

单词 声名狼藉

See also:

声名 n

reputation n
declaration n

名声 n

fame n

External sources (not reviewed)

名为“声音”的项目让一个社区的儿童发生了改变,这个社区不久前还是一 声名狼藉 的 犯 罪多发区。
The project – called Awaz or ‘Voice’ – has children initiating change in a community that not long ago was mostly notorious for crime.
人们看着WWF的标识,会心生疑惑为什么一 声名狼藉 的 暴 力运动要用熊猫做代表。
People will look at a WWF logo and imagine why a panda would be
[...] representative of a notoriously violent sport.
例如,特别报告员在对白俄罗斯进行的国家访 问中发现,俄罗斯联邦境内特别为从事强迫劳动而遭贩运的男性受害者在得到救
[...] 助回国时,拒绝或非常不愿意接受为受害者复原和重返社会提供的心理社会支 助,因为社区普遍认为被贩运的 声名狼藉。
For example, the Special Rapporteur discovered during her country visit to Belarus that male victims trafficked especially for forced labour in the Russian Federation refused or were very reluctant on their rescue and return to take advantage of psychosocial support designed for the recovery and
reintegration of victims owing to the prevailing severe stigmatization in the
[...] community of persons who have been trafficked.
美利坚合众国通过 中央情报局分设在世界各地的中心犯下了杀戮、虐 待和其他暴行,导致现任政 声名狼藉 , 这在最近 的选举中都有所反映;它抨击人权理事会,但又惧 怕人权理事会审查其人权记录。
The disrepute in which the current administration had fallen because of the killings, torture and other atrocities perpetrated by the United States of America in centres operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) around the world had been reflected in the recent election; it criticized the Human Rights Council but feared to allow it to examine its own human rights record.
[...] ASIA)可能会以高溢价被收购;另外,据 声名狼藉 的 做 空机构浑水公司可能最终准备终止对中概股公司的多番攻击。
The latest signs of spring are coming from telecoms software maker AsiaInfo-Linkage (Nasdaq: ASIA), which may be on
the cusp of a buy-out at a nice
[...] premium; and word that infamous short seller Muddy [...]
Waters may finally be ready to cease
its relentless attacks on US-listed China companies.
更不用提那声名狼藉的医 生,他们愿意帮助输血或利用他们的药典知识--这是一些忘了《希波克拉底誓言》,不顾 运动员的健康,唯利是图的人。
Not to mention disreputable doctors that are willing to give blood transfusions or apply their knowledge of the pharmacopoeia - those who forget the Hippocratic Oath and put profit or prizes ahead of the health of the athlete.
中方声称该批殉道者为西方帝国主义者及殖民地主义者的帮凶,加上某些殉道者的道德生活 声名狼藉 , 而 且教廷定中国国庆节为宣圣日是有意侮辱中华民族。
The canonization was sternly condemned by the Chinese Government, on the allegations that those martyrs were accomplices of Western imperialists and colonialists who had oppressed China, that some of the martyrs were morally corrupt, and that the date chosen for the canonization ¡V the National Day of China ¡V was intended as an insult to the people of China.
所謂文明的進 步,只是披着羊皮狼,欺世盜名而 已
This so-called progress of
[...] civilization may just be a wolf in sheepskin, having gained undeserved fame.
他们的带领下狼名为“ 纳瓦,有魔力的,可以联系神秘的白色狼阿牛在他的”梦视界“。
They are led by an old wolf named Nava, who has magic [...]
powers and can contact the mysterious white wolf Aniu in his “dream visions”.
尽管人们广泛承认需要立即进行彻底改革,如名声狼藉的国 际金融机构不可避免地要进行深入改 [...]
革一样,这些机构设计出完全依赖市场的野生理论, 发达国家正想方设法回避在联合国内部,特别是在其 最民主的机构——大会——中解决这些基本问题。
Although the need for immediate, radical change was widely acknowledged,
as was the inevitability of the in-depth
[...] reform of the discredited international [...]
financial institutions, which had devised
wild theories of sole reliance on the market, the developed countries were trying by every means to avoid addressing those fundamental issues within the United Nations, particularly within its most democratic organ, the General Assembly.
一国或一国际组织草签或签署了一项双边条约,但在该条约生效前提出了单 方声明,意图藉此促 使另一缔约方更改条约的规定,此 声 明 不 论其措辞名 称如 何,均不构成本《实践指南》所指的保留。
A unilateral statement, however phrased or named, formulated by a State or an international organization after initialling or signature but prior to entry into force of a bilateral treaty, by which that State or that organization purports to obtain from the other party a modification of the provisions of the treaty, does not constitute a reservation within the meaning of the present Guide to Practice.
保留”是指一国或一国际组织在签署、批准、正式确认、接受、核准或加 入条约时、或一国发出继承条约的通知时所作的单方 声 明 , 不论其措辞名称为何,意藉此排 除或更改条约中某些规定对该国或该国际组织适用时 的法律效果”。
In fact, it is not impossible that a third party might not agree with either of the interpretations proposed individually and unilaterally by the parties to the treaty if, through the application of methods of interpretation, it concludes that another interpretation arises from the provisions of the treaty.
狼是著名的牛 仔工作的牛仔竞技表演中,狒狒是一个小丑。
Weasel is famous cowboy working [...]
in a rodeo in which Baboon is a clown.
最後勝負鎖定最後一局的2位隊長的對決上,比賽項目是灰 狼 爬 樓 梯, 藉 團 隊的支持和更好的心態,梁國樂最終以156:152的分數險勝戰勝了對手,獲得了『喜羊羊2012歡樂中國行』廣州站活動的冠軍,贏得了夢寐以求的IPHONE4S,劉嘉妮隊伍最終遺憾的獲得亞軍。
The Guo-le Liang team claimed the championship title in the Guangzhou Tournament of “Pleasant Goat Happy China Tour 2012” Couples Battle and won the dream prize of an iPhone 4S smartphone.
164 董事會可不時並於任何時間藉授權 書委任任何經其直接或間接 名 的公司、商號、個人或人數不等之團體,作為本公司的一名或多於一名受權人, 而委任的目的,所授予的權力、權限及酌情決定權(以不超過根據本章程細則 [...]
事會認為合適者而定;任何此等授權書,均可載有董事認為適合用以保障及 方便與任何此等受權人進行交易的人,以及可授權任何此等受權人將歸於他 的所有或任何權力、權限及酌情決定權轉授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time
[...] and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm [...]
or person or any fluctuating
body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员,在过去的计划实施中 落下缺乏连续性名声,在 众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 [...]
The lack of professional international staff in the UNESCO
[...] office, its spotty reputation for programme [...]
delivery in the past, the absorption of
its small number of staff in numerous small UNESCO regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration.
最近,很多人都在关注着临近的 2000 年问题,担心因特网的发展会因为这 声 明 狼 籍 的 “千年虫”而延缓下来。
LF: Recently there is a great deal of concern with the approaching year 2000 and the potential for a melt down of the Internet due to the infamous Y2K bug.
一国在将条约适用范围扩大到一领土时提出单方 声 明 ,意 图 藉 此 排 除条约 中某些规定对该领土的法律效力,此项声明即构成保留。
A unilateral statement by which a State, when extending the application of a treaty to a territory, purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in relation to that territory constitutes a reservation.
一国提出单方声明,意图藉此排 除条约中某些规定或整个条约的某些具体 方面对某一领土的适用――如无此项声明即可适用,此项声明即构成保留。
A unilateral statement by which a State purports to exclude the application of some provisions of a treaty or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects, to a territory to which they would be applicable in the absence of such a statement constitutes a reservation.
(e) 法官不得使用或借用司法职务声望 , 藉 以 增 加法官本人、其家庭成员 或任何其他人的私人利益,法官亦不得造成任何人可能对其施加不当影响的印 象;(f) 法官与作为当事方或法律代理人的工作人员以及经常出现在该法官主
(e) Judges must not use or lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge, a member of the judge’s family or anyone else, nor shall judges convey the impression that anyone is in a position to influence them improperly
一国或一国际组织提出单方声明 ,意 图 藉 此 增 添条约的内容,则此项声明 构成更改条约内容的提议,不属于本实践指南的范围。
1.4 Unilateral statements other than reservations and interpretative declarations20 Unilateral statements formulated in relation to a treaty which are not reservations nor interpretative declarations are outside the scope of the present Guide to Practice.
我知道現在距離明年卸任的時間很短,但我們覺得市民十 分期望立法會在這件如此重要的事情上可以挺身而出,成立一個委員
[...] 會調查清楚這件事,看看有哪些人士在背後弄到香港的電視廣播業名狼藉,不單令亞視的公信力受損,更令香港蒙羞。
I know there is little time left in the run-up to the expiry of our term next year, but we think that the community expect Members of the Legislative Council to step forward in such an important matter and
set up a committee to inquire into the
[...] matter and find out who actually is responsible [...]
for bringing Hong Kong's broadcasting industry into disrepute.
阿爾卑斯山脈中的梅康圖爾(Mercantour)國家公園因其野 狼 群 而 聞 名 遐 邇 ,這裡還是稀有動植物群的棲息地,這裡的物種之豐富和珍貴超出人們的想象,它們至今鮮為人知。
Famous for its wolves, Mercantour National [...]
Park in the Alps is also home to an extraordinarily rich flora and fauna, which
is highly distinctive but relatively unknown.
凯文·科斯特纳凭借“狼共舞 ”中的角色 声 影 坛 ,“ 狼 共 舞 ”是ORION Pictures公司1991年出品的影片,在美国的票房收入超过1.84亿美元,全球总票房约5亿美元。
Kevin Costner is most
[...] famous for his role in "Dances with Wolves," an ORION Pictures film released [...]
in 1991 that secured over
$184 Million in U.S. Box Office sales and approximately $500 Million in sales Worldwide.
改革開放最重要的是發展經濟,但中國的政治發展仍然滯後,1980 年 代醞釀的政治改革,自八九民運後已成禁忌,導致經濟發展和貪污腐 狼狽 為奸,官藉獨裁 權力掠奪人民的利益,並竭力維持這不受挑戰的權力。
However, political development in China is still lagging behind and the political reform incubated in the 1980s has become a taboo since the 1989 pro-democracy movement.
(a) 第(1)(b)款的施行不得令資料使用者無須依從該項要求,如有關的查閱 資料要求可在不披露該另名個人 的身分(不論 藉 著 略去 姓 名 或其 他能識辨身分的詳情或以其他方法)的情況下可予依從。
(a) Subsection (1)(b) shall not operate to excuse a data user from complying with the data access request concerned to the extent that the request may be complied with without disclosing
the identity of the other
[...] individual, whether by the omission of names, or other identifying particulars, [...]
or otherwise.
对解释性声明“重新定性”,是指一国或一国际组织针对另一国或另一国际 组织就条约提出的解释性声明而作出的单方 声 明 ,该国或组织意 藉 此 将声明视为保留。
Recharacterization” of an interpretative declaration means a unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization in reaction to an interpretative declaration in respect of a treaty formulated by another State or another international organization, whereby the former State or organization purports to treat the declaration as a reservation.
(aa) 在名列該名單的某人藉原訟 法庭或終審法院根 據第 67 或 70B 條作出的裁定而成為議員的情況 [...]
下,即予修訂,方式是從該名單刪除該人的姓 名;”。
(aa) is, if any person whose name is included in the list [...]
becomes a Member by virtue of a determination of the Court or
the Court of Final Appeal under section 67 or 70B, revised by removing that name from the list;”.
[...] 治港”,“高度自治”,而不是獨立於國家之外,來實行某些人鼓吹的“完 全自治”;也不會容許任何人藉“ 高 度自治” 名 義 , 來叛賣“國中之 國”的貨色,企圖把中央政府和地方政府之間的關係,變成“國與國之間” [...]
It has chosen not to separate itself from the State for the sake of practising "total autonomy" as some people have advocated. Neither will it allow anyone to
betray "the country within
[...] country" on the pretext of exercising "a high degree of autonomy" [...]
in an attempt to turn the
relationship between the Central People's Government and the local government into a relationship between "two states" or "two counterparts".




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