单词 | 填料 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 填料 noun —packing nfiller nfilling n填料 —packing materialExamples:填充料 n—filler n 颜料填充 n—color filling n See also:填—fill or stuff • (of a form etc) fill in
齿轮箱输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 下缸体处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。 graco.com | The output shaft of the gearbox and the connecting rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up [...] when the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) [...] and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping). graco.com |
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞 柱 (24)上;如果滑动困难,用橡胶锤重敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。 graco.com | Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen. graco.com |
我們會利用運載記錄制度,監管把 惰性建築廢物和非惰性建築廢物分別運到公 眾 填料 接 收 設施和堆填區 棄置的情況。 legco.gov.hk | We will control the disposal of inert construction [...] waste and non-inert construction [...] waste at public fill reception facilities and landfills respectively [...]through a trip-ticket system. legco.gov.hk |
不要从大容器中将制冷剂通过若干个大小不同的容器填充 到 填料 瓶 中 ,原因是每次倾倒后,制冷剂中的水 含量都会显著增加。 secop.com | Do not fill refrigerant from a large container into a filling bottle through [...] several container sizes, as with every drawing-off [...]the water content in the refrigerant is increased considerably. secop.com |
这种固体树脂具有与饱和聚酯树脂相似的粘度, 即使在纤维或填料含量高的情况下, 也能保持良好的加工性能。 wacker.com | Because its viscosity is similar to that of saturated polyesters, it is very easy to process, even [...] at high fiber and filler contents. wacker.com |
我們會把挖掘 所得的海泥運到海洋填料委員 會編配的指定卸泥場或該委 員會與環境保護署商定的其他卸泥場棄置。 devb.gov.hk | We will dispose of the dredged marine mud at [...] respective designated disposal sites to be [...] allocated by the Marine Fill Committee or other [...]disposal sites to be agreed by the Marine [...]Fill Committee and the Environmental Protection Department. devb.gov.hk |
填料函不含任何含铜的化合物, 例如,马达可用于油调节系统,且不会 存在油裂化的危险。 cloriuscontrols.cn | The stuffing box [...] contains no copper combinations, i.e. the motor [...]can be used in oil regulating systems without any risk of oil cracking. cloriuscontrols.cn |
由于有一个嵌入式填料函,因此 L1UP和L1IP型阀门不同于科罗里斯 其它的阀门。 cloriuscontrols.com | L1UP and L1IP valves differ from other Clorius valves by having internal pack box. cloriuscontrols.com |
在造纸机器的水循环中,可用多种方法对化学品 和 填料 进 行 仪表测量。 voith.com | In the water cycles of the paper [...] machine, chemicals and fillers can be metered in [...]a variety of ways. voith.com |
该防喘振控制阀具有可靠性高、控制精确、反应快速、调节便易等特点。这都是因为它采用了可消除突然泄露的高密封性能的石 墨 填料 、 可 降低噪音和振动的 Whisper III 阀内件、加有垫圈的执行机构,Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC6000 系列 — PD 仪表,以及可以在减速可控、有效调节且最小超调的情况下提供快速冲程反应的优化数字式控制阀(ODV)。 emerson.com | Providing high reliability, tight control, fast stroking, and easy tuning, the anti-surge valve features a high-seal graphite packing to eliminate fugitive emissions, Whisper III trim to reduce noise and vibration, a cushioned actuator, Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC6000 Series-PD instrument, and Optimized Digital Valve (ODV) technology to provide fast stroking with controlled deceleration, high resolution, and minimal overshoot. emerson.com |
所用填料材料为多 孔性苯乙烯-二乙烯苯共聚物。 malvern.com.cn | The packing material is a porous [...] styrene divinylbenzene copolymer. malvern.com |
在再次安装和使用该设备时,如果截止阀阀杆有少量的漏水现象的话,可用扳手慢慢地 将填 料松紧调节螺套上紧,直到漏水现象完全消失为止。 superklean.com | Once reassembled and reinstalled onto unit, operate unit as usual, if there is minimal leakage through stem packing, tighten push down nut slowly until leakage disappears. superklean.com |
材料和粒子尺寸及填料级别或粘合剂视 乎待粘合的材料和间距大小而定。 miyachiunitek.com | The material and size of the [...] particles as well as the filling grade or adhesive [...]depends on the materials to be bonded and the pitch size. miyachiunitek.com |
结晶工艺所消除的一项运行成本是 吸附剂填料的费用。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | One operating cost that is eliminated by crystallization is [...] the cost of the adsorbent fill. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
内部空腔由惰性 Marlan® [...] 复合材料制成,它是一个紧密地耦合于一个短导管之上的球体,可以吸收驱动器背面产生的大多数声音,并通过纤 维 填料 消 除 残留音痕。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Crafted from inert Marlan® composite, the internal cavity – a sphere closely coupled to a [...] short tube - absorbs most of the sound from the back of the [...] driver, with the fibre filling mopping up the last vestiges. bowers-wilkins.com |
SynStron 干网的耐磨性很高,可以抵御例如粗糙或受到污染的辊子表面 , 填料 以 及与纸幅稳定器密封装置的接触。 voith.com | The SynStron fabric has greater resistance [...] to the causes of wear, such as rough or [...] contaminated roll surfaces, filling materials or contact with [...]stabilizer seals. voith.com |
GENIOMER® [...] 性能广泛,包括:优异的机械性能(即使不 加 填料 ) 、 优秀的透明度、高紫外线稳定性、保存期长、出众的低温弹性以及憎水性。 wacker.com | GENIOMER® 's wide range of outstanding properties [...] include excellent mechanical [...] characteristics, even without fillers, and outstanding [...]transparency, high UV stability, a long [...]shelf life, excellent low-temperature elasticity, and hydrophobic properties. wacker.com |
1908年,經過兩年多的發展,生產的第一筆由該公司稱為“新 普 填料 筆 公司”,它的外觀。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In 1908, after more than two years of development, the first pen manufactured by the [...] company called "Simplo Filler Pen Company" made [...]its appearance. en.horloger-paris.com |
101. 食典委赞同执行委员会的建议,即修订该标题,称为“包 装 填料 中 的 ”罐装水果 和蔬菜,因为有一些其他罐装水果和蔬菜并不需要提供最低去汁重量。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission agreed with the recommendation of the Executive Committee to amend the title by referring to canned fruits and vegetables “in packing media” as there are other canned fruits and vegetables not requiring provisions for minimum drained weight. codexalimentarius.org |
埃佳特弹性体是EVA理想的共混组分,能改善混料的粘度和热塑性,而Exxelor聚合物树脂能优化聚合物 和 填料 之 间 的粘合度。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Exact plastomers are an ideal blend partner for EVA to improve compound [...] viscosity and thermal properties, while Exxelor polymer resins optimize the bonding [...] between the polymer and the filler. exxonmobilchemical.com |
TCC-175R和TCC-80R各两台,分别配套两台6100kw感应炉的电源和炉体,下图为设计系统图,图中的“设备”是指“电源”或者“炉体”,设备中需要被冷却的工质进入冷却塔内,经过热质交换,达到要求的温度后,再流入设备,设备本体采用优质玻璃钢,保证15年以上不变色 , 填料 采 用阻燃自熄材料,而且防紫外线;冷却塔钢结构件全部热镀锌,水槽里有自动补水浮球装置,设备运转噪音为百叶窗10米处小于60dB(A)。 tyacht.com.cn | TCC-175R and two TCC-80R respectively has tow, supporting two 6100kw induction furnace and the furnace power, the next picture shows the design of the system map, map of "equipment" means "power" or "furnace", the refrigerant which in equipment need to be cooled into the cooling tower, after heat and mass transfer to reach the required temperature, and then flows to equipment, equipment with high-quality fiberglass [...] to ensure that it do not change color [...] more than 15 years, fill is used of self-extinguishing [...]flame retardant materials, [...]and UV ; cooling towers all the hot-dip galvanizing steel pieces, tanks have automatic replenishment float devices, equipment operating noise for blinds from 10 m less than 60dB (A). tyacht.com.cn |
礦化作用一般發生形式為與角礫岩化相關的裂隙及開放性裂縫的空 隙 填料。 glencore.com | The mineralisation generally [...] occurs as infilling of fissures [...]and open fractures associated with the brecciation. glencore.com |
可以采用Malvern的动态光散射(DLS)仪如Zetasizer Nano S和Zetasizer Nano [...] ZS测量纳米级材料(一般100% < 100nm),而更大粒度的传统颜料和 填料 / 补 充 剂可以通过标准的衍射仪器(如Mastersizer [...] 2000)以适当的湿法或干法样品分散单元进行测量。 malvern.com.cn | Nano sized materials (typically 100% < 100 nm) can be measured on Malvern's Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instruments, the Zetasizer Nano S and [...] Zetasizer Nano ZS, while the larger [...] conventional pigments and fillers/extenders can [...]be easily measured on the standard diffraction [...]instruments (Mastersizer 2000) with appropriate wet or dry sample dispersion units. malvern.de |
使用軟填料,知 道的問題:泡沫EPDM,他們的反應非常敏感,強烈的緊張和壓力,由於運動 - 快磨損的結果往往是由於他們的細胞結構。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Those who use [...] soft packing, knows the problem: Made of foamed EPDM, they [...]react due to their cell structure is very sensitive [...]to strong pressure and stress due to movement - faster wear is often the result. en.developmentscout.com |
多级反向流动设计使得即便没有填料 , 也 能达到很长的水力停 留时间和极高的去除率。 china.geotechenv.com | The multi-stage counter flow design permits long water residence times and high efficiency stripping without the need for a tall packed tower. geotechenv.com |
它也可磨成颗粒,用于地板填料/涂料 、 减速路障以及汽车衬垫等多种产品。 cn.lubrizol.com | It can also be ground into pellets and granules for use in many [...] products, such as floor fillings/coatings, speed [...]bumps and car mats. lubrizol.com |
通过在甲基丙烯酸十八酯(SMA)中加入亲水性单体甲氧基聚乙二醇甲基丙烯酸酯(PEGMEA),以1-正丙醇/1,4-丁二醇为致孔剂,热聚合得到具有一定亲水性的新型 C 1 8 填料 , 并 将 该 填料 应 用于固相萃取(SPE)富集水中的酚类化合物。 chrom-china.com | A C18 monolithic material with a hydrophilic character was obtained by copolymerizing stearyl methacrylate (SMA) and a hydrophilic monomer poly(ethylene [...] glycol) methyl ether [...] methacrylate (PEGMEA) with porogen of 1-propanol/1,4-butanediol, and the resulting material was used for [...]solid phase extraction [...](SPE) of phenols in water sample. chrom-china.com |
我们提供的60多种产品可用于改善几乎任何固体颗粒材料,包括 颜 料 、 填料 、 陶 瓷、阻燃剂和纤维,在水、溶剂、树脂及聚合物等几乎任何液体或塑料介质中的分散特性。 cn.lubrizol.com | More than 60 products are available to improve the [...] dispersion of almost any solid particulate [...] – including pigments, fillers, ceramics, flame [...]retardants and fibers – into almost [...]any liquid or plastic medium such as water, solvents, resins and polymers. lubrizol.com |