单词 | 壬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 壬—nonaless common: letter "I" or roman "IX" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc ninth in order Examples:壬申—ninth year I9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1992 or 2052 壬辰—twenty ninth year I5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2012 or 2072 壬午—nineteenth year I7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2002 or 2062
异壬醇(INA)是由辛烯进行甲醯化反应,再经由氢化反应及蒸馏精馏等过程而产生,辛烯则由丁烯经由双聚合反应形成。 npc.com.tw | INA is produced by processing hydroformalation, hydrogenation, distillation and refinement from octenes that is formed by the dimerization of butanes. npc.com.tw |
实验研究结果显示,长期摄取某几类邻苯二甲酸酯,即邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯和邻苯二甲酸正辛酯,可能会危及健康,包括对肝脏、肾脏、生殖系统和发育生长造成毒性损害。 forum.gov.hk | Studies have shown that chronic exposure to some phthalates, namely diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), di-isononyl phthalate (DINP), di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP), may result in adverse health effects, including toxicity to the liver, kidney, as well as the reproductive and development systems. forum.gov.hk |
二零一一年五月 二十三日,台湾当局通知中心,多款饮品验出含邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己酯) (DEHP)、 邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP)及邻苯二甲酸二正丁酯(DBP)。 cfs.gov.hk | On 23 May 2011, CFS was informed by Taiwan that many drinks were found containing plasticisers of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) and di-butyl phthalate (DBP). cfs.gov.hk |
将佳发牌MB10 和佳发牌邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯结 合在一起,可取代较低分子量邻苯二甲酸酯增塑剂。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Combining Jayflex MB10 with Jayflex DINP offers the opportunity to replace low molecular weight phthalate plasticizers. exxonmobilchemical.com |
产品被检出含有塑化剂「邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯」(DINP)。 cfs.gov.hk | The concerned product was found to contain a plasticizer, di-isononyl phthalate (DINP). cfs.gov.hk |
玻璃、墨、红水彩;平唇、凸敛底、突出圈足,圈足底呈方圆形 ;一正面内画那桐肖像,另一正面内书一首四句四言诗,诗前书“壬寅十月”,後加“马少宣”款、白文“少宣”篆印 e-yaji.com | Glass, ink, and vermilion watercolour; with a flat lip and a recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; painted on one main side with an ink portrait of Na Dong’a, the other main side inscribed in regular script with a poetic inscription preceded by the date ‘the tenth month of the year renyin’and followed by the signature ‘Ma Shaoxuan,’ with one seal of the artist, Shaoxuan, in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
壬)公众持股量 於本报告日期,根据本公司可取得的公开资料及於各董事所知悉的范围内,本公司於截至二○○七年十二月三十一日止年度内全年皆 已维持上市规则所规定的公众持股量。 wharfholdings.com | Based on information that is publicly available to theCompany and within the knowledge of the directors as at the date of this report, the Company has maintained the prescribed public float under the Listing Rules throughout the year ended 31 December 2007. wharfholdings.com |
例如松花江哈尔滨段水中,包括“塑化剂”DE HP和壬基酚在内的13种“环境激素”类物质几乎是100%检出,浙江10个城镇水厂的水源水中几种塑化剂类物质的检出率也很高,有的达到100%,武汉市的地下水中也检测出此类物质。 chemlinked.com | For instance, in the waters from Songhua River to Haerbing, 13 kinds of endocrine disruptors including DEHP and NP were detected 100%. chemlinked.com |
这就是 一个二酮 :3-甲 基 -2,4-壬二酮(3-methyl-2,4nonanedione),它有干李子核的气味。 zh.seguin-moreau.fr | It is a diketone: 3-methyl-2,4-nonanedione, whose aroma is reminiscent of prune stones. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
表7和表8是以对一壬基酚为改质剂的有机相反萃 试验结果。 cytec.com | Tables 7 and 8 show stripping isotherms [...] obtained with a p-nonylphenolmodified solvent. cytec.com |
龟甲船在壬辰卫国战争中发挥了突击舰的功能,战乱后其形态略有变化,龙头变龟头、尺寸也加大等建造得越来越大,壬辰卫国战争结束并经过200余年的1795年(正祖19)中,根据正祖命令收集、整理李舜臣和龟甲船相关资料并刊行的『李忠武公全书』中,大概记录有‘全罗左水营龟甲船’及‘统制营龟甲船’图片和建造所需的部分尺寸 。 china.yi-sunsin.com | As the turtle ship asserting its function as the leading ship in the battle during the Imjin War the appearance made a little change at a time after the war, and the dragon head was changed into the turtle head with the dimension enlarged in general with much larger size later. Some 200 years after the Imjin War, in 1795 (the 19th year of King Jeongjo), the data on Yi Sun-sin and the turtle ship were gathered comprehensively under the decree of King Jeongjo and issued the 『Entire Collection on Yi Chungmugong』 with some recording of partial dimension needed for shipbuilding along with the 'turtle ship of Jeolla Jwasuyoung' and the 'turtle ship of Tongjeyoung'. english.yi-sunsin.com |
4'-[(2-丁基-4-氧-1,3-二氮杂螺环[4.4]壬-1-烯 -3-基)甲基 ]联苯-2-甲腈的详细资料 chemblink.com | More information of 4'-[(2-Butyl-4-oxo-1,3-diazaspiro[4.4 ]non-1-en-3-yl)methyl ]biphenyl-2-carbonitrile chemblink.com |
鉴定这种灰白相间的苏州墨玉烟壶的年代,目前只有一个线索,那就是一件张骞乘槎烟壶,也是墨玉质,局部呈白色,後面刻一首七绝,其後加“壬子仲冬为葆初三兄大人属并正正云书”,壬子乃 西历1792年。 e-yaji.com | The exterior of the collar is finely chased and was once gilt, but the underside is not gilt and is impressed with a silver mark stating that the silver is pure, a shop mark identifying the maker, about whom we have been unable to find any further information, and the place of manufacture, Beijing. e-yaji.com |
租赁付款的入账方式载列於附注(壬)。 wharfholdings.com | Lease payments are accounted for as described in note (i). wharfholdings.com |
无瑕水晶、墨、水色;凹唇、平敛底、突出宽平底圈足;两侧雕兽首衔环耳;内画有通景苑中高士雅集图,一正面画三文士围桌饮馔,一仆人送酒而来,另一正面内画一文士坐在镶云石的方桌傍,边抚桌上的琴,边听对面坐在小丘上的文士吹洞箫,一僮子捧茶侍侯,其上题“壬寅年仲秋月习三作於都门”,题後落白文“王”、“印”二印 e-yaji.com | Flawless crystal, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding broad, flat footrim; the narrow sides carved with mask-and-ring handles; painted with a continuous composition of an elegant gathering of scholars in a rocky pine grove, with one seated at a marble-topped table in front of his qin, listening to another, seated on a nearby rock, playing the flute while a serving boy offers cups of wine on a tray, three other scholars sit at another marble-topped table set with food and more wine cups while another servant stands nearby with a pot of wine, inscribed in draft script ‘Executed at the capital by Xisan in the eighth month of the year renyin’, with two seals of the artist, Wang and yin (seal), in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
透明玉髓、墨、水色;凹唇、略凸敛底、突出凸形圈足;两侧雕兽首衔环耳;一面内画莲池二子采菱图, 其上书“采菱图,习三作於京都”,其後绘“王” 、“习三”二白文篆印,其前绘难辨认的一印,另一正面内画牧童牵池塘中水牛,其上题“浴牛图,壬寅正月”,题後落白文“印”一篆印 e-yaji.com | Transparent chalcedony, ink, and watercolours; with a concave lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding convex footrim; the narrow sides carved with mask-and-ring handles; painted on one side with a scene of two children in a boat picking water caltrops in a lotus pond, inscribed in draft script with the title ‘Gathering Water Caltrops’, followed by ‘Painted by Xisan at the capital’, with three seals of the artist, an indecipherable one preceding the inscription, and Wang and Xisan, both in negative seal script, following it, the other main side with a herdboy leading his water buffalo ashore from a river beneath dangling willow branches, inscribed in draft script with the title ‘Bathing a Water Buffalo’, followed by, ‘[Painted] in the first month of the year renyin’, followed by one seal of the artist, yin (seal), in negative seal script e-yaji.com |
江苏凌飞科技股份有限公司作为“壬基酚 ”行业的最大生产制造商,已成为有关上市公司、外资企业和国内外名企的优秀供应商;同时建立了一套完整的生产运行制度,严密的产品质量控制手册和完善的企业管理制度,并先后通过了国际ISO14000环境体系认证和ISO9001质量体系。 lingfeichem.com | At the same time, our company has established a complete production operating system, strict quality control manual, comprehensive enterprise management system, and has passed the certification of the international ISO14000 environment system and ISO9001 quality system. lingfeichem.com |
含多溴联 苯醚同系物的分层部分以真空挥发的方式浓缩,然後用矽胶柱和氧化铝 柱进一步净化,再用氮气吹乾洗出液,最後把剩余物重新溶於 20 微升以壬烷为溶剂的碳-13 同位素回收率标样物。 cfs.gov.hk | The fraction containing the PBDE congeners was then concentrated by vacuum evaporation and further clean-up by a silica column and an alumina column. cfs.gov.hk |
壬)租 赁资产 本集团确定协议具有在协定期限内通过支付一笔或一系列款项而使用某一特定资产或多项资产之权利,则该协议(由一宗交易或一系列 [...] 交易组成)为租赁或包括租赁。 wharfholdings.com | An arrangement comprising a transaction or a series of [...] transactionsis or contains a lease if the [...]Group determines that the arrangement conveys [...]a right to use a specific asset or assets for an agreed period of time in return for a payment or a series of payments. wharfholdings.com |