

单词 境内

境内 ()

within the borders
internal (a country, province, city etc)



home and abroad
domestic and foreign
within and without the borders

External sources (not reviewed)

在此值得指出的是,教科文组织是一个非驻地机构,并且是在财政资源和人员不足的 情况下参与大量会议,因此,参与国家工作队和联合国次区域工作队以及各种联合国专题和 联合小组会议(牙买境内会议 除外)的次数受到限制,并且主要通过电子邮件和电话会议 (在可能情况下)参与会议。
It is worth mentioning that, as a non-resident agency and in the face of inadequate financial resources and staff to carry out missions to participate in the numerous meetings, UNESCO’s participation in meetings of the UNCTs, UNSTs and various United Nations theme and joint groups (outside of the ones in Jamaica) is limited, and done mainly through e-mail contributions and teleconference (where possible).
下述会议特别值得一提,它们包括:(i) 联合国系统拉丁美洲和加勒比区域主任小组和 加勒比共同体(加共体)秘书处执行管理委员会之间的会议;和(ii) 联合国系统拉丁美洲和 加勒比区域主任小组与苏里南政府官员就该 境内 联 合国系统协调一致问题召开的会议;以 及(iii) 拉丁美洲和加勒比(拉加司)区域主任小组就艾滋病毒和艾滋病问题召开的会议。
Particularly noteworthy are: (i) the meeting of United Nations system regional directors team for Latin America and the Caribbean with the executive management committee of CARICOM secretariat; (ii) the meeting of the United Nations system regional directors team for Latin America and the Caribbean with officials of the Government of Suriname on United Nations system coherence in the country; and (iii) the meeting of the regional directors group in LAC on HIV and AIDS.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2
[...] 款在这一点上是不够的,因为光是承认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在境内非法 居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend
certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who
[...] were in its territory illegally, it [...]
was merely stating the obvious.
委员会重申它建议 (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3,第20段) 缔约国为遵守《公约》第12条, 需要废除酌情起诉制度,这样主管当局只要有合理的理由相信在其管 境内 的任 何地方发生了酷刑行为,就有义务主动开展系统的公正调查,以便有效确保此类 罪行的犯罪者不能免于处罚。
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3, para. 20) whereby compliance with the provisions of article 12 of the Convention requires a derogation from the system of discretionary prosecution, so as to oblige the competent authorities to launch impartial inquiries systematically and on their own initiative wherever there are reasonable grounds for believing that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its jurisdiction, in order to effectively ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes do not remain unpunished.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事会决定修订,添加了禁止在利比亚 空域飞行、禁止利比亚飞机在欧洲联盟空域飞行、以及要求欧洲联盟成员国国民、 受欧洲联盟成员国管辖者、在欧洲联盟成员 境内 成 立 或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 的公司在与利比亚实体做生意时保持警惕的规定。
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in the airspace of the European Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise vigilance when doing business with Libyan entities.
英国聚乙烯工业公司 (BPI) 在过去十年来不断发展 壮大,成功的策略让它成为了全球聚乙烯薄膜产 品的最大生产商之一,产品广泛应用于日常生 活中;公司的回收工厂负责重新处理英 境内工 业、商业、农业和其他来源的废料。
British Polythene Industries (BPI) has developed over the last decade to strategically become one of the largest producers of polythene film products
worldwide which are used in everyday
[...] applications and its recycling plants reprocess waste from industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic source across the UK.
最后,在埃及担任本月阿拉伯集团主席之际, 我谨呼吁联合国所有机构,包括安全理事会,参与 落实6月2日通过的阿拉伯国家联盟决议要求的内 容,即必需保护叙利境内的平 民和为此为联合国 监测团提供必要的手段,以及根据《联合国宪章》 有关条款采取必要措施和做出决定,以便制止在阿 拉伯叙利亚共和国发生的针对平民的攻击。
In conclusion, on the occasion of Egypt’s presidency of the Group of Arab States for this month, I would like to call for the participation of all United Nations bodies, including the Security Council, in implementing what was called for by the resolution of the League of Arab States adopted on 2 June on the need to protect civilians in Syria and provide the United Nations Supervision Mission with the necessary tools to do that, as well as to take the necessary measures and decisions according to the relevant articles of the Charter of the United Nations in order to put an end to the attacks that are targeting civilians in the Syrian Arab Republic.
又重申在每一国境内人人 有权自由迁徙和居住,人人有权离开任何国家, 包括其本国在内,并有权返回他的国家
Reaffirming also that everyone has
the right to freedom of movement and
[...] residence within the borders of each State, [...]
and to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country
为了持久解决危机,我国政府制定的其他优先工 作包括:向穷困者境内流离 失所者提供人道主义援 助;制定全面国家安全战略,使政府能在国际恐怖团 [...]
体发动的安全威胁的情况下,更有效地开展工作;在 国家机构巩固善治、问责、透明度和公正;重建能够 确保可持续经济复原的国家基础设施;为沿海社区和
其他地区建立替代性生计项目,使年轻人不参与海盗 和其他犯罪活动——我们认为这项工作非常重要;和 加强区内各国的良好关系、相互了解和合作。
Other priorities laid down by the Government with a view to finding a lasting solution to the crisis include the
delivery of humanitarian assistance to the
[...] needy and the internally displaced; the [...]
formulation of a comprehensive national
security strategy that would enable the Government to function more effectively in the midst of security threats unleashed by international terrorist groups; the consolidation of good governance, accountability, transparency and justice in the State institutions; the rebuilding of the infrastructure of the country that would ensure a sustainable economic recovery; the creation of alternative livelihood projects for the coastal communities and other areas to dissuade youth from piracy and other criminal activities, which we see as very important; and the strengthening of good relations, mutual understanding and cooperation among countries in the region.
为实现上述优先事项而开展的活动 将包括:在加强伙伴关系和外联的基础上逐步加强对难民署城市难民政策的执 行;推动持久解决;加强解决无国籍问题的业务;努力解决指定的局势;按照难 民署的集权职责处境内流离 失所问题,并将重点放在执行《非洲联盟保护和援 助非境内流离失所者公约》上。
Activities to achieve these will include incremental implementation of UNHCR’s urban refugee policy, based on strengthened partnership and outreach; promotion of durable solutions; strengthening of operations to address statelessness; pursuing the
resolution of targeted
[...] situations; and addressing internal displacement as per the Office’s cluster responsibilities with focus on the entry into force of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons [...]
in Africa.
它鼓励葡萄牙就公民 的权利和义务为生活境内的移 徙者制定一项公民教育方案。
It encouraged Portugal to set up a programme on education to citizenship concerning the rights and duties of citizens for migrants living in the territory.
[...] 施、水净化和空调设备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, 以支境内流离 失所者营地以及安全理事会第 [...]
1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c) 为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱;
(d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为工作人员提供住所的所需经费。
The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the
acquisition of additional generators to support
[...] power supply in internally displaced persons [...]
camps as well as for new contingents
deployed immediately following the adoption of Security Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake.
在与印境内主要利益攸关方进行进一步磋商之后,环境规划署修改了增强履约能 力活动,并且将那些能够增加现有和即将实施的行政、政策和监管制度的价值、利用在氟 氯化碳淘汰计划之下已经开展的工作以及与印度正在执行的各项政策和措施产生协同增效 [...]
After further consultations with the key stakeholders in India, UNEP revised the [...]
enabling activities and prioritized those
that could add value to the existing and upcoming administrative, policy and regulatory regime, build on the work that has already been done under CFC phase-out and synergise with the policies and measures that India is in the process of implementing.
摩尔多瓦共和国通过了一系列涉及移徙程序和国 境内 外 国 公民及无国籍 人员地位的规范性法案:《摩尔多瓦共和国民事诉讼法》(第 454-456 条)和《摩 尔多瓦共和国民法》(第五部分)、《移民法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国关于外国公民 和无国籍人员地位的法律》、《难民地位法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国出入境法》、 《关于摩尔多瓦共和境内外国 公民和无国籍人员居留的规则》、《关于移徙工 人临时就业的政府决定》、《关于外国公民和无国籍人员在摩尔多瓦共和国教育 机构接受教育的规定》。
Republic of Moldova adopted a list of normative acts that regulate the
migration processes,
[...] the status of foreign citizens and stateless persons present on the territory of the country: Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova (art. 454–456) and the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova (Fifth part), Law on migration, Law on the status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova, Law on the status of refugees, Law on departure and entry in the Republic of Moldova, Rules on stay of foreign citizens [...]
and stateless persons
in the Republic of Moldova, Government Decision on temporary employment of migrant workers, Regulations on education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova.
(a) 在代表申诉人提出的书面陈述中,提交人的律师请求法院宣布:内政 部长的决定损害了《宪法》所赋予她的自由迁移和在缔约 境内 定 居 的权利,理 由是她将被迫在圭亚那境外定居以维持她的婚姻关系;准许她丈夫合法进入以及 再进入和离开圭亚那;部长对斟酌决定权的行使是违宪的,因为没有在任何议会 法案或附属法律中界定国家安全或公共政策考虑的构成要素。
a) In the written submissions on behalf of the applicant, the author’s lawyer sought declarations by the Court that the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs infringed her constitutional rights to freedom of movement and to reside in the State party on the ground that she would be compelled to reside outside Guyana in order to maintain her marital relationship; that her husband was permitted to lawfully enter and re-enter and depart from Guyana; and that the exercise of discretion by the Minister was unconstitutional as no matters constituting interests of national security or public policy were set out in any Act of Parliament or subordinate legislation.
(a) 毫不拖延地冻结这些个人、团体、企业和实体的资金和其他金融资产或 经济资源,包括他们、代表其行事的人或按照其指示行事的人直接或间接拥有或 控制的财产所衍生的资金,并确保本国国民或本 境内 的 人 不直接或间接为这些 人的利益提供此种或任何其他资金、金融资产或经济资源
(a) Freeze without delay the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of these individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, including funds derived from property owned or controlled directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction, and ensure that neither these nor any other funds, financial assets or economic resources are made available, directly or indirectly for such persons’ benefit, by their nationals or by persons within their territory
上述削减主要 反映了援助需求的减少以及预计科特迪瓦难民 境内 流 离 失所者的逐步返回。
These reductions mainly reflect reduced assistance needs and the anticipated progressive return of Ivorian refugees and IDPs.
为落实经安全理事会核准、并受适用的国际法以及安全理事会第 1612(2005) 号和第
[...] 主席的名义,赞扬在最高层设立国家级监测和报告机制工作队,并请你加强对索 马境内儿童 状况的监测和报告,通过设立的国家级工作队支持过渡联邦政府制 [...]
1539(2004)号、第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议,与所有其他利益攸关 方开展对话。
In follow-up to the recommendations of the Working Group, which were approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted in my capacity as the Chairman of the Working Group, to commend the establishment of the country-level task force on monitoring and reporting at the highest level, and requesting
you to strengthen monitoring and reporting
[...] of the situation of children in Somalia [...]
and, through the established country-level
task force, to support the Transitional Federal Government in the preparation of a time-bound action plan to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers and to conduct a dialogue with all other stakeholders, in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009).
移民委还说,阿 富境内申诉 人原籍地的治安未并构成诸如武装冲突之类的情况。
It added that the security situation in the part of Afghanistan where the author originates was not such that would constitute an armed conflict.
合作形式如下:向国际法庭提供文件,解除人的保密义务,以使他们能够 在国际法庭的法律程序中作证,向在共和国塞尔维 境内 的 人转交传票和其他拘 票,向证人和他们的家人提供保护,监控在塞尔维 境内 居 住 的临时被释放的被 告,与检察官办公室、国际法庭秘书处和庭长通信和直接联系,包括提供所有必 要的技术援助,在搜捕在逃被告和将他们转送到至法庭上提供支持和合作,以及 [...]
The forms of cooperation are as follows: submission of documentation to the Tribunal, release of persons from the obligation to keep secrets to be able to testify in the proceedings held before
the Tribunal,
[...] submission of summons and other writs to persons in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, provision of protection to witnesses and members of their [...]
families, control
over the defendants who are temporarily set free and are resident in the territory of Serbia, correspondence and direct contact with the Prosecutor’s Office, the Secretariat and the Chair of the Tribunal, including all required technical assistance, provision of support and cooperation in searching for defendants at large and their transfer to the Tribunal, other forms of cooperation, such as direct cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes and the ICTY Prosecutor’s Office through an exchange of data contained in the electronic databases of these institutions and other activities.
安理会第 1970(2011)号决议决定,旅行禁令和资产冻结应适用于被委员会指 认的以下个人和实体:(a) 参与或合谋下令、掌控或以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利 比亚民众境内的人 施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下 令或进行违反国际法的针对平民和民用设施的袭击,包括用飞机进行轰炸者; 或(b) 为(a)分段所述个人或实体或代表他们或按他们的指示行事者。
In its resolution 1970 (2011), the Council decided that the travel ban and asset freeze should apply to the individuals and entities designated by the Committee (a) involved in or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, the commission of serious human rights abuses against persons in Libya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting attacks, in violation of international law, including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations and facilities, or (b) acting for or on behalf of or at the direction of individuals or entities identified in subparagraph (a).
圣文森特和格林纳丁境内的任 何人或圣文森特和格林纳丁斯境外的任何 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯公民,企图实施上述违法行为;或作为实施或企图实施这 一违法行为者的共犯进行参与;或组织或指示他人实施或企图实施这一违法行为 者;也同样犯有违法行为。
Any person in St. Vincent and the Grenadines or any citizen of St. Vincent and the Grenadines outside St. Vincent and the Grenadines who attempts to commit the above-stated offence; or participates as an accomplice of anyone who commits or attempts to commit that offence; or organises or directs others to commit or attempt to commit that offence; shall likewise be guilty of an offence.
就业和等于工作的活动,意指在爱沙尼 境内 从 事 的工作, 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服务中奉派从爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独资业主人爱沙尼亚开展的活动;如果本人的学习暂 停或已经结束,则指在教育机构的白天或全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; and performance of conscript service obligation.
国际法庭问题非正式工作组设立于2000年6月,处理有关起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉 境内 所 犯 严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法 庭(前南问题国际法庭)的地位的具体问题,随后被授权处理有关前南问题国际法庭及起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺 境内 的 种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人 道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻 境内 种 族 灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭(卢旺达问题国际法庭)的其他法律问题。
The Informal Working Group on International Tribunals was
established in June 2000
[...] to deal with a specific issue pertaining to the statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (ICTY) and subsequently mandated to deal with other legal issues pertaining to ICTY as well as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and [...]
Rwandan Citizens Responsible
for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994 (ICTR).
它已经设立了一个特 别管理局(臭氧单位),专门负责管理和协调在印 境内 执 行 《蒙特利尔议定书》事宜; 它还设立了一个提升能力指导委员会,该委员会由来自各职能部委及国内其他利益攸关方 [...]
It has established a special directorate, the Ozone Cell,
dedicated to managing and
[...] coordinating the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India; and also an Empowered [...]
Steering Committee,
comprised of representatives of various line ministries and other national stakeholders, to provide an overall policy direction for implementation of the Protocol, and to review the various policies and implementation modalities, including project approvals and monitoring.
委员会还建议缔 约国推行每位公民一个登记号,从而可在俄罗斯领土内的任何一地,不分户籍登
[...] 记地,或是否有户籍登记,尤其不论是缔约 境内 的 无 家可归者、罗姆人,还是 其他各类贫困或遭排斥的群体,均可享有缔约国提供的一切社会福利。
The Committee further recommends the State party to adopt a single registration number for each of its citizens that may give
access everywhere on its territory to the
[...] enjoyment of all social benefits accorded [...]
in the State party irrespective of the
place of registered residence or lack thereof, in particular with regard to the homeless, Roma and other categories of disadvantaged or marginalized groups in the State party.
再次表示关切包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土内继续出现不利的 事态发展,包括死伤人数众多,其中大多数为巴勒斯坦平民,西岸的以色列定居
[...] 者对巴勒斯坦平民实施暴力和野蛮行为,巴勒斯坦的公共和私有财产及基础设施 普遍遭到破坏,平民境内流离 失所,巴勒斯坦人民的社会经济和人道主义状况 [...]
Reiterating its concern over the negative developments that have continued to occur in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, including the large number of deaths and injuries, mostly among Palestinian civilians, the acts of violence and brutality committed against Palestinian civilians by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, the widespread destruction of public
and private Palestinian propert y and
[...] infrastructure, the internal displacement of civilians [...]
and the serious deterioration
of the socio-economic and humanitarian conditions of the Palestinian people
2.1 联合国内罗毕办事处是秘书长在内罗毕的代表办事处,履行与内罗毕的各常 驻代表团、东道国和其他国家政府、政府间组织和非政府组织以及肯尼 境内联 合 国系统其他组织的代表和联络职能;便利联合国与各区域组织的合作;为联合 国环境规划署(环境署)和联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)提供行政和其他支助 [...]
行政、会议事务和新闻方案,并为联合国内罗毕办事处的联合国工作人员和设施 提供安全保障。
2.1 The United Nations Office at Nairobi serves as the representative office of the Secretary-General in Nairobi and performs representation and liaison functions with permanent missions, the host-country and other Governments, and
intergovernmental and
[...] non-governmental organizations in Nairobi, as well as other organizations of the United Nations system in Kenya; facilitates [...]
cooperation between the United
Nations and regional organizations; provides administrative and other support services to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat); provides joint and common services to other organizations of the United Nations system in Kenya, as applicable; and manages and implements the programmes of administration, conference services and public information and provides security and safety services for United Nations staff and facilities in the United Nations Office at Nairobi.




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