

单词 塞缪尔・约翰逊

See also:


Samuel (name)


Johnson or Johnston (name)


John (name)
Johan (name)
Johann (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

塞缪尔·约翰逊在他 的1749诗爱慕虚荣的人的愿望,敲响了警钟:“财富heap'd的财富,而不是真理,也不安全购买,危险收集的珍品上升。
In his 1749 poem The Vanity of
[...] Human Wishes, Samuel Johnson sounded [...]
a warning: “Wealth heap’d on wealth, not Truth nor Safety
buys, The dangers gather as the Treasures rise.
副执行主任尔德·弗拉菲尤·约翰逊 女 士做了介绍,侧重人道主义情况中 不断变化的趋势,并介绍了海地、印度尼西亚和巴基斯坦的最新情况。
Deputy Executive Director Ms. Hilde Frafjord Johnson made the presentation, highlighting trends in the changing humanitarian context and providing updates to the country situations in Haiti, Indonesia and Pakistan.
塞缪尔·米勒姆的书“脏电:电气化与文明病”发表在7月2010(可从iUniverse,亚 逊 等 )
Samuel Milham’s book “Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization” was published in July 2010 (available from iUniverse, Amazon etc.).
犹大一米示拿的是通过同时在巴比伦和巴勒斯坦作为halakic收集出类拔萃;并在同一时间的犹太法典的发展既在Sepphoris,那里的mishnah是节录开始,在Nehardea和苏拉,在犹大 塞缪尔 和 Ra b学生从事的具有划时代意义的工作。
The Mishnah of Judah I. was adopted simultaneously in Babylon and Palestine as the halakic collection par excellence; and at the same time the development of the Talmud was begun both at Sepphoris, where the
Mishnah was redacted, and at Nehardea and Sura, where
[...] Judah's pupils Samuel and Rab engaged [...]
in their epoch-making work.
其中评论放在首位属于Rashi(卒于1105)由他的孙 塞缪尔 贲 Me ' ir ( 约 1 1 74 D.)完成的。
Among the commentaries the first place belongs to that of Rashi (d. 1105),
[...] completed by his grandson Samuel ben Me'ir (d. about 1174).
该组合还提供平台,让儿童基金会副执行主任 尔 德 · 约翰逊 以 及 负责境内 流离失所者人权问题的秘书长特别代表瓦尔特·卡林能够介绍他们各自实地访问 的主要结果,并与中非共和国司法部长洛朗·恩贡·巴巴先生就该国法治状况及 司法部门情况交换意见。
The configuration also provided a platform for
[...] briefings by Hilde Johnson, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund and Walter Kälin, Representative [...]
of the Secretary-General
on the human rights of internally displaced persons, on the key findings of their respective field visits and for an exchange of views with Mr. Laurent Ngon Baba, Minister of Justice of the Central African Republic, on the situation with respect to the rule of law and the justice sector in the country.
虽然第一和第二含有的介绍公式 塞缪尔 传 输 [],”没有一个 塞缪尔 在 第 三和第四个订单单baraita。
While the first and second contain a large number of baraitot with the introductory formula "Samuel transmits []," there is not a single baraita by Samuel in the third and fourth orders.
除了人力资源网的提案,联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的代表建 议,考虑为布鲁塞尔国际学校、布鲁塞尔英国学校和布 塞尔 圣 约翰 大 学 制定特 别措施,因为这些学校的学费远远超过委员会订立的上限。
In addition to the Human Resources Network proposals, the representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) proposed
[...] that special measures be considered for the International School of Brussels, the British School of Brussels and Saint John’s College in Brussels, where tuition [...]
fees were well over
the ceiling amounts established by the Commission.
何弗尼,Madkhal ILA“基地塔木德(=”介绍犹太法典“,这是最早的工作产生影响的称号,并且只能通过在伊本Janaḥ,SV词典报价已知 ) ; 塞缪尔 公 顷Nagid,湿润烧伤膏公顷塔木德(形成一个附录到现代版的犹太法典上册 ) ; 约 瑟 夫 伊本Aḳnin,向塔木德介绍(。
Hophni, Madkhal ila 'al-Talmud (= "Introduction to the Talmud"; this is the earliest work bearing the title and is known only through a quotation
in the lexicon of Ibn Janaḥ, sv ); Samuel ha-Nagid, Mebo ha-Talmud (forming an appendix to the first volume of modern editions of the Talmud); Joseph ibn 'Aḳnin, an introduction to the Talmud (Hebr. transl. from the Arabic), edited in the Jubelschrift des Breslauer Seminars zum Siebzigen Geburtstage Frankels, 1871.
谁是其中提到的其他可能的齐里尔斯,Theodoret,两个教皇利奥我和格里高利一世,并于教父期间大马士革 塞 维 利 亚伊西 尔约翰 到 底
Among others who may be mentioned are the Cyrils, Theodoret,
the two popes Leo I and Gregory I, and at the very end of the
[...] patristic period John of Damascus and Isidore of Seville.
还有 14 名安理会成员发言,其中包括巴拿马副总统兼外交部 塞缪尔 ·刘 易斯·纳瓦罗,他说主要国际安全关切之一是小武器和轻武器非法贸易持续存 在,助长了冲突,使社会问题进一步恶化。
Among the other 14 members of
[...] the Council who made statements, the VicePresident and Foreign Minister of Panama, Samuel Lewis Navarro, [...]
said one of the main
international security concerns was the continued illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, which fuelled conflicts and worsened social problems.
执行主任在开幕词中赞扬即将卸任的副执行主任萨阿德·乌里先生和尔 德·弗拉菲尤·约翰逊女士 的出色和勤奋工作,并热烈欢迎负责方案的副执行主 任吉塔·拉奥·古普塔女士。
In his opening remarks, the Executive Director commended the excellent and dedicated work of Mr. Saad Houry and Ms. Hilde Frafjord Johnson, the outgoing Deputy Executive Directors, and gave a warm welcome to Ms. Geeta Rao Gupta, the Deputy Executive Director, Programmes.
10 个国家、地区和当地基金会承诺向这项史无前例的八年期计划拨款
[...] 亿美元,包括密歇根东南部社区基金会(底特律)、麦克斯 M. 和 马乔里 S. 费舍尔基金会(密歇根南菲尔德)、福特基金会(纽约)、哈 逊 - 韦 伯基金会(底特律) 、W.K. 凯洛格基金会(密歇根巴尔 克 里 克) 约翰 S. 和詹姆斯 L. 奈特基金会(迈阿密) 、克雷奇基金会(密歇根特洛伊) 、麦格雷戈基金会(底特律) [...]
Ten national, regional and local foundations have committed $100 million to this unprecedented eight-year initiative, including the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan (Detroit), the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation (Southfield,
Michigan), the Ford
[...] Foundation (New York), the Hudson-Webber Foundation (Detroit), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (Battle Creek, Michigan), the John S. and James L. [...]
Knight Foundation (Miami),
The Kresge Foundation (Troy, Michigan), the McGregor Fund (Detroit), the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Flint, Michigan), and the Skillman Foundation (Detroit).
美国的法律规定有关油井的信息 属于例外,有谣传说这是因为当时的总统林登·约翰逊是从德克萨斯来的。
The United States law contains an exception relating to information about oil wells, according to rumour because the president at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson, was from Texas.
正如利比 里亚埃伦·约翰逊-瑟里 夫总统在讨论中对我们所 言:“在我们发生内战后,你们为我们提供了各种各 样的援助;但当我们要防止内战的时候,国际社会却 没有多大能力给我们帮助”。
As President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia said to us in our discussions: “After we have had a civil war, you guys provide us with all the assistance; but when we are trying to prevent it, there is very little that the international community is able to do to help”.
j的登泰,第3A条,维也纳,1847年) 塞缪尔 N a g id(在他的“湿润烧伤膏公顷塔木德”),迈蒙尼德(在介绍到他的评论在mishnah和在向亚得公顷Ḥazaḳah前言),美日(在他的“投注公顷Beḥirah”),以及关于PirḳeAbot(第6A条,第8B,9A条,维也纳,1854)的评注和许多其他中世纪的作家,以及一些(可比施特拉克,“导论在巢穴塔木德经”,第54页)现代学者,持相同意见。
J. Goldenthal, p. 3a,
[...] Vienna, 1847), Samuel Nagid (in his "Mebo [...]
ha-Talmud"), Maimonides (in the introduction to his commentary
on the Mishnah and in the preface to the Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah), Meïri (in his "Bet ha-Beḥirah"), and a commentary on Pirḳe Abot (pp. 6a, 8b, 9a, Vienna, 1854); and many other medieval authors, as well as some modern scholars (comp. Strack, "Einleitung in den Talmud," p. 54), hold the same opinion.
梅尔Obernik翻约书亚 ,法官,和Samuel,并连 塞缪尔 德 特 莫尔德,第二本书的塞 尔 ( ) ,维也纳,1792年)。
Meïr Obernik translated Joshua, Judges, and Samuel, and, together with Samuel Detmold, the Second Book of Samuel (), Vienna, 1792).
我还要感谢秘书长特别代表拉迪 卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士、主管维持和平行动的助理秘 书长阿图尔·哈雷先生和儿童基金会副执行主任尔 德·约翰逊女士所作内容丰富的发言和他们各位对这 项问题作出的努力。
I also thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy; the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Atul Khare; and the Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF, Ms. Hilde Johnson, for their informative statements and their commitment to this important issue.
主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴布亚新几内亚外 交、贸易与移民部塞缪尔·阿巴 尔阁下发言。
I now call on
[...] The Honourable Samuel T. Abal, Minister [...]
for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Immigration of Papua New Guinea.
我们 还感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表 拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士、助理秘书长阿图尔·哈 雷先生和儿童基金会的希尔德·弗莱 尔 德 · 约翰逊 女士所作的通报,并感谢曼朱·古隆女士所作的十分 感人的证词。
We also would like to express our thanks to Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Assistant Secretary-General Atul Khare and Ms. Hilde Frafjord Johnson of UNICEF for their respective briefings, as well as to Ms. Manju Gurung for her moving testimony.
激烈的言词交锋在投票之前趋于缓和,在这方面我特别代表的斡旋以及西非 国家经济共同体(西非经共体)的积极政治参与发挥了一定的作用,西非经共体派 出了由阿布杜萨拉姆·阿布巴尔和 约翰 · 库福 尔 两 位 前总统 塞 思 ·奥 本将军 率领的小组进行调停。
The inflammatory rhetoric was toned down prior to the elections, partially as a consequence of my Special Representative’s good offices and the active political engagement of the
Economic Community of West
[...] African States (ECOWAS), which deployed a mediation effort led by former Presidents General Abdulsalami Abubakar and John Kufuor, as well [...]
as a Special Envoy, General Seth Obeng.
它将会看到,这个故事带有一个鲜明的相似的概念和萨穆埃尔,他的母亲叫安妮出生(王1);东晋初的父亲看到这条唯一的一个平行的,但它是一个混乱的建议或模仿的方式 塞缪尔 之 间的家长和施洗者 约翰 没 有 明显的平行。
It will be noticed that this story bears a stark resemblance to that of the conception and birth of Samuel, whose mother was called Anne (1 Kings 1); the early Eastern fathers saw in this only a parallel, but it is one which suggests confusion
or imitation in a way that the obvious parallel
[...] between the parents of Samuel and those of St John the Baptist does not.
美国负责非洲事务助理国务约翰·卡尔逊先生 提出的帮助非索特派团动员更多 的部队、亟需的设备以及财政支助的倡议获得了伊加 特和非盟的好评。
The initiative of
[...] the United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Mr. Johnnie Carson, to help [...]
generate more troops,
needed equipment and financial support to AMISOM has been well received by IGAD and the AU.
能够调动有势力的个人和金钱并能普及美学价值的关键人物, 如约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦约翰·缪尔 、 刘 易斯·芒福德、吉福德·平肖、亨利·索 [...]
尔特和亨利·大卫·梭罗等知名人士,在推动美国的环保运动方面发挥了关键的 作用。
Prominent figures, including
[...] John James Audubon, John Muir, Lewis Mumford, [...]
Gifford Pinchot, Henry S. Salt and Henry David
Thoreau, who were able to mobilize powerful individuals and money and to popularize aesthetic values, played a key role in catalysing the environmental movement in the United States.
在 2005 年成立的 主要政党中,团结党确认其总统候选人 约翰逊 · 瑟 利 夫总统,副总统候选人为 约瑟夫·博阿凯副总统,自由党选举 尔 斯 ·布 鲁姆斯基纳和邦州参议员富兰克 林·西亚科尔为其总统和副总统候选人,民主变革大会选举温斯顿·塔布曼为其 总统候选人,选举其 2005 年总统候选人乔治·维阿为副总统候选人。
Among the main parties from 2005, the Unity Party confirmed President Johnson Sirleaf as its presidential candidate and Vice-President Joseph Boakai as vice-presidential candidate; the Liberty Party elected Charles Brumskine and Bong County Senator Franklin Siakor as its presidential and vice-presidential candidates; and the Congress for Democratic Change elected Winston Tubman as its presidential candidate and George Weah, its 2005 presidential candidate, as its vice-presidential candidate.
在此背景下,我觉得,我们应该赞扬科罗马总统 和他的利比里亚同约翰逊·瑟利夫总统在支持他们 伙伴邻国的民主过渡上采取谨慎的方针。
Against this background, I feel that we should all commend President Koroma and his Liberian counterpart, President Johnson-Sirleaf for their careful approach in support of the democratic transition in their fellow neighbouring country.
另外一个兴趣十分重视这些修改,因为它们形成了费拉拉圣经摩西五经为基础的君士坦丁堡和西班牙的1547年的,在其打开费拉拉圣经,是1569年的基础上为新教(圣经译本由Cassidoro德雷纳),为塞浦路斯修订通过德瓦莱拉(1602)中,“Psalterio德大卫Conforme一真理报希伯来语”(里昂,1550),以及,普索尔特胡安佩雷斯(威尼斯1557年, 塞缪尔 伯 杰 ,在“罗马尼亚”二十八)。
An additional interest attaches to these revisions, as they formed the basis for the Spanish of the Constantinople Pentateuch of 1547 and for the Ferrara Bible; the Ferrara Bible, in its turn, was the basis for the Protestant Bible translation by Cassidoro de Reina (1569); for the revision by Cyprian de Valera (1602), the "Psalterio de David Conforme a
la Verdad Hebraica" (Lyons, 1550), and the Psaltér of Juan Perez
[...] (Venice, 1557; see Samuel Berger, in "Romania," xxviii.
完全是出于他的元素,布鲁克斯面对挑战,他做梦也没想到的暴风雪,冰薄,恐吓,脾气暴躁的山男子名为Thunder杰 克 · 约翰逊 ( 詹 姆斯Coburn),领头的狗的侵略,挑衅,恶魔。
Totally out of his element, Brooks has to face challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, an intimidating, crusty old mountain man named Thunder Jack Johnson (James Coburn), and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon.
会议选举克里斯普因·格雷约翰逊 ( Cr ispin Grey-Johnson)先生阁下(儿童基金 会)为主席,选举斯坦顿(Stanton)先生和玛格丽塔·胡森(Margareta Husen )女士为报 告起草人。
The meeting elected H.E. Mr Crispin Grey-Johnson (UNICEF) as chairperson, and Mr Stanton (UNESCO) and Ms. Margareta Husen (UNICEF) as rapporteurs.
圣经的部分内容作出了到撒逊人( 如根 约翰 福 音 ,由比德,公元735),(大有改善品质),并译成英文(由奥玛,被称为“Ormulum,”1的部分的福音和复述行为的格律形式,对本世纪即将结束的第七位),很久以前威克利夫,但它是有他的荣誉属于首次提供的1384年)整个圣经译成英文(公元。
Portions of the Scriptures were
[...] rendered into Saxon (as the Gospel according to John, by Bede, AD 735), [...]
(much improved quality)
and also into English (by Orme, called the "Ormulum," a portion of the Gospels and of the Acts in the form of a metrical paraphrase, toward the close of the seventh century), long before Wyckliffe; but it is to him that the honour belongs of having first rendered the whole Bible into English (AD 1384).




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