单词 | 处女座 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 处女座 noun —Virgo nvirgo n处女座 —Virgo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)See also:处女 n—virgins pl 处女—maiden • inaugural 座 n—seat n • base n • stand n
5 月 23 日,一名撒哈拉妇 女在廷 杜夫难民营内联合国难民事务高级专员办 事 处 ( 难 民 署)的 一 座 小 院 里宣 布绝食。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 23 May, a Saharan woman declared a hunger strike inside a small compound of the Office of the United Nations High [...] Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) [...]within the Tindouf refugee camps. daccess-ods.un.org |
在镜廊深处,国王坐在宝座上, 身边围绕着未来的路易十五和他 的 女 管 家旺塔图尔夫人(Ventadour)、奥尔良公爵及王族成员。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | At the back, the king on his throne was surrounded by the future Louis XV and his governess, Mme de Ventadour, [...] the Duc d’Orléans [...]and princes of the royal blood. en.chateauversailles.fr |
阿波美监狱的两名副楼长收集来自男性被拘留者的食品经 费,然后在两座建筑物中的女性中 分发。 daccess-ods.un.org | The two chef-bâtiment adjointes at Abomey Prison [...] went to collect the food provision from the male detainees, and then [...] distributed it among the women in the two buildings. daccess-ods.un.org |
根深蒂固的性别角色观念使妇女处于 严重的弱势,尤其是涉及到土地或财 产的拥有权,获得遗产权和取得信贷、技术或进入市场的机会方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Entrenched [...] gender roles leave women highly vulnerable, [...]particularly with regard to ownership of land or property, inheritance [...]rights and access to credit, technology or markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
撒马尔罕地处不同伟大文化和文明的交 汇 处 , 是 一 座 富 有 传奇色彩的城市,2001 年被 列入教科文组织《遗产名录》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Samarkand, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2001, is a legendary city at the crossroads of great cultures and civilizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
特派团同时也在现有钻井旁建造九座 水 处 理 厂 ,并且 正在为安东尼简易机场新的连级行动基地打一口井。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission is also working on [...] installing nine water treatment plants at [...]existing bore wells and drilling a well for a new [...]company operating base at the Antony airstrip. daccess-ods.un.org |
关注性别差异的赔偿方案应抓住 [...] 这一机会,作为建设包容性更强的、新的民主秩序努力的一部分,推进社会发 展,克服蓄意使妇女处于从 属地位的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | A gender-sensitive reparations programme should seize this opportunity to advance, as part of the venture [...] of constructing a new and more inclusive democratic order, a society that overcomes [...] the systemic subordination of women. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还强调,需要在该办事处 和设在同一座大楼 内的地区紧急情况和重建教育计划之间更合理地分配后勤和人 力资源。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He also emphasized the need for better distribution of the logistic and human resources between the office and the regional Education Programme for Emergency and Reconstruction (PEER) hosted in the same building. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这座城市地 处拉甘 谷(Lagan Valley),自然风景优美,融合了郊外的怡人山丘和市中心周边如画的乡镇、村庄,不论老幼都把这里看作一个完美的享受之所。 discoverireland.com | The city has a natural beauty, thanks in no small way to its [...] setting in the beautiful Lagan Valley. Scenery is a mix of [...]gentle drumlins in the open countryside to picturesque towns and villages surrounding the hub of the city centre. discoverireland.com |
14) 可选: 在有灰尘和潮湿的环境, 可在手柄组件和底座组件的间隙处安 装 O 型圈,如图 1 所示。 hydraforce.com | 14) Optional: Install O-ring in the gap between the knob subassembly and base plate subassembly, as shown in Figure 1. hydraforce.com |
置于其监管之下的机构,如:吉布提社会发展办事 处、女微型 金融和小额信贷发展项目以及储蓄和信贷银行系统应能使其充分履行 职责。 daccess-ods.un.org | The bodies under its authority, such as the Djibouti Social Development Agency, the Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project and the Savings and Loans Fund System, enable it to fulfil its tasks. daccess-ods.un.org |
她强 调指出,许多性别不平等现象的根源是获取资源的不平等,因为这种状况 使妇女处于不利地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | She stressed that the source of many gender inequalities was unequal access to resources, which [...] had created disadvantages for women. daccess-ods.un.org |
婦女健康中心和母嬰健康院 更會免費派發資料單張、定時舉行有關 婦 女 健 康的 講 座 , 並 透過 網頁和電話熱線提供健康資訊,鼓勵及協助婦女瞭解自己的健康 [...] 狀況及改善生活習慣。 legco.gov.hk | The DH also disseminates health information through its websites and [...] hotline service, with a view to [...] encouraging and assisting women to better understand [...]their own health conditions and make [...]positive changes to their lifestyle. legco.gov.hk |
2010 年,大会纪念通过《北京宣言和行动纲要》15 周年;此文件旨在改善 妇女处境、 保障妇女权利,这是二十一世纪可持续社会发展及和平的基石。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, the General Assembly is observing the fifteenth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and [...] Platform for Action, designed to improve [...] the status of women and ensure their [...]rights as the cornerstone of sustainable [...]social development and peace in the twenty-first century. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用以家庭为方案对象的方法会使妇 女处 于 不利地位, 因为这无视了如下的事实:无论家庭收入状况如何,妇女、尤其是老年妇女和女 [...] 孩获得的资源往往少于男子和男孩。 daccess-ods.un.org | The use of household targeting [...] methods can put women at a disadvantage [...]by ignoring the fact that women, in particular older [...]women and girls, often receive fewer resources than men and boys, regardless of household income. daccess-ods.un.org |
坐在布托女士车里陪同她的是: Javed-ur-Rehman [...] 先生(驾驶员,前排左座)、(已退役)高级警司 Imtiaz [...] Hussain 少校(前排右座)、马赫杜姆·阿敏·法希姆(人民党高级成员,第二排 左 座 ) 、布 托女士(第 二排中坐)、Naheed Khan 女士(人民党高级成员和布托女士的政治秘 书,第二排右座)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accompanying Ms. Bhutto in her vehicle were Mr. Javed-ur-Rehman (driver, front-left seat), Senior Superintendent of Police Major (ret) [...] Imtiaz Hussain [...] (front-right seat), Makhdoom Amin Fahim (senior PPP member, second row-left seat), Ms. Bhutto [...](second rowcentre seat), [...]Ms. Naheed Khan (senior PPP member and political secretary of Ms. Bhutto, second row-right seat). daccess-ods.un.org |
芬兰是世界上其中一块最后的处女地 , 在那里您还可以体验无污染的清纯大自然。 visitfinland.com | Finland is one of the last countries in the world where you can experience nature, untouched by man and full of rare wild animals. visitfinland.com |
根据制定报告前召开的专家会议在审 查了妇女在联合国的任职条件并与其他机构提供的 [...] 条件进行比较之后得出的结论,联合国通常使 妇女 处于 P-3 和 P-4 级别,因为她们可能在联合国组织之 [...]外获得晋升机会,而有时她们并不希望在联合国终 身任职,因为职位的流动性是受到支持的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A meeting of experts held in the context of preparation of the report, to review the working conditions of women in the Organization as compared to conditions elsewhere, had [...] concluded that the Organization had [...] difficulty retaining women at the P-3 and [...]P-4 levels because they had opportunities [...]for promotion outside the Organization, they did not necessarily wish to be employed for life in the Organization, or because mobility was encouraged. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了确保男女平等,2001-2006 [...] 年期间通过了一项新的《两性平等法》,创 立了新的机构,分析了生活各个领域的 男 女处 境 ,出版了材料,也组织了会议、 研讨会和培训活动,以加深认识男女平等规范和造成不平等待遇的原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | To ensure equality between women and men, in the period 2001–2006 a new Gender Equality Act [...] was passed, new institutions were created, [...] the situation of women and men in various [...]spheres of life was analysed, materials [...]were published, and conferences, seminars and training events were organised to raise awareness about the norms of equal treatment of women and men and the causes of unequal treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
1950 年,她在西弗吉尼亚州安德森市的一 座女 子 监狱中担任社工。次年,她搬到芝加哥,到好牧人家庭和芝加哥少年法庭参加工作。 specialolympics.dev.1over0.com | In 1950, she became a social worker at [...] the Penitentiary for Women in Alderson, West Virginia, [...]and the following year she moved [...]to Chicago to work with the House of the Good Shepherd and the Chicago Juvenile Court. specialolympics.dev.1over0.com |
我們立法會大 樓 頂 部有一 座 女 神 像 , 大 家 可 見 它 是 [...] 矇 着 雙 眼 , 目 的是希 望 告 訴 公 眾所謂 公平,是要不偏 私 地 對 待每一件 事,我 看 不到警 方 這個關涉這麼多市民的重 要部門 可 會 有 例 外。 legco.gov.hk | At the top of our Legislative Council Building is [...] the statue of a goddess. We can see that [...]her eyes are blindfolded, which is intended [...]to tell the people that by being fair, it means that each and every incident is treated impartially. legco.gov.hk |
水井和大院驻防人口处座标见 以下图 片,该图片是在所控事件发生前拍摄的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The coordinates provided for the wells and the manned entry point to the compound are illustrated in the following photograph, taken prior to the alleged incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 新出现的问题、趋势和处理影响妇 女处 境 或 男女平等问题的新方 式 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Emerging issues, trends and new approaches to issues affecting the situation of women or equality between women and men daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,孟加拉国认为,建设和平委员 [...] 会应充分执行安全理事会关于改善冲突局势下 妇 女处 境的第 1325(2000)号决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, the Peacebuilding Commission [...] should fully implement Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) in order to improve [...] the status of women affected by conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果从项目的识别性和意图上来考量,那么就没有比一个引人注目的建筑或者一个生机盎然的场景更加好的了基于对传统建筑的印象和记忆, 这 座 入 口 处 的 可 能用作茶室的建筑被设计成了一个镶有长条木窗的青砖构成的匣子。 chinese-architects.com | Based on the impressions and memories on local traditional architecture, the entrance club, which is supposed to be a coffeeshop, was designed as a dark-brick box inserted with a wooden box, whose long windows could be opened and closed according to the interior using conditions. chinese-architects.com |
除了厂区内设的两座中央仓库外,厂外3公 里 处 还 有 一 座 外 设 仓库,它们总共可容纳55000个货盘,而这些货盘没有一个会逗留过久,由此既能提高经济效益,又能促进环境保护。 reports.wacker.com | In addition to the plant’s two central warehouses, there is an external warehouse three kilometers away. reports.wacker.com |
貨號:QR082 按填充物分:PP棉 顏色分類:小熊暖 手抱枕, 大號熊貓桃心眼暖手, 天秤座暖手抱枕, 大紅大紅彎彎眼暖手抱枕, 白羊座暖手抱枕, 大號熊貓X眼暖手抱枕, 雙魚座暖手抱枕, 紅色巨蟹座暖手, 天蠍座暖手抱枕, 阿里粉色彎彎眼, 大號熊貓三角眼暖手, 阿里大紅搞怪眼, 大號熊貓笑臉暖手抱枕, [...] 阿里大紅汪汪眼, 金牛座暖手抱枕, 獅子座暖手抱枕, 秒殺價19.9 [...] 笑臉熊貓款, 阿里大紅三角眼, 摩羯座暖手抱枕, 處女座暖手抱枕, 阿里粉色汪汪眼, 水平座暖手抱枕, 射手座暖手抱枕, [...]雙子座暖手抱枕 形態:熊貓 外部材質:毛絨 產地:原裝正版 [...]品牌:Yokpoo/尤卡布 玩具類型:靠墊/抱枕 所在地:江蘇徐州 大小: 如圖 卡通角色:功夫熊貓 tw.70900.com | Item: QR082 filler points: PP cotton color classification: Winnie the warm hand pillow, large Panda peach, eye-hand warmers, Libra hands warm pillow, Scarlet Scarlet curved eye hand warmer pillow, Aries hand warmers pillow queen Panda X eye hand warmers pillow Pisces hands warm pillow, red Cancer Hand Warmer Scorpio the hand warmers pillow, Ali pink curved eye, queen panda triangular eye hand warmers, Ali scarlet Funny eye, queen panda smiley hands warm pillow, Ali scarlet bark eye, Taurus hand warmers pillow Leo Hand Warmer Cushion price spike 19.9 smiley Panda models, Ali the Red Triangle eye, Capricorn, [...] hand warmers pillow, the hand [...] warmers pillow of Virgo, Ali pink bark eye level seat hand [...]warmers pillow Sagittarius hands warm [...]pillow, the Gemini hand warmers the pillow morphology: Panda External Material: plush Origin: genuine original Brand: Yokpoo / the You Kabu toy type: cushion / pillow location: Xuzhou, Jiangsu Size: As cartoon characters: Kung Fu Panda 70900.com |
在海地,项目厅通过改善卫生设 施帮助合作伙伴提高健康水平,办法包括管理 150 个营地和霍乱设施的 13 [...] 633 个厕所的日常清洁工作(惠及 600 000 多人);建设国家废物管理机构的能力;在 海地建造第一座环保型污水处理厂。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Haiti, UNOPS helped partners improve health through improved sanitation, by managing the daily desludging of 13,633 latrines across 150 camps and cholera facilities (benefiting over 600,000 people); building the [...] capacity of the national waste management authority; and [...] constructing the first environmentally-friendly sewage plant in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
对一些人来说,唯一有趣的一个孩子是一个没有计划的祝福,上帝有没有做,这是不是耶稣基督是不是天生的,都 是 处女 , 以 及一些动物吞食他们的孩子,所以我们已经创建了,我们的我没有从任何人的支持,我还没结婚,我每天都知道,生活在人间地狱,一个无辜的生活剥夺侮辱我的家人,我想上帝既分钟公顷的福音。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Only funny to some people that a child is a blessing not planned, God has nothing to do with it is not Jesus Christ was not born [...] of a virgin all are as well as some animals [...] devour their children, so we have [...]created and our I'm not married I had no support [...]from anyone and I know that living hell every day that it ha boon for both min I thought of God as to an innocent living deprivations humiliation of my family. en.arteblog.net |
(a) 重大关切领域战略目标和行动的执行情况以及进一步的行动和倡议:审 查《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》以及大会第二十三届特别会议成果的执 行情况及其对塑造两性平等观点以求实现千年发展目标所作的贡献; (b) 新出现的问题、趋势和处理影响妇 女处 境 或 男女平等问题的新方式; (c) 两性平等主流化、状况和方案事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Implementation of strategic objectives and action in critical areas of concern and further actions and initiatives: review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session and its contribution to shaping a gender perspective in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals daccess-ods.un.org |