

单词 声旁错误

See also:

错误 n

mistakes pl
error n
bug n

错误 adj

false adj
incorrect adj



External sources (not reviewed)

鉴于上诉法院民事庭 阐明的明显错误,当缔约声称刑 事法院在未用尽国内补救办法方面没有任何 责任时,提交人怀疑这种说法的诚意。
Given the manifest errors highlighted by the civil division [...]
of the Court of Appeal, the author doubts that the State party
is sincere when it asserts that the criminal courts bear no responsibility for the failure to exhaust domestic remedies.
如果没错误,会响起声,并且程序的图 标会变成绿色,指示程序已翻译成适于在目标设备内执行的形式。
If no errors exist, a chime sound will be omitted [...]
and the program’s icon will turn green, indicating that the program has
been translated into a form suitable for execution within the target device.
这些原因包括生命权的根本 性质;死亡以及在某些情况下致残的不可逆转性;发生事实和判断 误 的 可 能性; 无旁观者 被杀或受伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 命损失时,每个相关者受到的创伤——这可能包括有关的警察。
These include the fundamental nature of the right to life; the irreversible nature of death, and in some
cases, disability; the
[...] potential of errors of fact and judgement; the possibility that innocent bystanders may be killed or [...]
wounded; the effect
on the legitimacy of the police and the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence.
图 2 显示了局部反射导致的传声器前部压力升高如何使 声 器 错误 测 量 声 压 为 过高。
Figure 2 shows how the pressure rises in
front of the microphone due to local reflections, causing
[...] the microphone to erroneously measure sound pressure as too high.
位于左下角的图标和摘要解释了地图上的绿色线条标记了地区、省和邻国间的边界;蓝色线条代表河流和其它水系,包括 旁 雍 错 湖 和当惹雍错湖;而红色线条则是标记的主要道路。
The legend and summary in the bottom left corner explain that the green bands on the map mark the borders of districts, provinces, and neighboring countries; the blue lines indicate rivers and other waterways, including the Manasarovar and the Dangra Yum lakes; and the red lines mark major roads.
阿根廷共和国政府在其 2010 年 10 月 14 日和 26 日的信中似乎在说,联合王
[...] 国在福克兰群岛的行为违反了上述公约的规定,而这正是阿根 错误 地 声 称 联合 王国不能对福克兰群岛适用的公约。
In its letters dated 14 and 26 October 2010, the Government of the Republic of Argentina appears to suggest that the United Kingdom is infringing
the same SOLAS regulations in the Falkland
[...] Islands that it wrongly asserts the United [...]
Kingdom cannot apply to the Falkland Islands.
买方应在发声称错误或缺 陷后,尽快将有关材料 和工艺缺陷呈交给卖方,且应向卖方提供机会,以调查和更 声 称 的 错误 或 缺 陷,在任何情况 下,买方均必须在交货后一(1)年内或安装后一(1)年内(如由卖方安装)将有关错误或缺陷通 知卖方。
Any such defect in material and workmanship shall be presented to seller as soon as such alleged errors or defects are discovered by purchaser and seller is given opportunity to investigate and correct alleged errors or defects and [...]
in all cases, buyer must
have notified seller thereof within one (1) year after delivery, or one (1) year after installation if the installation was accomplished by the seller.
2008 年
[...] 4 月 16 日项目厅收到一项投 标质疑,其声称项目厅错误地将标 授予承包商,而按照质疑者的说法, [...]
开标报告显示价格有误,这有利于承 包商,因为从价格看,承包商出价倒 数第二低。
6 Contractor 6 versus UNOPS A bid protest was sent to UNOPS
on 16 April 2008 claiming that UNOPS
[...] awarded a contract in error to contractor as, in [...]
accordance with protestor’s interpretation,
bid opening report showed error in price that favoured contractor and made it appear to be the second lowest bidder.
此外,我們亦採取 其他措施改善有關情況,包括劃設更多 旁 停 車 位及上落客位;於新落成的 景點,提供旅遊巴士泊車位;根據實際泊車位需求,將其他類型的車位轉變 成旅遊巴士泊車位,以及增加以短期租約形式運作的公眾停車場,並指定必 須在停車場內提供旅遊巴士泊車位。
In addition, we have also adopted other measures to improve the situation, including designating more on-street parking and pick-up/set-down facilities; providing coach parking spaces at new tourist attractions; converting parking spaces for other vehicles to coach parking spaces based on actual demand; as well as providing more short-term tenancy sites for public car park operations, and making it a requirement to provide coach parking spaces at those car parks.
委员会提请注意,全世界公认的人的基本权利必须受到整个国际社会的尊重;《世界人 权宣言》特别述及的这些基本权利中列有“人人有权享有主张和发表意见的自由;此项权利 包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由,和通过任何媒介……寻求、接受和传递消息和思想的自 由”;除法律规定的限制外,《世界人权宣言》不容许在行使这些权利时受到限制,而法律 规定的限制之唯一目的“在于保证 旁 人 的 权利和自由给予应有的承认和尊重,并……适应 道德、公共秩序和普遍福利的正当需要”( 140 EX/3 PRIV. 第 133 段 ) 。
The Committee decided to point out that the whole of the international community is duty bound to respect fundamental universally recognized human rights; that those fundamental rights, enshrined in particular in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, include the right to “freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media”; and that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights admits only such limitations to the exercise of those rights as are determined by law, and then solely “for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare” (140 EX/3 PRIV., para. 133).
堅尼地城游泳池會在西區旁附近 重置;新游 泳池需要加裝外牆嵌板、空調系統和機電設施,以及加建室外天花和供維修 用的行人道,以符合最新的設計及維修保養標準。
Additional wall cladding, external ceiling and maintenance walkway, additional air conditioning and E&M provisions are necessary for the new swimming pool to suit the latest design and maintenance standards.
记录时,操作者头戴着标准的小型耳机,该耳机内置的 声 器 位 于人 旁。
During recording, the operator wears standard mini
[...] headphones with built-on microphones positioned [...]
close to his ears.
最令人 不安的是,总干事指出,伊朗再次拒绝讨论其核计划
[...] 的可能军事层面,包括有可信的报告表明,伊朗正在 努力研制一枚核弹头,而伊朗错误 地 声 称 , 该问题 已经了结。
Most troubling, the Director General has stated that Iran has once again refused to discuss the possible military dimensions to its nuclear programme,
including credible reports of Iranian efforts to develop a nuclear warhead — an
[...] issue that Iran incorrectly asserts is closed.
(c) 涉及在一个通情达理和公允旁观者看来法官如果参与裁夺所涉问题 将属不当的任何其他情形。
(c) Any other circumstances that would make it appear to a reasonable and impartial observer that the judge’s participation in the adjudication of the matter would be inappropriate.
欧洲联盟承认全球化会对充分享受人权造成影 响;然而,该决议草错误地声称全 球化会对所有权 利的享受造成不利影响,欧洲联盟不赞成这种概括性 说法。
The European Union acknowledged that globalization could have an impact on the full enjoyment of human rights; however, the draft resolution inaccurately stated that globalization adversely affected the enjoyment of all rights, a generalization the European Union could not subscribe to.
对每一个不真实或错误的声明施 加刑事惩处将损害公众及时获 得信息的利益。
To impose criminal sanctions for
[...] every false or mistaken statement would [...]
undermine the public interest in receiving timely information.
几个代表团指出,私营标准在他们国家对进出口和经济有负面影响,特别是小规 模的生产商;实施困难;没有科学基础;制定标准不公开透明;没有解决标准争议的程 序声称这 些标准比公共标准安全可能 误 导 消 费者。
Several delegations pointed out that private standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their countries, especially on small scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their development was not open and transparent; there was
no dispute settlement
[...] procedure for these standards; and claims stating that these standards were safer than public standards might mislead consumers.
通过点击允误差范围旁边的 颜色框就能对 允许误差范围进行颜色的设定。
The colour for each tolerance condition can be freely chosen by clicking the colour box next to the appropriate tolerance.
在这方面缺乏透明度可能会导致:(a) 破坏对个 别公共当局及政府和国家机构总体的信任和政治支持,从而危及到公共干预措施 的有效性,并可能带来政治不稳定的危险;(b) 引发大幅度的财富再分配,其方
[...] 公平竞争,并且会为总体的效率、创新和竞争力提 错误 的 激 励;(c) 延续不合 时宜的做法和政治机构,包括拉拢收买、腐败和任由特定的行业或集团绑架公共 [...]
政策,从而延迟国家机构的现代化,从长远来看会阻碍整体的经济、社会和政治 发展。
A lack of transparency in that respect might (a) undermine trust and political support for individual public authorities and Government and State institutions in general, thus endangering the efficacy of public interventions and risking political instability; (b) provoke significant redistributions of wealth in ways that not only are unfair and, in some cases, possibly illegal, but also favour
rent-seeking behaviour, act against fair competition
[...] and provide the wrong incentives for efficiency, [...]
innovation and competitiveness
in general; and (c) prolong outdated practices and political institutions, including co-optation, corruption and the capture of public policies by specific industries or groups, delaying the modernization of State institutions and impeding overall economic, social and political development over the longer term.
[...] 端口的连接,RS-232C 的设置)是否正确.打印 机发错误声音时,请查看部件登记的设置是否有问题。
Check up if the printer is connected [...]
with the machine correctly (the connection of COM, LPT port or the designation of RS-232C).
在亚历山大举行牢牢任何天主教徒的传统,对法治的信仰,至少在理论上,但除了让自己的传统,他们推测,使“Hypotyposes”克莱门特帐户已几乎完全失去了对这 错误 的 发 现在这些地方,和奥利的作品下跌下的教会的禁令,但其作者过着圣人的生活,死亡后不久,Decian迫害,他已在它经历了痛苦。
The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of
Clement have been almost entirely lost
[...] on account of the errors which found a place [...]
in them, and Origen's works fell under
the ban of the Church, though their author lived the life of a saint, and died, shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.
用户可查看每条 WLAN 信道和每个设备的各种趋势图,如信号强度、 声 、 帧 、 错误 、 重 试,带宽等。
Users can view trending graphs for signal
[...] strength, noise, frames, errors, retries, bandwidth [...]
and many more for every WLAN channel and device.
[...] 会,依据是该工作人员有“很大”的任用机会,有 50%的任用机会,或者甚至是 10%的任用机会的推测;(b) 原因是程序错误,即 使工作人员并没有因这错 误而遭受损害;以及(c) 原因是违反了礼节性做法的义务,即使争议法庭认定有 争议的行政决定是合法的。
The Dispute Tribunal has awarded compensation in the following cases: (a) for the lost chance of being considered for a position or for the lost chance of being appointed to a position, based on the speculation that the staff member had a “high” chance of being appointed, a 50 per cent chance of being appointed or even a 10 per cent chance of
being appointed; (b)
[...] for a procedural error even when the staff member did not suffer any injury as a result of such error; and (c) for violating [...]
obligations of
courtesy, even though the Dispute Tribunal found that the contested administrative decision was lawful.
我们认为,今年初在国际公务员制度委员会的同意下,为阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆国际理论 物理中心开展的这个试办项目错误 的。
Launched at ICTP at the beginning of this
year, with the consent of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), this project is,
[...] in our opinion, a mistake.
委员会 注意到申诉人辩称缔约国法庭的裁决依据的是墨西哥提供的外交保证的效用,特 别是对墨西哥当局能够控制该国安全部队并因此减轻酷刑风险这 错误 假 设 ,但 是,委员会认为,提交委员会的信息并未显示缔约国在审议申诉人提出的申诉和 提供的证据过程中存在任何明显过错。
While noting the complainant’s contention that the courts of the State party based their decisions on false assumptions about the worth of the diplomatic assurances provided by Mexico, in particular with regard to the ability of the Mexican authorities to control the country’s security forces and so lessen the risk of torture, the Committee concludes that the information before it does not indicate any obvious errors in the State party’s consideration of the allegations and evidence provided by the complainant.
[...] 不是优先事项,反映于以下方面:缺乏对相关特派团资产事务人员的指导和咨询 意见,造成工程资产数据错误;未 能查明储存过量、储存呆滞或陈旧的情况; [...]
缺乏恰当的行动确保储存得到正当管理;缺乏对编纂和分类工作的支助,从而无 法确保资产说明前后一致,并且无法确保在数据库中对这些资产的记录统一。
Asset management has not been a priority, demonstrated by the lack of guidance and advice provided to relevant mission
asset personnel, resulting in
[...] engineering asset database errors, lack of identification [...]
of excess stock, slow moving or
obsolete stock and appropriate action to ensure the stocks are properly managed, and lack of support with codification and classification to ensure a consistent description of assets, thus ensuring homogenous recording of the assets in the database.
一条狭长的小山丘把旁雍错和东 侧的拉昂错分开,有一道水渠(ganpa chu)连接两湖,虽然一向都是干的,但是当地人相信总有一天会有水从 旁 雍 错 流 进 拉昂错,同时会有一条金色的和一条红色的鱼游进拉昂错,这样鬼湖的水以后就也会变得像 旁 雍 错 一 样 的清甜了。
A long, narrow small hills to the harmony
[...] of manasseh wrong and in the east of pull the wrong apart, a canal (ganpa chu) connection systems, though always all the earth is dry, but locals believe will one day be from the water and yongzheng flow into the wrong, wrong, at the same time, there will be a golden and a red fish swam into pull the wrong, so the water of the lake ghost after it will become like the harmony of manasseh fault the foot.
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展望今后,总干事满怀信心:已实施的变革(如明确手册条款及其与财务条例的关 系,以及相应的培训等)将使秘书处能根据明确和明白的采购条例行事,也将使秘书处更好 地理解和更严格地执行这样的条例,以防止重犯审计报告中指出 错误。
Looking ahead, the Director-General is confident that the changes put in place (such as the clarification of the Manual items and their relation to the Financial Regulations, and appropriate training) will enable the Secretariat to function within clear and well-known procurement rules, and will lead to a better understanding of and strict adherence to such rules by the Secretariat, in order to prevent reoccurrence of the failures identified in the audit report.
(d) 因此,对成果的衡量不应局限于每个阶段,而应着眼于整体累积效果,以了
[...] 整体目标;二)获得了哪些经验/教训,可用于避免先前所 错误 并 改 进、简 化同种行业计划今后采取的执行行动/措施或增加其价值;三)那些经验对同 [...]
虑到各执行机构依照不同组织程序运作的情况下,其他执行机构还可采纳哪 些经验以改进执行进程。
(d) Therefore, measurement of achievement should not be limited to each tranche, but should look at the overall cumulative effect, to see i) how effective the cumulative achievements of the sectoral/national plans have addressed the overall goals of the MYA, ii) what are the
lessons/experience gained that may be applied to
[...] avoid 11 previous mistakes, and to improve, [...]
simplify, or add value to actions taken
in future implementation actions/steps of the same sector plan, iii) what those experiences can contribute to phase-out plans in other sectors in the same country, same region and/or globally, iv) what experiences can also be adopted by other IAs to improve those implementation process, taking into account the fact that each IA operates with different organizational procedures.




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