

单词 壹败涂地

External sources (not reviewed)

我们大家在中东败涂地的后 果对于该地区以 及该地区以外的地区而言都是一场灾难。
The consequences of
[...] our collective failure in the Middle [...]
East are disastrous for the region and beyond.
历经几代人时间,阿 拉 伯 世界在满足其本国人民 要求方面败涂地。
For generations, the Arab world has failed miserably to address the needs of its own people.
必要的 措施包括建立有效的税收制度,打击 败 , 处 理避 地 和 逃 税问题,并帮助建立 一个有利于投资的环境。
Necessary measures would include
creating effective tax systems,
[...] tackling the scourge of corruption, addressing tax havens [...]
and tax evasion, and helping to
create an investment-friendly environment.
不成功的目的 地旁边将显示一个红色的 X,而且将会显示一个或多个保存的目地失败信息
Unsuccessful destinations will be shown with a red X, and the message, One or more saved destinations failed will be displayed.
美国漆料涂料生 产商行业协会NPCA/FCST于2009年向瓦克集团在美国的聚合物生产 地 授 予了一项职业健康安全的荣誉奖章。
In 2009, the NPCA/FCST, the American National Paint & Coatings Association, presented WACKER POLYMERS’ US operations with [...]
an award of honor for workplace safety.
带电的液体被 吸引到最近的接地工件上,包覆和均 地涂 盖 所 有表面。
The charged fluid is attracted to the nearest grounded object, wrapping
[...] around and evenly coating all surfaces.
作為法國五月藝術節的一個環節,Nathalie Decoster 令人印象深刻的大型雕塑將在香港和澳門的公共場所盛大展出,並於澳門藝術博物館 、 澳壹號廣場及地的文 華東方酒店展出較小型的作品。
As part of Le French May, Nathalie Decoster presents impressive monumental sculptures in public spaces in both in Hong Kong and Macau, as well as smaller pieces in Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong and in Macau at the Macau Museum of Art, One Central Macau, and Mandarin Oriental, Macau.
原葬者的地或龕 位仍可以加葬或加放遺骸或骨殖或骨 壹 次。
After the first interment in the Permanent Burial
Lot, Permanent Urn
[...] Burial Lot or Niche, one subsequent co-burial of human remains, exhumed human remains or ashes may be permitted
沒錯,在曆史上希臘壹些方面跟 地 的 經 濟有很多共同之處,即失敗——近期的歐洲杯上他們的表現讓我們有點兒吃驚,我沒什麽可說的但我認爲這有利于讓我們團結在壹起,我想這樣我們更能取得進展。
OK historically some of the Greek sides have had much in common with the local economy ie, failing – but we surprised a few in the recent Euro’s and I can’t help but think it will stand us in better stead going into a group I think we’re more than capable of progressing from.
其目标是鼓励和便利系统、及地返 还 腐 败 所 得 ,并改进全球在返还 被盗资产方面的执行情况。
Its goal is to encourage and facilitate the systematic and timely
[...] return of proceeds of corruption and to improve global [...]
performance in the return of stolen assets.
该项目于7月1日正式启动,将为星光儿童基金会(Starlight Children’s Foundation)提供资助,该基金会致力于为美国的重病儿童及其家庭带去希望;此外,该项目还将资助中国的范思哲壹基金(Versace One Foundation,由李连杰发起)壹基金 致力于为四 地 震 灾 区的长期恢复提供帮助,目前正在资助并运营两家范思哲壹基金儿童中心,通过视觉艺术创作以及其他救援形式为1200多名受助者提供学费、心理治疗和伤后咨询。
The program, officially launched on July 1st, benefits the Starlight Children’s Foundation, an organization dedicated to brightening the lives of seriously ill children and their families in the US, and the Versace One Foundation (founded by Jet Li) in China, an organization committed to the long-term recovery of the areas devastated by last year’s earthquakes in the Sichuan province, funding and operating two Versace One Foundation children’s centers with schooling, psychological therapy, and post trauma counseling for over 1200, through creative visual arts, an essential form of relief.
此前,我们曾通壹基金 这家慈善机构向四 地 震 受 灾群众伸出援助之手。
One Foundation is a charitable organization with whom we have worked [...]
previously to assist Sichuan earthquake victims.
在壹周雙賽之後,在球員地球壹端 飛 到另外壹端的時候,那些球員,尤其是那些豪門俱樂部的球員可能會有壹周到兩周的時間不在狀態。
After two matches in the past week, players flying from the other side of the world, will most probably be out of form for one or two weeks.
為此,小組委員會察涂謹申議員會考慮動議議案,修訂將 地 鐵 公 司訂立的《香港鐵路(西 北鐵路)附例》第22(1)(a)條,訂明任何人不論何時在鐵路處所內"不得 作出喧嘩或擾亂秩序的行為,或使用恐嚇性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言詞, [...]
意圖使他人破壞鐵路處所安寧,或其上述行為相當可能會導致鐵路處 所安寧破壞;"。
To this end, the Subcommittee
[...] notes that Hon James TO will consider moving a motion to amend section 22(1)(a) of the Mass Transit Railway [...]
(North-west Railway)
Bylaw to be made by MTRCL to the effect that no person shall at any time while upon the railway premises "behaves in a noisy or disorderly manner, or use threatening, abusive or insulting words, with intent to cause a breach of the peace in railway premises, or whereby a breach of the peace in railway premises are likely to be caused;".
[...] 斥,卫生部应与其他部委一起修订预算;为了促进有利的量化需求和减少 败现 象,在设施地区、 区域和国家各级需要加强机构监督;为了将信息技术融入保 [...]
In addition, budgets may need to be modified by the Ministry, together with other ministries, to meet actual needs and address pre-existing disparities or exclusion of certain subpopulations; institutional
oversight may need to be
[...] strengthened at the facility, district, regional and national [...]
levels to promote robust quantification
of needs and reduce corruption; funding may need to be secured from donors to integrate information technologies into the health system; or a combination of the above.
為方便委員瞭解僭建樓面空間應如何恰地恢復原狀涂謹申議員要求政府當局提供詳細資 料,說明就此等空間批准進行的糾正工程。
To facilitate members' understanding of how an
unauthorized floor space should
[...] properly be reinstated, Mr James TO requested that the [...]
Administration should provide details
of approved rectification works for such space.
待所有部件干燥之后,在所有 O 形圈上薄地涂一层凡士林。
After all parts are
[...] dry apply a light coat of petroleum jelly [...]
all over o-ring.
公司政策、美国《反海外败法》等 世界地的反行贿法律都禁止公司员工或其代理人直接或通过他人间接给予外国官员(即国外政 府人员、国外政党或政党官员或国外政党候选人)金钱或贵重物品(无论是否为现金),诱使其 影响政府行为或决策,或帮助公司获得或保留业务。
Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or party official or candidate for foreign political office) to induce that official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business.
在 此方面涂議員強調,政府當局一個很重要的責任,是要確保 透明度和加強規管未建成私人住宅物業的銷售,以期保障物業 [...]
In this regard, Mr TO emphasized [...]
the important responsibility of the Administration to ensure transparency and strengthen
regulation over the sale of uncompleted private residential properties with a view to protecting the interests of property buyers.
(四) 鑒於《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》(“《條例》”)(第 390 章)
規定,觸犯上述罪行的人,在第二次或其後定罪,可處罰款 80 萬元及監禁 12 個月,政府有否研究《條例》所指的“第二次或
[...] 其後定罪”的定義;若有,研究的結果,以及有否研究上 壹傳 媒 有限公司的定罪紀錄是否屬於該定義所指的情況;若有研究, [...]
(d) given that the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (the Ordinance) (Cap. 390) stipulates that any person who commits the above offences is liable to a fine of $800,000 and to imprisonment for 12 months on a second or subsequent conviction, whether the Government has examined the definition of "a second or subsequent conviction" referred to in the Ordinance; if it has, of the results of the examination, and whether
it has examined if the above record of
[...] convictions of the Next Media Limited [...]
falls within the circumstances referred to
in the definition; if an examination has been made, of the results?
(d) 苏丹还承诺遵守关于尊重人权、国际法、难民、核电用途和大规模毁灭 性武器的国际文书;并诚地努力 反抗 败。
(d) The Sudan is also committed to international instruments relating to respect for human rights, international humanitarian law,
refugees, the uses of nuclear power, and weapons of mass destruction;
[...] and exerts earnest endeavours to counter corruption.
此外,对该决议的赞成票占了绝大多数表明了 以色列企图歪曲地事实的失败。
Moreover, the strong vote in favour of the
[...] resolution showed the failure of Israel’s [...]
attempts to misrepresent the facts on the ground.
本公司秉持創造客戶最佳使用經驗的承諾,不 斷創新產品與服務,贏得各界認同:連續六年 榮獲《讀者文摘》「信譽品牌」金獎;五度 榮獲壹周刊》之「服務壹大 獎」;獲《數位時代》選入「台 灣科技100強」,是唯一進入前 十強之電信公司;在財團法人資 訊工業策進會「2009年企業上網 滿意度大調查」中,亦獲得整體 滿意度最高之肯定。
TWM received the “Gold Trusted Brand” from Reader’s Digest for the sixth year in a row and the “Top Service Awards” from Next Magazine for five times. The Company also ranked sixth in the “Info tech 100 Taiwan” by Business Next Magazine, placing it ahead of its telecom peers, and won the highest recognition in the “Enterprise Internet Service Satisfaction Survey 2009” conducted by the Institute for Information Industry.
作为最优先事项,最不发达国家必须致力于建设和平,并消灭 可能存在地方腐败现象
As the top priorities, LDCs must work to establish peace and
[...] stamp out endemic corruption where it exists.
丹麥在他們最壹場對 陣斯洛伐克的友誼賽中主場1-3不敵對手,而且我們還知道,他們沒能從2012年歐洲杯四分 壹 決 賽 B組中出線。
Denmark lost 1-3 at home in a friendly match against Slovakia in their last match, and as we all know, didn’t qualify for the Euro 2012 quarter-final from Group B. Even though they beat the Netherlands in their opening game there, they proceeded to lose against both Germany and Portugal.
生产作业区域采用了生产工序一体化、全封闭、超洁净、恒温恒湿、高效物流的标准设计与建设,使用瑞典CRASWFORD阔福门程序化开启系统、中央空调系统、循环空气净化系统、环氧与硬质耐磨材料 涂地 坪 、英国的INGERSOLL RAND压缩空气输送系统、自主研发制造的自动程序化加漆系统、全视角的生产质量监控视频网络系统、芬兰KONECRANES行车与法国VERLINDE悬臂吊车协同电瓶动力叉车的组合式物流运输系统,真正实现了日降尘量≤5毫克/每平方米、产品制造过程100%的全监控与可追溯性、北进南出单向无阻碍的高效物流。
Production of regional integration in production processes used, closed, ultra-clean, temperature and humidity, and efficient logistics of the design and construction standards, the use of wide-fu Sweden CRASWFORD programmed to open doors, central air-conditioning system to clean up the
air circulation system, epoxy Hard
[...] and wear-resistant coating material shop floor, INGERSOLL [...]
RAND Britain's air transportation
system, developed manufacturing process of an automatic system, plus paint the whole perspective of the production of quality video surveillance systems, Finland and France KONECRANES traffic VERLINDE co-cantilever crane Forklift battery power of the combined logistics and transport systems, the real amount of dust on ≤ 5 mg / per square meter, manufacturing 100% of the whole process of monitoring and traceability, the North into the South with a one-way hinder the efficient logistics.
但是,恐怖 主义将继续拥有支持者,特别在那些更为公开的政治抗议被视为 败 的 地 方 ; 尽 管基地组织将永远不会受到广泛欢迎,但攻击行为仍将继续发生。
However, terrorism will continue to have its supporters, especially where more overt political protest has been seen to fail, and although Al-Qaida will never enjoy a broad appeal, attacks will continue.
然而,委员会对确保在缔约国实现儿童权利的预算 拨款不足、划拨的资源没有得到正当使用,以及 败 现 象的继续存在,包 地方 上败表示 关注,这些问题妨碍了儿童权利的落实,委员会还对预算拨款缺乏 [...]
Nevertheless, the Committee expresses concern at the insufficient budget allocations to ensure the rights of the child in the State party, inappropriate use
of allocated
[...] resources, and the persistence of corruption, including at local levels, which hampers [...]
the implementation of
children’s rights, as well as the lack of transparency in budgetary allocations especially at the regional and local levels.




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