

单词 声望

声望 noun ()

kudos pl
credit n

See also:


voice n
sound n
tone n


visit v
look towards v


towards prep

classifier for sounds

External sources (not reviewed)

此外, ROGER DUBUIS是除了百达翡丽之外,唯一一个确保其每一个内部制造的机芯符合享 声望 的 日内瓦印记钟表制造标准的品牌。
On top, Roger Dubuis is the only watch manufacture besides Patek Philippe, who ensures that every one of its in-house movements meets the standards of the prestigious Hallmark of Geneva.
我们眼前世界的前景表明,为 建立未来更声望和更 高效率的教科文组织,我们确实需要这种远见卓识,以维护其作为 联合国大家庭知识前哨和道德良知的原有品质。
The prospect of the world in front of us indicates that this oversight is indeed what we need for a more visible and effective UNESCO in the future, to ensure its original function of intellectual watchtower and moral conscience of the United Nations family.
[...] 合国政策、透明度、可预见性、环境措施预算保持一致,以及增加工作人员的参 与和保持,提高各组织的绩效声望 和 信 誉。
The implementation of an EMS would serve many purposes, including consistency with MEAs, national laws, United Nations policies, transparency, predictability, and budgeting for environmental measures, as well as
increased staff engagement and retention, and enhancement of
[...] the performance, reputation and credibility [...]
of the organizations.
波兰成为 世界最发达国家组成的最声望的俱 乐部的 一员是目前经济稳定性的一个有力证据。
Its membership in the most prestigious club of economically developed countries in the world is concrete proof of Poland’s current economic stability.
希腊是 2500 年前奥林匹克运动会的发展地,也是现代奥运会的诞生地(1896 年);希 腊深知在雅典组织举办 2004 年奥运会的实际份量和象征意义,重视教科文组织为通过教育 和体育运动促进和平文化所作的努力,铭记奥林匹克主义传递的象征意义和特殊意义,即和 平、和解、繁荣和高尚的精神境界,希望教科文组织承认“奥林匹克休战”或握手言和的理 含,以扩大本组织行动声望和影 响,加强各国人民之间的团结。
Greece, the country where the Olympic Games were born more than 2,500 years ago, and where the modern Olympic Games were revived in 1896, aware of the real and symbolic weight of holding the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, appreciative of UNESCO’s efforts concerning a culture of peace through education and sport and mindful of the symbolism and exceptional significance of Olympism as an emblem of peace, reconciliation, prosperity and spirituality, would like the concept of the Olympic Truce or Ekecheiria to be recognized by UNESCO with a view to increasing the visibility and impact of the Organization’s action and strengthening solidarity among peoples.
培训由 200 人提供,他们大多是年轻、热情、充满自豪感的人, 他们的成功还赢来声望。
Training was done by 200 individuals, mainly young, enthusiastic, filled with pride, and whose success also brought prestige.
经过一阵吱吱作响之后,女士们遮上眼睛,此时三位勇敢、 声望 的 男 士Daimler、来自斯图加特的建筑师和我的父亲一起脱去外衣走入水中,试图从外面拖拽游艇 - 可惜没有成功。
After a little humming and hawing, the ladies were asked to cover their eyes, while the three stout, distinguished gentlemen Daimler, the court architect from Stuttgart and my father got into the water in their underpants, trying to pull and drag the ship from the outside - sadly without success.
她还说联合国紧闭大门,不让这个享 声望 的 非政府组织进入,是不可接受的。
She further stated that it was unacceptable to have the door of the United Nations closed to such a reputable non-governmental organization.
任何声望的国 际组织或团 体考察巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷的情况 都会得出正确的结论:种族主义和歧视是以色列占 领下的巴勒斯坦人所遭受的现实的核心。
Any reputable international organization or group examining the events [...]
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including
East Jerusalem, would correctly conclude that racism and discrimination were at the heart of the reality that Palestinians suffered under Israeli occupation.
[...] 国经济与能源利益的能力,并有损其国 声望; 另 一方面,中国同意苏丹拥有“处理国家内政, [...]
On the one hand, the conflict affects China’s ability to expand its economic and energy interests in the country and
[...] damages its international reputation.
大会第 65/20 号决议第 12 段鼓励联合国在联合国行政调查确定针对联合国
[...] 官员或特派专家的指控没有根据时,为了本组织的利益,采取适当措施,恢复这 些官员和特派专家的信誉声望。
In paragraph 12 of its resolution 65/20, the General Assembly encouraged the United Nations, should allegations against United Nations officials or experts on mission be determined by a United Nations administrative investigation to be unfounded, to take appropriate measures,
in the interests of the Organization, to restore the
[...] credibility and reputation of such officials [...]
and experts on mission.
这事关两个将要有系统和有条不紊地完成其工 作的非常声望的机 构,它们有着效率高的出色记 录,是安理会在非常具体的条件下设立的,并为国际 司法事业和维护国际和平与安全提供了宝贵的服务。
This is about two very prestigious institutions that are about to complete their work in a systematic and orderly way, have a high record for efficiency, were established by the Council under very specific conditions and have performed an invaluable service for the cause of international justice and the maintenance of international peace and security.
所以,有必要进行能力建设以 便对不可避免地出现的意见或建议采取后续行动,否则本体系新产生的知名度就会对声望产生负面影响。
(i) Coping with the increase in filings: if the aim of increasing the use of the system is successfully accomplished, the human resources deployed in all aspects of the administration of the system will need to be correspondingly built up.
乌兹别克斯坦共和国参议 院中有 16 名参议员由乌兹别克斯坦共和国总统从最 声望 的 、 富有丰富的实践 经验,并在科学、艺术、文学、工业和其他国家及社会生活领域中做出特殊贡献 的公民中任命。
Sixteen members of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic from among the most distinguished citizens having broad practical experience and special merit in the sciences, the arts, literature, industry and other areas of the life of the State and society.
自由协 会在波多黎各人中声望迅速增大。
Free association was rapidly gaining in popularity among Puerto Ricans.
太平绅士韦伯公司在国际投资者和希望在波兰进 行直接投资的企业家中享有较声望。
JP Weber is a prestigious address for international investors and
[...] entrepreneurs wishing to invest directly within the teritorry of Poland.
我们看到,保罗最终确实在事声望 上 超 过了巴拿巴,这给神带来了更 大的荣耀,也拓展了神的国度。
We see that eventually, Paul did surpass Barnabas in ministry renown, to the greater glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom.
同 时,王国政府一直 努力加强与 国家机构、私营部 门 、非政府 组织和民间社会合 作,加强在环境和自然 资 源 管 理 方面的区 域和国际框架中合 作,并鼓励执行柬埔寨已经加入重要的国际公约和议定 书 , 旨 在提高柬埔寨在国 际上声 望 并 为 应 对区域和世 界 的 环境挑战做 出 贡 献 , 特 别 是 应 对 气候变化和提 供环境保护和可持续发展的机会。
At the same time, the Royal Government has tried to strengthen the cooperation with State institutions, Private sector, NGOs, Civil society, and the cooperation in the regional and international frameworks on environment and natural resource management and has encouraged an implementation of several important international conventions and protocols which includes Cambodia as the member and aim to enhance the prestige of Cambodia in the international context and contribution to solving the challenges on the environment in the region and in the world; especially climate changes and provision of the opportunities to the protection of environment and sustainable development.
(e) 法官不得使用或借用司法职务声望 , 藉 以推进法官本人、其家庭成员 或任何其他人的私人利益,法官亦不得造成任何人可能对其施加不当影响的印象
(e ) Judges must not use or lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge, a member of the judge’s family or anyone else, nor shall judges convey the impression that anyone is in a position to influence them improperly
区域印钞能力所带来声望和金 融实力将有助于确保并维持中国在区域发展中的主体地位。
Both the prestige and the financial muscle that results from being able to print money that is recognised regionally would help secure and sustain China’s dominant role in the region’s development.
在加强与教育机构的积极联系以便吸引高质量 的语言类工作人员并加强联合国工作 声望 方 面所 采取的措施值得称道,应在合理利用资源的基础上成 为未来竞争性考试战略计划的一部分。
The initiatives taken to foster active contact with educational institutions in order to attract qualified language staff and enhance the prestige of employment at the United Nations were commendable and should be part of the strategic planning, based on the rational use of resources, for future competitive examinations.
儿童基金会在有效突显儿童和妇女现状、倡导其权利方面 声望 , 也 是在 性别平等方面取得成果的一笔财富。
The reputation of UNICEF in effectively highlighting the situation of children and women and advocating for their rights also serves as an asset in achieving gender-equality results.
可将此视为另一个保护措施,以保护特派团 声望 与 信誉,确保它能采用当地居 民认为不偏不倚的方式有效执行任务,并保护非常容易受到剥削和虐待的当地居 民。
This could be seen as an additional protective measure to
[...] protect the reputation and credibility [...]
of the mission and its ability to effectively
and, in the eyes of the local population, impartially implement its mandate and to protect a local population that is highly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
The new person in charge, was recruited from a respected planning and engineering company in the building technology field.
他称,“社会影响”,如避声望受 损 等, 是 1996 年中国决定签署《全面禁止核试验条约》的决 [...]
定性因素,当时,这一举动使中国面临着一种可能性, 即,与其他拥有核武器的国家相比,中国需在核发展阶 段更初期就要冻结国内核军火库,从而损害了中国在核 武器国之间的地位。
He argues that “social influence” such
[...] as avoidance of reputational costs were a decisive [...]
factor in China’s decision to sign
the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in 1996, a move which, at the time exposed China to the possibility of freezing its nuclear arsenal at a more primitive stage of development than other nuclear weapon states, harming its position vis-à-vis those states.
于2009 年赢得足球员个人所有顶级荣誉的奖项后,包括欧足联的金球奖,2010年他再接再厉,连续第二年赢得这最 声望 的 大 奖。
After winning all of football’s major individual titles in 2009, including the Ballon d’Or, he continued in the same manner in 2010, winning the prestigious award for the second year running.
苏富比国际地产(Sotheby's International Realty)网络创立于1976年,主要为独立经纪人提供强大的豪宅营销和中介服务,它将全球最好的独立房地产公司与最 声望 的 客户联系在一起。
Founded in 1976 to provide independent brokerages with a powerful marketing and referral program for luxury listings, the Sotheby's International Realty network was designed to connect the finest independent real estate companies to the most prestigious clientele in the world.
自 1986 年付印以来,这份期刊已成为一份颇 声望 的出 版物:一流的人口专家在这份出版物上交流相关意见和面向行动 的研究成果,并就本区域人口与发展问题,提出相关政策建议。
In print since 1986, it is a highly respected publication in which leading population experts share opinions and action-oriented research findings and provide policy recommendations regarding population and development issues in the region.
不仅科学、工程和技术领域的 期刊通过自己基于期刊影响因子的排名,来标榜自己 声望, 社 会科学和人文学科的期刊也同样如此。
Not only in science, engineering and technology but also in social sciences and the humanities, journals identify their prestigious nature and their quality by their ranking according to journal impact factor.
同时,对安理会工作方法的透明度、效率和包容性的看法,至少在某种程 度上提升或减损安理会在国际社会中 声望。
At the same time, the standing of the Council in the international community is, at least to some extent, either enhanced or diminished by perceptions of the transparency, efficiency and inclusiveness of its working methods.




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