单词 | 堰塞湖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 堰塞湖—dammed lakelake formed by landslip or lava flowSee also:堰—weir 塞—Serbia Serbian stopper cope with stuff stop up strategic pass tactical border position squeeze in 湖n—lakespl laken 塞n—corkn
汶 川大地震令这条通道受到极严重破坏,从汉旺镇至长河坝 37 公里长的 [...] 一段,绝大部份路面已完全毁坏、桥梁跨塌错位,而大规模的山体崩 塌、滑坡、泥石流亦导致道路被掩埋及河道阻塞形成堰塞湖。legco.gov.hk | The road surface of the section of road between Hanwang Town and Changhe Dam with a length of about 37 km has almost been completely damaged, and a large number of bridges have dislocated or even collapsed. Massive mountain body collapse, [...] landslide and mud-rock flow also buried the road surface, blocked the river flow and led to [...] the formationofbarrier lakes. legco.gov.hk |
鉴於舟曲的堰塞湖或会构成进一步风险,林议 员 要求政府当局与甘肃当局联络,并协助进行重建 [...] 工作,例如向泥石流灾民提供房屋、建立灾难预警 系统及加强当地人在预防泥石流方面的知识。 legco.gov.hk | Sincethe barrier lakes inZhouqu mightpose [...] further risks, Mr LAM requested the Administration to liaise with the Gansu [...]authorities and offer to provide assistance in the reconstruction work such as providing housing for the mudslide victims, setting up a disaster warning system and enhancing the knowledge of the local people on mudslide prevention. legco.gov.hk |
我们也会在现有旱季污水截流设施加装可调校的堰和流量调节器,以 改善这些设施,从而提升流量控制成效。 legco.gov.hk | The existing dry weather flow interceptors will also be upgraded [...] with adjustable weirs andflow regulators [...]to enhance the performance in flow control. legco.gov.hk |
我们亦建议改 [...] 善七个现有位於观塘、土瓜湾和九龍湾的旱季污水截流设施,并加装 可供调校的堰,以提升这些设施控制流量的效能。 legco.gov.hk | We also propose [...] to upgrade seven DWFIsin Kwun Tong, To [...]Kwa Wan and Kowloon Bay with adjustable weirs to enhance their performance in flow control. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 建造与上文(a)和 (b)项工程相关的维修通道和防洪 设施,例如堤堰。 legco.gov.hk | (c) the maintenance access roads and flood control [...] devices(such as weirs) associated with [...]items (a) and (b) above. legco.gov.hk |
许多的河流上均建造大坝和围堰以优化水源管理、进行发电以及改善运输条件。 voith.com | Dam andweir control isused on [...] numerous rivers to optimize water resource management and generate energy as well as to [...]improve conditions for shipping. voith.com |
(b) 由於当日雨势很大和有物料滑㆘,阻塞引水道㆖的水流,而该引水道建於较高 位置,但却不属冠峰园㆖已建斜坡的㆒部份,水便从㆒条溢流堰排出,而该溢流堰是特别为保护引水道而设的。 legco.gov.hk | (b) Due to the rainfall intensity and [...] slippage of material obstructing flow along [...] the waterworks catchwater which is at a higher level but not part of the formed slope above Alpine Garden, water was discharged by an overflowweir whichis designed to protect the catchwater. legco.gov.hk |
此外,浅层隧道的方 式要放置沉箱,正如我刚才的描述,要建造围堰,才能在海峡中间放置 沉箱,这是我们建造浅层隧道的唯一方式。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, the construction of a shallow tunnel will necessitate the laying of caissons, as I have described. legco.gov.hk |
後来为应付自 [...] 1996 年以来急速增长的过境交通,以及 纾缓罗湖通道日趋严重的挤塞问题,政府决定首先推展西铁第 II 期工 程中的支线工程,以期在落马洲提供第二条铁路过境通道。 legco.gov.hk | To cope with the upsurge of cross-boundary [...] traffic since 1996 and to [...] relieve the increasingcongestion at theLo Wucrossing, the Government [...]decided that the Spur [...]Line should be taken forward ahead of the rest of the West Rail (Phase II) with a view to providing a second rail boundary crossing at LMC. legco.gov.hk |
使用水电站的围堰、锁和涡轮机进行水资源管理。 voith.com | Water resource [...] management employs weirs, locks and the turbines [...]in hydroelectric plants. voith.com |
萨那会议主要集中制定教育、文化和传播领域行动纲领,而伊塞克湖会议主要探讨价值教育、文化遗产和水资源管理以及可持续发展等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The conference in Sana’a focused on formulating initiatives in education, culture and communication, and the event in IssykKul focused on values education, cultural heritage and water management as well as sustainable development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
伊塞克湖国际文化间对话中心的创始人,根据联合国大会 2001 年 11 月 21 日通过的 《不同文明间对话全球议程》(第 56/6 号决议)、教科文组织大会 2003 年 10 月 16 日通过 的第 47 号决议以及 2004 年 6 月 10-11 日的“欧亚大陆文化间和文明间对话伊塞克湖宣言”,向教科文组织总干事及教科文组织执行局提出建议,赋予上述伊塞克湖国际文化间对 话中心“由教科文组织赞助“的地位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The founders of the [...] InternationalIssyk-KulCentre of the Dialogue among Cultures, referring to the Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 21 November 2001 (resolution 56/6), 32 C/Resolution 47, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 October 2003, and also the Issyk-Kul Declaration on Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations in Eurasia of 10 and 11 June 2004, hereby address to the Director-General of UNESCO and to the Executive Board of UNESCO a proposal to accord UNESCO’s auspices to the above-mentioned International Issyk-KulCentre of [...]the Dialogue among Cultures. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2011 年 9 [...] 月,部长理事会作出第一项重大政策决定,将国家行政首 都从中赤道州的朱巴迁至湖泊州的拉姆塞尔。daccess-ods.un.org | In September 2011, the Council of Ministers issued its first major [...] policy decision, to relocate the national administrative capital from Juba, Central [...] Equatoria State,to Ramciel,Lakes State. daccess-ods.un.org |
代 理主席,我认为政 府不应只藉 改善现有设施, 以 及 在 落 [...] 马 洲 增 设过 境 通道来 纾缓罗湖的挤塞情况; 政 府 还应考虑在屯 门码头设立 [...]海路过 境 通 道 , 以 解 决现时 过 境 通道的 问 题 。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Deputy, I would like to suggest that the [...] Government should not only focus on [...] relieving the Lo Wucongestion by improving the [...]existing facilities and providing an [...]additional rail passenger boundary crossing at Lok Ma Chau, but should also consider operating a sea-boundary control point at Tuen Mun pier to solve the existing border crossing problem. legco.gov.hk |
研究所 目前还与蒙德塞湖泊研究所(奥地利)、河海大学和南京水文研究所(中国)、Sri-Wijaya [...] 大学(印度尼西亚)、Dundee 大学(联合王国)、以及亚洲技术学院(泰国)合作,开设 了联合理科硕士专业的培训。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Joint M.Sc. specialization currently exist with the Mondsee [...] Instituteof Limnology(Austria), Hohai [...]University and the Nanjing Hydraulic Research [...]Institute (China), University of Sri-Wijaya (Indonesia), University of Dundee (United Kingdom) and the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand). unesdoc.unesco.org |
有数位 议员对於过境 交 通 挤塞的 问题表示关注,尤其 是罗湖火车站挤塞的情况 。 legco.gov.hk | Some Honourable Members expressed [...] concern for the congestionin cross-boundary traffic, especially in the Lo Wu railway station. legco.gov.hk |
使用细菌而不是采用清淤,这是 OASE 为已经淤塞的人工湖和池塘提供的解决方案。 oase-livingwater.com | Use bacteria instead of dredging, this is the solution OASE [...] offers forartificial lakes andponds that are silted up. oase-livingwater.com |
再者, [...] 尽 管 北环线不能及时解 决罗湖线的 挤塞问题, 但与东 铁 连 接 的 落 [...]马 洲 支线也 不能妥 善 解 决 东 铁 超 出负荷 的 问 题 。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, even if the NOL [...] could not solve thecongestion problemin time at [...]Lok Ma Chau, neither could the Lok Ma Chau Spur [...]Line solve the problem of overloading of the East Rail. legco.gov.hk |
根据这项决议的建 议,教科文组织通过与非政府组织合作(与欧洲地中海科学、发展与和平论坛于 2004 年 1 [...] 月在巴黎共同组织了“文明的冲突不会发生”国际论坛),拓展了活动范围并明确阿拉伯国 家地区(2004 年 2 [...] 月在也门萨那举办了“文明与文化间对话学术报告会”)以及欧亚/中亚 地区(2004 年 6 月在吉尔吉斯斯坦的伊塞克湖举行了国际会议,产生了《伊塞克湖宣言》) 具体行动的可能性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In concordance with the recommendations of this resolution, UNESCO broadened the scope of its activities by cooperating with non-governmental organizations (e.g. an international forum in Paris co-organized with the Euro Mediterranean Forum for Science, Development and Peace called “The clash of civilizations will not take place” in January 2004) and identified concrete possibilities for action at the regional level for the Arab States region (Colloquium on the Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures, Sana’a, Yemen, February 2004, resulting in the Sana’a Call) and the [...] Eurasia/Central Asian region (International [...] Conference in Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, June 2004 resulting in the Issyk Kul Declaration). unesdoc.unesco.org |
在每一阶段,工程将在香港仔海峡内建造围堰(“围堰”是指用填土形成的临时挡水筑堤)包围所需的作业工地。 legco.gov.hk | For each section, cofferdams (that is, deposition of earthy materials in the sea to form a waterproof dam) will first be constructed in the Channel to circumscribe a work site. legco.gov.hk |
其中的几个位于易受灾地区,其中 有干旱地区(例如赛汗乌拉,中国)、执带森林(例如:Cat Tien,越南)、沿海和海洋地 区(例如:孙德斑,印度)、岛屿(例如:马纳尔湾,印度;哈达马群岛萨哈马拉扎岛,马 达加斯加)、山区(例如:伊塞克湖,吉尔吉斯斯坦)和城市及其郊区(例如:塞雷多,巴 西),加上这些新增加的保留地,世界网共有 94 个国家的 411 处遗址。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several of these are located in vulnerable areas including arid lands (e.g. Saihan Wula, China) tropical forests (e.g. Cat Tien, Viet Nam), coastal and marine areas (e.g. Sunderban, India), islands (e.g. Gulf of Mannar, India; Sahamalaza-Iles Radama, Madagascar), mountainous regions (e.g. Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan), and cities and their hinterlands (e.g. Cerrado, Brazil). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些案例调查涉及到:西非的塞内加尔河流 域,斯里兰卡的鲁胡努河流域,泰国的昭披耶河流域,日本的大东京河流域,俄罗斯和爱沙 尼亚共有的佩普西湖,南美的的的喀喀湖和法国的塞纳河诺曼底流域。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These case studies involve: Senegal River Basin in West Africa, Ruhunu River Basin in Sri Lanka, Chao Phrya River Basin in Thailand, Greater [...] Tokyo River Basin in [...] Japan, Peipsi Lake jointly shared by Russia and Estonia, LakeTiticaca in South America andSeine-Normandy River [...]Basin in France. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对话活动起初采用的方式为:开展各种研究及举办一系列国际、地区和国家会议(如 在纽约、伊斯兰堡、塔什干、维尔纽斯、巴黎、京都、新德里、奥赫里德、地拉那、萨那、 利伯维尔、伊塞克湖、阿布贾、河内、巴塞罗那、瓦尔纳、拉巴特和突尼斯等召开的各种会 议),以谋求: b) 在当代环境下,加强和巩固对有关普遍价值观作出的承诺; c) 拟定具体行动建议,强化各种对话带来的积极影响并加深各种文化、文明、地理 和政治之间的相互了解和赞赏; d) 把这类建议转化为可持续开展的计划和活动,并吸收若干合作伙伴参与。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) formulate concrete action proposals aimed at consolidating the positive side-effects of dialogue and at deepening mutual knowledge and appreciation across cultural, civilizational, geographic and political borders; and unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此, 我 们 有 需 要 寻 求其他方 法,纾缓罗湖管制站 的挤塞情况。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, there is a need for us to identify other ways to [...] alleviatethecongestion problem at the Lo Wu Control Point. legco.gov.hk |
运输及房屋局局长:主 席 ,当然建桥与建隧道是两项很不相同的工程, 刚才我们在主体答覆第(一 )部份第(ii)分项已提到,由於一定要把沉箱放 置於海床,两岸要建造围堰,即筑起防水堤坝,抽走海水後始能敷设沉 箱。 legco.gov.hk | As mentioned in part (a) (ii) of the main reply, since caissons must be laid on the seabed, it will be necessary to constructcofferdams,or waterproof dams, for dewatering of the works site first. legco.gov.hk |
最有名的可能是位于瑞士中部的卢塞恩湖,面积为113.7平方公里。 swissworld.org | Probably [...] the best knownlake is LakeLucernein [...]Central Switzerland (113.7 square km / 44 square miles). swissworld.org |
此外,2009 年,吉尔吉斯共和国国家安全局与外交部在比什凯克、奥什和伊塞克湖组办了主题为“国家权力机关、民间社会和工商界共同打击恐怖主义”的 会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, in 2009 the National Security Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic jointly organized conferences in Bishkek, Osh and Issyk-Kul on the subject of partnership among State agencies, civil society and the business community in the fight against terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於需在旱季(即 由十一月至三月)把 [...] 主桥的地基 及相关 的临时围堰建入河 床 内,故 工程由单 [...]一方面进行,可 更有效 地 控 制工程的施工阶段, 以及打桩机 械 及河上工程船只的数目,从 而 减低对深圳河航 道的影响。 legco.gov.hk | As the foundations and associated temporary cofferdams of the main bridge have to be built into [...] the river beds during the dry season, i.e. from [...] Novemberto March, construction [...]by a single party will allow better control [...]over the phasing of the works and the number of piling plants and working vessels in the river to minimise the disruption to navigation on the Sham Chun River. legco.gov.hk |
同 事们在上个月到四川省的访问活动中,亲眼看到南充市、都江堰及映秀 镇等地如何在获得香港特别行政区和其他地区的资助後,从頽垣败瓦中 [...] 重新建造美好家园,以及受影响的灾民,如何以感人的毅力,努力克服 残缺的障碍,重新上路。 legco.gov.hk | In the visit to Sichuan Province last [...] month, Honourable colleagues could witness [...] how Nanchong, DujiangyanandYingxiu [...]were rebuilt on the ruins and rubbles and [...]made beautiful homes; and how the victims were, after receiving subsidies from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and other places, moving forward with their gripping perseverance and grave effort to overcome the constraints imposed by their disabilities. legco.gov.hk |
当您沿着自行车线路前进,沿路会有越来越多的乡村的景色,如韦赫卡泰帕莱 (Vehkataipale) 的抽水站,和皮耶-塞马(Pien-saimaa)湖跟苏尔-塞马(Suur-saimaa)湖之间的水闸,那水闸仍然用人手开关。 visitfinland.com | As you continue, the cycle route gradually becomes more rural and you are also treated to sights such as the water [...] pumping station at [...] Vehkataipale and the locks between thelakes Pien-Saimaa to Suur-Saimaa – these locks [...]are still winched open and shut by hand. visitfinland.com |