单词 | 堕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 堕—degenerateExamples:堕落v—fallenv 堕落n—depravityn 堕胎药n—abortifacientn
半坚固型手提电脑均经过76cm下堕等厂方的防撞、防跌、防震测试,证明强效防护能力能适用於工场的环境。 panasonic.oa.hk | Semi-rugged series was subjected to repeated physical verification tests e.g. 76-cm Free Fall Test conducted by Panasonic. panasonic.oa.hk |
全民投票并不一定用来表决宪法或国主权的问题,很多国家和地区都有用全民投票表决法案,如堕胎、度量衡制等。 hkupop.hku.hk | It is also common in many parts of the world. Apart from voting on [...] constitutional or sovereignty issues, it is also used for [...] legal issuessuch as abortion and setting [...]measurement standards. hkupop.hku.hk |
独有防压设计,通过厂方100kgf压力及76cm下堕测试。 panasonic.oa.hk | Special pressure resistant design passed 100kgf pressure [...] force and 76cmfree-fall test. panasonic.oa.hk |
如何翻译钟表沉重的一个堕落的下摆弹性,柔软性和悬垂性,或令人兴奋的冒泡的? zh.horloger-paris.com | How to translate a timepiece the [...] heaviness of a fallen hemflexibility, [...]softness and drape, or the excitement of a bubbled? en.horloger-paris.com |
香港妇产科学会呼吁妇女要充分了解各种避孕方法的利弊,避免堕胎带来的身心影响。 hkupop.hku.hk | O&G experts urged fertile women to better understand the consequences of abortion as this will bring negative impacts on health and emotions. hkupop.hku.hk |
按照《建筑地盘(安全)规例》第 38B [...] 条的规定,采取足够的步骤, 防止建筑工地上的人士从两米或以上的高处堕下。devb.gov.hk | Take adequate steps (as stipulated in the Construction Site (Safety) [...] Regulations (CSSR) Reg. 38B) to prevent any person on a [...] construction sitefrom fallingfrom a height [...]of 2 metres or more. devb.gov.hk |
损失广大原因:将承保所有基本原因保险单的项目,加上玻璃破碎,下堕物件,雪或冰之 重压,水导致之损失,以及崩溃之额外承保。 childcarelaw.org | Broad causes of loss policy, will insure against all those covered by [...] the basic causes of loss policy, plus [...] breakage of glass, falling objects, weight [...]of snow or ice, water damage, and the additional coverage of collapse. childcarelaw.org |
参议院东岸时间周二凌晨以大比数,89比8票,通过了避免堕入财政悬崖的法案。 ktsf.com | The Senate overwhelmingly approved a fiscal cliff deal early Tuesday. ktsf.com |
人气西饼师傅张泰林(张智霖 饰)在偶然之下结识了俏护士邝美宝(刘心悠 饰),外貌温婉的她令林主动追求,二人迅即堕入爱河。 dddhouse.com | Popular pastry chef Tyler acquaints with nurse Bobo, and falls in love with her. dddhouse.com |
背套式安全带及安 全带只应在不能采取其他防堕措施的情况下才使用,并必须长期紧 [...] 紧锚固在合适的系定点。 devb.gov.hk | Safety harnesses and belts should only be used as the last [...] resort to prevent falls , and they shall [...]not be considered as suitable and adequate [...]unless they are attached continuously to a suitable and secure anchorage. devb.gov.hk |
锁 国 政 策 是 德 川 家 族 定 下 所 有 官 员 必 须 遵 守 的 的 基 本 规 条 , 因 为 只 有 它 才 能 使 他 们 的 国 家 避免堕落及失 败 。 hkahe.com | Seclusion was a fundamental law of the Tokugawa house, which it was the duty of all officials to maintain, for only this could their country be preserved from corruption and defeat. hkahe.com |
在过去一个夏季,欧 元区危机进一步恶化,全球经济曾一度有重堕深渊之虞。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Over the summer, as the Eurozone crisis went from bad to worse, it seemed for a moment that the world might be heading back into the abyss. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
国会众议院通过法案 避免堕入财政悬崖 ktsf.com | Congress sends Obama bill to avoid ‘fiscal cliff ktsf.com |
中国香港攀山及攀登总会将於四月二十八日安排攀包山及防堕安全训练。 forum.gov.hk | The China Hong Kong Mountaineering and Climbing Union [...] will provide selected applicants with safety training sessions on bun tower climbing and [...] preventionof falling on April 28. forum.gov.hk |
英 国 强 调 ﹐她 之 所 以 吞 并 其 他 地 方 ﹐是 为 了 防 止 其 国势堕落至其 敌 国 之 後 ﹐这 样 便 会 破 坏 欧 洲 的 势 力 均 衡 。 hkahe.com | The British insisted that they annexed areas only in order to keep them from falling to a European rival, which would upset the balance of power in Europe. hkahe.com |
Auckland-Skytower Sky [...] Jump,与一般的Bungy jump不同,可以选择站立或像超人般堕落,当你堕落时,绑在你身上的钢线会控制你的速度,然後慢慢触碰地面。 4tern.com | Auckland-Skytower Sky Jump, different from the typical bungee jump, you can choose the pose to immerse down, either legs first or head first, the [...] hardness that tied onto your body [...] will control your free fall spped,when you are [...]nearer to ground, your speed will be [...]getting slower until a safe landing. 4tern.com |
当他们说是,并表明不会因此而堕胎时: 「医生把手向女孩一扬—她一直是意图用笑脸和微笑想 得到医生的注意—这位对这病症满有研究的医生突然的 说:“我们想保证以後不会再有像她的人 lordsgrace.ca | “Waiving a dismissive hand toward our daughter, who until this point had tried her darndest to win the doctor’s attention with coy smiles and giggles, this gifted physician who knew so much about the disease abruptly replied, ‘We want to ensure you don’t have another one of those! lordsgrace.ca |
改编自真人真事﹐这是一个「疯子」的故事﹕因角色扮演癖好而大半生都与出入於精神病院的「疯子」﹐抓住假冒法官的契机﹐重新调查一名无政府主义者在接受警方盘问时从四楼离奇堕楼死亡的真相。 hkfringeclub.com | Based on a true event, it’s the story of “Maniac”, a compulsively role-playing loony who has been in and out of mental institutions most of his life, and who cleverly seizes the opportunity to impersonate a [...] judge re-investigating the case of an [...] anarchist’s fatalfall from a fourth-floor [...]window while being interrogated by the police. hkfringeclub.com |
我们的家族知道定意向神的背 叛是无用的,反而我们以神全能的膀臂为我们的希望和避 [...] 难所,因祂曾成为脆弱新生的婴孩,来胜过引至这世界堕落的罪恶。 lordsgrace.ca | Rather than pursuing the futile idea that humanity can live in perpetual defiance of God, we Brittle Burchams have found hope and [...] refuge in the arms of the strong God who became as weak as a newborn baby to conquer the [...] evil that stains our fallenworld. lordsgrace.ca |