单词 | 堤防 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 堤防—embankmentless common: dike levee Examples:防波堤n—breakwaterspl 防波堤—breakwater seawall fig. defensive buffer zone 防潮堤—tide embankment See also:堤—dike 堤n—dyken causewayn 防v—preventv protectv defendv guard againstv
该水闸是一个可密封的水路通道,特别在沼泽区域,是堤防后陆地排水系统的一部分。 schaeffler.cn | A sluice is a sealable water channel. It is part of the drainage system of the land behind the dike, particularly [...] in marshy areas. schaeffler.com |
例如,小型的 海湾和水湾以及防波堤、防洪堤及其他人造建筑 下方就是被困的油类可能会再活化并随后污染其 他区域的地方。 itopf.co.uk | Small coves and inlets, as well as under jetties, piers and other man-made structures, are examples of locations from where trapped oil can remobilise and subsequently contaminate other areas. itopf.co.uk |
以决策支持数据中心已建或在建数据库为基础,建立基于WebGIS的数据服务和应用平台,在统一的流域电子地图上实现水情信息、雨情信息、工情信息、历史大洪水信息、水质信息、社会经济信息、水文信息、重点堤防信息以及其他综合信息的数据展现与应用;采用数据资源目录体系与元数据管理的方式,实现对决策支持数据中心数据的统一管理,并可实现数据上传、发布、检索、交换、访问控制等功能。 surekam.com | Construct WebGIS-based data service and application platform on the basis of database constructed or under construction at decision support data center to realize unified data presentation and applications of hydrological information, rainfall information, working condition information, historical flood records, water quality information , [...] socio-economic information, hydrologic [...] information, key embankment protectioninformation and comprehensive [...]information on electronic [...]river basin map; achieve unified management of decision making support data center by adopting data sources directory structure and metadata management to realize functions of data uploading , releasing, retrieving, exchange, access and control. surekam.com |
GCR 委任了一名地球技术专家进行矿山的地基测试,矿壁牢固性测试,和尾 矿坝堤防的设计工作。 goldencross.com.au | GCR has appointed geotechnical consultants for foundation testing, pit wall stability and [...] tailingsdam embankmentplanning. goldencross.com.au |
我们在边界沿 线修建了400多公里堤防、800公里深沟、90公里混 凝土墙、20公里屏障和140公里铁丝网围栏,而且这 [...] 些仅仅是伊朗伊斯兰共和国在东部边界沿线采取的 控制和安全措施的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | More than 400 [...] kilometres of embankments along the borders, [...]800 kilometres of deep canals, 90 kilometres of concrete walls, [...]20 kilometres of barriers and 140 kilometres of barbed wire fencing are just some of the control and security measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran along its eastern borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
该次区域经济体的支柱是老化的小水坝和小堤防。 daccess-ods.un.org | The backbone of the economies of the subregion are [...] old small dams anddykes. daccess-ods.un.org |
第六城堡(“古城堡”)屹立于一条古代堤防之上,是莫卧尔(Mughal)王朝第二代皇帝胡马庸(Humayun)开始修建红堡(Dinpanah)的地点。 shangri-la.com | It is the site where Humayun, the second Mughal emperor, began construction of his city, Dinpanah. shangri-la.com |
城市与区域遭天灾袭击後,节省能源与推广永续极为重要,对美国纽奥良尤其如此,卡翠娜飓风七年前摧毁堤防,令当地严重淹水,至今尚未完全复原,今日「绿色重建」(Build It Back Green)计画鼓励居民不只重建家园,更采用节能、省水、改善室内空气品质的绿色技术。 thisbigcity.net | Today, the Build It Back Green (BIBG) program encourages New Orleans residents to not only rebuild their homes, but do it using green techniques that save energy, conserve water and improve indoor air quality. thisbigcity.net |
该水闸是一个可密封的水路通道,特别在沼泽区域,是堤防后陆地排水系统的一部分。 schaeffler.cn | It is part of the drainage system of the land behind the dike, particularly in marshy areas. schaeffler.com | [...] 隧道结构必须避免被船只碰撞,故必须在向海的一面加 建屏障,例如在隧道向海的一面沿海傍加建防波堤或海堤,防止船只驶入。 devb.gov.hk | The tunnel structure would also need to be protected against ship impact. A physical barrier would need to be constructed along the seaward side of the tunnel to [...] prevent entry of all marine [...] traffic; in effect, a breakwater ora seawall abutting the seaward [...]side of the tunnel, stretching [...]along the entire length of the waterfront. devb.gov.hk |
但河川较浅也是「西底区」後来没落的部分原因,1903年及1951年水患後,所有住宅区退至周遭崖壁上,多数企业亦迁往东部,建立今日市中心,并修筑多条堤防,避免引发更多灾害,但也阻断各项河岸休憩活动,旧市中心只剩下平房式的仓库和卡车为主的配销中心,许多老旧建筑则荒废无用。 thisbigcity.net | The location of this shallow river basin also became part of the West Bottoms’s decline. thisbigcity.net |
国民警卫队(National Guard)得到Bobcat捐赠的40多辆机器和公司提供的40名技术志愿者的帮助后,加快建立轻便(portable)堤防的步伐。 doosan.com | The National Guard accelerated the building of a portable embankment system with the help of 40 units of equipment donated by Bobcat and 40 volunteers and engineers from Bobcat operating them. doosan.com |
防洪抗旱减灾体系建设,全省19条主要江河堤防基本达到30年至50年一遇防洪标准,综合性防洪减灾能力进一步增强;按照50年一遇以上防洪标准,完善41座有防洪任务城市的防洪工程;基本完成大、中、小型病险水库除险加固工程建设。 kincle.net | Flood control and drought relief system, the province's [...] 19 major river embankments hasbasicallyreached [...]the 30 to 50 year return flood control [...]standard, comprehensive flood control was further enhanced; more than once in 50 years according to flood control standards and improve the 41 cities, the task of flood control flood control works; basic completion of large, medium and small dam reinforcement projects. kincle.net |
防护堤、防止潮汐和海水倒灌屏障、改进了的用水 和作物储存等现有的现代技术,总体上看起来能够抵御大多数(非极端)灾害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Existing modern technologies, including sea walls, tidal and saltwaterintrusion barriers, and improved water and crop storage, appear by and large to be adequate to the task of providing protection against most (non-extreme) hazards. daccess-ods.un.org |
针对中小河流防洪标准低,泥石流、滑波、山洪等灾害监测与防御能力不足的实际,推开全省中小河流治理工作,提高中小河流堤防防洪能力,抵御常见洪水;加大易灾区小流域综合治理力度,推进水土保持生态治理进程,完善以小流域为单元的水土保持防洪减灾体系建设。 kincle.net | Low standard for small and medium rivers flood, debris flow, landslide, flash floods and other disasters, [...] lack of monitoring and [...] the actual defense, pushing the province's management of small and medium rivers, smallriver embankments to improve flood [...]control capacity, against [...]common floods; step easy to hit small basin management efforts to promote soil and water conservation ecological management process, improve the small watershed flood control and water conservation system. kincle.net |
模型中估 计包括了如下费用:人工养滩、堤防建设、土地丧 失、受洪灾人数、洪灾导致的损失。 undpcc.org | Based on the available literature, the UNFCCC Secretariat was able to compile partial estimates of the investment and financials flows for adaptation for agriculture, forestry and fisheries; water supply; human health; coastal protection; and infrastructure. undpcc.org |
借助堤坝,河流的防洪和通航问题均能明显改善。 voith.com | With thehelpof dams,they provide flood protectionand improve the [...] navigability of rivers. voith.com |
这类战略 一般都争取改变农耕习俗、牧场管理方法以及堤坝和海岸防波堤等基础设施、渔 业模式,以及其他减轻对脆弱生态系统的压力的战略,从而使人们能留在原地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The strategies generally seek to adapt agricultural [...] practices, management of pastoral lands, [...] infrastructure such as dykesand coastal barriers, fishing [...]patterns and other strategies [...]to reduce pressures on fragile ecosystems, thereby allowing populations to remain in place. daccess-ods.un.org |
措施可以包括把气候风险方面的考虑纳入发展规划进程、 [...] [...] 宏观经济预测和部门计划;要求在城市规划、土地使用规划、水资源管理 以及环境和自然资源管理中使用与气候风险有关的信息;加强和维护沿海防波堤、河流堤坝、泄洪道和蓄洪池等防护工程;要求基础设施项目、建 筑设计和在其他工程实践中对气候风险作出例行评估和报告;建立风险转 [...]移机制和社会安全网;支持生计多样化方案;在具体的灾后恢复计划中开 展适应活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures can include incorporating climate riskrelated considerations in development planning processes, macroeconomic projections and sector plans; requiring the use of climate risk-related information in city planning, land-use planning, water management, and environmental and natural resource [...] management; strengthening and [...] maintaining protective works such as coastalwave barriers, river levees, floodways [...]and flood ponds; requiring [...]routine assessment and reporting of climate risks in infrastructure projects, building designs and other engineering practices; developing risk transfer mechanisms and social safety nets; supporting programmes for diversification of livelihoods; and instituting adaptation activities in plans for recovery from specific disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
在香港会议展览中心西面的填海范 [...] 围,将取决於隧道结构向海方向的海堤保护结构的范围, 而香港会议展览中心的水道则需要填去以兴建主干道隧 道。 devb.gov.hk | The extent of reclamation in the area to the west of the HKCEC is set by [...] the extent ofseawall protection in [...]front of the tunnel structure, while the HKCEC [...]water channel will need to be filled in to enable the Trunk Road construction. devb.gov.hk |
(6) 兴建及维修或有助於或促使兴建或维修道路、电車轨道、堤岸、桥梁、污水渠、 公园、游樂场地、学校、教堂、市场、工厂、工场、阅览室、浴室及其他本公 [...] 司可能认为直接或间接有助於本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)拥有权益之任何物业发展之樓宇、工程及便利设施。 ckh.com.hk | (6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or [...] procure the construction or maintenance of [...] roads, tramways, embankments, bridgessewers, [...]parks, pleasure-grounds, schools, churches, [...]markets, factories workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise. ckh.com.hk |
波利萨里奥阵线对摩洛哥皇家陆军提出指控涉及在缓冲区修建铁丝网围栏、在限 制区建造一座飞机场和一个仓库、增加护堤高度、挖掘新的反坦克壕沟、坦克调 动和爆炸声、无人驾驶飞行器(无人机)进行侦查飞行以及以机械方式改善和加固护堤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Frente Polisario allegations against the Royal Moroccan Army related to the construction of a barbed-wire fence in the buffer strip, the construction of an airfield and a warehouse in the restricted [...] area, the raising of [...] the height ofthe berm, thedigging of new anti-tank trenches, sounds of tank movements and explosions, reconnaissance overflights by unmanned aerial vehicles and the improving and reinforcing of the bermbymechanical means. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一目标范围内,特派团打算继续观察和监督停 [...] 火的遵守情况;支持负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长个人特使;便利联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处(难民署)开展工作,加强撒哈拉人分裂社区的关系;协助在阿尤 恩的非洲联盟代表;与护堤西的摩洛哥王国陆军和护堤东的非政府组织“地雷行 动”合作,调查受地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物污染的危险地区;与日内瓦国际人 道主义排雷中心合作,继续利用信息管理领域取得的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within that objective, the Mission intends to continue to observe and monitor compliance with the ceasefire; support the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara; facilitate the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aimed at enhancing relations between the divided communities of Sahrawis; assist the representatives of the African Union in [...] Laayoune; conduct surveys [...] of hazardous areascontaminated by mines and other explosive remnants of war in cooperation with the Royal Moroccan Army westof the bermand Landmine Action, [...]a non-governmental [...]organization, east of the berm; and continue to build on the progress achieved in the area of information management in cooperation with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了保护水质,转向的海堤形成弧形以 提供顺滑的海岸线,目的是避免急弯,改善所形成的小内 [...] 湾的潮水流向,以免污染物及漂浮垃圾积聚,否则会导致 水质恶劣、发出异味和有碍观瞻。 devb.gov.hk | Thereturn seawallis curvedto provide [...] a smooth shoreline, also for water quality reasons; this is in order to avoid sharp [...]corners and to enhance tidal flows through the small embayed area that is created, so that pollutants and flotsam are not trapped, which would otherwise give rise to adverse water quality, odour and unsightliness. devb.gov.hk |
西撒特派团为了应对这 [...] 一局势会晤了波利萨里奥阵线代表,并同意向波利萨里奥阵线提供其航班时刻表 和旅客名单副本,以及跨护堤地面巡逻队的详细组成情况,因为西撒特派团也定 期向护堤另一侧的摩洛哥当局提供这一信息,在这次会晤之后,限制行动自由的 次数减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | The number of restrictions decreased after MINURSO met with Frente Polisario representatives to address the situation and agreed to provide the Frente Polisario with copies of MINURSO flight schedules and passenger [...] lists, as well as [...] details of the composition of ground patrols crossing theberm,asthisinformation was being routinely provided to [...]the Moroccan authorities [...]on the other side of the berm. daccess-ods.un.org |
的Puy de火山圆顶位于在谢万Puys,德蒙圆顶显着的岩石corries,山谷,他们的圈套堤坝的玄武岩,他们的湖泊,位于深处的古火山口的熔岩流或狭窄的山谷和广阔的平原牧场的土地。 leapfrog-properties.com | The volcano Puy de Dome is located in the Chaine des Puys, in the Monts Domes [...] remarkable for their rocky corries, their [...] valleys, their trap dykes ofbasalt, their [...]lakes lying in the depths of ancient craters [...]or confined in the valleys by streams of lava, and their wide plains of pasture-land. leapfrog-properties.com |