

单词 处决

处决 ()

execute (a condemned criminal)

External sources (not reviewed)

人权观察对劳改营、公处决和酷 刑的存在表 示关注,呼吁人权理事会延长特别报告员的任期。
It expressed concern about the existence of labour
[...] camps, public executions and torture, [...]
and called on the Council to extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
大会第六十五届会议要求所有国家确保制止法 处决 、 即 决处决 或 任 意 处决 的做 法,并采取有效行动,防止、打击和消除一切形式和表现的此种现象;请人 权理事会法处决、即决处决或任意 处决 问 题特别报告员向大会第六十六和六十 七届会议提交报告,说明世界各地法 处决 、 即 决处决 或 任 意 处决 的 情 况,并就 采取更有效行动打击此种现象提出建议(第 65/208 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly demanded that all
States ensure that the practice of extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions was brought to an end and that they took effective action to prevent, combat and eliminate the phenomenon in all its forms
[...] and manifestations; and requested the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh sessions a report on the situation worldwide in regard to extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and his recommendations for more effective action to combat [...]
that phenomenon (resolution 65/208).
这些包括:任意拘留;酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇处罚;即决处决和法外 处决 ; 性暴力,包括强奸、性虐待和性剥削行 为,以及出于歧视原因,侵害妇女的其它暴力形式。
These included: arbitrary detention; torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; summary and extrajudicial executions; sexual violence, including rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation; and other forms of violence grounded in discrimination against women.
但是,基于采购的紧急性,排除担任“中间商”的供应商 Z 可以获 得的经济利益,以及此前供应商 Z 曾通过供应商 A 向近东救济工程处及时供货这
[...] 一事实,近东救济工程处加沙外地办 处决 定 , 可证明供应商 A 可靠性和货物质 量的现有信息就足够了。
However, given the urgency of the procurement, the economic benefits derived from eliminating supplier Z as “middle man”, and the fact that supplier Z had previously provided goods from
supplier A to UNRWA in a timely manner, UNRWA
[...] Gaza made the decision that available [...]
information attesting to supplier A’s reliability
and the quality of its goods would have to be sufficient.
为了充实 2001 年
[...] 的参考文件和为文化提供一种生机勃勃的行动平台,非洲发展新伙伴关系秘 处决 定 就 此专 题组织一次地区磋商。
In order to expand the reference document of October 2001 and provide a platform for new and more
vigorous action to promote culture,
[...] the NEPAD secretariat has decided to organize a [...]
regional consultation on this subject.
启动一个针对暴力侵害妇女行为的全面的数据收集和统计体系, 包括家庭暴力和“荣处决”, 并按照年龄、民族、少数群体地位和地理位 置加以分列。
(d) Introduce a comprehensive system of data collection and statistics on violence against women, including on domestic violence and honour killings, disaggregated by age, ethnicity and minority status, and geographical location.
(c) 把石刑作为一处决手段,而且被关押在监狱中的人继续面临石砸死 刑,尽管司法总监已发出通知禁止石刑
(c) Stoning as a method of execution and persons in prison who continue to face sentences of execution by stoning, notwithstanding a circular from the head of the judiciary prohibiting stoning
请说明缔约国是否考虑邀请提出访问请求的特别程序任务负责人,包括法处 决、即审即决或任处决问题 特别报告员、人权维护者处境问题特别报告员以及 少数群体问题独立专家。
Please indicate whether the State party considers inviting the special procedures mandate holders who have requested a visit, including the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders, and the Independent Expert on minority issues.
为了确保切实公正的调查,缔约国应当建立特别的独立机制,对于经指控发生保 安人员和执法人员法处决的案 例开展调查。
In order to ensure effective and impartial investigation, the State party should establish a special independent mechanism to carry out investigations into alleged cases of extra-judicial killing by security forces and law enforcement personnel.
[...] 挥下从事招募儿童兵、绑架、强迫劳动、对妇女的性虐待,强行逮捕和法处 决,违 反人权公约和国际人道主义法;阻碍国际工作组、联科行动和法国部队 [...]
的行动,并阻碍第 1643(2005)号决议所界定的和平进程。
Forces under his command engaged in recruitment of child soldiers, abductions, imposition of forced
labour, sexual abuse of women,
[...] arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings, contrary to [...]
human rights conventions and to international
humanitarian law; obstacle to the action of IWG, UNOCI, the French Forces and to the peace process as defined by resolution 1643 (2005).
在默认的一个历史性的基础上,并由于数据不足的福音 - 这可能是核实了城市的任何一面好 - 新的理论李家通常是理所当然的一个或以下陈述外,即:基督将要被殉葬北坛,像典型的受害者(利未记1:10,11),这是一个各各公 处决 的 地方,这地方保留十字架,如果有一,是等同采用假定的乱石位;到现代,以一个固定的乱石就地可在犹太传统的时候,基督属实;和暴民的暴力,以基督将被交付的任何自定义符合规定的场合。
In default of an historic basis, and owing to the insufficiency of the Gospel data -- which may be verified equally well on any side of the city -- the upholders of the new theories usually take for granted one or other of the following statements, viz: that Christ should have been immolated north of the altar, like the typical victims (Leviticus 1:10, 11); that Calvary was a place of public execution; that the place reserved for crucifixion, if there was one, was identical with a presumed stoning-place; that a modern Jewish tradition as to a fixed stoning-place could be substantiated in the time of Christ; and that the violent mob to which Christ was delivered would have conformed to whatever custom prescribed for the occasion.
委员会注意 到,秘处决定在试行的基础上这样做,其前提谅解是,委员会秘书处一经收到 电子版,将在可能情况下并根据资源具备情况,立即或稍后张贴在网站上。
It took note of the Secretariat’s decision to do so on a trial [...]
basis and on the understanding that they would be posted
on the site as soon as the electronic versions are received by the Secretariat of the Commission where possible, or shortly thereafter, and subject to the availability of resources to do so.
[...] 多次公开主张对联合国设施和人员及外国人采取暴力行动;指挥并参与街道民 兵的暴力行为,包括殴打,强奸和法 处决 ; 阻 碍国际工作队、联合国科特迪 瓦行动(联科行动)、法国部队的行动,并阻碍第 [...]
1643(2005)号决议所界定的 和平进程。
Repeated public statements advocating violence against United Nations installations and personnel, and against foreigners; direction of and participation in acts of violence
by street militias, including
[...] beatings, rapes and extrajudicial killings; obstacle to [...]
the action of IWG, UNOCI, the French
Forces and to the peace process as defined by resolution 1643 (2005).
这些否认民族自治权的行为构成战争罪,是非 法军事占领后建立的压迫、殖民和种族隔离制度的
[...] 恶果,也是造成包括妇女和儿童在内的平民死伤、 过度使用武力、法处决、恐 怖主义、任意拘留、 成千上万的民众流离失所、遭受骚扰以及家园和财 [...]
They arose from an illegal military occupation that was characterized by oppression, colonization and apartheid; the killing of civilians,
including women and children; excessive use
[...] of force; extrajudicial executions; terrorism; arbitrary [...]
detention; the displacement
and harassment of thousands of civilians; and the destruction of their homes and property.
毫无疑问,所有代表团都共同关切该决议草案 所表达的核心问题:急需打击一切形式的法 处决、 即决处决或任意处决。
There had never been any doubt that all delegations shared the core concern expressed in the draft resolution: the crucial need to combat extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions in all their forms.
完成被民间社会称之为“法外执法”的即 处决 的 调 查以及与其他暗杀和谋 杀有关的诉讼程序。
Complete the investigation of the summary executions described by civil society as “extrajudicial” and the proceedings in relation to other assassinations and murders.
[...] 人员的招聘和留用具有重要意义,秘 处决 定 在 国际公务员制度委员会即将开展的方法审查 [...]
Given the importance of the education grant in the recruitment
and retention of international professional
[...] staff, the Secretariat intends to [...]
play an active role in ICSC’s forthcoming
methodological review, and will update the Executive Board on progress.
(e) 请各国采取具体措施,防止在港口、机场、边境和移民检查站等地侵犯
正在过境的移徙者的人权;训练在上述设施和边境地区工作的公职人员以礼并依 法对待移徙者;根据适用的法律,起诉任何在移徙者往返原籍国与目的地国期间,
[...] 包括在通过国家边界期间发生的侵犯其人权行为,如任意拘留、施加酷刑和侵犯 生命权,包括法处决
(e ) Requests States to adopt concrete measures to prevent the violation of the human rights of migrants while in transit, including in ports and airports and at borders and migration checkpoints, to train public officials who work in those facilities and in border areas to treat migrants respectfully and in accordance with the law, and to prosecute, in conformity with applicable law, any act of violation of the human rights of migrants, inter alia, arbitrary detention, torture and violations of the right to life, including extrajudicial executions, during their transit
from their country of origin to the country of destination and vice versa, including their
[...] transit through national borders
政府正在积极审议独立审查小组的报告,以及拟 议的对 1992 年 12 月 29 日涉及前监察长和另外 27 名 公民的法处决的调查,适当注意为了国家的最佳利 益解决这一问题。
The Government is actively considering the report of the Independent Review Panel, as well as
the proposed inquest
[...] into the extrajudicial executions of 29 December 1992, involving a former inspectorgeneral and 27 other private citizens, with due regard to resolving this matter [...]
in the best interests of the nation.
自本组织于 1995 年获得经济及社会理事会咨商地位以来,一直参与若干联合国 论坛并将其相关工作重点放在以下方面:促进和保护公民及政治权利;支持所有
[...] 持建立国际刑事法院;支持大会通过一项普遍资 处决 延 期 付款,并且禁止切割 女性生殖器;支持改革《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》;支持 [...]
Since it gained consultative status with the Economic and Social Council in 1995, the organization has participated in several United Nations forums and focused its related work on the promotion and protection of civil and political rights; the support of all bilateral and multilateral actions to promote democratic reforms worldwide; the support of the activities of the ad hoc and special tribunals and for the establishment of an International Criminal Court; the support of the adoption by the
General Assembly of a universal
[...] moratorium of capital executions and to ban female [...]
genital mutilation; the support of a
reform of the United Nations Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; the support of the use of Internet technologies the world over to foster civil liberties, democracy and transparency; and the support of freedom of scientific research and for a civilian conversion of military expenses and indigenous and linguistic rights.
它随后经历了多次修订,但其中 处决 教 皇克莱门特八世(1592)下的制裁是随后的版本采用为基础的。
It subsequently underwent various revisions, but that which was executed (1592) under the sanction of Pope Clement VIII was adopted as the basis of all subsequent editions.
[...] 段的末尾,委员会申明,尽管存在第06-01 号法令,缔约国 还应确保其不损害诸如酷刑、法 处决 和 强迫失踪等罪行的受害者获得有效补救 的权利,并且它还有义务采取步骤防止今后发生类似的侵权行为。
Nevertheless, at the end of paragraph 10, the Committee states that, notwithstanding Ordinance No. 06-01, the State party should also ensure that it does not infringe the right to an effective
remedy for the victims of crimes such
[...] as torture, extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances [...]
and that, moreover it
is under an obligation to take steps to prevent similar violations in the future.
受访人员 说,前往佤邦联军控制地区的三名缅甸游客据说在 2010 年初因被指控为间谍而处决。
Sources said that three Burmese travellers to UWSA-controlled areas were reportedly executed in early 2010 under the charge of espionage.
该行动计划载 有资料,说明各方案部门同两性平等有关的的战略行动,并列出相应的预期成果、
[...] 执行情况指标、实施工作的主要要素、监测和报告支助两性平等的行动,以及在 该组织追求两性平等的体制机制,重点是能力发展、问责制和妇女及男子在秘处决策层任职的情况。
The action plan contains information on strategic actions by programme sectors pertaining to gender equality with corresponding expected outcomes, performance indicators, principal elements of implementation, monitoring and reporting on action in support of gender equality, and institutional mechanisms for the pursuit of gender equality in the organization, with focus
on capacity development, accountability and representation
[...] of women and men in decision-making levels in the secretariat.
此外,在过去 24 小时中,以色列占领军对加沙地带又发起了一次空袭,在 光天化日之下故意将目标指向 25 岁的
[...] Jamal al-Najjar,欲将其法处决;当时 他正在 Khan Yunis 骑摩托车。
Moreover, over the past 24 hours, Israeli occupying forces carried out yet another air strike against the Gaza
Strip, deliberately targeting and
[...] committing the extrajudicial execution of Jamal [...]
al-Najjar, 25 years old, in broad daylight
as he was riding his motorcycle in Khan Yunis.
[...] 国家,并使非洲洲级和区域级政府间组织在非洲国家经济和社会发展中得益于地 名标准化的处,决定致 函非洲开发银行和非洲经济委员会等洲级组织,请其协 [...]
To that end and to capitalize these actions and allow the Task Team for Africa to continue to carry out properly its actions in favour of African countries and to make the intergovernmental structures at the continental and regional levels benefit from the advantages of the standardization of geographical names in the
economic and social development of African
[...] countries, it was decided to send letters [...]
to the different African continental structures,
such as the African Development Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa, to solicit their aid and support in implementing the provisions of the Gaborone Action Plan.
另一项战略成果就是批准通过了第 29392 号关于不遵守第 27050 号法及其细
[...] 疾人在劳动、教育和社会融合领域的权利的现行法律规定之行为予以惩处;授权 全国支助残疾人理事会(助残会)担当起具体执行责任,对相应起诉进行定性、拟 定相应处决议的 正式文件并依照违反情节的程度,按照轻度违反、违反或严重 违反处以相应罚金。
Another strategic achievement was the adoption of Act No. 29392 on Offences and Penalties for Non-Compliance with the Omnibus Act on Persons with Disabilities and its
Implementing Regulations, which
[...] authorizes the Ministry of Women and Social Development to impose penalties for violations [...]
of laws that protect
the labour, education and accessibility rights of persons with disabilities.
本秘书处讨 论了决处决和任意处决问题 及监禁条件的问题,并组织了一场播放纪录片“德 班 400”的会外活动,介绍非政府组织在制订 2001 年《德班宣言和行动纲领》方 面所发挥的重要作用。
The organization addressed issues of summary and arbitrary execution and conditions of incarceration and organized a side event to show the documentary film “The Durban 400”, on the important role played by NGOs in the development of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action in 2001.
正在为国家办事处制订其他指南,目的是,当各办 处决 定 开 展外 部独立评估或参加执行联合国发展援助框架(联发援框架)或联合国国家工作队 [...]
(国家工作队)的联合性别审查时,与核心指南工具包一并使用或取代核心指南工 具包。
Further guidance is being developed for country offices, to be used in
conjunction with or in place of the core package
[...] in cases where offices opt to carry [...]
out an external, independent evaluation or
are involved in conducting a joint gender review of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) or with the United Nations country team (UNCT).
我们要求国际社会, 特别是安全理事会,认真注意被占领的巴勒斯坦领土、包括东耶路撒冷在内的严 重局势,确保及时采取措施和行动,迫使占领国以色列完全停止其对巴勒斯坦人
[...] 民和土地的一切非法、侵略性政策,包括扩张定居点和定居者暴力、法 处决、 对巴勒斯坦人过度使用致命武力、毁坏家屋,并最终致力于谋求和平。
We call upon the international community, particularly the Security Council, to give due attention to the grave situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to ensure that timely measures and action be undertaken to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to halt completely all of its illegal and aggressive policies against the Palestinian people and their land,
including settlement expansion and settler
[...] violence, extrajudicial executions, excessive and [...]
lethal force against Palestinians,
home demolitions and finally commit to the pursuit of peace.




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