perspectives on UNESCO’s strategies.
(a) 本宣言的宗旨是:按照平等、公正、团结互助的要求,在 集 、 处 理 、 使用和保存人类 基因数据、人类蛋白质组数据和提取此类数据的生物标本(本文此后称之为“生物标 本”方面确保尊重人的尊严、保护人权和基本自由,并兼顾思想和言论自由,包括研 究自由;确定指导各国制订相关法律和政策的原则;并为指导有关机构和个人在这些方 面的良好实践奠定基础。
(a) The aims of this Declaration are: to ensure the respect of human dignity and
protection of human
[...] rights and fundamental freedoms in the collection, processing, use and storage of human genetic data, human proteomic data and of the biological samples from which they are derived, referred to [...]
hereinafter as “biological
samples”, in keeping with the requirements of equality, justice and solidarity, while giving due consideration to freedom of thought and expression, including freedom of research; to set out the principles which should guide States in the formulation of their legislation and their policies on these issues; and to form the basis for guidelines of good practices in these areas for the institutions and individuals concerned.
[...] 处、日本的教科文组织亚太地区文化中心(ACCU)以及某些会员国合作,启动试点项目, 以便建立非正规教育的信息管理体系,在实践中检验用于 集 、 处 理 、 分析和传播非正规教 育信息方法、 理念和应用软件的有效性。
Responding to the need for information on educational activities, which take place outside the formal school system, the UIS is cooperating with the Basic Education Division, the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) of Japan and selected Member States, in launching pilot projects to establish management information systems for non-formal education and to field-test
concepts, methodologies and
[...] software applications for the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of information [...]
on non-formal education.
方面的努力包括,集、处理和分析关于恐怖主义的情报(人力和技术); 必要时使用特种部队;实物保护潜在的恐怖袭击目标;进行战略分析并预测新的 [...]
This effort includes gathering, processing and analysing intelligence [...]
data (human and technical) about terrorism; using
special forces when necessary; the physical protection of potential terrorist targets; and the strategic analysis and forecasting of emerging threats.
一些多边环境协定已经在实现更大的协同作 方 面 取得进展,特别是在化学 品和废物领域(如将《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》、《关于在国 际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》和《关 于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》秘 处集 中 起 来143 ),以及森林、生物 多样性和气候变化的交叉领域。
Some multilateral environmental agreements have made progress towards achieving greater synergies, notably in the chemicals and waste domain (e.g., the clustering of the secretariats of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants143 ) as well as at the intersection of forests, biodiversity and climate change.
为了以最有效方法遵 守《公共部门会计准则》,开 发署建立了“全球共享服务中心”,以便代表开发署国家办 处集 中 记 录与各项 准则相关的复杂功能,协助国家办事处成功地过渡到这些准则和这些准则。
To ensure the most efficient
[...] means of compliance, UNDP established its ‘global shared service centre’ to centralize the recording of complex standards-related functions on behalf of UNDP country [...]
offices, and
to support to them in ensuring a successful transition to and compliance with the standards.
第三,在秘处方案规 划和伙伴关系司 (前方案管理司)内设立了一个伙伴关系和资源 集处 , 以支持各司 处加强亚太经社会同现有的和潜在的合作伙伴和捐助方的关系。
Third, a Partnerships and Resource Mobilization
Section was
[...] established within the Programme Planning and Partnerships Division of the secretariat (formerly the Programme Management Division) to support divisions and offices in enhancing [...]
the relationships
of ESCAP with current and potential partners and donors.
各项评估建议的重要后续行动正在实施之中,其目的是:加 强亚太经社会各实质性部门之间的内部协作与合作以及与其他区域与 次区域组织的外部合作、改善内部方案与项目规划及其监测和评估系 统、澄清秘书处各次区域办事处相对于各实质性部门的职能、制订通 信与宣传战略、以及支持秘处在 资源 调 集方 面 的 各项努力。
Key follow-up actions to evaluation recommendations were being implemented with a view to enhancing collaboration and cooperation internally among substantive units of ESCAP and externally with other regional and subregional organizations, improving the internal system for the planning of programmes and projects as well as the monitoring and evaluation thereof, clarifying the
function of the
[...] secretariat’s subregional offices vis-à-vis substantive divisions, and developing a strategic communication and advocacy strategy in support of the secretariat’s resource [...]
mobilization efforts.
印度大陆架项目项目主任:领导项目各方面的管理和实施,其中包括:(a) 对获
[...] 得必要数据,划定印度大陆架外部界限所涉各种科学技术问题进行全面的桌面研 究;(b) 规划集、处理、 综合和解释必要数据的 方 面 工 作;(c) 在项目区启 动、协调和进行全国性的、大型的多机构海洋地质/地球物理测量工作,包括编 [...]
根据大陆架界限委员会的指导方针,综合和记录数据; (e) 在果阿的国家南极和海洋研究中心建立先进且全面运作的海洋地球物理数 据档案和处理中心。
: A lead role in all the facets of management and implementation of the project comprising (a) a comprehensive desktop study of the various scientific and technical issues involved in obtaining the requisite data for defining the outer limits of the Indian continental shelf, (b)
planning the various
[...] aspects of the requisite data collection, processing, synthesis and interpretation, [...]
(c) initiation, co-ordination
and execution of a major multi-institutional national endeavor of marine geological/geophysical surveys in the Project area, including budgeting and scheduling (d) data synthesis and documentation as per the guidelines of the CLCS, and (e) establishment of a fullyfunctional state-of-the-art marine geophysical data archival and processing Centre at the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Goa.
[...] 大数据团队必须记住:与传统的 DW 解决方案相比,大数据解方案在收 集 、 处 理、 存储、查询、记录迭代 (iterated [...]
over records) 模式方面与前者迥乎不同。
When estimating infrastructure requirements, the Big Data
team must keep in mind that the
[...] paradigm of how data is collected, processed, stored, [...]
queried, and iterated over records is
very different compared to a traditional DW solution.
通过5+设计团队和SOM的精诚合作,先锋园将其愿景和现代生活所需融入这个超过60,0 00 平 方 米 的 高档商业区,提供 处集 住 宅 、酒店、办公于一体的多功能场所。
A collaborative effort between 5+design and SOM, Pioneer Park embraces and incorporates the vision and necessities of modern life in a truly mixed-use environment that offers residential, hotel, office, and over 60,000 square meters of premium retail.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难是未爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不处理地雷还处理其 他战争遗留爆炸 方 面 意 义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in
ensuring that not only
[...] landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
[...] 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立;(乙)按正常商業條款或按不遜於 集 團 提 供予獨立 第方或由獨立第方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms
or on terms no less
[...] favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) [...]
in accordance with the
relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
(c) 在集、处理和获得可靠统计数方 面 持 续存在困难。
(c) The persisting difficulties in collecting, processing and obtaining reliable [...]
statistical data.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对集 的 国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在 方 面 的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
[...] 动和合作伙伴相关的充分资料、必要的支助/文件以确保其与相关官方机构和其他组织进 行接触;以及在独立数据集方面提 供合理支助。
The NOU will be responsible for providing the selected organization with all relevant information in possession, full information on NOU activities and partners, and the necessary support/documentation to ensure its access to
relevant official institutions and other organizations; and providing the reasonable
[...] support in independent data collection.
维持和平行动部、政治事务部和外勤支 助部的外地特派团与诸如粮食计划署、难民署、联合国开发计划署和世卫组织
[...] 等其他联合国机构进行协调,以在特派团所在地区 集 、 处 理 和 分发地理产品 和服务。
Field missions of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Department of Political Affairs and the Department of Field Support coordinate with other United Nations entities, such as WFP,
UNHCR, the United Nations Development
[...] Programme and WHO, to collect, process and disseminate [...]
geographic products and services in mission areas.
该国并对结果文件表示失望,尤其是对于理事会在任何 方处理 最 严重、紧迫或新近发生的侵犯人权状况而可以利用的工具问题;在整个理事会 [...]
工件方案中进一步接纳国家人权机构和非政府组织的参与,包括参与普遍定期审 查进程,并在小组讨论、信息简介会议和互动式对话中更好地利用专业知识;对
理事会成员提出促进和保护人权的最高标准,方式包括确保理事会成员与特别程 序的充分合作;解决理事会议程中的政治不平衡情况。
It also expressed disappointment at the outcome document,
particularly with regard to the issue of the
[...] tools at Council’s disposal to address the most [...]
serious, urgent or emerging situations
of human rights violations, wherever they occur; increasing the participation of national human rights institutions and non-governmental organizations across the Council work programme, including in the universal periodic review process and better using expertise in panel discussions, briefing sessions and interactive dialogues; holding Council members to the highest standards of promotion and protection of human rights, including by ensuring their full cooperation with the special procedures; resolving the political imbalances in the Council agenda.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培 方 案 ;增 进 方 案 管 理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘 处 工 作 人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a
wide array of
[...] training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build [...]
and strengthen linguistic
capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
但这 些立法的适用范围往往极广,其中特别涉及到如下问题:将某种药物列入治疗用药清单的标 准;哪些药物可以在没有医学授权(医 处方 ) 的 情况下出售;可售药物的数量;以及在哪 [...]
However, the scope of the legislation tends to be very broad covering, inter alia, the criteria for adding a drug to the list of those available for therapeutic use, which drugs
can be sold without medical
[...] authorization (doctor’s prescription), the quantities [...]
in which drugs can be sold and where
and under what conditions drugs can be dispensed.
为此,评价小组参照内部监督事务厅 2004 年对次区域办处方案和 行政管理进行检查的结果, 审查了秘书长关于加强非洲经委会次区域办事处作用的 报告(A/61/471)所提建议的执行工作的有效性。
To that end, the evaluation team had looked at the effectiveness of the implementation of the recommendations of the report of the Secretary-General on enhancing the role of the subregional offices of the Economic Commission for Africa (A/61/471) against the findings of the inspection carried out in 2004 by the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on the programme and administrative management of the subregional offices.
比如 说,我们所开的汽车是由拥有研究生学历的工程师设计的;我们 子女学校的老师,有研究生学历的人也越来越多了,而且这些老 师又是由拥有高等学历的人培养出来的;医生为我们开 处方药 是 由拥有研究生学历的科学家研发和测试过的;在博物馆,我们 所看到的展览也是由拥有研究生学历的馆长筹划和安排的; 我们 在电影上看到的一些复杂的电脑特效同样也是由一些拥有研究生 学历的男男女女们设计的。
We ride in automobiles with systems designed by engineers having graduate degrees; send our children to schools where a growing number of teachers have graduate degrees and were themselves trained by people with advanced degrees; pick up prescriptions for drugs designed and tested by scientists with graduate degrees; visit museums and view displays arranged by curators with graduate degrees; and go to movies enhanced by sophisticated computer-generated special effects designed by men and women who have graduate degrees.
(b) 提出要求,规定此种努力必须以尽量客观的科 方 法 为 依据,并确保 在集、处理、 使用和存储人类基因数据时尊重人的尊严并保护人权和基本自 由。
64. In that light, Human Rights Council resolution 10/26 on forensic genetics and human rights constitutes a necessary first step to providing guidance on a highly important and sensitive matter, as it directly refers the issue back to human rights as the ultimately decisive body of law.
若資料使用者向資料當 事人收集個人資料時誤導資料當事人收集資料的目的( 例
[...] 如以招聘的方式誤導申請人提供個人資料而實際上該等資 料的收集目的實為促銷產品),有關 集方 法 便 屬不公平。
If a data user, when collecting personal data from a data subject, misleads the data subject on the purpose of collection (for example, using recruitment as a means to mislead the applicant to provide his or her personal data,
where the actual purpose of collection is for marketing products), such collection will
[...] be considered as unfair collection.
行预咨委会回顾,根据大会第 64/288 号决议于 2010 年 7
[...] 月 1 日成立的联合 国驻非洲联盟办处集成了 设在亚的斯亚贝巴的 4 个实体,它们各自担负着和非 [...]
洲和平与安全有关的单独任务:(a) 联合国驻非洲联盟联络处;(b) 非洲联盟和
平与支助小组;(c) 非洲联盟索马里特派团(非索特派团);(d) 达尔富尔混合行 动联合支助和协调机制的新政职能(A/64/792,第 3 段)。
The Advisory
[...] Committee recalls that UNOAU, established on [...]
1 July 2010 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/288, integrated
four entities located in Addis Ababa with separate mandates with regard to peace and security in Africa: (a) the United Nations Liaison Office to the African Union; (b) the African Union Peace and Support Team; (c) the United Nations Planning Team for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); and (d) the administrative functions of the Joint Support and Coordination Mechanism of UNAMID (A/64/792, para. 3).
[...] 研究、种群评估、渔业的统计、渔业可持续发展、环境研究、数据 集 、 处理 和 分析、监察、控制和监视、对小规模渔业的帮助、渔业产品的卫生条件以及 [...]
Topics as training workshops included fisheries research; stock assessment; fisheries statistics; sustainable
development of fisheries; environmental
[...] studies; data collection, handling and analysis; monitoring, [...]
control and surveillance; support
for small-scale fisheries; sanitary conditions for fishery products; and fisheries-related studies.
第一年会议将由不结盟运动和其他国家集团的一名代表主持;第二年会议 由东欧集团的一名代表主持;第三年会议由 西 方集 团 的 一名代表主持;第四年会 议由不结盟运动和其他国家集团的一名代表主持。
The first year’s meetings will be chaired by a representative of the Group of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other States, the second by a
representative of the Eastern
[...] European Group, the third by a representative of the Western Group, and the fourth [...]
by a representative
of the Group of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other States.




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