

单词 堆高机

堆高机 noun ()

stacker n

See also:


pile n
mass n
bunch n

pile up
a mass
heap up
classifier for piles of things, such as trash or sand
large amount

External sources (not reviewed)

最长的松木差 不多有 12 米长,”他继续道,“有高举升式 机 器 , 我们可堆放更小的松木,将六米长的松 堆放 6 米高。
With the high-lift, we can stack smaller, six meter ones up to six meters (20ft) high.
与会者注意到各国将废物转化为能源并将机 废物制成堆肥后作为农肥使用的举措。
Meeting participants were informed about country
initiatives aimed at the conversion of waste
[...] into energy and the composting of organic waste for [...]
use as fertilizer in agriculture.
对整个园区边缘的单点网络生命周期管理:IT 组织可以从单个 IP 地址,将多个交机堆叠单元作为一个整体来管理。
Single-point network lifecycle management
for the entire campus edge: IT organizations can
[...] manage multiple stacks of switches as [...]
a whole, from a single IP address.
[...] 我们对港口散货机械的电控设计和调试有着丰富的经验,目前已累计交付装/卸 机, 堆取料机等散 货机械电控62台套,其中包括效 高 达 35 00吨的韩国连续卸船机, 达到12000吨的巴西SUDES港装船机,以及达到10000吨的阿曼SOHAR堆取料机。
As the world population growth and economic development, especially China, India, Brazil, Russia and other emerging countries, the rapid development of commodity trade has risen sharply in all countries and regions of the bulk cargo handling demand more and more by the bulk of port machinery operations have higher efficiency and environmental protection requirements and we harbor bulk mechanical design
and commissioning
[...] of electrical control has a wealth of experience, has delivered total loading / unloading machines, stackers [...]
and reclaimers
electric machines and other bulk cargo machine 62 sets, including the efficiency of up to 3,500 tons of ROK continuous ship unloader, 12,000 tons of Brazilian SUDES Hong Kong ship loader, and 10,000 tons of Oman SOHAR stacker.
所配合堆疊高度為 4.00至10.00mm,間距為0.80mm,為設計工程師提供了最終的靈活性,以滿足空間約束要求而不犧牲性能。
The mated stack heights of 4.00 to [...]
10.00mm along with a 0.80mm pitch provides design engineers with the ultimate in flexibly
to address space constraints without sacrificing performance.
在这类情况下,应当使用十 分可靠的操作系统确保将该反堆高 效 有 序地移至足够高的轨道。
In such cases, a very reliable
operating system should be used to ensure the effective and controlled removal of the
[...] reactor to the sufficiently high orbit.
我公司是国内小规格瓦楞纸箱机械的最早研发者,目前已开发了WAM系列全自 高 速 水 性印刷开槽机,印刷开槽模切机,模 机 及 堆 积 机 等 产 品,产品均 高 精 度 、 高 效 率、低能耗等特点深得用户的信赖。
At present, we have developed WAM series automatic flexo printer slotter, printer
slotter die cutter, die
[...] cutting machine and stacker and so no. All of the productions are get to customer trusting deeply by high precision, high efficiency rate and [...]
low deficiency.
按照该《安排》 的条款,法国和热核实验堆组织在一项题为《现场支持协定》的具体协定中确 立了提供支持的方式,该《协定》由热核实验堆组织、法国原子能委员会和法 国热核实堆机构于 2009 年 11 月 19 日签署。
In accordance with the provisions of the Arrangement, France and the ITER Organization have established the manner in which that support is to be provided in a specific agreement entitled the Site Support Agreement, signed on 19 November 2009 by the ITER Organization, CEA and AIF.
當中 價 值 較高的,例如 手 提 電話、 MP3 機 ,會被 二 手 市 場 吸 納 ; 但 一 些電腦 硬 件,例如 底 板 、 顯
[...] 示屏等, 便 會 因為 二 手價值高 , 被堆填區 , 釋 放 有 毒 物 質 , 造 [...]
成環境污 染 。
Those products with a greater resale value such as mobile phones, MP3 players, and so on, will be absorbed by the second-hand market, but certain computer hardware such as motherboards and
monitors, for their little resale
[...] value, will be sent to the landfills where they will release [...]
toxic substances and cause environmental pollution.
有的答复建议为了提高各国有关机构在制定全民教育政策和规划及其实施方面的可持 续能力应集中力量开展以下重点优先领域的工作:数据收集、分析及传播 (EMIS), 制定/修改 各国的各级教育大纲,评估和监督实施情况,审查各国的教育政策, 高机 构 管 理能力,提 供必要的基础设施,了解人力资源方面的不足,促进研究、规划和战略的制定,同时重视执 行能力的培养和促进相关的法律框架使政策能得到贯彻并有连续性。
The following areas of focus were suggested for UNESCO in building sustainable capacity of national institutions in EFA policy formulation, planning and implementation: data collection, analysis and dissemination (EMIS), development/revision of national education programmes at all levels, assessment and monitoring of performance, national education policy review, institutional and management capacity-building, and also provision of appropriate infrastructures, identification of human resources gaps, promotion of research, planning and strategy development with equal emphasis on capacity development for implementation, and promoting a legal/enabling framework for policy implementation and sustainability.
有望成功的方法包括:机废物堆肥 、 生 产化肥的代用品,以及通过发酵、热转换和低温热解等过程将废料转化为能源燃 [...]
[...] approaches include composting of organic waste, [...]
which produces substitutes for chemical fertilizers, as well as
conversion of waste into energy fuels and irrigation water through fermentation, thermal conversion, and low temperature pyrolysis.
对厂房的安全功能和结构,反堆安 全 壳,起 机 , 有害物质的装卸和运输设备和燃料瓶,进行机械和结构工程的评估。
Assessment of the safety features of plant buildings and their structures, reactor containment, cranes, handling and transportation [...]
for hazardous materials and fuel flasks by means of mechanical and structural engineering.
法国热核实堆机构为欧洲和国际当局提供技术和业务方面的联系窗口,从国家、地区和地方当局以 及法国原子能委员会收缴资金,并根据欧洲联盟在《现场支持安排》下的授权 提供热核试验堆现场支持。
AIF provides a technical and operational interface for European and international authorities, collects funding from the State, regional and local authorities, and CEA, and provides ITER site support, as delegated by the European Union under the Arrangement on Site Support.
[...] 筹备和后续行动、秘书长的全球粮食安全 机高 级 别 工作队以及改革后的世界粮 食安全委员会。
This has included involvement in the preparation of and follow-up to the
Millennium Development Goal Summit, the
[...] Secretary-General’s High-level Task Force and [...]
the reformed Committee on World Food Security.
18A.52 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 成员国和其他主要伙伴仍致力于执行新 伙伴关系方案及《约翰内斯堡执行计划》的核心原则和优先事项;(b) 成员国和区域内共同体
成为有效的伙伴,与非洲经委会一起努力提高国家、区域和次区域各级的能力以促进他们参与 制订和执行适当政策、战略和方案,实现粮食安全和可持续发展;(c)
[...] 成员国与非洲经委会开 展有效合作,努力高机构和 人员能力,以将气候变化纳入发展政策、战略和方案的主流。
18A.52 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) member States and other key partners will remain committed to the core principles and priorities of the NEPAD programme and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation; (b) member States and regional communities will be effective partners of ECA in its efforts to improve capacity and engagement at the national, subregional and regional levels for developing and implementing appropriate policies, strategies and programmes for achieving food security and sustainable development; and (c) member States will
effectively partner with the Commission in
[...] its efforts to enhance institutional [...]
and human capacity to mainstream climate change
in development policies, strategies and programmes.
种族联邦协会(FECCA):代表具有不同文化和语言背景的澳大利亚人的全国 高机 构。
FECCA: the national peak body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
部长理事会吁请国际社会、特别是联合国负责维持国际和平与安全的 高机 构— —安全理事会,采取必要措施制止伊朗这种公然干预、挑衅和威胁,伊朗的 [...]
目的是企图在海湾合作委员会成员国中引起冲突,以削弱它们的安全与稳定,尽 管这些国家已表现出善意。
The Council of Ministers called on the international
community, notably the Security Council,
[...] as the supreme authority in the United Nations responsible [...]
for maintaining international
security, to take the measures required to halt Iran’s blatant interference, provocative actions and threats, the aim of which is to kindle strife in GCC member States, undermining their security and stability, despite the goodwill that had been demonstrated by those States.
关于为德黑兰研究用反应堆供应燃料的交易,是 对伊朗核问题发出不实指控的国家缺乏诚意的一个 突出例子,该交易实际上是在我们请求原子 机 构协 助购买专门用于德黑兰研究用反堆的 20%浓缩燃料 之后才摆上桌面的,该反堆生产 80 多万癌症病人 医用放射性同位素。
A striking example of the lack of sincerity of those countries that make false accusations against Iran on the nuclear issue was manifest in connection with the deal on the supply of
fuel for the Tehran
[...] Research Reactor, which was in fact put on the table after our request for the Agency’s assistance in purchasing 20 per cent-enriched fuel specifically [...]
for the Tehran Research
Reactor, which produces radioisotopes for medical purposes for more than 800,000 canceraffected patients.
自 2005 年以来,该地区的成功事例涉及在将该地区多达十个成员国的反 堆高浓 铀 燃料安全地返还原产国方面提供援助。
Success stories, since 2005, in the region relate to
assistance provided in the
[...] safe repatriation of high enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to the countries of origin from research reactors in [...]
as many as ten Member States in the region.
[...] 2008 宣传资料加以下可选功能: 全尺堆叠洗衣机和烘干机, 外部娱乐中心,LED电视和索尼的AM / FM [...]
/ CD收音机, 顶级的线KVH在运动的卫星天线与DIRECTV接收器,在客厅和卧室, 后视图显示的旅程
- Tec的电子旅游信息中心, 左侧和右侧的侧视摄像头, CB收音机天线, 沿海樱桃硬木厨柜, Ultraleather沙发, 能源管理系统, 从任何一方推出的大型地下存储盘, 地下室Norcold冰箱/冰柜组合, 电源行李门锁, 远程输入面板与遥控钥匙, 瓷质抛光砖地砖浴, 厨房和整个主要居住区, 向下折叠淋浴座椅, 110 暂养池的伏热垫, 吉拉德21' 电源侧风传感器和远程控制遮阳篷.
This coach is equipped with all standard features as indicated in the 2008
brochure plus the following Optional
[...] Features: Full size stacked washer and dryer, external entertainment [...]
center with LED TV
and Sony AM/FM/CD radio, top-of-the-line KVH In-Motion Satellite Antenna with Directv receivers in living room and bedroom, Trip-Tec Electronic Travel Information Center in Rear View Display, left and right Sideview cameras, CB Radio with antenna, Coastal Cherry Hardwood Cabinetry, Ultraleather Sofas, Energy Management System, Large Basement Storage Tray with rollout from either side, Basement Norcold Refrigerator/Freezer Combination, Power Baggage Door Locks, Remote Entry Panel with Remote Key Fob, Polished Porcelain Floor Tile in Bath, Kitchen and throughout Main Living Area, Fold Down Shower Seat, 110 volt Heat Pads for Holding Tanks, Girard 21' Power Side Awning with Wind Sensor and Remote Control.
该大 院外面筑有水泥反车辆障碍物以及沙 堆 成 的 机 关 枪 掩体,有装备精良的新生力 量部队把守。
The compound is protected by concrete anti-vehicle obstacles and sandbagged machine gun nests manned by well-equipped Forces nouvelles troops.
在“起步装置包” 中主要包括的是一台冷堆机与一 台小的 TRIKOFLEX转鼓水洗装置。
Included primarily in the “Starter package” are a DyePad and a small TRIKOFLEX washing installation.
根据 2001 年至 2007 年的商业图像,该建筑物的尺寸6 类似于所指称类型和 功率的核反应堆的尺寸,即类似于朝鲜宁边的 25 兆瓦(热)气冷石墨慢化反堆。7 原子机构对 一个成员国向其提供的被轰炸建筑物的一幅照片所作的分析证实 了叙利亚企图通过增加墙壁和屋顶部分掩盖该建筑物配置特征的指控。
I have the honour to refer to the implementation of the Safeguards Agreement between the Syrian Arab Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
刚果民主共和国代表团欢迎为加强对农业和粮 食安全的供资而采取的措施,例如设立关于全球粮食 安全机高级别工作队,以及发起全球农业和粮食安 全方案,并指出迄今已有 12 个国家从总计 5.202 [...]
亿 美元的补贴中受益。
His delegation welcomed the measures taken to increase financing of agriculture and food
security, such as the
[...] establishment of the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis and the launch [...]
of the GAFSP, noting
that 12 countries had so far benefited from subsidies totaling $520.2 million.
第三项举措是支持在因冲突而造成四分五裂的斯里兰卡东北部推行“斯里兰卡和平建 设进程”,具体方法是制订有助于 高机 构 能力的预算外项目、推动建立一个自由传媒中 心,对曾在冲突中失火的 Jaffna 图书馆实行计算机化和联网以及通过教科文组织“文化间对 话”计划倡导和平生活理念。
The third initiative was to support the “Peace-building process in Sri Lanka”, in the strifetorn North East of the country, through developing extrabudgetary projects in building capacities of institutions, promotion of a free media centre, computerization and networking of the Jaffna library which was burnt during conflict and promotion of concepts for peaceful living through UNESCO’s “intercultural dialogue” programme.
对粮食计划署而言,秘书长的全球粮食安全 机高 级 别 工作队是一个重要论 坛,粮食计划署在此强调在执行对实现千年发展目标 1 至关重要的与粮食有关行 动时进行协调的必要性,因为这与消除赤贫和饥饿、增进社会和经济活力以及创 [...]
The Secretary-General’s High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis was an important [...]
forum for WFP to stress
the need for coordination in implementing food-related actions vital for achieving Millennium Development Goal 1 as it relates to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, promoting social and economic resilience and creating viable employment opportunities.
继 2008 年 7 月建立全球粮食安全机高级别工作队及 其制定《综合行动框架》之后,2009 年 7 月制定的《拉奎拉粮食安全倡议》有助 于增加 2009 年世界粮食安全首脑会议筹备工作中的必要资源,会议上通过了《罗 [...]
Following the
[...] establishment of the High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis and its Comprehensive [...]
Framework for
Action in July 2008, the L’Aquila Food Security Initiative, established in July 2009, helped to increase the necessary resources in the lead-up to the 2009 World Summit on Food Security, at which the Rome Principles were adopted and FAO undertook a fundamental reform of its Committee on World Food Security.
即支持初期地球上海洋出现后,在海底地下单纯 机 物 聚 焦,海 堆 积 物 被压实、脱水的过程,向更复杂有机物“进化”的说法。
The present study supports a theory that, after the ocean appeared on the early earth, simple organic materials concentrated in the sub-seafloor sediments and evolved into more complex organic materials in the process of lithification and dehydration of marine sediments.
这套型材轧机有10 个平行 – 立式机架,4 个倾动机架 (HL结构) ,剪机,一条65 m
[...] 长的冷床和运输装置,一台多线矫直机,冷 剪,剔除装置(剔去不符合长度的型材),一台用于快速打捆 的摆堆垛机,打包机和其 它必要的辅助设备。
The mill is equipped with 10 horizontal-vertical and 4 convertible housingless mill stands, shears, a 65 m long cooling bed and conveyors, a multi-strand straightening group,
cold shear, short bar recovery, a
[...] pendulum-type stacker for fast packing, tying machines and [...]
all the necessary ancillary facilities.




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