

单词 壁效应




External sources (not reviewed)

研 发 费 用 总 额 虽 有 所 增 长 但 占 营 业 收 入 的 比 率 有 所 下 降,主 要 原 因 是 由 於 公 司 规效 应分 研 发 费 用 资 本 化 所 致。
The decrease as a percentage of sales revenue despite growth in gross amount was attributable mainly to economies of scale and the partial capitalisation of research and development expenditure.
ETONIS® from WACKER increases the plastic
deformability (ductility) of the concrete,
[...] which prevents thin-walledconcrete elements [...]
from cracking during transport and assembly.
[...] Platinum钢网适合50µm间距的25µm孔径,它给得可的客户提供出乎寻常的平滑 用于锡膏——即使在处理方形孔径时也是如此。
Facilitating apertures of 25µm on 50µm pitch, VectorGuard Platinum
stencils offer DEK customers
[...] exceptionally smoothsidewalls for highly efficient paste transfer [...]
- even when dealing with square apertures.
每间工适的条文规定保证及维持每个车间有(i)足够的通风设 备保持新鲜空气流通;及(ii)合适的温度将保证其中的工人处於合理的舒适条件中,以 防止危害健康,尤其是(i) 特殊材料及设计以保证温度不会过高并尽 可能保持较低温度;(ii)倘在工厂所进行的工作性质涉及或可能涉及产生过度高温,应 尽量采取适当措施通过绝缘发热部件或以其他有效方法使工人远离产生高温的车间, 从而保护工人。
Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every factory for securing and maintaining in every work-room (i) adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air; and (ii) such temperatures as will secure to workers therein reasonable conditions of comfort and which will prevent injury to health, and in particular, (i)the wallsand roof shall [...]
be of such material
and so designed that such temperature shall not be exceeded but be kept as low as practicable; (ii) where the nature of the work carried on in the factory involves, or is likely to involve, the production of excessively high temperature, such adequate measures as are practicable, shall be taken to protect the workers therefrom by separating the process which produces such temperature from the work-room by insulating the hot parts or by other effective means.
此 外,维 安 洁 将 积 极 调 研 及 开 发 自 有 品 牌,并 利 用 维 达 国 际 广 大 的
[...] 经 销 网 络,创 造 协效 应升 其 营 运 效 益。
Moreover, V-Care will actively build its own brand, as well as
capitalizing on Vinda International’s vast distribution network to create synergy and
[...] enhance its operational efficiency.
从毂的强度校验点,组合“厚壁毂-薄壁轴”是适当的;在另外一边来自轴 ,“ 完整的轴”是最适合的变量。
From the hub strength check point of view, the combination "robust hub - light-walled shaft" is appropriate; on the
other hand, from the point of view of stress
[...] on the shaft,"light-walled hub- full shaft" is [...]
the most suitable variant.
商誉主要与Viterra谷物营销及推销业务有关,并基於连同谷物营销业 务预期增加之地理覆盖面及业务规模所产生的协 效应
The goodwill is primarily related to the Viterra grain marketing and merchandising business and is substantively attributable to synergies which are expected to arise in conjunction with the grain marketing division’s increased geographic coverage and scale of activities.
大气中能够吸收和散发热红外线辐射的气体,这 个过程是导致温效应本原因,因为部分被吸收後散发 [...]
的再辐射会反射到地球表面及低层大气,导致平均地表温度 上升,高於没有温室气体时的平均地表温度。
Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) A gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range.
This process is the fundamental cause of
[...] the greenhouse effectbecausepart of [...]
the re-radiation is back towards the surface
of the earth and the lower atmosphere, resulting in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of greenhouse gases.
商誉是基於预期加强能源产品营销业务及提升客户服务所产生的协效 应
The goodwill is attributable to synergies expected to arise from the enhancements to the energy products marketing division’s existing business activities and improvementsin its service offerings to its customers.
多数历史悠久的城市过往规模都较小,市中心周围土地以农用为主,我所居住的英国伦敦Bethnal Green地区以前即为农地,敦市;城市向来很难满足所有粮食需求,而河海即成为进口更多粮食的简易管道。
Most older cities used to be smaller than they currently are, with the land surrounding their centres often used for farming.
蕴含多种高效成份,Phylanthus Emblica Fruit Extract
[...] (油甘子精华),有助阻断黑色素的合成,抗衰老;柑橘生物类黄酮-Hesperidin (橙皮素)及Chrysin (白杨素),可强化血化。
Containing a variety of effective ingredients, Phylanthus Emblica Fruit Extract, for instance, helps prevent melanin
synthesis and anti-aging; Hesperidin and Chrysin can strengthen
[...] the bloodvessel wall, serving as a veryeffective antioxidant.
摄氏 20 度下量测,可达 1.5 GPa 或更高的极限抗拉强度,可用在 1.A. 或 19.A.1 所述系统中之薄板型、金属平板或管状型麻板厚等于或小于 5.0 毫米。
Maraging steels having an ultimate tensile strength equal to or greater than 1.5 GPa, measured at 20o C, in the form of sheet, plate or tubing with a wallor plate thickness equal to or less than 5.0 mm usable in systems specified in 1.
可是,汽车严,而且对零部件及有关产品的质量和可靠性要求严格,对新进供应商无论在财务背景、生产设施、研发能力等方面,有各种不同要求,并且十分重视供应商是否得到有关认证,例如得到ISO/TS 16949在质量管理体系、及OHSAS 18000在职业健康安全管理体系等方面的认证,以免因个别供应商问题,而影响整个供应链「及时生产」的运作而招致损失。
The industry also imposes stringent requirements on quality and reliability of auto parts and related products. Various criteria are set on the suppliers’ financial background, production facilities and R&D capability, etc. Great importance is also attached to whether the supplier has obtained the necessary certifications, e.g. ISO/TS 16949 for quality management systems and OHSAS 18000 for occupational health and safety management systems, in order to prevent losses caused by disruption to the just-in-time operation of the whole supply chain due to failures on the part of individual suppliers.
在问题中提及的一些项目,例如大学教职员的资历和学术研究表现、校长的领导能力和洞察力等,都是属於协助被访者全面思考的附加提示,既无误导成份,亦没有在实践过程中碰到问题,反而可以冲淡院校的名 效应
Items mentioned in the questions, such as qualification of the universities』 teaching staff, academic research performance, leadership abilities and vision of Vice-Chancellors/Presidents/Principals, in fact were just hints to assist the
respondents to give comprehensive thoughts to the questions, as well as diluting
[...] the 「labeling effectof theuniversities.
屋 宇 署 拟 委 托 顾 问 进 行 研 究 , 就 有 关 风 速 /风 压 剖 面 、 风 向 、 地 势 类 型 、 风 动效 应宇 风 荷 载 过 度 反 应 的 峰 值 加 速 度 ( 包 括 人 体 舒 适 度 )、 外 压 力 系 数 等 事 项 , 检 视 海 外 一 些 风 力 守 则 和 已 发 表 文 献 所 载 的 现 行 做 法 ,并 提 供 建 议 ,使「 2004 年 守 则 」 更 切 合 时 代 需 要 和 与 现 代 的 国 际 设 计 方 法 接 轧 , 同 时 配 合 风 力 工 程 和 科 技 的 最 新 发 展 。
The BD intends to commission a consultancy study to review the current practices in overseas wind codes and published papers in respect of the wind speed/pressure profiles, wind directionality, terrain types, dynamic effects of wind, peak acceleration for excessive response of building including human comfort, external pressure coefficients, etc., and to make recommendations on modernising the 2004 Code so as to bring it in line with contemporary international design approaches and meet the latest development in wind engineering and technologies.
每 股 摊 薄 溢 利 调 整 用 於 计 算 每 股 基 本 溢 利 的 数 字 以 计 及 利 息 所 得 税 的 税效 应 他 与 具 摊 薄 性 潜在普通股有关的财务成本,以及假设就具摊薄性潜在普通股作无代价发行的股份的加权平均数。
Diluted earnings per share adjusts the figures used in
determination of basic
[...] earnings per share to take into account the after incometax effect ofinterest and other financing costsassociated [...]
with dilutive potential
ordinary shares and the weighted average number of shares assumed to have been issued for no consideration in relation to dilutive potential ordinary shares.
凭 藉 本 集 团 多 年 累 积 的 稳 固 基 础、被 市 场 认 同 的 高 品 质 产 品 及 研 发 ╱ 改 良 产 品 的 能 力,本 集 团 仍 会 致 力 於 保 持 本 业 的 业 务 持 续 健 康 增 长,并 会 做 好 准 备,随 时 捕 捉 由 经 济 复 苏 所 带 来 的 商 机,同
时,本集团亦会致力实践多元化发展的业务策略, 其 中 包 括 投 放 资
[...] 源 发 掘 和 物 色 具 协效 应资 机 会,以 扩 阔 收 [...]
入 来 源,巩 固 本 集 团 面 对 未 来 市 场 变 化 及 发 展 之 基 础,竭
力 为 股 东 及 员 工 带 来 更 大 的 回 报。
Leveraging on solid experience accumulated over years by the Group, premium products recognized by the market and its competence in research and development/improvement of products, the Group will commit itself on a continuous healthy business growth in the industry, and gear up for any opportunity arising from economic recovery In the meantime, the Group will implement the business strategy of diversified development, including identification and exploration of synergic investment opportunities through resources allocation in
order to broaden revenue sources, improve its
[...] competence in response to changes and [...]
development in the future market, and maximize
the returns for its shareholders and employees




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