

单词 塔木德经

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唯一的通道中,“革马拉”与 塔木德经 ” 中 说,从严格意义上它不是由删除的含义发生检查员'呃。
The only passage in which "Gemara" occurs with
[...] the meaning of "Talmud" in the strict sense [...]
of that term and from which it was
not removed by the censor is 'Er.
当在第三世纪的那户大我,或者拍摄的密西拿Halakhoth集合成为主要的研究对象中, 塔木德经 ” 的 应用主要是在讨论和密西拿的解释。
When in the third century the Halakhoth collection of Jehuda I or the recorded
Mishna became the chief object of study,
[...] the expression "Talmud" was applied chiefly [...]
to the discussions and explanations of the Mishna.
在对犹太法典的格仔财富的结果,它是非常罕见的手稿,以及整个巴比 塔木德经 发 现 只有在慕尼黑食品法典委员会(希伯来语MS第95号)在1369落成,而佛罗伦萨手稿包含几个论文第四个和第五个订单的日期从今年1176。
In consequence of the checkered fortunes of the Talmud, manuscripts of it are extremely rare; and the Babylonian Talmud is found entire only in a Munich codex (Hebrew MS. No. 95), completed in 1369, while a Florentine manuscript containing several treatises of the fourth and fifth orders dates from the year 1176.
尽管这一切,但是,所享有的权力也没有减轻圣经的权威,这继续行使作为宗教和道德的指令和熏陶原始来源的影响力甚至 塔木德经 最 高法院裁定对宗教的做法,保护和促进在散居,许多世纪以来,最不利的外部条件下,深宗教和严格的道德精神。
Despite all this, however, the authority enjoyed by it did not lessen the authority of the Bible, which continued to exercise its influence as
the primal source of
[...] religious and ethical instruction and edification even while the Talmud ruled supreme [...]
over religious practise,
preserving and fostering in the Diaspora, for many centuries and under most unfavorable external conditions, the spirit of deep religion and strict morality.
从这个声明的第二部分很明显,即使在Sherira的时间,“学者”一词在这里限制的巴比伦院校的成员,使用在他们讲 塔木德经 书 面 副本忍住了,虽然他们充分熟悉它要能背诵记忆体中。
From the second part of this statement it is evident that even in Sherira's time the "scholars," a term here restricted to the members of the
Babylonian academies, refrained from using
[...] written copies of the Talmud in their lectures, [...]
although they were sufficiently familiar
with it to be able to recite it from memory.
单词“犹太法典”在所有这些地方并没有表示随后由亚摩兰追求的研究,但被用来代替单词“米德拉士”,虽然这并没有妨碍到tannaitic熟语的对 塔木德经 ” 之 后推出,其中它要么完全流离失所“米德拉士”或者是使用与它并排。
The word "Talmud" in all these places did not denote the study subsequently pursued by the Amoraim, but was used instead of the word "Midrash," although
this did not preclude the later
[...] introduction of the term "Talmud" into tannaitic [...]
sayings, where it either entirely displaced
"Midrash" or was used side by side with it.
三,163,SV圣经训诂)除以最早的时候了,“米德拉士”是一个在与 塔木德经 ” ,在其原有的意义,内容相同,只是认为米德拉士,其中包括任何种类的圣经解释学,但更特别是halakic,与圣经文本本身的交易,而犹太法典上的halakah基础。
Of the terms, therefore, denoting the three branches into which the study of
the traditional exegesis of the Bible was from earliest times divided by the Tannaim (see Jew.
[...] Encyc. iii. 163, sv Bible Exegesis), "midrash" [...]
was the one identical in content
with "talmud" in its original sense, except that the Midrash, which includes any kind of Biblical hermeneutics, but more especially the halakic, deals with the Bible text itself, while the Talmud is based on the Halakah.
j的登泰,第3A条,维也纳,1847年),塞缪尔Nagid(在他的“湿润烧伤膏公顷塔木德”),迈蒙尼德(在介绍到他的评论在mishnah和在向亚得公顷Ḥazaḳah前言),美日(在他的“投注公顷Beḥirah”),以及关于PirḳeAbot(第6A条,第8B,9A条,维也纳,1854)的评注和许多其他中世纪的作家,以及一些(可比施特拉克,“导论在巢 塔木德经 ” , 第54页)现代学者,持相同意见。
J. Goldenthal, p. 3a, Vienna, 1847), Samuel Nagid (in his "Mebo ha-Talmud"), Maimonides (in the introduction to his commentary on the Mishnah and in the preface to the Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah), Meïri (in his "Bet ha-Beḥirah"), and a commentary on Pirḳe Abot (pp. 6a, 8b, 9a, Vienna, 1854); and
many other medieval authors, as well as some modern scholars (comp. Strack,
[...] "Einleitung in den Talmud," p. 54), hold the [...]
same opinion.
巴比塔木德经常被 打印,但直到目前的关键仍然是一个版本所愿望之物。
The Babylonian Talmud has often been [...]
printed but until the present time a critical edition has remained a desideratum.
该密西拿和革马拉结合版,或者在我们的犹太法典意义上,歧视,因此,革马拉和巴勒斯坦之间的密西拿,或“巴勒斯 塔木德经 ” , 和密西拿和巴比伦的革马拉或“巴比 塔木德经 ”。
The combined edition of the Mishna and Gemara, or the Talmud in our sense of the word, discriminates, therefore, between Mishna and Palestinian Gemara, or "Palestinian Talmud", and Mishna and Babylonian Gemara or "Babylonian Talmud".
在巴比塔木德经的论 文按此顺序顺序如下:Yebamot,Ketubot,Ḳiddushin,Giṭṭin,Nedarim,纳齐尔和Soṭah。
In the Babylonian Talmud the sequence of [...]
the treatises in this order is as follows: Yebamot, Ketubot, Ḳiddushin, Giṭṭin, Nedarim, Nazir, and Soṭah.
雅各布在北部非洲Kairwan,组成了他的“KitabMiftaḥMaghaliḳ AL -塔木德经”( Hebr.称号,“之书MafteaḥMan'ule公顷 塔木德经 ” =“ 键的犹太法典的锁”),他在其中的一篇评论解释了和偶尔耶路莎米也很难平行的参考通道。
Jacob, of Kairwan in northern Africa, composed his "Kitab Miftaḥ Maghaliḳ al-Talmud" (Hebr. title, "Sefer Mafteaḥ Man'ule ha-Talmud" = "Key to the Locks of the Talmud"), a commentary in which he explains difficult passages by references to parallel ones and occasionally to Yerushalmi also.
有趣的是注意到,唯一的单词“革马拉”,在 塔木德经 ” 的 感觉('呃。
It is interesting to notice that the only certain occurrence of
the word "Gemara" in
[...] the sense of "Talmud" ('Er. 32b) is found in connection with an account which throws a flood of light upon the first stages of the redaction of the Talmud.
单独使用时,将塔木德经”, 一般是指 塔木 德 Ba bli”,但它经常充当一个文学的整个身体一般的称号,因为犹太法典标志着犹太传统,它是从著作之大成,历史来看,最重要的生产。
Used alone, the word "Talmud" generally denotes "Talmud Babli," but it frequently serves as a generic designation for an entire body of literature, since the Talmud marks the culmination of the writings of Jewish tradition, of which it is, from a historical point of view, the most important production.
此外,如塔木德经》所 述,“世界以三个支柱为基础:真理、和平与正义”;塔 木德经》的 一注释篇指出,“如果伸张了正义,真理就得到了肯定,和平就能得 到实现”。
Moreover, as stated in the Talmud, “the world rests on three pillars; it rests on truth, peace and justice”, and in a Talmudic commentary it is [...]
stated that “if justice
is realized, truth is vindicated and peace results”.
这两个词的对比不同,但是在说的tannaitic(BB 130B),“[塔木德经”]的 [原则指导宗教法决定 ]可能无法从主教学绘制Halakah“,也不是基于的他的行为 [“ma'aseh” ],除非主人明确声明,教学或正在考虑采取行动是一个是适用的做法。
The two terms are contrasted differently, however, in the tannaitic saying
[...] (BB 130b), "The Halakah [the principles [...]
guiding decisions in religious law] may
not be drawn from a teaching of the master ["talmud"] nor be based upon an act of his ["ma'aseh"], unless the master expressly declare that the teaching or act under consideration is the one which is applicable to the practise.
Ḥanina,坚持为Rahmer(比较魏斯在“赌注 塔木德经 ” , 一131,注3),也不能,他可能要等到他引述由Jerome米大示,确定了比较符合的作者的名言塔木德和米德拉士。
Ḥanina, as Rahmer insists (compare Weiss, in "Bet-Talmud," i. 131, [...]
note 3); nor can he possibly be identified until his
Midrashim, quoted by Jerome, have been compared with the known sayings of the authors of the Talmud and the Midrash.
鉴于受所谓的Tannaim和“[Tannaitic] 塔木德经 ” ,所提供的诸多halakot博览会已优先使用至今的干(可比信Sherira [...]
Considerando que la exposición de los
diversos halakot dada por el Tannaim y
[...] pidió "[Tannaitic] Talmud," se ha utilizado [...]
hasta ahora en lugar de la seca mishnaic
colecciones (comp. Carta de Sherira Gaon, lc pp 18-19), la mayoría de los los maestros ya recurrió a R. Judá s Mishnah, que incluía tanto la halakot sí mismos y el expositivo tannaitic Talmud (este hecho explica la aplicación de la denominación "Talmud" a su Mishnah; BM 33 bis;.
在第三位,名词“犹太法典”有只有这样才能通过基因名为“塔木德”关连的意思,在tannaitic用语动词“limmed”表示了从圣经文本halakic原则exegetic扣(为例子见RH二9; Sifre,序号118);并与这个词的含义和谐 塔木德经 ” 表 示了halakic说这收到来自圣经的文本exegetic确认的论述。
In the third place, the noun "talmud" has the meaning which alone can be genetically connected with the name "Talmud"; in tannaitic phraseology the verb "limmed" denotes the exegetic deduction of a halakic principle from the Biblical text (for examples see RH ii. 9; Sifre, Num. 118); and in
harmony with this meaning
[...] of the word "talmud" denotes that exposition of a halakic saying which receives an exegetic confirmation [...]
from the Biblical text.
这个词起源于若尼克时期,然而,工作也得到了“塔木德的巴勒斯坦”,“在以色列的土 塔木德经 ” , “西方的犹太法典”和“西部土地犹太法典的更精确的名称
The term originated in the geonic period, when, however, the work received also the more precise designations of "Talmud of Palestine," "Talmud of the Land of Israel," "Talmud of the West," and "Talmud of the Western Lands.
在阿木图和阿斯塔纳已有青少年警 察部,并且在五个城市内经设立了专门处理青少年案例的律师网络。
Juvenile police departments are functioning in Astana and Almaty, and a network of specialized barristers for [...]
juvenile cases
has been established in five cities.
正如Babli,他经常只有轻微的影响,有时根本就没有,在它的mishnaic段 塔木德 解 释的问题,被添加到中,他们发现无论是机票,因为他们在学院提及帐户一些正在讨论的主题,或者是因为,在该论文编撰过程中,这种haggadic材料,这对于一些特殊的原因看重,似乎适合于在有关通过塔木德文本。
As in Babli, they frequently have only a slight bearing, sometimes none at all, on the subject of the mishnaic section and its Talmudic interpretation, [...]
being added to the passages
in which they are found either because they were mentioned in the academy on account of some subject under discussion, or because, in the process of the redaction of the treatise, this haggadic material, which was valued for some special reason, seemed to fit into the Talmudic text at the passage in question.
虽然,如上所述经常fu rnishes的mishnah本身为 塔木德 h a g gadic要素列入地,虽然在讨论的主题的halakah经常导致自己haggadic治疗,哈加达只占次要地位,在犹太法典,因为这是,无论是在起源和目的,halakic工作,并打算作为一个行政的tannaitic Halakah,犹大的一米示拿的那部分工作的权威评论,因此,其中的解释治疗该mishnah是物质的犹太法典。
Although, as stated above, the Mishnah itself frequently furnishes the ground for the inclusion of haggadic elements in the Talmud, and although [...]
the subjects discussed
in the Halakah frequently lead of themselves to haggadic treatment, the Haggadah occupies only a secondary position in the Talmud, since this is, both in origin and in purpose, a halakic work, and was intended to serve as a commentary on the chief authoritative work of the tannaitic Halakah, the Mishnah of Judah I. Those portions, therefore, which treat of the interpretation of the Mishnah are the substance of the Talmud.
当阿承担了最后的节录的犹太法典他显然 经 在 他 掌握这种笔记,虽然Brüll(LCP 18)大概是指称,以雷比内第一个完整的书面副本犹太法典正确;雷比内曾作为合作者的Saboraim许多,给谁一个古老的,而且是不容置疑的传统分配无数增加 塔木德 文 本
When Ashi undertook the final redaction of the Talmud he
evidently had at his
[...] disposal notes of this kind, although Brüll (lcp 18) is probably correct in ascribing to Rabina the first complete written copy of the Talmud; Rabina had as collaborators many of the Saboraim, to whom an ancient and incontrovertible tradition assigns numerous additions to the Talmudic text.
为了在 教育利用信息与传播技术领域内促进信息的交流和共享成功的经验,在教育信息技术研究所 的主持下,共组织召开了 4 次国际会议:教育中的电脑新技术国际会议(莫斯科,俄联邦, 7 月);独联体国家教育体制信息化问题国际论坛(阿 木 图 , 塔 吉 克 斯坦, 10 月)第十二 届教育中的信息技术国际大会展览(ITE - 2002)(莫斯科地区,俄联邦,11 月)以及学校信 息技术大会(维尔纽斯,立陶宛, 12 月)此外,教育信息技术研究所与 2002 年 11 月还组 织召开了一次教育利用信息与传播技术国 经 验 圆 桌会议,来自阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯德 国、意大利塔吉克 斯坦、立陶宛、波兰、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、英国和美国的专家参加了 会议。
A round table International Experience of ICT Usage in Education was organized by IITE in November 2002 with participation of experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States.
在版本的巴比塔木德是这 样安排的每一个段落的mishnah其次是部分犹太法典的形式就可以评注;的部分往往分为几个部分,通过连续的mishnaic段上,他们的句子rubricked的基础,但整个段落偶尔作为一个单一的文本服务。
In the editions
[...] the Babylonian Talmud is so arranged [...]
that each paragraph of the Mishnah is followed by the portion of the
Talmud which forms the commentary on it; the portions are frequently divided into sections, rubricked by the successive sentences of the mishnaic paragraph on which they are based, although an entire paragraph occasionally serves as a single text.
这可能是推测,从总体上看,巴勒斯坦犹太法典收到以其目前的形式在太巴列,而在苏拉巴比 塔木德 ( comp.在耶路莎米通道,其中[=“这里” ]指的是太巴列,并在Babli那些这同一个词是指苏拉[路易,LCP 4])。
It may be postulated, on the whole, that the Palestinian Talmud received its present form at Tiberias, and the Babylonian Talmud at Sura (comp. the passages in Yerushalmi in which [= "here"] refers to Tiberias, and those in Babli in which the same word denotes Sura [Lewy, lcp 4]).
德里从曾经获奖的塔楼博 物馆(Tower Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里的辉煌历史,到众多一流餐厅、热闹酒吧和高档商店,再到让人震撼的古城墙和弗欧河(River [...]
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a [...]
wonderful insight into the city’s history, to the astonishing array of
excellent restaurants, lively pubs and great shops, to the haunting ancient city walls and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
这些重复扔在塔木德文字 节录一些光,因为他们证明之前的论文编辑的材料进行了统一的质量是眼下已形成了一定的修订,他们同样表现出的犹太法典的汇编一个部分是由另一解释,因为在该视图中的内容性质自然。
These repetitions throw some light on the
[...] redaction of the Talmudic text, since they [...]
prove that before the editing of the treatises
was undertaken a uniform mass of material was already at hand in a definitely revised form; they likewise show that in the compilation of the Talmud one portion was explained by another, as was natural in view of the character of the contents.




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