单词 | 堙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 堙adjective—closeadj堙noun—damn堙—mound
睡在探险帐篷式木屋或纸皮树木屋堙A然後参加浮潜,在暗礁上漫步,或者请当地原住民家庭当向导,带您探访从前的传教团遗迹。 danpacplus.hk | Sleep in safari-style or paper bark cabins, then snorkel, reef walk and explore old mission ruins with a local Aboriginal family as your guide. danpacplus.hk |
(b) 机场现时共有 166 个办理入境事务的柜位,90 个负责办理入境手续,76 个办堙出境手续。 legco.gov.hk | (b) There are 166 immigration counters at the airport, 90 at the arrival level and 76 at the departure level. legco.gov.hk |
在IEC60950的规定堙A在1次线圈和2次线圈之间必 须要插入强化绝缘材料。 furukawa.co.jp | IEC60950 requires some Reinforced Insulation between the primary and secondary coils. furukawa.co.jp |
接下来是另一头瘦削的雄性黑熊Stanley,他的舌头像狗一样永远露出口腔外,如果他将安顿在潭道国家公园堙A他的舌头问题也会被视为考虑因素之一。 animalsasia.org | Stanley has his tongue perpetually hanging out, very dog like, and it remains to be seen if this is a problem as he settles in to Tam Dao. animalsasia.org |
主要是把捐血者的血液样本加到接受输血者的血液样本堙A然後在显微镜下看反应。 saa.org.hk | Mainly, the veterinarian will add the blood sample of the donor onto the blood sample of the receiver and observes the reaction under the microscope. saa.org.hk |
他所服务的店舖堙A乐器的上佳音质为他们赢得了高度的赞誉。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The very good sound of the instruments from his master's shop have won them high recognition. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在专为中专学校最佳学生办的两年制高等学院堙AZadrazil确立了成为小提琴制作大师的目标。 tomleemusic.com.hk | At the two-year post-graduate school for the best students from the trade school, Zadrazil confirmed his intention to become a master violin-maker. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在传统的原住民拥有者语言中,库努纳拉是“大水”的意思,在这堙A您还可以乘船环游广阔的阿盖尔湖(Lake Argyle),一路观赏淡水鳄鱼、小袋鼠、湿地鸟类和险峻的悬崖。 danpacplus.hk | Kununurra means 'big water' in the language of the traditional Aboriginal owners, and here you can also cruise down vast Lake Argyle past freshwater crocodiles, wallabies, wetland birds and dramatic cliffs. danpacplus.hk |
在过去的一年堙A本集团认真贯彻落实以诚信、廉洁、效益为核心理念的企业文化, 实施以人为本的人才战略,完善绩效考核、评价、激励机制以及人力资源管理制度,营造有利於人才 成长的氛围和环境,培养和造就了一批优秀的管理人才和技术人才,以满足企业快速发展的需要。 gdi.com.hk | All these measures have made it possible for the Group to successfully maintain a stable and healthy growth. In the past year, the Group has implemented the core value of corporate culture, "Credibility, Integrity and Profitability", as well as, a set of people-oriented human resources strategies, which aim at improving the performance appraisal, assessment, incentive mechanisms and human resources management system, creating an environment of nurturing, training and developing management and technical personnel, so as to satisfy the requirement of corporate rapid development. gdi.com.hk |
学徒学院毕业後,凭着他出众的成绩,受到Cremona的管理层赏识,聘请他到大师级小提琴工厂工作。在那堙A他在年长的同事,即当今的小提琴制作大师Emil Lupac和Karel Zadrazil的指导下,获得了宝贵的经验。 tomleemusic.com.hk | After completing the apprentice school, Cremona's management appointed him, in view of his overall good marks, particularly in the specialized subjects, to the master violins shop, where he gained new experience under his older fellow workers, the present master violin-makers Emil Lupac and Karel Zadrazil. tomleemusic.com.hk |
福田实业(集团)有限公司在过去的40多年堙A一直为纺织及成衣行业注入品质和创新元素,提供一系列精彩的色纱、布疋和成衣产品,为我们的生活增添幻彩魅力。 fshl.com | For over 40 years, Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited has stood along in bringing Quality and Innovations to textile and garment industry, offering a dazzling range of products and services of dyed yarn, fabric, garments around the world, adding a touch of magic to people's lives. fshl.com |