单词 | 壮起胆子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 壮起胆子 —proceed with sth even though scaredput on a brave faceSee also:起子—screwdriver • baking soda (used leaven bread) • bottle opener 胆子—guts 胆子 n—nerve n • courage n
由于跳过,流行音乐,肌肉健壮的男 子 , 高 五鬼都希望看到“ 锤 子 ” , 他们 一 起 工 作使一个电视,使用的各个部分,从他们的破套。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Since Skips, Pops, Muscle Man, and High-Five Ghost all wish to see “The Hammer”, they work together to make a working TV, using various parts from their broken sets. seekcartoon.com |
的确,凶犯似乎胆子越来 越大,敢在达尔富尔混合行动房舍和 工作人员住所附近对其进行袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, perpetrators appear [...] to be getting bolder, targeting UNAMID [...]in close proximity to its premises and to staff residences. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,阿斯马拉继续同青年党保持关系,似乎是为了让青年党 合法化和给它壮胆,而 不是遏制其极端主义倾向,也不是鼓励它参加政治 [...] 进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Asmara’s continuing relationship with [...] Al-Shabaab, for example, appears designed to [...] legitimize and embolden the group rather [...]than to curb its extremist orientation [...]or encourage its participation in a political process. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用台钳在出口罩 (7) 上水平夹住泵,使用 1/2 英 寸六角套筒起子松开入口罩 (6) 上的全部四颗固定 螺栓 (5)。 graco.com | Horizontally clamp pump on outlet housing (7) in vise, use 1/2 in. hex bit socket to loosen all four tie bolts (5) from inlet housing (6). graco.com |
(c) 如厄立特里亚先前几次给安全理事会的信所强调,安理会通过不公平和 无根据的决议(第 1907(2009)和第 2023(2011)号决议),对厄立特里亚实施各种 制裁,包括武器禁运,这种做法有可能给埃塞俄比 亚 壮胆 , 使其考虑采取轻率行 动。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) As Eritrea has emphasized through its several communications to the Security Council, the unfair and unfounded resolutions (1907 (2009) and 2023 (2011)) that have imposed various sanctions against Eritrea, including an arms embargo, carry the risk of emboldening Ethiopia to contemplate reckless acts. daccess-ods.un.org |
末底改,里格比,流行音乐,跳跃,肌肉 健 壮 的 男 子 和 HI -FIVE鬼战斗锤,谁破坏谁的房子和伤害每个人。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai, Rigby, [...] Pops, Skips, Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost [...]all battle The Hammer, who destroys the house and injures everyone. seekcartoon.com |
在这样的大背景下,罗兰贝格结合大量数据分析及多年研究经验,发布了行业分析报告,指出 电 子 商 务的 崛 起 源 于 五大因素的驱动:网购客户基数迅速扩大、信用支付体系日趋完善、 电 子 商 务 企业日 益 壮 大 、 电 子 商 务领域融资活跃、电子商务的模式和品类不断丰富。 rolandberger.com.cn | In this context, Roland Berger releases its [...] latest industry report [...] combining a large amount of data analysis resource and years of research experience, pointing out 5 factors for the rise of E-commerce: the rapid expansion of the online customer base, the improving credit payment system, the growing E-commerce enterprises, the aggressive financing activities, and the diverse models and categories of E-commerce. rolandberger.com.cn |
无疑,正是卡特琳娜首创了那种显露小腿的鲜艳 大 胆 的 裙 子。 shanghaibiennale.org | It was undoubtedly Catarina who gave origin to [...] the colorful and daring dress revealing [...]the calf. shanghaibiennale.org |
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖 分 子 入 境 和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the [...] INTERPOL I-24/7 computer [...] system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and [...]passing through the [...]country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
把他们的分歧放在一边,组命名的新土地Equestr ia 一 起 , 使其 茁 壮 成 长。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Putting their differences aside, the group named the new land Equestria and worked together to make it thrive. seekcartoon.com |
关于巴勒斯坦问题,遗憾的是,联合国相关机构 [...] 没有采取行动来应对以色列政权的非法政策和做法, 从而给这一危险政权壮了胆,使其得以继续针对手无 寸铁的巴勒斯坦人民实施犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turning to the issue of Palestine, it is regrettable to witness that the inaction of relevant United Nations organs in dealing with [...] the Israeli regime’s illegal policies and [...] practices has emboldened that dangerous [...]regime to continue its crimes against the [...]defenceless Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
我只盼着她能快点儿好起来, 等我回家时,她会强壮起来。 unicef.org | I just hope that she will be all right and she will be strong enough by the time I go back home. unicef.org |
耶迪.罗斯米阿迪是其中一名卫生工作者,她定期探访年轻的母亲们,指导她们如何确保自己的 孩 子 茁 壮 成 长。 unicef.org | One of the health workers is Yeti [...] Rosmiati, who regularly visits [...] young mothers to advise them on how to ensure that their babies grow up healthy and strong. unicef.org |
敌敌畏是我国农田中使用最普遍的有机磷杀虫剂,它通过干扰对神经传 导 起 重 要 作用 的 胆 碱 酯 酶的活性 , 起 到 接 触和摄入毒杀昆虫的作用,也对当地水生动物及种群造成很大威胁。 actazool.org | It appears to be a contact and stomach poison in insects caused by interference with cholinesterase, a neurological enzyme which plays an important role in neurotransmission. actazool.org |
末底改和里格比吓唬肌肉健壮的男子 , 但 他假想的心脏攻击而死亡。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai and [...] Rigby scare Muscle Man, but he supposedly [...]dies from a heart attack. seekcartoon.com |
叶柄粗壮,V形成和有点抱茎的在基部,1.5-2.5厘米,具角和干燥时横向起皱,那些在小枝上的顶生1或2对通常玫瑰色的;叶片发亮,椭圆形或者长圆形到长圆状披针形, ( 14-)20-34 * (4-)6-12 厘米,厚革质,中脉粗壮,两面突起; 脉紧密,到35-40 对,在边附近弯成弓形的和网结;明显的第三脉和细脉,宽楔形的基部多少,边缘内卷,先端锐尖到钝,很少渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole robust, V-shaped and somewhat clasping at base, 1.5-2.5 cm, angled and transversely wrinkled when dry, those of terminal 1 or 2 pairs on branchlet usually rose-colored; leaf blade shiny, elliptic or oblong to oblong-lanceolate, (14-)20-34 × (4-)6-12 cm, thickly leathery, midvein robust, raised on both surfaces; veins dense, to 35-40 pairs, near margin arching and anastomosing; tertiary veins and veinlets conspicuous, base ± broadly cuneate, margin involute, apex acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
否则,在发展民主制度和 法治方面迄今所取得的显著进步将受到损害,使潜在破坏 分 子胆子 变 得 更大,而且也 将分散人们对目前促进东帝汶长期社会经济发展的努力的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise, the notable progress achieved thus far in the development of democratic institutions and the rule of law could be undermined, emboldening potential spoilers, and attention could also be diverted from ongoing efforts to promote the country’s long-term socio-economic development. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过改变饮食来降低胆固醇可能看起 来 有 些可怕。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Making dietary [...] changes to reduce your cholesterol can seem daunting. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
作为淀粉的天然降解产物, 环糊精不但不含胆固醇, 不会引起过敏 , 而且还是纯植物性的, 可利用生物技术, 通过酶从玉米、 马铃薯等可再生原料中提取, 已有许多国家允许在食品中使用环糊精。 wacker.com | A natural degradation product of starch, cyclodextrins are not only free of allergens, but also purely vegetarian; they are bioengineered with the aid of enzymes from renewable raw materials such as corn starch and potato starch. wacker.com |
这些因素连同相关的生 [...] 理风险因素如高血压、身体超重 / 肥胖或高胆固醇一 起,提供了帮助预防和减轻 NCDs 负面影响的一系 [...]列重点目标。 issa.int | These factors, together with associated physiological risk [...] factors like hypertension, overweight/ [...] obesity or high cholesterol, offer a set of [...]focused targets to help prevent and mitigate the negative impacts of NCDs. issa.int |
如果您胆子够大 ,不妨冒险一试,给您的家庭假日留下一次难忘的回忆。 discoverireland.com | Risk a visit if you dare…and make this a family holiday to remember discoverireland.com |
头两次犯罪行动的顺利完成给团伙成 员 壮 了 胆, 他们准备再接再厉。 crisisgroup.org | With two apparently perfect crimes committed, [...] the group was emboldened to do more. crisisgroup.org |
社区卫生工作者耶迪.罗斯米阿迪(Yeti Rosmiati)向一名年轻的母亲传授确保孩 子 茁 壮 成 长 的最佳方法。 unicef.org | Community [...] health worker Yeti Rosmiati advises a young mother on the best way to ensure her child grow up strong [...]and healthy. unicef.org |
因此,我们应当鼓起勇气采取大胆的 行 动,并承 担责任,共同作出真诚的努力,确保一劳永逸地把科 索沃从世界上的问题清单中删除。 daccess-ods.un.org | We should therefore brace ourselves to undertake a bold course of action, and so bear ourselves that, by working together in good faith, we make sure that Kosovo is removed from the list of world’s problems once and for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是因为,如婴 儿的血型随父亲是RH阳性,RH阴性的母亲有可能开始产生针对婴儿的红 血球免疫血球素,这将会破坏婴儿的血细胞,可能出现严重贫血,之后红 血球衰变引起胆红素升高。 cicpraha.org | If her child is Rh positive after the father, Rh negative mother could create antibodies against the child’s red blood cells which can break them down. cicpraha.org |
Tomas Brodin及其来自瑞典Umeå大学的同事发现,当这些鲈鱼接触了被称作去甲羟安定的减缓焦虑的药物之后,它们的进食速度加快了 、 胆子 变 大 了而且变得较不合群。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Tomas Brodin and colleagues from Umeå [...] University in Sweden discovered that the fish ate [...] faster, became bolder and acted less [...]social after being subjected to an anxiety-moderating drug, known as Oxazepam. chinese.eurekalert.org |
这类激动人心壮举的一个例子,就 是 第二次世界大战中保加利亚的许多犹太人幸存下来, 因为数百名宗教和社团领袖、政界人士、普通男女挺 [...] 身而出,拒绝参与希特勒的疯狂行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | One such inspiring example is the fact that the Jews [...] of Bulgaria survived the Second World War because hundreds of religious [...]and community leaders, politicians, ordinary men and women, stood up and refused to be part of Hitler’s madness. daccess-ods.un.org |
当肌肉健壮的男子,高 五鬼观看网络视频,如老人马蹄与Wedgie忍者病毒,末底改和里格比说,他们可以做出更好的视频,和投注肌肉的男人和五鬼10。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Muscle Man and High Five Ghost are watching viral internet videos such as Old Man Horseshoes and Wedgie Ninja, Mordecai and Rigby say they can make a better video, and bet Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost $10. seekcartoon.com |