

单词 处境

处境 ()

unfavorable situation


入境处 n

immigration department n
Immigration Department n

处境危险的 adj

marked adj

使处境不利 v

throw v

使身处他境 v

transport v

External sources (not reviewed)

这些问题不足以妨碍项目进行,但是报告中的信息 对中国处境相似的国家有益处。
Those issues were not sufficient to prevent the project from proceeding, but the information in the report would be useful for China and for other countries in a similar position.
人权教育和培训应当面向所有人,人人都可参加,应当考虑到处于弱势处 境不利 的个人和群体、包括残疾人所面临的特殊挑战和障碍,以及他们的需要和 期望,以增进赋权工作和人的发展,进一步消除受排斥或边缘化的根源,使人人 都能行使自己的一切权利。
Human rights education and training should be accessible and available to all persons, and should take into account the particular challenges and barriers faced by, and the needs and expectations of, persons in vulnerable and disadvantaged situations and groups, including persons with disabilities, in order to promote empowerment and human development and to contribute to the elimination of the causes of exclusion or marginalization, as well as enable everyone to exercise all their rights.
结果,许多人逃亡国外或者企图逃亡国外。有人 在这一方面提到了耶和华见证会的特 处境。
As a consequence, many people fled or attempted to flee the country, and mentioned the special situation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in this regard.
同样,没 有公然侵犯人权的一贯现象,也不意味着一人在其具 处境 下 没有遭受酷刑的可 能。
Similarly, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant violations of human rights does not mean that a person might not be subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
实施了两个重大项目:其一是改进师资培训单元;其二是促进处境困难的儿童特别是流浪儿的预防教育,目标有二:(i)使儿童尤其是弱势儿童享受到《国 际儿童权利公约》规定的基本权利;(ii)保护这一小部分极为脆弱的人群免受上述流行病的 侵害或减少对他们的影响。
Two major projects have been implemented, one to improve teacher-training modules, the other to promote preventive education for children in difficult situations, in particular street children, with the dual aim of: (i) giving children, in particular underprivileged children, access to the fundamental rights set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and (ii) protecting or lessening the impact of the epidemic on this highly vulnerable section of the population.
该构成部分将侧重于加强促进和保护人权,并特别关注妇女和儿童(特别是 武装冲突中儿童)的处境,支持执行安全理事会关于妇女在和平进程中的作用的 各项决议,应对弱势群体和处于不利地位群体(尤其是境内流离失所者、难民以 [...]
This component will focus on strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights, with
special attention
[...] to the situation of women and children, especially children in armed conflict, in support of the [...]
implementation of Security
Council resolutions on women in the peace process and to address the short-term humanitarian challenges faced by vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, notably internally displaced persons, refugees and persons living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.
(q) 采取一切适当措施确保残疾儿童在危险局势期间及其后,包括在武装冲
[...] 突、人道主义紧急情况和自然灾害局势中,得到保护 处境 安 全 ,包括制定和实 施方案以确保残疾儿童的身心康复和重新融入社会,包括因此类危险局势而致残 [...]
(q ) To take all appropriate measures to ensure the protection and safety of children with disabilities during and after situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters, including adopting and implementing
programmes to ensure the physical and psychological
[...] recovery and social reintegration [...]
of children with disabilities, including children
who acquire disability as a consequence of such situations of risk, and ensure that such recovery, reintegration and rehabilitation take place in an environment which fosters the well-being, health, self-respect and dignity of the child
[...] 大和改善综合幼儿保育和教育工作,尤其是针对最容易受到伤害 处境 最 不 利的 儿童的这项工作;及(b)确保使所有的青年人和成人享有平等的机会,参加有关 [...]
24 条,我们敦促会员国在各自国家综合教育战略中考虑残疾人,特别是儿童的受教 育权。
Recalling two of the Millennium Development Goals, one calling for universal access to primary education and the other calling for an end to gender disparity in education, and two goals in the “Education for all” Dakar framework of action: (a) expanding and improving comprehensive early
childhood care and education,
[...] especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children; [...]
and (b) ensuring that the learning
needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes, and article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we urge Member States to consider the right to education for persons with disabilities, especially children, in their overall national education strategies.
我们还高兴地看到某些问题已被 置于我们审议工作的重要位置,而那些问题在以往 的报告中未得到有效的详细论述,其中包括:急需 粮食、饮水和医疗用品的人很少能够得到人道主义 援助;人道主义工作人员、保健中心和向卫生保健 中心运送伤员的救护车遭到袭击;人道主义工作者 遭到绑架;移徙工人及其家庭成员在冲突局势中面 临困处境;以 及提供用于人道主义援助用途的设 备和物品被盗。
We are also pleased to see certain issues broughtintothemainstreamofourdeliberations —issues that had been insufficiently elaborated on in previous reports, such as the limited access to humanitarian assistance by people in need of food, water and medical supplies; attacks on humanitarian personnel, health centres and ambulances transporting the wounded to such centres; the kidnapping of humanitarian workers; the difficult situation faced by migrant workers and their families in situations of conflict; and the theft of equipment and provisions intended to be used for humanitarian assistance.
有必要 考虑向那些充分顾及这些国家特 处境 的 方 法和方案提供资助。
There is a need to consider funding modalities and programmes that fully take into account the special situation of those States.
除了调解,大法官还分析法规适用如何影响社会不同成员 处境 , 向 国家机 构和感兴趣的人员提供适用平等原则和待遇平等原则的信息,提出修正法律法规 的建议,为了确保平等原则和待遇平等原则发展个人与法人之间的合作,本人与 其他人合作宣扬这些原则。
In addition to conciliation proceedings, the Chancellor of Justice analyses how application of legislation affects the situation of different members of society, informs state agencies and interested persons about the application of the principles of equality and equal treatment, makes proposals for amending legislation, develops cooperation between individuals and legal persons in the interests of ensuring the principles of equality and equal treatment, and himself or herself promotes these principles in cooperation with other persons.
两性平等专员接受人们的申诉,就可能的歧视案件提供看法,分析立法对男 女社处境的影 响,向共和国政府、政府机构、地方当局及其机构提出立法修正 建议,就涉及《两性平等法》执行情况的各种问题向共和国政府、政府机构及地 方政府机构提供咨询意见和信息,采取措施促进两性平等(第 16 节)。
The Gender Equality Commissioner accepts applications from persons and provides opinions concerning possible cases of discrimination, analyses the effect of legislation on the situation of men and women in society, makes proposals to the Government of the Republic, government agencies, local authorities and their agencies for amendments to legislation, advises and informs the Government of the Republic, government agencies and local government agencies on issues relating to the implementation of the Gender Equality Act, and takes measures to promote gender equality (§ 16).
加共体国家欢迎秘书长关于与中等收入国家的 发展合作的报告(A/66/220),但同时对报告没有提 及以下现实情况表示失望:该类别中的小岛屿发展 中国家开放、脆弱、负债累累,贫困现象严重,需 要国际社会提供包括减免债务、优惠等援助,以及 专门用于增加经济和发展空间的援助,以解决它们处境。
While welcoming the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/220) on development cooperation with middleincome countries, CARICOM States were disappointed that it did not refer to the fact that the small island developing States in that category were open, vulnerable and heavily indebted, with deep and intractable pockets of poverty, and required assistance from the international community, including debt relief, concessions and assistance specifically tailored to increase economic and developmental space, in order to cope with their situation.
这是对贝宁的第一次查访,在此次查访中,小组委员会代表团考察了制定国 家防范机制的进展情况,在防范虐待方面,重点考察了被剥夺自由者在警察设 施、宪兵和监狱中处境。
In this first visit to Benin, the delegation of the SPT examined the state of progress in developing the national preventive mechanism and focused on the situation, as far as protection against ill-treatment, of people deprived of their liberty in police facilities, gendarmeries and prisons.
[...] 进在教学领域有效使用信息与传播技术,提 处境 不 利 的青年和成年人终身学习的机会,尝 [...]
Particularly noteworthy here is the letter of intent which the Organization signed with Microsoft for collaboration in promoting the effective use of ICTs in teaching and
learning; improving lifelong learning
[...] opportunities for disadvantaged youth and [...]
adults; and exploring the potential to include
a Microsoft-based Open Application Sharing platform to UNESCO’s global programmes.
此外处境特殊的国家所面临的发展要务 和关注的问题应当由主要的国际机构、包括联合国系 统之外的机构进行讨论,并反映在这些机构的活动之 中。
In addition, the development priorities and concerns of countries in special situations [...]
should be discussed by — and reflected
in the activities of — major international bodies, including bodies outside the United Nations system.
(d) 为处境不利、特别是弱势儿童以及那些可能要求采取社会扶持措施的 [...]
情况确定战略预算项目,即使在经济危机和其他紧急情况下也确保不变动这些预 算项目。
(d) Define strategic budgetary [...]
lines for disadvantaged or children in particularly vulnerable situations and for those situations
that may require affirmative social measures and ensure that those budgetary lines are protected even in situations of economic crisis, or other emergencies.
请说明缔约国是否考虑邀请提出访问请求的特别程序任务负责人,包括法外处 决、即审即决或任意处决问题特别报告员、人权维护 处境 问 题特别报告员以及 少数群体问题独立专家。
Please indicate whether the State party considers inviting the special procedures mandate holders who have requested a visit, including the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders, and the Independent Expert on minority issues.
缔约国应强化为通过和执行一项行动计划而采取的措施,以改善残疾人 处境, 为 他们接受教育、医疗和社会服务提供便利。
The State party should strengthen the measures taken to adopt and implement a plan of action to address the situation of persons with disabilities, and facilitate their access to education, health and social services.
(d) 避免采取那些将消极影响经济和社 处境 最 为 不利的家庭并且不可能 有助于他们更多参与学校制度的压制性措施,代之以制订一致的战略,让教师、 父母和儿童参加,以处理辍学的根本原因。
(d) Refrain from taking repressive measures that will negatively impact on the most economically and socially disadvantaged families and are unlikely to contribute to their greater involvement in the school system and instead build coherent strategies involving teachers, parents and children to address the root causes of school dropout.
联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)与区域及次区域组织结成密切伙伴关系,在发展 中国家间分享广泛信息,其中包括 处境 不 利儿童和家庭提供社会支助的最佳做 法。
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) partners closely with regional and subregional organizations and shares a wide range of information among developing countries, including best practices for social support of disadvantaged children and families.
我们面前的秘书长的报告(S/2012/376)是一 份重要文件,它再次提醒我们注意影响武装冲突中 平民处境、需 要我们认真考虑并采取果断行动解 决的各种新老问题。
The report of the Secretary-General that is before us (S/2012/376) is an important document, drawing our attention again to old and new concerns affecting the situation of civilians in armed conflict, which call for serious consideration and decisive action.
防范小组委员会向国家人权事务专员办公室建议如下:(a) 深入开展工 作,定期查访拘留和囚禁场所,其中包括尽快与被拘禁人员取得联系,直接前往 关押地点,核实被剥夺自由者处境 以 及所受到的待遇;(b) 快速有效地处理那 些针对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的投诉;(c) 严格履行 法律赋予的权利,向检察机关检举各类违法行为,并对司法部门的相关工作进行 有效监督。
The Subcommittee recommends that CONADEH: (a) step up its regular visits to detention centres; the visits should include direct contact with the detainee and onsite inspections of the premises in order to monitor the conditions in which detainees are held and the kind of treatment they receive; (b) respond promptly and effectively to any complaints it receives of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; and (c) comply rigorously with its legal mandate to report violations of which it has knowledge to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and ensure effective oversight of action taken by the judicial authorities.
在努力援助受害者的过程中,必 须顾及这一点。而且,开展受害者援助工作时,还必须考虑到受地雷影响社区处 于弱势的所有人,包括境内流离失所者、老年人、极端贫穷人口和其他边缘化群 体处境和经历。
Furthermore, the circumstances and experience of all persons in vulnerable situations in mine-affected communities, including internally displaced persons, the elderly, people living in extreme poverty and other marginalised groups, should also be considered in victim assistance efforts.
检察官还发挥重要作用,确保权力平等原则适 用于刑事诉讼始终,也就是说,在不置任一方于非常不利 处境 的 条 件下,每 一方均享有平等机会陈述案情,包括出示证据等。
The prosecutor also played an important role in ensuring that the principle of equality of arms was applied throughout the criminal proceedings, i.e. that each of the parties had an equal opportunity to present its case, including the evidence, under conditions that did not put any party at a substantial disadvantage.
鉴于囚犯问题在和平解决以巴冲突中 的重要性,委员会打算在 2012
[...] 年专门就此问题举行一次国际会议,以进一步提 高对巴勒斯坦政治处境的认 识、加大国际社会支持的力度,促使他们迅速获释 [...]
Given the importance of the prisoners in the context of the peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Committee intends to dedicate an international meeting in 2012 to the issue in order to further raise
awareness of the situation of Palestinian political
[...] prisoners, strengthen the support [...]
of the international community for their speedy
release and reintegration and identify ways in which the judicial mechanisms of the United Nations can be more effectively used to clarify their legal status and alleviate their plight.




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