

单词 堤拉米苏

See also:

米拉 n

Mira n


Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti)

External sources (not reviewed)

同時,港鐵公司也 會建造高達2.7米及底部厚達3米的土堤 圍 繞 倉庫四周。
Moreover, the MTRCL will
[...] construct an earth bund of up to 2.7 m high, [...]
with a base of up to 3 m thick in the vicinity of the store.
(b) 建造長約270米的臨時海堤以便闢拓約 0.4公頃的臨時填海土地,並於日後移 除上述臨時海堤和臨時填海土地
(b) construction of temporary seawall of about 270 m long and temporary reclamation of about 0.4 hectare (ha), and their subsequent removal
米拉亚电台仍苏丹境 内主要和可靠的新闻及信息来源之一。
Miraya remains one of the main reliable news and information sources in the Sudan.
我将继续呼吁各方同意基于 人道主义原因暂米苏拉塔的 敌对行动,让希望撤离 的民众撤离,并使人道主义人员能够全面评估局势和 [...]
I will continue to call upon all
parties to agree to a temporary cessation of
[...] hostilities in Misrata on humanitarian [...]
grounds, to allow those who wish to flee
to do so, and to enable humanitarian personnel to comprehensively assess the situation and bring more aid.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、 米 尼 加 共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和 拉 圭 ; 共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦 拉 脱 维 亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛苏里南 和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia,
Burkina Faso, Congo,
[...] Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s [...]
capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
在示威中,一名 19 岁的撒拉人在护堤以东 踩到一枚 杀伤人员地雷,失去一只脚,当时他和几名青年人在护堤雷区附近示威。
During the demonstration, a
[...] 19-year-old Saharan stepped on an anti-personnel landmine east of the berm and lost a foot [...]
as he and several other
young men protested close to the mined berm.
在这一目标范围内,特派团打算继续观察和监督停 火的遵守情况;支持负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长个人特使;便利联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处(难民署)开展工作,加强撒 拉 人 分 裂社区的关系;协助在阿尤 恩的非洲联盟代表;与堤西的摩洛哥王国陆军和 堤 东 的非政府组织“地雷行 动”合作,调查受地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物污染的危险地区;与日内瓦国际人 道主义排雷中心合作,继续利用信息管理领域取得的进展。
Within that objective, the Mission intends to continue to observe and monitor compliance with the ceasefire; support the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara; facilitate the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aimed at enhancing relations between the
divided communities
[...] of Sahrawis; assist the representatives of the African Union in Laayoune; conduct surveys of hazardous areas contaminated by mines and other explosive remnants of war in cooperation with the Royal Moroccan Army west of the berm and Landmine Action, [...]
a non-governmental
organization, east of the berm; and continue to build on the progress achieved in the area of information management in cooperation with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining.
該結構的最小寬度約為 7 米,這表示堤蓋頂 線可更接近主幹道隧道結構,從而減 少在與地鐵隧道交叉處的填海範圍。
This wave wall structure, of minimum width around 7m, means that the seawall copeline can [...]
be pulled back closer to the Trunk
Road tunnel structure, and hence reduce the extent of reclamation at the MTR tunnel crossing point.
摩洛哥、米比亚(5) 、阿曼苏丹、叙利亚拉伯共和国、也门等国提交,并得到葡萄 牙、科威特(1) 、刚果民主共和国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、尼日尔(4) 、安哥拉、布基纳法索、毛 [...]
持,该草案由法国、美利坚合众国、印度尼西亚、丹麦和肯尼亚等国进行了口头修改(第 33 C/67 号 决议)。
I/DR.4 (submitted by Somalia, Bahrain, Comoros,
[...] Djibouti,3 Ethiopia, Iraq,2 Morocco, Namibia,5Oman, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, [...]
Yemen and supported
by Portugal, Kuwait,1 Democratic Republic of the Congo, United Republic of Tanzania, Niger,4 Angola, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Kenya, Eritrea, Madagascar, Algeria, Ghana, Zambia, Nigeria) as amended orally by France, United States of America, Indonesia, Denmark and Kenya (33 C/Resolution 67).
正如附件 G 所示,現有填取土地寬度不足 以容納主幹道隧道及其保護堤,另 需度約 40 米寬度的額 外填海。
As illustrated in Annex G, the existing width of the formed land is insufficient to
accommodate the Trunk Road tunnel
[...] structure and its protecting seawall, and an additional width [...]
of reclamation, of around 40m, is required.
受害者包括 Tawergha
[...] 族群成员,他们因被指称应对冲突期间 米苏拉 塔 的 严重侵犯人权行为负责而成 为攻击目标。
Victims include members of the Tawergha community, who have
been targeted because of their alleged responsibility for serious human rights
[...] violations in Misrata during the conflict.
犹大米示拿的是通过同时在巴比伦和巴勒斯坦作为halakic收集出类拔萃;并在同一时间的犹太法典的发展既在Sepphoris,那里的mishnah是节录开始,在Nehard ea 和 苏拉 , 在 犹大的塞缪尔和Rab学生从事的具有划时代意义的工作。
The Mishnah of Judah I. was adopted simultaneously in Babylon and Palestine as the halakic collection par excellence; and at the same time the development of the Talmud was begun both at Sepphoris, where the Mishnah was redacted, and at Nehardea and Sura, where Judah's [...]
pupils Samuel and
Rab engaged in their epoch-making work.
这可能是推测,从总体上看,巴勒斯坦犹太法典收到以其目前的形式在太巴列,而 苏拉 巴 比伦塔木德(comp.在耶路 米 通 道 ,其中[=“这里” ]指的是太巴列,并在Babli那些这同一个词是 苏 拉 [路 易,LCP 4])。
It may be postulated, on the whole, that the Palestinian Talmud received its
present form at Tiberias, and the
[...] Babylonian Talmud at Sura (comp. the passages in Yerushalmi in which [= "here"] refers to Tiberias, and those in Babli in which the same word denotes Sura [Lewy, lcp 4]).
同时还发生一 个显然毫不相关的行动:5月25日,3 名撒哈拉男子未经邀请进入斯拉队 部 (在堤以西),展示有关撒拉政治 犯要求的横幅。
Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated action, three Saharan men
entered team site
[...] Smara (west of the berm) uninvited on 25 May and displayed banners with demands relating to Saharan political prisoners.
地雷行动”组织设有 3 个各由 12 名操作人员组成的扫雷小组,还有 1 个 由
[...] 6 名操作人员组成的爆炸物处理小组,该组织清理了 堤 东侧 6 830 492 平米土地上的集束弹药和未爆弹药。
With three clearance teams of 12 operators each and one explosive ordnance disposal team of six
operators, Landmine Action cleared cluster munitions and unexploded
[...] ordnance in 6,830,492 square metres of land east of the berm.
正如我昨天 在通报利比亚局势时向安理会报告的那样(见
[...] S/PV.6530),政府与反对派部队之间的战斗导致继续 有平民被打死打伤,特别是米苏拉 塔 和 西纳福萨山 区。
As I reported to the Council yesterday in my briefing on Libya (see S/PV.6530), civilians continue to be killed
and injured by fighting between Government and opposition forces,
[...] especially in Misrata and the Western [...]
Nafusa mountains.
(a) 闢設面積約四公頃的船隻碇泊保護區,包括築建長 約 350 米的防波堤和闢設相關的進出航道
(a) construction of an SBA area of about four hectares including
[...] a breakwater of about 350 metres and associated [...]
marine access channels
在对 1982 年列入世界遗产名录的苏西城堡、 拉米 尔 斯 堡垒所在的国家历史公园保护状况评估项目提 [...]
供紧急国际援助范围内,并根据世界遗产委员会 34 COM 7B.110 号决定的要求,2010 年 10 月召开了一个专家会议,讨论研究对列入名录的建筑遗址执行一项保护/修缮计划需遵循的
基本原则、建立海地国家遗产保护研究所国家历史公园分所,以及制定一项减轻灾害风险计 划和发起一项面向 Dondon 和 Millot 两个村庄儿童的教育计划等问题。
In the context of emergency international aid for the project to assess the state
of conservation of the National
[...] History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers, included [...]
in the World Heritage List in 1982,
and in accordance with the World Heritage Committee’s decision 34 COM 7B.110, a meeting of experts held in October 2010 discussed the establishment of operational guidelines for the implementation of a plan for the conservation/restoration of the site’s built heritage, the establishment of a local ISPAN unit for the National History Park, the formulation of a risk mitigation plan and the launch of an educational project for children in the villages of Dondon and Millot.
委员会在同次会议上决定苏尔米克 ·穆 斯坦萨 · 塔 拉 ( 巴 基 斯坦)兼任报 告员。
At the same meeting, it was decided that Suljuk Mustansar Tarar (Pakistan) would also serve as Rapporteur.
爱丽芙·乌拉斯的 陶瓷雕塑杰作“珍妮特”(全名珍妮 特 · 米 赫 里 赫 · 苏 丹 ) 是一件实物大小的复制艺术品,原物是18世纪奥斯曼帝国皇宫从法国进口的一把椅子。
Elif Uras’ wonderful ceramic sculpture Janet (Mihrisah Sultan)is a life-size replica of an 18th century chair imported [...]
by the Ottoman
palaces from France, around the time that Turks were moving from low seating cushions (“sedir”) into the more Western chair.
这些措施包括解除对所有城市 ——尤其米苏拉塔和金坦——的包围;从所有城市 撤出军队;允许人道主义工作人员立即进入所有受到 军事攻击的城市,以便向这些城市提供人道主义援 助;释放所有被关押者;向全国各地恢复供应包括水、 电、药品、燃料和通讯服务在内的基本物资和服务; 以及确保困在这些城市的外国工人得以安全通行。
I have emphasized to both parties that a real and verifiable ceasefire should be part of wider measures, to include lifting the siege on all cities, especially Misrata and Zintan; withdrawing military forces from all cities; allowing immediate humanitarian access and assistance to all cities under military attack; releasing all detainees; resuming delivery of basic supplies, including water, electricity, medical supplies, fuel and communication services, to all parts of the country; and securing the passage of foreign workers stranded in these cities.
有關 的安全 規定包括消防 車輛通道 、
[...] 儲油庫 設施的安全 距離、 防堤的規定、 危 險品安 全 儲存守則 [...]
、 工 作 守 則 、管制 易燃物 料 的事宜、管制 引 火 來源的 守 則 及保養 儲油庫 設施等事宜。
These fire safety requirements include the vehicular access for fire-fighting engines, the safe
distance from oil storage facilities, the
[...] requirements on fire-dikes, the safety code [...]
on the storage of dangerous goods, the code
of practice, as well as matters relating to the control of combustible material, the code on the control of pyrophoric substances and the maintenance of oil storage facilities.
在1781年,出生在巴黎成立20年作為一個鐘錶匠,他的同行幾步之遙此情此景laCit é 西 堤 島 ,尼 古 拉 斯 Ri eussec馬修完善了他的藝術獲得的,在1817年,充電羨慕的皇冠的製表師。
Born in Paris in 1781, established 20 years as a watchmaker with his peers a few steps from the Place Dauphine on the Ile de la Cité, Nicolas Rieussec Matthew perfected his art to the point of obtaining, in 1817, charging envy of Crown watchmaker.
敌方以色列进行施工的目标是用该壕沟和 堤 ( 10 米×10 米×5 米)切断通 往蓝线黎巴嫩一侧的铺面公路。
The aim of the engineering work undertaken by the Israeli enemy was to block the paved road that leads to the Lebanese side of the Blue Line by means of the trench and the earthen berm (10m x 10m x 5m).
為了保護水質,轉向的堤形成 弧形以 提供順滑的海岸線,目的是避免急彎,改善所形成的小內 [...]
灣的潮水流向,以免污染物及漂浮垃圾積聚,否則會導致 水質惡劣、發出異味和有礙觀瞻。
The return seawall is curved to provide [...]
a smooth shoreline, also for water quality reasons; this is in order to avoid sharp
corners and to enhance tidal flows through the small embayed area that is created, so that pollutants and flotsam are not trapped, which would otherwise give rise to adverse water quality, odour and unsightliness.
由於務農是很多新界居民的傳統職業,受收回土地或清拆影響的 新界「農民」,可獲特別為農民而設的特惠補償安排,當中包括以莊稼在收 成後市場價格為基準而定的農作物補償;為建於私人土地上合資格農用構 築物而設的特惠津貼( 津貼參考面積及性質相類構築物的標準單位租金減 去折舊值作出估算,折舊值則按有關構築物的狀況而定);及另外因應農地 上的雜項永久改善工程而設的特惠津貼( 津貼將按更換有關項目的標準價 格減去折舊值而定),改善工程可包括農場設備及裝置,如水池、井、圍 欄 、 灌溉管道/渠道、圍牆、大閘、堤及 其他小型附設裝置。
As farming is a traditional occupation of many New Territories residents, special ex-gratia compensation arrangements are made for “farmers” in the New Territories affected by land resumption or clearance. These include among others a crop compensation, assessed on the basis of the market value of the crops under cultivation; an ex-gratia allowance (EGA) for qualified farm structures on private land, assessed at standard rates based on the type and floor area less depreciation value which makes references to the conditions of the affected farm structures; and another EGA for miscellaneous permanent improvements to farms e.g. farm installation and fixtures such as water ponds, wells, fences, irrigation pipes/ditches, boundary walls, gates, bunds and other minor annexures, assessed at standard rates which are based on the standard replacement rates of the items less their depreciated value.
阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴巴 多斯、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、埃 及、芬兰、加蓬、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、爱尔 兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马拉维、马来西亚、
[...] 卡塔尔、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡、南非、斯里兰卡 苏 丹 、 阿 拉 伯 叙 利 亚共和国、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合 [...]
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania,
Russian Federation, Singapore, South
[...] Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, [...]
Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia,
Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay and Yugoslavia.
在首都,来米苏拉塔和 的黎波里的敌对 队伍于 1 月初爆发冲突,导致数人死亡和受伤,1 [...]
月 晚些时候驻 Gheryan 和 Al-Asabah 的武装队伍发生武 装冲突,本周初又在巴尼瓦利德爆发冲突,这些情况 都需要进行高级别干预,以便结束战斗。
In the capital, clashes in early January between rival
[...] brigades from Misrata and Tripoli resulted [...]
in several fatalities and injuries;
armed clashes later in the month between brigades in Gheryan and Al-Asabah, and earlier this week in Bani Walid, required high level intervention to put an end to the fighting.
接着,我们加强了突尼斯境内 Choucha 营地的援助能 力,米苏拉塔提供了人道主义援助,遣返了第三方 [...]
国家的国民,将一些伤员从班加西送往意大利,并对 关于利比亚危机的区域紧急呼吁做出了回应。
We then strengthened the assistance capacity of Camp
Choucha in Tunisia, provided humanitarian
[...] assistance in Misrata, repatriated thirdcountry [...]
nationals, transported some of
the wounded from Benghazi to Italy, and responded to the regional flash appeal for the Libyan crisis.




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